My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1112 Are you tired?

Chapter 1112 Are you tired?
"With a sharp weapon in your body, you will kill yourself!"

Liu Mingzhi murmured the eight words the queen said softly, and immediately shook his head: "No, it's just that the young master feels very chic because he often wears a sword on his body!"


The empress gently walked in front of Liu Mingzhi, staring at Liu Mingzhi's pupils with her bright eyes motionless.

"Do you dare to say that you have no intention of killing the red dragon?"

Looking at the empress staring at him with deep eyes, Liu Mingzhi's eyes dodged a little: "Are you investigating me?"


The Queen sneered twice and turned around to look towards Yingzhou City, exuding an unspeakable aura!
"Compared to your wives, I am the one who stays by your side for the shortest time, but when it comes to getting to know you, there is no one who can be with you except Qi Yun, your wife who hides so deeply." I am equal to one or two!"

"Do you remember what I told you in the past?"

Liu Mingzhi thought for a moment and turned to look at the queen: "Am I the same person as you?"

"That's right, Liu Mingzhi, you are finally sober. You have said more than once politely that you and I have always been the same person."

"The character of vengeance, the disposition of not liking being played around with applause!"

"Greedy and lustful, people who are greedy for money and lustful are often unable to do big bad things, lustful people are soft-hearted, and those who are not greedy for money and not addicted to beauty are the most terrible people, because such people are cold-blooded, and cold-blooded is ruthless!"

"My young master is greedy for money and lust, while you plan the world. How can we be the same person? To put it bluntly, you have always judged me decisively from your point of view!"

"It turns out that we really are not the same people!"

"Resolute? Liu Mingzhi, have you ever heard that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change? Do you think you are really greedy and lustful?"

"Greedy? It's not that I'm alarmist. Dalong's treasury may not have as much money as your old man Liu Zhian. Liu Zhian's strength can make Li Zheng afraid. Is it as simple as you see on the surface? Dalong With all the money in the Liu family, are you really greedy for gold and silver?"

"As for lust, it's just a high-sounding fallacy. Several of your ladies have been perfect for several years. Is this also called being addicted to beauty?"

"Liu Mingzhi, take off your mask. Living like this is not only tiring, but also the mask will easily grow on your face if you wear it for a long time!"

Liu Mingzhi's face was extremely silent: "What exactly do you want to say? I said it when I was in Dalong last year, you don't understand me, just put it bluntly, don't try to test my heart!"

The corner of the queen's mouth raised slightly and drew a beautiful arc: "What? Are you angry from embarrassment when someone sees through your true inner thoughts? Are you very angry and want to slap Wanyan again?"

"Liu Mingzhi, you bluntly don't believe what you said, but there is one sentence that you bluntly never refute. As you said, you are indeed a coward!"

"Too timid to never look directly at my heart, timid to always live with a mask on!"

"Liu Mingzhi, when will you be able to live for yourself, living in someone else's world, aren't you tired?"

Liu Mingzhi was trembling all over, his fists were clenched and his knuckles were protruding and turning white!

"To put it bluntly, enough is enough!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the queen with a somewhat astonished expression, with regret in his eyes.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, Liu Mingzhi looked at the queen quietly: "Please don't say any more, okay?"

Empress Hao looked at Liu Mingzhi with a hint of joy and distress in her eyes, and slowly raised her palm.

The ten fingers are as tender as bamboo shoots, and the white wrists sprout water lilies.

Gently putting her palm on Liu Mingzhi's cheek, the empress shook her head distressedly: "Liu Mingzhi, politely, I don't want to see you live so tired!"

"You don't leave your family and country in your mouth, and you understand that you do take certain things very seriously, but that's not your true self. Have you ever touched your own conscience and asked yourself, this is what you want Is there a way to live?"

"Are you really happy?"

"To put it bluntly, I don't want to hear this anymore. I came to Shanhaiguan to catch up with you, not to talk about these completely useless topics!"

The queen frowned slightly and shrugged her round fragrant shoulders: "Okay, if you don't want to talk about this, then don't talk about it. Tell me about your coming to Yingzhou to serve as the governor of the two prefectures!"

Looking at the little cutie who was playing alone not far away, the queen put down her palm and pulled Liu Mingzhi's arm and slowly sat on the Eagle's Mouth Rock!

The empress gently rested her side face on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder: "You worked hard for Dalong and Li Zheng, and fought south and north, but in the end you became a stepping stone. How do you feel?"

Liu Mingzhi held a strand of the empress's hair and wrapped it around his fingers!

"A person in a high position is easy to be proud, and a person who is not happy is easy to be extravagant. I think back then, when I was young, my clothes were thin, I was riding a horse leaning on a leaning bridge, and the building was full of red sleeves. I have been struggling in the court for a long time, and I am almost out of my own Know myself!"

"If you think about it carefully, it might not be a good thing to come here to watch the sunset over the long river!"


Liu Mingzhi pointed to the infinite beauty in the distance of Shanhaiguan and chuckled cheerfully.

"The mountains reach the top of the clouds, the birds sing in the stream, and the white clouds come up from the sky."

"Clear water evokes thousands of miles of smoke, sitting alone, looking at the vastness of the world, like a fairy in the world."

"I've always yearned for this kind of life. Don't I have everything now? Staying away from courts and stepping into the mountains and rivers is a great joy in life!"


"Whether it is hypocrisy or sincerity, there is nothing like this in life! True freedom is not doing what you want, but not doing what you don't want!"

"Compared to the days when the capital is groveling and never smiling, I prefer Yingzhou and Fuzhou. I am the biggest and I am the master."

"You fucking censor, the censor of the kaogong department, I don't care about them at all when I am in my position. Du Chenghao, the minister of the official department, has a very good relationship with me, and the doctor of the censor Xia Gongming, the young master, is not going to be cowardly. I will handle it I don’t care, I’m still afraid of some small shrimps!”

"After dealing with the mutual market business, my young master has been fishing with a fishing rod for three years. Who can do anything to me!"

The Empress looked sideways at Young Master Liu's foolishness and smiled wryly: "De Xing, don't forget that there are still two guards in Fuzhou who are not under your jurisdiction, you really think you can cover the sky with one hand in Fuzhou and Yingzhou! "

Young Master Liu happily smacked his lips, raised his hand to support the queen's delicate face, and let out a frivolous breath!

"Little goblin, don't forget that there are 30 troops in the six guards of northern Xinjiang who conquered the Western Regions under the command of this young master. Do you believe it or not? Standing on the city wall and howling, the young master must gather in an emergency. Longwuwei can have [-] elite soldiers and strong generals!" Can't sleep at night?"

"At one moment, at another, you used to be their commander-in-chief, but what about at this moment? Who is the commander-in-chief in whose hand is the Tiger Talisman?"

"Face is something that cannot be given away in the army. You are not as confident as I am in this!"

"Not necessarily, the way to run an army is not in the tiger talisman, you are not as clear as this young master!"

"Oh, don't you think that if you raise your arms, the heroes of the world will scramble to follow you?"

"Then you will think highly of me, Liu Mingzhi. I don't have that ability yet, but I can tell you for sure!"

"To put it bluntly, sometimes people don't just look at the surface!"

(End of this chapter)

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