My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1109 The Cruelest Thing

Chapter 1109 The Cruelest Thing
In the north of Yingzhou City, at Gaogang opposite Shanhaiguan.

Two figures, one big and one small, were riding on two snow-white bloody horses, looking at the city of Yingzhou with flying flags.

It was the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin and the little cute mother and daughter who guarded hundreds of admirals' secret agents dozens of steps away, protecting the safety of the master.

The cutie excitedly waved at the queen: "Mother, mother, quickly give the telescope to Yue'er, Yue'er wants to see Daddy!"

The empress sighed helplessly, looking at the excited look of the little cutie, she became slightly jealous.

Ask yourself, my daughter has never treated her badly by her side, she is so excited like today, and only when she hears about her father will she become alert.

The originally exquisite eyes instantly grew bigger, and the round ears pricked up.

"Hey, your heartless dead ghost father probably just entered the city now, and the messenger hasn't arrived yet. How could you see him?"

"Yue'er doesn't care, Yue'er will watch, even if she can't see it!"

The little cutie was lying on the horse's back, holding a binoculars in her small hand and looking in the direction of Yingzhou City.

The small face is full of hope, as if daddy will appear in the mirror immediately, in front of my eyes!
"Mom, you lied to Yue'er, right? Daddy really wants to stay in Dalong's Yingzhou for three years?"

The empress frowned slightly, with a little dissatisfaction on her face: "You damn girl, when did my mother lie to you, my mother gave you her heart and soul, and she is not as important in your heart as your dead ghost father whom you have not met for a long time?" ?"

The little cutie stuck out her lilac tongue with a smile: "Tigress, it's better for Daddy, I love Yue'er the most, knowing that Yue'er wants him, I moved to Yingzhou, now Yue'er can come to see Daddy every day, The moon must have manifested and brought Yue'er's words to Daddy!"

"Daddy didn't lie to me, he really came! Mother, let's move the capital to Songzhou, shall we?"

"Moving the capital city under the noses of 20 Longwuwei, do you think our Dajin subjugated the country not fast enough? As soon as you heard about your father, you ignored everything. You forgot the great court meeting three days ago and you still don't care about it." Analyzing with the courtiers the advantages and disadvantages of the six guards of the Great Dragon Northern Border to our Jin Kingdom!"

"Yue'er hasn't forgotten!"

"Then you still said to move the capital to Songzhou. Although Songzhou has 20 Yingyang Guards who are not afraid of Long Wuwei, then we can't settle our capital under the noses of the enemy!"

"Yue'er is not afraid. Long Wuwei will not come if Daddy is in Yingzhou. How could Daddy let others bully Yueer? Don't you think so, mother?"

"Daddy said that as long as he is here, no one will bully Yue'er. Yue'er believes that Daddy will not lie to me, and he will protect me well!"

The queen's cherry lips parted slightly, and her eyes were slightly gloomy looking at Yingzhou City!
"Yue'er, if one day your father led a million troops to attack our Kingdom of Jin, would you hate him?"

"will not!"

The queen was startled, and looked at the cutie who said the word "knowledge" without thinking: "Your father brought people to attack our country, don't you hate him?"

"No, if this is the case, Dad must have encountered some unavoidable difficulties, Yue'er doesn't believe that Dad will bully Yue'er!"

The queen stared at Yingzhou in a daze, her bright eyes narrowed slightly and she began to murmur.

"You are really your father's good daughter, but will he be a good father? Will he bear your selfless trust in him?"

"If you father and daughter meet on the battlefield, that would be the cruelest thing in the world. I hope this day will never happen!"

"Mother, Bahu has entered Yingzhou, and Daddy will be out soon!"

"Brother Liang, have you considered it? When will the company be withdrawn from Yingzhou, and if there is no business like this, we will lose everything sooner or later!"

"Since August last year, except for a few official businessmen and big merchants, there has been no business for us small businesses, and we must continue to suffer from it!"

"Treasurer Ding, you sound good. You withdraw as soon as you say, what should I do? I also want to withdraw from Yingzhou, but I am in the business of medicinal materials. The medicinal materials I just planted are all growing in the ground. I can't uproot them. Right! The flames of war, the flames of war, everyone is afraid to die, and I have never seen the flames of war spread to Yingzhou and Fuzhou. The money I earned in the exchange market in the past few years has been lost in just over half a year!"

