Chapter 1118
"His Royal Highness, Princess Yue, let me talk about the first issue of providing food and grass for your [-] soldiers and horses to garrison!"

"His Royal Highness, do you know how much food and grass the [-] soldiers and horses consume in a day? You don't know, I know, and the emperor of your country also knows. This is impossible. I can pay you a month's food and grass at most. , there is no need to think about it, and there is no need to talk about it!"

"Secondly, 30 taels of silver is even more nonsense. Four years ago, my lord led an army of 40 to march to the Western Regions for a month. The food and grass consumed by the army would only cost 40 million taels of silver!"

"You are only stationed along the way, and you can't compare with the consumption of the army dispatched. I can decide to pay the relocation cost of 3 soldiers and [-] taels of silver!"

"Thirdly, your Jin Guo soldiers and horses can evacuate the garrison during the event of an accident, but you must first notify our troops and inform our guard three days in advance before you can evacuate without authorization!"

"Fourth, does Her Royal Highness know how much is the silver tael of the exchange market's annual tax flow?"

The little cutie blinked her eyes and raised her head subconsciously to look at Huier, who also clenched her chin in embarrassment.

The little cutie lowered her head in disappointment, and looked at First Young Master Liu, "I know, but I won't tell you, this is my Dajin's secret, what if you find out how much silver we have in our treasury and you want to have evil intentions?" ?”

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully: "Okay, if your highness doesn't want to say it, don't say it. I will tell you how much. After the construction of the mutual market, the highest tax in the early stage will not be counted. Let's say that Dalong's tax is equalized to more than 800 during the ordinary period." Ten thousand taels!"

"To give Jin Guo Yicheng is 80 taels of silver."

"And the mutual market is booming again, tax revenue will explode to reach a new high, and [-]% of the profit is at least a million taels, enough to form an army of [-] soldiers and horses. There is no need to talk about it!"

"Explosive? New high?"

The little cutie muttered for a long time while breaking her pink fingers, but she didn't understand what these two words meant.

But she couldn't stop the little cutie from pretending to be good at acting, so the little cutie put down her palms and nodded slightly to Young Master Liu in a 'calm and composed' way.

"Of course the princess understands, you can continue talking."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded: "Fifth, I, Dalong, can pay your country [-] horizontal knives to supply your country's military supervision research, but if you want the horizontal knives blueprints, you don't need to talk about it!"

"Sixth, I fully agree, without any refutation conditions!"

The little cutie raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at Hui'er, seeing her shaking her head slightly and leaning towards Young Master Liu.

Staring cutely at Liu Mingzhi with big eyes: "Master Liu, it's not too dishonest to delete so many conditions!"

"The princess has no objections except for the sixth article. The first article must provide food and grass for three months!"

"The second piece of silver is 10 taels!"

"The third article, the princess has no objection!"

"Article [-] Your country must make concessions, otherwise there is no talk!"

"The fifth piece is [-] horizontal knives and [-] crossbows to offset the blueprint!"

"Ten thousand horizontal knives, one hundred eight-ox crossbows?"

"That's right, if Mr. Liu thinks that the horizontal knife is more valuable than the blueprint, you can exchange it with the blueprint!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the black-bellied cutie helplessly, he really didn't expect the cutie to have such a heart at such an age, this is choking his own lifeline.

"Two thousand swords, no crossbows!"

"Then there is no need to talk about it. Master Liu will go and punish the officials in Yingzhou and Fuzhou. Master Liu can still catch up with dinner when he goes back now. Goodbye!"

Cutie supported the table and stood up, making a gesture to leave, staring at First Young Master Liu every three steps, with clear eyes and said, keep me, keep me, keep me!

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head, raised his hand and waved to the cutie.

"Her Royal Highness, go slowly!"

"Hey, that's right! I agreed to walk slowly?"

The little cutie, who was a little excited when she turned around just now, suddenly looked at the smiling young master Liu with a small face in astonishment. Obviously, she didn't expect her father to say such a sentence.

Little cutie gasped and looked at First Young Master Liu: "Daddy, are you suddenly crazy? Are you not worried about the Yingzhou mutual market?"

"I am indeed in a hurry, but I will not agree to such a rude request from your country!"

"Where is the rudeness? Where is the rudeness? This princess thinks it is very reasonable, Master Liu, you have to understand that now you have something to ask from the Kingdom of Jin, not the Kingdom of Jin has something to ask from you."

"I understand, but I can choose not to ask for it. Negotiations don't necessarily have to be negotiated. Anyone who does business knows not to buy and sell by force, let alone a negotiation between countries?"

Cutie wrinkled her nose, pinched her waist and walked towards First Young Master Liu.

The big eyes looked at First Young Master Liu eagerly, and the small mouth shrunk and grabbed Young Master Liu's arm and shook it.

"Daddy, you just agree, otherwise you have been busy with Yingzhou affairs, how can you spare time to play with Yue'er? Do you not love Yue'er anymore, don't you love Yue'er?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, with a smile in his eyes: "Are you my daughter now?"

"Yeah, daddy said yes, don't you love Yue'er the most? Just treat these as your presents to Yue'er, okay?"

"Daughter is good, the princess can't beat her daughter can, little bastard, it's against you, dare to put on airs with your father, I can't beat you!"

Young Master Liu pulled the little cutie into his arms and pressed it to his lap, then raised his hand and patted the little cutie's butt.

There were endless crackling sounds, and the little cutie screamed from Young Master Liu's arms: "Daddy, Yue'er is wrong, Yue'er is wrong!"

"Lord Liu, you are so courageous that you dare to attack Her Royal Highness. You are humiliating my Kingdom of Jin. Let Her Royal Highness go quickly. Otherwise, don't blame Hui Er for not remembering her old love!"

After a brief daze, Hui'er's expression changed and she walked towards First Young Master Liu, speaking scolding words in her mouth.


Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes slightly, his body was full of murderous aura and rushed towards Huier, all of which was oppressed on Huier's body.

Hui'er, who was about to step forward, changed her face in surprise, a trace of sweat hung on her forehead, she kept swallowing and looked at Liu Mingzhi who was quietly looking at her, knowing that Liu Mingzhi was not her opponent, Hui'er still There is no trace of resistance.

From Liu Mingzhi's eyes, she seemed to see the feeling of thousands of horses leaping and raising their swords, galloping across the battlefield and rushing towards her.

It was the smell of blood, Liu Mingzhi sat on the blanket without moving, but Huier felt a hundred thousand cavalry charging towards her.

She had felt this kind of feeling in Wanyan Chizha, the King of Zhen, and she also couldn't think of resisting.

Liu Mingzhi slowly lowered his gaze: "Miss Huier, what you heard from your own mouth is that it is not the envoy of the dragon and Princess Jin, but the identities of father and daughter!"

"It's only natural for me to beat my child!"

"Master Liu, now I am not your daughter, I am Princess Jin, please let me go!"

"It's too late, the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, your father can smoke whenever he wants, and he doesn't dare to beat you, a little Princess of the Kingdom of Jin!"

(End of this chapter)

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