Chapter 1119 Doomsday

"Liu Mingzhi, that's enough."

The Queen's voice sounded from not far away, and the Queen's pretty face was staring at the little cutie who was pinned on the lap by Young Master Liu with an unhappy expression.

"If the negotiation fails, we can talk about it later. If you hit the moon with your hands, is your sincerity to the negotiating party?"

"To put it bluntly, this stinky girl doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. If she doesn't educate her, she will not be able to turn the world upside down."

"Mother, hurry up and save Yue'er!"

The empress walked towards Liu Mingzhi slowly, and lifted the little cutie out and put it aside: "I will not make any concessions to the conditions that Yue'er finally set, when you figure it out, send a letter! "

"Hui Er!"

"His Majesty!"

"Send Master Liu back to the city."


"Master Liu, please."

Liu Mingzhi stood up with a complex expression: "Wanyan, take your time on the road, I'll go back first."

"Daddy, you must come and see Yueer, Yueer will talk to Yueer every day and ask him to bring it to Daddy!"

Liu Mingzhi reluctantly looked at the empress mother and daughter and nodded slightly: "Yue'er, listen to your mother carefully, and I will write to you when my father is done with his work!"

"Yeah, Yue'er knows!"

"Liu Mingzhi!"

Liu Mingzhi turned slightly and looked at the empress with a cold face: "I will formally write to you and the Huyan Royal Court to discuss the issue of the border cross market."

"Liu Mingzhi, don't regret your decision today, you must know that the opportunity is just in your mind!"

"Gently, goodbye, Liu Mingzhi bids farewell."

Liu Mingzhi tidied up his robes, took the reins from Admiral Si's secret agent, turned on the horse and savagely waved the whip under the empress' mother and daughter's reluctant eyes.

Feng Xing honked rhythmically and galloped his horse's hooves, bringing up waves of smoke and dust.

One man, one horse and one sword rushed towards Yingzhou City against the breeze.

"Your Majesty, Hui'er has the guts to say that in fact, it is really possible to take a step back. It's better than not getting anything. After all, the poor condition of the mutual market has really affected our treasury a lot!"

The queen shook her head slightly, looking at Liu Mingzhi's smiling figure with deep eyes.

"Hui'er, you don't understand, what Yue'er did is very right, for Liu Mingzhi, Yue'er's regress means admitting defeat, once you admit defeat, he will make progress!"

"Does he not care about Princess Yue's mood at all? Princess Yue is his own flesh and blood!"

The queen lowered her head and glanced eagerly at the little cutie in Yingzhou.

"You are wrong. On the contrary, he cares about Yue'er's feelings very much, but his way of expression is completely different from ordinary people. Maybe this is why Liu Mingzhi is just Liu Mingzhi."

"Yue'er, go back to the palace!"


Lost, the little cutie turned around and took the palm of the queen and walked towards the mount in three steps.

Hui'er looked at the queen's back with doubts on her face, then looked back in the direction of Yingzhou, and followed her with puzzlement.

She was becoming more and more unable to understand the way His Majesty communicated with Liu Mingzhi. It was not so unpredictable, but she couldn't figure it out at all.

"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of the restaurant, handed the reins to Xiao Er, and walked upstairs.

"The guest officer's surname is Liu?"


"Hello guest, your two wives and three daughters are waiting in the Tianzi room, the second room on the left on the sixth floor!"

"Thank you!"

After Xiaoer retreated, Liu Mingzhi walked straight towards the sixth floor: "Sister Ya, Shan'er, open the door!"

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, the door opened, and Qi Ya looked at Liu Mingzhi in surprise.

"Husband, you are finally back. You didn't return to my concubine overnight, so you thought something happened to you?"

"It's okay, I made you worry, it's just that I encountered a small matter and delayed it!"

"Husband, drink tea!"

"Daddy eats pastries!"

"Shan'er really knows how to love people. You three are worthy of being Daddy's little padded jackets. Let's continue playing. Let's go to Yingzhou after drinking tea. The team will arrive tomorrow. If you don't look at it, you won't have time!"

"Husband, there's no need to go, Shan'er you want to see is all prepared for you, it's no worse than what you saw with your own eyes!"

Murong Shan put down the teapot and walked towards the bed and took out a stack of rice paper from under the pillow. Seeing this, Qi Ya immediately closed the door and fastened the latch.

"Husband, please take a look. I asked some of my father's old subordinates to inquire about this morning!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the rice paper Murong Shan handed over in surprise: "Does uncle know that I have arrived?"

Murong Shan shook her head slightly: "I don't know who I am, but I think I can't hide it from his eyes and ears. The former governor Kang Cheng also served as Yingzhou Governor and he left his post a month ago. Now the things in Yingzhou City are clearly Sima Huang Shuo is in charge of the military affairs of the army, and Chief Shi Yu Chengle is in charge of the government affairs of the people's livelihood, but in fact, it is the righteous brother who has the most say in the back."

