My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1110 Almost Became a Little Girl

Chapter 1110 Almost Became a Little Girl

"Husband, what's the matter? Why did you all leave without saying a word?"

With a wry smile, Liu Mingzhi told Qi Ya word by word what he heard.

"Are you saying it's miraculous or not, but a businessman can see that Wei Fu came down from the battlefield at a glance? I don't know if Wei Fu's aura has been leaked, or the old man's eyes are too sharp!"

Qi Ya chuckled lightly and shook her head: "The world is so big that there are no surprises. It can only be said that the husband has not yet reached the point where he can retract freely, and he may have accidentally leaked some murderous spirit!"

"Just like sitting across from you now, I can feel a trace of bloody aura, which is the natural sense of a warrior! I can't tell what it feels like, but I have killed people but not killed. Extraordinary, I can feel it all at once if I have been on the battlefield or not!"

"This husband also knows that people who have experienced the battlefield do have a distinctive aura, but I didn't expect that old man to feel it! I still want to talk, but I didn't expect to leave just after saying a few words. clean!"

"Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Didn't you say that just now? The son of the old man surnamed Ding was also a soldier. He lived together for a long time. He must have some unusual insights!"

"Well, let's not talk about it. The situation in Yingzhou Mutual Market is probably far beyond my husband's expectations. It seems that the resumption of the Mutual Market business is imperative, and we can't delay it any longer. We will settle down and plan to do it right away. Give Wanyan and my junior brother a letter to see if we can discuss the matter of the mutual market!"

"Since you're here, let's get things done, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"


Liu Mingzhi turned around in a daze and looked at the beautiful figure at the stairs. It was Murong Shan who came, wearing a light blue double-breasted dress and a long fringed skirt, covering her more and more charming and delicate body.

Exquisite makeup with a soft and sweet smile, a little sweat on the forehead, adding to the three-point appearance, the hair is coiled high, and is casually coiled with a wooden hairpin.

Looking at First Young Master Liu who was in a daze, Murong Shan rolled her eyes coquettishly and smiled sweetly: "Husband, it's not like I haven't seen him before, why are you so dazed?"

When Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, he trot over happily and hugged the beauty in his arms and started spinning around!
"Haha Shan'er, my husband finally saw you again. How are you doing in Yingzhou these days?"

"Husband, quickly put down the concubine's body, if someone sees the concubine's body, how can I see people!"

"Don't let it go, whoever wants to see it will see it. It is only natural for a husband to hug his wife. When it comes to the Golden Luan Palace, it is also reasonable for a husband!"

Young Master Liu, full of tenderness, was naturally reluctant to let go of Murong Shan.

Long time no see, Liu Mingzhi's heart was completely occupied by longing in just a short moment!

After hugging for half a stick of incense, Young Master Liu cheerfully kissed Murong Shan's pretty face: "My husband thought that even if you received the letter, you would have to rush from Ying'an County to Yingzhou City tomorrow. Thinking of you coming so soon, can't you wait to see my husband!"

Murong Shan shyly wiped off the saliva on her cheeks, looked affectionately into Young Master Liu's eyes and nodded slightly: "I miss my husband, I miss my husband every day!"

"Shame, shame, Aunt Shan, shame!"

"Shy shy!"

"Aunt Shan, Yaoyao and Aunt Ya are still here, can't you make out at night? We are still children, teach us badly, be careful that Daddy will teach you at night!"

The three little cotton-padded jackets covered their eyes with their small hands, but the flexible and big eyes exposed between the fingers showed that the three little guys were just trying to cover up!

Only then did Murong Shan realize that Qi Ya and the others were still present, and immediately broke free from her husband's arms and walked towards Qi Ya!

"Sister Ya, long time no see!"

Qi Ya smiled lightly and looked at Murong Shan with narrow eyes: "Yeah, it's been a long time since I received the letter. I'm afraid she rushed over to meet your husband non-stop after receiving the letter. Are you feeling lonely and impatient to get your husband?" caress!"

Murong Shan's pretty face froze for a moment, and Ruo Hongxia immediately became hot!

"Sister Ya, what are you talking about? Yaoyao and the others are still here, when did you become?" Murong Shan looked at the three blinking little padded jackets approaching Qi Ya and whispered in her ear!
"When did you become so slutty?"

"Bah, you little vixen!"

"Little sister is happy, it's good to be a woman!"

"What are you two saying secretly behind Weifu's back? Are you speaking ill of Weifu!"

Hearing First Young Master Liu's voice, the two girls separated immediately, each of them looked extremely serious, dignified and virtuous, even more beautiful than everyone's ladies.

She doesn't look as charming and enchanting as she just said the words of tiger and wolf!

"It's nothing, I haven't seen Sister Ya for a long time, can't I just whisper a few words to Sister Ya?"

"That's right, I have worked with Shanmei for many years when I was in the White Lotus Sect, and now I have become the concubine of my husband, isn't it a matter of course to reminisce about the past?"

"Okay, okay, what you say is what you say, so that my husband doesn't argue with you, Shan'er, sit down and eat something, you are tired from coming from Ying'an County, sit down and have a good rest!"

"Husband, I'm fine, such a short journey is nothing, and you didn't write earlier, otherwise I would have received you sooner!"

Qi Ya put down the jug with a light smile: "Where are you going?"

Murong Shan spat secretly, and shyly glanced at her husband who also had a strange expression: "Sister Ya, why are you so dishonest now!"

"I don't understand. My mother-in-law told my sister before coming to Yingzhou. He said that men like this. Otherwise, they wouldn't be thinking about running to the brothel all day. Husband, are you right?"


Young Master Liu frowned in embarrassment: "This is a bit biased. Other men don't know what their husbands are, but their husbands are honest and gentlemen. You can count the number of times you go to brothels a year on your fingers. You can't overturn a boat with one shot. people!"

