Chapter 1111

The queen looked at the cutie with black hair, and she was running around pushing a small broken stick with a smile on her face!
With a long sigh, she glanced at Huier's group who were also stunned. The queen patted her forehead lightly and shook her head slightly!
"God? Who can tell my old lady what's going on in this world?"

"All the interesting playthings in the world are in the imperial palace. You don't even look at them. Now you are so concerned about a small broken stick. Is it because I don't understand your children's world anymore?"

Hui'er hesitated for a moment and quietly walked to the queen's side, with a strange expression on her head, she looked at the cutie on the stone bridge who was chirping and laughing from ear to ear!

"Your Majesty, in fact, the little princess has been bored in the palace to deal with political affairs. Studying military art may not be a good thing. Huier suggests that it is actually appropriate to let the little princess go out to see the world!"

The empress was stunned and her face became a bit tangled: "Isn't it considered seeing the world in the palace? The people all over the world look forward to going to the palace to see the world. This is the first time I have heard that seeing the world is such a way of seeing the world." of!"

"E Huier means that what the little princess lacks is childhood. She has lived a completely different life from the children of ordinary people since she was born. Except for a few children of princes and ministers, the little princess has hardly had much contact with her peers. !"

"Just like the little princess is now, the happy little wooden stick in her hand is just something to tease children from poor people who can't afford toys."

The empress looked at Young Master Liu thoughtfully, and the giggling little cutie hummed for a moment and nodded slightly: "I understand, you should step back first!"

"Hui'er resigns!"

"and many more!"

"His Majesty?"

"Everyone retreats 150 steps away, but everyone with profound skills, ears, ears and eyesight retreats [-] steps away!"

"Three hundred steps? Your Majesty, how can this be done? This is the border gate of Yingzhou City. Once Longwuwei's scouts find the trace of His Majesty and the little princess, Huier is afraid that his subordinates and others will not be able to rescue them in time. Your Majesty, think twice!"

The queen's bright eyes narrowed slightly, and she raised her eyebrows at First Young Master Liu who was playing with the cutie: "We are all so old, how can we not be as thorough as a child, didn't Yue'er say that?" Well? With her father around, no one can touch her!"

"Yue'er believes in him so much, and I am also willing to believe in him!"

"Look at the Shanhaiguan, which stands on the border between Dalong and Dajin. It is majestic and majestic. I don't know how long the peace can be maintained. There will be a day when blood will flow into the river! "

"Take a good look at this peaceful beauty, God, and even the dragon will not give me too many opportunities!"

"Greed is like fire, if you don't stop it, it will start a prairie fire; desire is like water, if you don't stop it, it will spread to the heavens. Everyone in this world must live for their own greed, and they cannot help themselves, and this rule of the world is my greed!"

"Fairness lies in strength, not in words. Li Zheng taught me this truth 20 years ago. Sooner or later, I will give it back in full!"

Hui'er looked at the empress's cold and resolute side face and sighed silently: "Hui'er resigns!"

Hui'er led a group of admiral's guards to retreat slowly to the rear, and the queen carried her dress and walked slowly towards the stone bridge where the father and daughter were playing.

"Yue'er is a child, are you still a child who can't grow up?"

Hearing the queen's voice, Liu Mingzhi let go of the little cute whip and turned around with a slight smile: "It's not because I grow up or not. As long as Yue'er likes to play and is willing to play, I can always play with her." go down!"

"Sense of indebtedness?"

"No, father's love is speechless! To put it bluntly, why do you always think that among my children, I give Yue'er the least fatherly love? They are all my flesh and blood, and they will never be separated in my heart." Each other is equally important!"

"Sit on Eagle Mouth Rock?"

"it is good!"


"Dad, what's wrong?"

Panting for breath, the little cutie trotted towards Young Master Liu!

"Daughter, daddy goes to the rock over there to talk to your mother, you play alone first, don't get close to the canyon, do you understand?"

"Yeah, Yue'er knows, father and mother, you can rest assured to talk!"

Liu Mingzhi understood Xiaocuti's character very well, seeing that she nodded to him solemnly, he walked towards Yingzui Rock with peace of mind!

Seeing this, the queen followed silently, glanced at the little cutie who was playing alone and sighed silently.

"Yue'er, forgive mother for not giving you a happy childhood. If you want to become a truly supreme powerhouse, loneliness and not being understood are the only ways in life!"

"You are destined to become a strong man, and the wishes of the Wanyan family's ancestors will rest on you!"

Yingzuiyan Liu Mingzhi stopped and looked at the majestic city wall of Yingzhou City with unspeakable pride on his face!
This is the place where I will show my strengths in the next three years. Although Fuzhou has not been there yet, it will not be much worse than Yingzhou if it can become one of the six main cities of the border!
Just how many dead bones are buried under this majestic city wall?
Liu Mingzhi's character of being afraid of war has never changed. He really couldn't bear the scene of seeing his brothers die with his own eyes!
It would be great if I was still the immature playboy back then!Maybe I don't have to bear so much anymore!
"When I can't sleep alone, I often sit in front of the bed, look out the window at night, and think about all the things I have done in the past, right, wrong, and regretful!"

"Liu Mingzhi, do you know? The dark and lonely environment at night always makes affectionate and lonely people extra vulnerable!"

"Since I got acquainted with you, I can't tell you what I feel along the way. There are gains and losses, joys and sorrows!"

"Sometimes when I think about what you have done to me, I will hate you to the bone. I can't get rid of the hatred in my heart by gnashing my teeth. I can't wait to eat your flesh, Sleepy."

"However, I wept with joy for all the little touches you inadvertently made to me, and I couldn't sleep all night!"

"Hate and love are just a thought! The national teacher said that hating a person to the extreme is love, and great love is speechless!"

"I agree with the words of the national teacher very much, but I want to tell you that once a person is hurt to death, nothing can be recovered!"

"The capital city is far from the capital city, one pass after another, and the pass is difficult; night after night, night after night, sleepless nights."

"Pass off is more difficult than night!"

"These euphemisms are nothing to be afraid of. The most sad and most fearful thing about euphemisms is that you won't be able to reach the pure land in your heart!"

Liu Mingzhi stared at the rolling hills of Shanhaiguan with a complex expression!

"The stars are all about you, walking alone!"

"To put it bluntly, Liu Mingzhi is very ordinary, so ordinary that he is numb."

"Wanyan didn't feel the ordinaryness in you, but felt that the hostility in you has become heavier again. You seem to have murderous intentions towards someone!"

"Then you feel wrong, Liu Mingzhi is still the cowardly Liu Mingzhi who is afraid of death, the Liu Mingzhi who doesn't like to see dead people!"

The queen glanced lightly at the Heavenly Sword on Liu Mingzhi's waist, and slowly walked to Liu Mingzhi's side to stand side by side!

"With a sharp weapon in your body, you will kill yourself. Whether you admit it or not, I can feel that your murderous aura is much stronger!"

(End of this chapter)

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