"Even though the righteous brother cannot interfere in Yingzhou's internal affairs, the 20 Longwuwei under the command of the righteous brother is the biggest force in Yingzhou. Huang Shuo and Yu Chengle still dare not provoke the righteous brother!"

"Okay, let me take a look at the content first. Although I have collected their documents and household registrations from the Ministry of Officials on the way here, but I have never dealt with them before, so I should first understand the content you compiled, Shan'er!"

Liu Mingzhi sat on a chair and looked at the rice paper in his hands silently. Qi Ya and Murong Shan were worried that Liu Yaoyao's three little padded jackets would disturb her husband, so they gently brought the three little padded jackets behind the screen to signal them to keep silent. Voice.

The sun slanted and turned into sunset, Liu Mingzhi put down the rice paper in his hand and stretched, once absorbed, time is the most inadvertent thing.


"The concubine is here, my husband finished reading?"

"It seems that Huang Shuo and Yu Chengle are very uncomfortable about the sudden appointment of their husband as the governor of the two governments. They are clearly incompatible political enemies, but now they seem to be twisted together and are still wooing each other. Don't drive Du Changqing in Yingzhou, is this going to make your husband the governor-general?"

Murong Shanxiu frowned: "The concubine is also worried about this. There is a saying that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake. They will do anything for their own benefit. Don't be afraid of them being tough, just be afraid of them being obedient to your husband. Make tricks in the dark!"

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a sense of sternness.

"A strong dragon doesn't overwhelm a local snake. My husband doesn't believe this sentence. The Hong family in Yangzhou was suppressed by this young master. Later, it obediently merged into the Liu family business name."

The light of the sword flashed slightly, the Heavenly Sword in Liu Mingzhi's hand was less than half a foot out of its sheath, the blade shone with a cold light, and there seemed to be a murderous aura filling the room.

Liu Mingzhi held the Heavenly Sword in front of his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth to chuckle lightly.

"I killed a lot of enemies for my husband, but I haven't tried killing an official for my husband. I want to try it! Obediently obey my orders and everyone will eat and drink together. Shan'er, as you said, for my husband to let them try their necks, or my Heavenly Sword is sharper!"

Murong Shan looked at Liu Mingzhi, who had cold eyes, in astonishment. After she regained her senses, Murong Shan's eyes flustered: "Husband, don't be impulsive. Even if the imperial court wants to deal with a fourth-rank official, it has to go through the interrogation of the third division. Husband, don't let me go." In order to trap myself in it for a while."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Murong Shan with a half-smile, "Shan'er, what if you are collaborating with the enemy and treason?"

"Collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, the evidence is conclusive, and the law can be rectified on the spot without being tried by the three courts, and it will be executed first and then played!"

"That's it, obedient and obedient, they are still their imperial court order officials, officials of the frontier, and those who are disobedient are traitors that everyone can punish!"

"Husband, what did they find out about them?"

The sound of sword chanting came, and the Heavenly Sword was put into the sheath by Liu Mingzhi. Liu Mingzhi took the Heavenly Sword and walked to the window and stopped there. The sky was dim, and the city of Yingzhou was already full of lights.

Liu Mingzhi licked the chapped corner of his mouth.

"Handles? Don't use excuses. I said they are traitors, and they are traitors!"

"I asked the executioner to carry out the execution with a knife in the third watch, and they would not survive the fifth watch!"

Murong Shan lost her mind for a moment and seemed to understand something, she looked at her husband's back worriedly, wondering if she should warn her or not!
If you want to add a crime, there is no excuse!
"Shan'er, are you worried that your husband's murderous intentions are too strong, and you will become unable to control yourself in the future?"

Murong Shan walked gently behind Liu Mingzhi, embraced Liu Mingzhi from behind and nodded slightly.

"Well, my husband is not an ordinary official. People who practice martial arts are the most jealous. I am afraid that you will attack me with murderous intent!"

"Silly girl, I just don't want to be a man with my tail between my legs. This is Yingzhou, not the capital. The governors of the two prefectures are the largest. I am the master of my territory. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish."

With the same worried expression, Qi Ya led the three Liu Yaoyao sisters out of the screen: "Husband, don't talk about these inauspicious topics, it's late at night, you and Shanmei should rest first, I'll take Yaoyao and the others to rest next door! "

"It's so early?"

Qi Ya walked to Liu Mingzhi's side and said softly: "It's getting late, haven't you noticed that the stars are rising? When Yaoyao and the three of them are fast asleep, I will come over to rest with you and Sister Shan!"

Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish, the domineering and awe-inspiring First Young Master Liu's face stiffened instantly, feeling his whole body limp along the corner of the wall to the ground, looking at the two girls with stunned pretty faces with terrified faces.

First Young Master Liu clenched his fists and wailed with a mournful face.

(End of this chapter)

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