My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1115 Is It Fair?

Chapter 1115 Is It Fair?

The sun rises, and the bright stars recede, announcing the arrival of a new day!
The little cutie with two braids, walked towards the tent of Empress Liu Mingzhi and Empress Liu Mingzhi after Huier took care of her washing.

Just in time to see First Young Master Liu, who was hunched over and rubbing his waist, got out of the tent, and the little padded jacket that was close to him immediately warmed up.

"Daddy, what's wrong with you? Did you twist your waist in sleep at night? Can Yue'er rub it for you?"

The warm greeting from the little padded jacket warmed Young Master Liu's body and mind, and he barely straightened his waist with a gentle smile on his face: "Daddy is fine, Yue'er, why did you get up so early?"


The little cutie let out a cry of surprise and hurriedly covered her mouth with her small hand, pointing at Liu Da's face with one hand in astonishment: "Daddy, your eyes seem fat!"


First Young Master Liu looked blank at first, then thought of something: "Tuanzi! Panda eyes!"

The little cutie nodded eagerly: "Yeah, it's black, it's really interesting to look at, is it the makeup that mother drew for you? Yue'er wants it too, and Yue'er wants mother to draw one for Yue'er too!"

First Young Master Liu took a deep breath: "Ah, Yue'er, you go run a couple of laps to move your body first, and Daddy wipes off the dark circles under your eyes, don't go to the edge of the canyon, you know?"

"Yue'er knows!"

First Young Master Liu opened the tent and got in. The floor was covered with a luxurious and luxurious woolen blanket, embroidered with delicate and elegant patterns. On top of the carpet was spread two layers of thin silk quilts. The Queen was wrapped in a silk quilt and fell into a sweet sleep. .

Young Master Liu leaned forward and lay beside the Queen, and patted the Queen's radiant cheeks with his hand: "Wenyan, wake up!"

"Huh? Don't touch my old lady, I only rest at Yin time, my old lady is so sleepy!"

The queen shook her delicate body as if acting like a baby, raised her hand and patted it vaguely, just touching Young Master Liu, then turned around and changed into a comfortable position.

Wrapping his arms around Young Master Liu's tiger waist, he rested his head on Young Master Liu's legs and rubbed his head a few times before falling into a deep sleep!

Young Master Liu looked at the empress lying on his lap wanting to cry but without tears, you know that Yinshi only rests at around three o'clock in the future generations.

If it weren't for the Yin-Yang Harmony Great Compassion Fu and Jin Country's specialty big radish to support him, let alone Yinshi, Zishi might not be able to carry it by himself!
"Honestly, can you get up for a while? Do you have rouge and gouache here? You can cover my dark circles first, otherwise, this young master will have no face to go back to Yingzhou to meet sister Ya and the others!"

"Be polite, be polite!"

"Unconscionable, to put it bluntly, I'm so tired, so tired! I haven't had a good night's sleep in eight years, can you stay with me for a while?"

"Gently put down the government affairs of the whole country and bring your daughter to see you, isn't it better than the officials and people's livelihood in the little Yingzhou City?"

"You are the parent officer of Yingzhou Fuzhou, Wanyan is still your woman, Yue'er is still your daughter, when will you treat Wanyan on the same level as your wife?"

"You ask yourself, are you being fair to polite words?"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the two lines of tears running down the empress's radiant cheeks, closed his eyes and sighed slightly.

Lifting the silk quilt over the queen's delicate body, she hugged her tightly in her arms.

"Sleep, sleep! I've had enough sleep with you!"

There was a rare peaceful smile on the corner of the queen's mouth, and she rubbed her head on Liu Mingzhi's waist twice before she fell into an even breathing.

Silver, what silver, brother, when did Wan see your silver?
I am engraving a jade fan in the mountains and rivers below, brother, it is not good to do this, right?
Wan Yang, a scholar of the Kingdom of Jin, whose name is Qianlong, has met Brother Liu and has heard of his name for a long time, so be polite!

Brother Wan, how about Liu teaching you a unique martial arts move?
Liu Mingzhi, you must live a good life. Sooner or later, Wan will take your head with his own hands to wash away today's humiliation.

Hitting, entering the hall with your left foot first is disrespectful to me, so let's talk about it after hitting.

Liu Mingzhi, marry me.

Liu Mingzhi, are you really unwilling to stay in the Kingdom of Jin?Others beg me for three spring rains, and I will beg for June cold.There is no right or wrong between countries, Liu Mingzhi, I am the emperor of Jin, and I am responsible to my people.

Will you watch the rainbow with me one day?
Liu Mingzhi, am I your family member?
Liu Mingzhi, come back to the Kingdom of Jin with me. As long as you want, I can even hand over the throne to you. As long as you help me realize my father's last wish, I will give up the throne to Yue'er immediately, and accompany you to wander the world.

The red bean germinates, the angel returns, and the acacia tree has grown up, but the person who made the promise did not return.

Liu Mingzhi, after all, you are the one who failed Wanyan, and you who failed our mother and daughter.

The person surnamed Liu bluntly said that his heart is like a raging fire, and it will be difficult to melt your three feet of ice.

"Daddy, can Yue'er come in?"

Liu Mingzhi, who was frowning and lost in thought, suddenly opened his eyes, his sharp eyes gradually became softer: "Yue'er, come in, be gentle, don't disturb your mother to sleep."

"Okay, Yue'er knows!"

"Daddy, it's been half an hour, why don't you and mother get up?"

"Half an hour?"

"Yes, you see the sun has risen."

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and looked towards the gap created by the cutie. The rays of light coming in were indeed a bit dazzling.


The queen groaned a few times in dissatisfaction, obviously some light affected her rest.

"Yue'er, put down the curtain!"


The little cutie put down the curtain obediently, and gently crawled towards the opposite side of the queen, staring at the sleeping queen with her chin resting on her little hand.

"Daddy, is mother more beautiful than a fairy when she's asleep? Although Yue'er often secretly calls mother an old witch, Yue'er has never seen a woman who is more beautiful than mother!"

Liu Mingzhi listened to the cute words and looked down at the queen's beautiful face. If it weren't for the messy hair on one side, the queen would really be like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks.

Like a person walking out of a painting, Liu Mingzhi still can't imagine how the empress's appearance remained in the mortal world.

"Yue'er will be as beautiful as your mother in the future. If you haven't slept enough, you can stay here and sleep for a while. Daddy will watch over you and your mother to have a good rest!"

"Okay, Yue'er is going to sleep first!"

The cutie obviously didn't know how to be polite to her father, and immediately lay down on the opposite side of her mother and fell asleep with her butt pouted after hearing what Young Master Liu said.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the cutie and shook his head helplessly, you said she fell asleep, she seemed to be sleeping a little faster, you said she didn't fall asleep, the snot bubbles and even breathing don't seem to be fake.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse to have such a spooky daughter on the stall!
"To put it bluntly, there is a world of difference between you who are asleep and you who are awake. One looks like a graceful and luxurious water lily, while the other is an empress who is trying to win the world!"

"You said Liu Mingzhi lived with a mask, so why don't you?"

"I hope that one day we will be able to open our hearts to each other!"

Looking at the sleeping mother and daughter, Liu Mingzhi muttered a few words to meditate and exercise his internal strength!

(End of this chapter)

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