My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1113 'Liu Mingzhi'

Chapter 1113 'Liu Mingzhi'

"I don't know why, but when others say such things, I will dismiss them, but when you say them, I firmly believe them!"

"Sometimes when I listen to what you say, I always feel that it is some absurd and uninhibited fallacies. After thinking about it carefully, I feel extremely profound!"

"You seem to exude an innate self-confidence, a self-confidence that makes people unnaturally believe it!"

"If you are an emperor, you will be able to manage the country in an orderly manner. Would you like to teach you some ways of an emperor?"

"If one day you figure it out and want to go to the Kingdom of Jin, I will give up my seat to you immediately, and I am willing to be the mother of that country to serve you by your side, as husband and wife!"

The empress looked at Liu Mingzhi with an obsessive look in her eyes!
Liu Mingzhi sneered twice and shook his head helplessly, he casually grabbed a light green grass bud and bit it in his mouth!
"Pull it down, I can't even be the master at home, learn the way of a bullshit emperor!"

"Isn't there that saying? How can you sweep the world if you don't sweep a house? Liu Mingzhi still doesn't have the ability to sweep a house, let alone sweep the world!"

"You often say that I am the dog in front of the father. To put it bluntly, have you ever thought about how many people envy me in such a life and are willing to be the dog in front of the father?"

"Furthermore, comparing Liu Mingzhi to a dog is only what you think. Liu Mingzhi himself doesn't think I'm a begging dog!"

The queen nodded thoughtfully: "Then what do you think you are?"



"The tiger sits in the hall, the lion guards the gate!"

The queen pondered for a while and seemed to understand: "Chaotang, border?"

"That's right, a lion guarding the gate! No matter how down-and-out a lion is, there will always be a prestige on his body. For seven years, I, Liu Mingzhi, will always have a place in that square inch!"

"I don't think so!"


"The tiger will still be bullied by dogs before it falls into Pingyang. I'm afraid you won't last long as a lion, and it's not just you! You know why you say that. Tigers also have their old age!"

"Liu Mingzhi, don't deny that you have completely different personalities from many ministers above the Dragon Court. They are loyal to the country and the country, but you, Liu Mingzhi, are loyal to Li Zheng!"

"As for why you are so loyal to him, or why you are afraid of him and have no resistance in front of him, I don't want to go into all this, but I want to tell you something!"


"Not only will you not have a place in the court of the great dragon, but it will make you enemies everywhere!"

"Do you want to say that you are too decisive in blunt words?"

"You can only tell you one thing politely. You are not an emperor, so you will never understand the way of an emperor. If you don't understand the emperor, what do you think?"

"Benevolence, morality, and family affection are not worth mentioning in front of Jiangshan Sheji!"

"You think you know Li Zheng well? You are wrong!"

"Li Zheng sees you thoroughly, but you may not really see through him!"

"In terms of balance, I may not be his opponent. As for you, humming, you can't overestimate your strength!"

"Put it bluntly, you may feel dissatisfied with it, but have you ever thought that a fly can shake a tree with its own courage; a mantis' arm is like a car, and its body is of flesh and blood."

"No matter how powerful the mayflies and praying mantises are, they are so ridiculous in front of the power of the whole country!"

Liu Mingzhi fell silent, looking at Shanhaiguan in the distance with deep eyes, and the little cutie who was still having fun playing on the stone bridge.

"Is there any wine?"


The empress gently stood up from Liu Mingzhi's shoulders, stretched her unique and soft figure, and whistled towards her mount.

"Liu Mingzhi, come here!"

"what happened?"

As soon as Young Master Liu turned around, with layers of black lines on his forehead, he looked at the snow-white sweaty BMW walking towards the queen!

"Co-author Liu Mingzhi in the mouth of the empress is a beast and his own mount, but isn't this bastard obviously ruining his name?"

"To put it bluntly, this is too much. Aren't you insulting my young master?"

The queen smiled charmingly, took the wine bag from the horse's back and patted the back of the mount!
"Liu Mingzhi, go over there!"

'Liu Mingzhi' sneezed, obediently walked towards the tender grass in the distance, lowered his head and began to chew.

"My own mount can be named whatever I want. Who stipulates that the name Liu Mingzhi can only be used by humans?"

The queen gently patted the cork off the wine bag, raised her snow-white neck, opened her cherry lips slightly and held the wine bag to drink heavily. The breeze was blowing on her face, and she drank heartily among the mountains and rivers, feeling indescribably comfortable!
Liu Mingzhi watched the empress's swallowing of the drink, and licked her dry lips.

"Don't be greedy for a good wine, a little drunk is better than a drunk, please don't drink too much!"

The excess wine slowly flowed down the queen's cherry lips, wet the queen's neck, and also wet the skirt of her chest.

The wine reflecting Yu Xia's light is a feeling that Liu Mingzhi can't describe, it seems that the beautiful scenery between heaven and earth is gathered on the queen who is climbing high and looking far, drinking in the abyss!
The queen belched slightly, and casually threw the wine bag to Liu Mingzhi.

"Ha comfortable."

The queen pursed her cherry lips, and raised her hand to slightly wipe the wine on her neck and the corners of her mouth. Her demeanor was elegant and unrestrained, chic but full of poetic charm.

"Liu Mingzhi, do you know why my mother named her mount Liu Mingzhi?"

Compared with the empress's unrestrained drinking behavior, First Young Master Liu's behavior was much more ordinary, sipping wine into the wine bag one gulp at a time.

Hearing the Queen's inquiry, Liu Dashao looked at the Queen suspiciously while holding his wine bag.


The empress smiled charmingly, her bright eyes glanced lightly at Young Master Liu who was full of doubts, and stretched her incomparably graceful body again!
"Because I enjoy the feeling of riding a horse on Liu Mingzhi's body!"


"cough cough"

First Young Master Liu blushed directly from the choking of the drink, spewed out a gulp of the drink, and coughed muffledly while clutching his stomach.

Nima, what is invisible driving is the deadliest? I mean the queen.

You thought she was talking about a mount?That's right, what the queen said was indeed a mount.

Riding a horse and galloping is not riding a horse, can it still be a human being!
"30 years old, an age that killed my young master!"

The empress gently moved to Young Master Liu's side, stretched out her slender index finger to wipe the corner of Young Master Liu's wine-filled mouth, and put her finger into her cherry lips.

"Such fine wine, wouldn't it be a pity to waste it!"

First Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, and nodded slightly: "It's a pity, it's a pity, if you know it's a pity, don't be so irritating when you speak politely, my little heart really can't take it!"

The queen didn't speak, stood up lightly, put her fingers in her mouth and blew a crisp whistle.

In the blink of an eye, Hui'er jumped three feet and rushed towards the edge of Yingzui Rock.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Come with ears!"

"Follow the order!"

The queen whispered in Hui'er's ear, and after a while Hui'er nodded with a strange expression: "Hui'er resign!"

After Hui'er left, the empress sat next to First Young Master Liu again: "Liu Mingzhi, look how beautiful the haze is today. This is the first time I have seen such a gorgeous haze with you!"

"Fairy couple, nothing better than this!"

(End of this chapter)

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