"You are content, Lao Yu spent all his money and traded more than 3000 cattle and sheep from the Turks, all pointing at them to make a fortune, now it's good, it's all in his hands, and sooner or later he won't be able to sell it after making it into jerky If it is broken, the leather goods can’t be sold and can’t be exchanged for silver, it’s useless to say anything!”

"What do you think the court thinks? It's just been two years of good life, and now"

Qianli Scenery Restaurant is the tallest restaurant in Yingzhou City. It was built with seven floors by skilled craftsmen and is still as stable as Mount Tai.

In this era, a restaurant with a height of four floors is considered a big restaurant, and a restaurant with a height of seven floors shows that the boss is also a daring figure.

It is no exaggeration to name it Qianli Scenery. The seventh floor of the restaurant can really enjoy all the scenery inside and outside Yingzhou city!
As for whether to exceed the system or not, the continuous stream of restaurant business customers, as well as the coming and going of officials and soldiers in armor show that it is not a problem.

Liu Mingzhi was picking up vegetables for the three little padded jackets while drinking and listening to the chatter of the merchants around him!
The situation is just like what I heard just now, it is not too good, not to mention the caravan coming from Yingzhou, the local merchants in Yingzhou are planning to evacuate, this is a very serious problem!

In the past, before the establishment of the mutual market, these bosses still had a good time, but it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal!

Yingzhou, which has experienced prosperity, has suddenly become so depressed. These businessmen can't tell what's wrong in their hearts. People always want to go to high places!

"Sister Ya, watch the three of them eat first, and I'll sit over there!"

"Okay, I'm not familiar with the place, so be careful!"

"Don't worry! You three are obedient, eat well, do you know?"

"Yeah, I know daddy!"

Liu Mingzhi carried a jug of wine and walked towards the tables of several merchants on the left: "Old brothers, younger brother Liu Shu, people from Jiangnan, I heard you had an interesting chat, how about a seat?"

The bosses looked at Liu Mingzhi who suddenly spoke in surprise, and frowned slightly.

The boss surnamed Ding examined Liu Mingzhi for a moment, swallowed subconsciously, and touched the shoulders of three old friends around him: "Brother Liang, Brother Chen, Brother Zheng, let's go first, I have something to tell you! "

The other three looked at the uncharacteristically old friend and couldn't react, but they nodded obediently!

They all looked at Liu Mingzhi with regret.

"Young master, I'm sorry, the old man and the others still have things to deal with, and we will meet again someday!"

"Here, well, the four old brothers go slowly!"


Liu Mingzhi looked blankly at the backs of the four people going downstairs, what's going on, is there something wrong with him?Subconsciously, Liu Mingzhi followed and walked towards the stairs!
"Old Ding, what's going on? Could it be that you know that son just now?"

"I don't know him, but this person is not a kind person, why don't we deal with him lightly?"

"What do you mean, you don't even know each other, so you just make a judgment based on a one-sided relationship, the old man sees that young master is very kind!"

"Old Liang, what do you know? Don't forget that my second boy is on duty at Longwuwei in Yingzhou. The boy just now looks like he has killed people, and his hands are not less bloody. He is better than the old man." The aura I feel from the second boy is much stronger!"

"Why didn't the old man feel it?"

"I can't say this kind of feeling. Anyway, I have lived with the second boy for a long time, and I always have a mysterious feeling. Just now, the young master is either a martial arts man who kills people like hemp, or he has been in the army. The spirit of killing is extraordinary, as the saying goes, if you have nothing to do, you should go to the Three Treasures Hall, and it is better to make less friends when you are not familiar with them!"

"Now Yingzhou City is full of grass and trees, so I'm not afraid of making friends, but I'm afraid that those who come will be bad."

Liu Mingzhi stopped at the stairs on the sixth floor, looked at himself carefully, and shook his head helplessly.

"Strange person, my young master has sensed it before he even showed his aura. Sure enough, there are so many strange people among the people!"

(End of this chapter)

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