My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1116 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 1116 The Lion's Big Opening

When the sun was high, the empress yawned while covering her cherry lips.

Liu Mingzhi stretched his graceful waist under the eyes of Liu Mingzhi who woke up from meditation.


The empress chuckled with a strange complexion, and looked at Young Master Liu's dark circles with a narrow smile in her bright eyes.

"How did your eyes become like this?"

Liu Mingzhi stretched his arms and looked at the narrow-eyed queen resentfully: "What else do you say? This young master is wasting time and effort. It's just that the eyes are like this. It's much better after I meditate. In the morning, I have no face at all!"

The empress glanced at the sleeping cutie and approached First Young Master Liu and blew, "I haven't washed up yet, otherwise I have to let you know how good I am. It's my loss after half a year for one night, okay?"

Liu Mingzhi shuddered: "Then you can't ask for nothing like this, let's forget about it, you bunch of foxy sons, this young master must die young sooner or later!"

"That's what you asked for. If you weren't so romantic, how would you end up where you are today! I alone make you more than capable, and I don't know how you survived when you were at home?"

"To put it bluntly, we have to speak with our conscience. You said yesterday that my young master is not lewd, but today you made me a flirtatious young master. Isn't that contradictory?"

"Besides, I don't have so many ladies in the capital like you alone to torment this young master!"

The queen raised her hand and combed her messy hair: "Stop talking about this, aren't you in a hurry to go back and manage the people's livelihood in Yingzhou?"

"Now Wanyan has had enough sleep, you can go back, when Yue'er wakes up, I don't know if she will pester you for another day!"

Liu Mingzhi murmured for a moment: "Speaking of the administration of officials and the people's livelihood, the aspect of the administration of officials is easy for me to manage. The key is the issue of people's livelihood. I only need to use the power of my Governor to handle the administration of officials. The aspect of people's livelihood has nothing to do with border control. The market is closely related!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed, bent over and picked up the cutie and walked out of the tent.

The queen also put on her own robe for some reason, and after checking that there was nothing missing, she got out of the tent and followed.

It was still yesterday's Yingzui Rock, Liu Mingzhi stopped and looked at the border mutual market outside Yingzhou City.

"To put it bluntly, the exchange market a few years ago was crowded with people. At a glance, it was crowded with businessmen from the three countries of yours. Look at the current exchange market."

"Although it can't be said that there are no traces of people, but what is the difference between these caravans in twos and threes?"

"Except for a very small number of big merchants, there are no merchants from small households. Nowadays, merchants would rather spontaneously organize together and travel thousands of miles to the Western Regions to conduct trade than come to the first mutual market. Business!"

"The root cause is nothing more than the war. Businessmen are worried that their lives will not be guaranteed."

The empress directly understood what Liu Mingzhi meant, after pondering for a moment, she looked at Liu Mingzhi and asked with a hint of meaning.

"So what do you mean?"

"Similar to the signing of the Border Border Peaceful Coexistence Agreement at that time, the three countries will send troops to protect the safety of merchants and station troops in mutual markets, so that merchants can trade with peace of mind."

"They each send [-] additional soldiers and horses, and set up post stations of various sizes within a radius of [-] miles to garrison soldiers and horses."

"As long as we ensure that the mutual market will not be affected by the war between the Turkic courts of the East and the West, and Heshuo and Hetao, the merchants who have left will come back!"

"Businessmen seek profits. Among the three kingdoms, there are very few big merchants. Not all merchants have enough strength to cross the vast Gobi to the Western Regions!"

"Many merchants have no choice but to go to the Western Regions, because the Western Regions have the Anxi Protectorate to protect their lives, but what about the border mutual market?"

There was a faint smile on the corner of the queen's mouth: "Aren't there 20 Longwuwei stationed in Yingzhou? They are all elite soldiers who have fought many battles, and they may not be much worse than the army stationed in the Western Regions Protectorate!"

"This is different. The 38 countries in the Western Regions all obey the orders of the commander of the Duhufu, and they absolutely dare not do anything to Dalong's merchants!"