Qi Ya stretched out her slender fingers and counted: "Really? Liu Mingzhi, the eldest son of Liu Zhi'an, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River in Xuande 26, Mr. Liu Mingzhi stayed in the brothel for 27 days. Is this also an act of a gentleman?"

Murong Shan hurriedly nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, Sister Ya is right. In the 25th year of Xuande, Young Master Liu was in the Misty Rain Pavilion, and Qixiu Pavilion hired all the girls for half a month. The Qinhuai River is famous?"

"Slander, this is slander, how could this young master be such a person!"

"This is personally investigated by the concubine, who has been monitoring you for 27 days in the Misty Rain Pavilion!"

"The same goes for the concubine, the leader planned to let the concubine seduce you, but finally canceled the plan because of sister Wei'er!"

Young Master Liu rubbed his nose resentfully: "The old things are all old things, no one is young."

"Bahu sees Mr. Liu, my young master, please meet Mr. Liu outside the city!"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned and turned around looking at the stairs with a surprised expression. A middle-aged man in plain clothes with an honest look was standing there looking at him respectfully.

Qi Ya and the two girls looked at Bahu at the entrance of the stairs, their crescent eyebrows were slightly frowned, their eyes were alert, their jade hands quietly touched their waists, and they leaned slightly to protect the three little padded jackets behind them!

The identity of your husband is too sensitive, you have to guard against it!

Under the hem of the clothes of the two women are hidden their own weapons, and if something goes wrong, they can immediately attack the enemy!
Liu Mingzhi stood up, glanced at Bahu and raised his hand to punch him: "This brother, dare to ask who is the little master of the brother?"

"The moon bends and shines on Kyushu, some families are happy and some are sad!"

Liu Mingzhi's face tightened, and he stared at Bahu closely: "Where is your little master?"

"Shanhai Pass, Yingzui Rock!"

"Sister Ya, Shan'er, take Yaoyao and find a place to settle down in this restaurant first, and go out of the city to meet an old friend for your husband!"

The two women hesitated for a moment and nodded lightly: "Husband, be careful!"

"It's okay, my husband has the bottom of my heart!"

"Brother Ba, please lead the way!"

"Master Liu, please!"

After a while, the two riders left the north city gate of Yingzhou without any haste, and galloped away in the direction of Shanhaiguan!

"Mother, it's Daddy, it's Daddy, have you seen it? Next to Bahu is Daddy!"

The little cutie patted the horse's back excitedly, threw the binoculars into the harness on the horse's back, turned over and got off the horse, and trotted towards the two horsemen who were rolling in smoke and dust, holding up her little skirt and cheering!



The queen looked at the frowning crescent eyebrows of First Young Master Liu who was galloping across and relaxed, and put her eyes on the little cutie who was running towards her father!


"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi watched the little cutie cross the Shanhaiguan Gorge, and the petite figure running towards him from the only road hurriedly grabbed the reins of the horse and stopped the mount Feng Xing!

Feng Xing raised his hooves high and let out a hearty neighing sound.

Liu Mingzhi immediately let go of the rein and got off the horse, trotting towards the little cutie!


"Good girl!"

The father and daughter look at each other in twos, and the appearance of running towards each other is very similar to the sensational scene where Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian and his wife meet at the broken bridge, Monkey King, Tang Sanzang, master and apprentice meet at Wuxing Mountain!


"Yue'er, slow down a little bit, watch your step!"


In just a few breaths, the father and daughter gathered together on the stone bridge in Shanhaiguan Canyon!
Young Master Liu picked up the little cutie and threw it high into the air, with a deep paternal love on his face, he laughed heartily!

"Good girl, miss Daddy so much, let Daddy kiss you!"

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee itchy, let me go!"

Hearing the little cutie's voice of grievance and dissatisfaction, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly stopped his actions!

"Good girl, how do you know that Daddy has come to Yingzhou?"

"Didn't mother write you a letter asking you to come and see Yue'er?"

"Writing a letter. Yes, it was your mother who wrote the letter to ask Daddy to come."

"Daddy, did you bring a gift for Yue'er?"


Young Master Liu looked at the little cute Xiji's eyes and his face froze. He turned his eyes a few times and saw the big tree beside the canyon light up!
"I did, of course I did, Daddy will take you to get the gift!"

"Really? Hurry up and take Yue'er there!"

Under the empress' puzzled gaze, First Young Master Liu held the cutie and stopped under a big tree whose leaves had just grown.

"Daughter, this baby in our Liu family has always been passed on from male to female, but Daddy is making an exception just for you. You back off a little, Daddy has brought you a gift!"

"Okay, Yue'er likes Daddy the most!"

Young Master Liu took a deep breath, drew out the Heavenly Sword and swung it. The light of the sword flickered, and the air was cold. After a while, Young Master Liu put the sword back into its sheath.

Holding a smooth branch in his hand, the front end of the branch showed a fifty-degree bend, Young Master Liu waved it lightly, the branch was full of tenacity!

"Yue'er, this is a secret of the Liu family that is not passed on from generation to generation. It is so famous that Daddy will hand it over to you. This is a secret that our Liu family has passed down from generation to generation!"

Cutie stared blankly at the branch in Young Master Liu's hand: "Daddy, how do you use this?"

Young Master Liu handed the branch to the little cutie: "Hold the end with one hand, the branch touches the ground, just push and run!"

"But you must remember what your father said, don't point the stick at your stomach, do you know?"


"It's easy to put it this way, I think my father almost missed it when he was careless."

"Daddy, tell me quickly, what happened?"

Young Master Liu sighed silently, looking at the beautiful scenery in the sky full of memories!
"Daddy almost turned into a little girl like you back then!"

(End of this chapter)

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