"When my young master returned to the imperial court, the monarchs of the 38 countries in the Western Regions had signed the treaty. Anyone who tampered with the common people of Dalong merchants will destroy the city and destroy the country!"

"And your Jin Kingdom has no such agreement with the Turks. Yingzhou has 20 Longwu Guards, but your Jin Kingdom's Songzhou also has 20 Yingyang Guards."

"As long as the three parties peacefully station troops and mutual markets to ensure the safety of merchants, there will be basically all Turks in the Western Regions, and small merchants from small households will definitely not go far and brave the wind and sand before going to the Western Regions to do business."

"In this way, the problem of people's livelihood will no longer be a problem. As long as I open up some preferential policies to merchants, I will ensure that the mutual market will be as prosperous as before, and there will be an endless stream of merchants!"

The empress looked at Liu Mingzhi quietly, with a hint of melancholy in her bright eyes.

"Nine thousand nine hundred miles to the west, the territory of Dalong!"

"Whoever acts rashly on the people and merchants of the dragon will destroy the city and destroy the country!"

"What a handsome Confucian in white, Liu Mingzhi, but the general can be victorious. You don't need the emperor to build the Great Wall. You became famous in the first battle of the Kingdom of Jin. No matter what I do, I can't stop you from returning home. What is this big dragon worthy of you? Nostalgic?"

Just as Liu Mingzhi wanted to speak, the queen stopped him by raising her hand.

"One yard counts for one yard. Our private affection is private affection. Now we are talking about state affairs and borrowing a sentence from a businessman to ask Dalong's Ding Guogong, the governor of Yingzhou and the two prefectures."

"In business and business, there is no border market outside Yingzhou City. The people of the Kingdom of Jin can be self-sufficient and have no worries about food and clothing. I can also exchange weapons and armor for the cattle, sheep and horses of Huyan Royal Court."

"Don't doubt my words, no matter how Yan Yu is the princess of Huyan Royal Court, she is also the eldest princess of Jin Kingdom."

"Zhen's face is not enough, but Yue'er's face and Fei Xiong's face are available."

"You were ordered to rectify the administration of officials and the people's livelihood in Yingzhou. That was the order of your Majesty Li Zheng. Li Zheng can order you, but the order cannot reach me."

"Since the mutual market is dispensable to me, why should I help you straighten out the government and people's livelihood? What benefits can I get?"

"To put it bluntly, don't talk too much. Without the taxation of traders, your treasury will be empty sooner or later. It's not too late to make up for it. When your treasury really has a problem, it will be too late for you to save it! "

The queen sneered softly: "How long will it be sooner or later? Liu Mingzhi, don't forget that the Kingdom of Jin is now peaceful and there is no war, but your dragon has the northern army of Wu Guogong Wanbuhai, this bottomless pit is eroding Dalong all the time. Dragon's treasury!"

"I'll tell you bluntly, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to see the gradual weakening of your great dragon's frontier power. If that's the case, why should I go out of my way to help you?"

"You are Yue'er's father, and I am Yue'er's mother? The bargaining chip of title seems to be far from enough!"

"Furthermore, it is not this relationship that is facing each other now, but the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin and Duke Ding of the Great Dragon. Why should I thank you so much for helping you restore the administration of officials and people's livelihood?"

"It's not a problem if you want me to help you, but what price can you pay?"

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while with a solemn expression, and looked up at the empress' deep eyes.

"I don't know what kind of chips you want politely?"

The empress's bright eyes turned slightly, and after a while, the empress stared at Liu Mingzhi with bright eyes: "Mr. Dingguo chooses all the blueprints and data for making the crossbow, or the casting method of the cannon and shells."

Liu Mingzhi's pupils tightened and he stared at the indifferent empress: "It's inevitable that the lion will open his mouth. Besides, these blueprints are kept in the Ministry of War. Even if I want to exchange them, I can't make the decision!"

The empress sighed silently: "Liu Mingzhi, is it so difficult for you to tell the truth to Wanyan?"

(End of this chapter)

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