Chapter 1120

"Husband, wake up, Du Yu is waiting outside the door, saying that the brigade has already entered the city, and officials at all levels in Yingzhou Prefecture are already waiting for you in front of the Governor's Mansion."

Qi Ya, who had finished grooming and put on delicate makeup, gently pushed Young Master Liu who was still sleeping soundly while hugging the silk.

Young Master Liu hadn't woken up in the middle of the day, obviously exhausted from working too hard last night.


First Young Master Liu opened his eyes, covered his mouth lazily and yawned, turned over and lay down.

"Sister Ya, give me a massage to clear my tendons, my husband feels weak in his limbs, and he doesn't even have the slightest thought of getting up."

The radiant and bright Qi Ya pursed her lips and smiled, then shook her head helplessly and raised her hand to knead Liu Mingzhi's back.

"It's hard to get a copy of the Taoist supreme secret book Yin-Yang Hehe Dabeifu. If you don't pay attention to the refinement, who is strange? Now you know the pain."

"Obviously the perfect fusion of human relations and internal strength can be achieved. If you have to fish for three days and spend two days drying the net, you can't work hard wholeheartedly, and complete the cultivation of Yin Yang and Great Compassion as soon as possible!"

"No matter how powerful my massage skills are, they can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause."

"You, be diligent and practice all the nine levels of the heart of the Great Compassion Fu, and you will no longer have this symptom. Instead, you will become a dragon and a tiger, and the harmony of yin and yang will refine your internal energy to be extremely pure. .”

Liu Mingzhi groaned and lay on the pillow: "Ninth floor! Why do you have to practice to the ninth floor? My husband only sees the fifth floor now, and the practice is only to the third floor. Yin-yang reversal Realm, if you want to practice the harmony of yin and yang at the ninth level, nourishing yin and nourishing yang, I don’t know it will take years of the monkey!”

"Silly man, the Taoists believe that nine is the ultimate number, and ninety-nine equals one as Dzogchen."

"You still don't care about the mental method that others can't even dream of. You must know that every time a copy of the Buddhist and Taoist exercises is published in the world, it will cause a bloodbath."

"Listen to my concubine's words, practice the Great Compassion Fu well and combine the Nine-style Sword and Song Heart Technique. The so-called medicine is three-point poison. The tonic seems to be nourishing the body, and at the same time it is overdrawing the foundation. You need to be hard to make iron, and you need to learn martial arts together." It's like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat, you must not continue to be so wasteful!"

"Okay, okay, after dealing with the government and people's livelihood in Yingzhou and Fuzhou, I will concentrate on my husband's Yin-Yang Harmony and Great Compassion Fu, otherwise my husband's dignity as a man will be trampled to pieces by you little goblins."

Qi Ya coquettishly pushed First Young Master Liu: "It's enough for your husband to listen to my concubine's advice. You put on your clothes first, and my concubine will bring you clean water."

Qi Ya buckled the bronze crown on her husband's temples, and tied a sachet and jade pendant on him.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the pretty good temperament in the bronze mirror and stretched himself: "It's time to meet my colleagues in Yingzhou, I don't know if I will be bored after making them wait for so long, thinking that my husband is here Deliberately posing!"

"It will definitely be, as Sister Shan'er said, many officials themselves are full of grievances about your arrival, and now that you are late in arriving at the Governor's Mansion, it is impossible not to have the slightest concern in your heart!"

"Especially Changshi Yu Chengle, if it wasn't for your husband, Yu Chengle would probably be the governor of Yingzhou, but now that you are the governor, who the governor is is all up to the husband gone."

"Since this is the case, they should be more courteous to their husbands. As long as they submit a document to the official department for their husbands, there are nine out of ten that they will appoint the governor of Yingzhou for their husbands, and they don't know what medicine they sell in their gourds! Twisted into a rope to be a husband, I don't know if his head was caught by the door."

Qi Ya carefully checked Liu Mingzhi's official robe: "Husband, you can go out now!"

"Okay, what about Shan'er Yaoyao and the others? Are they still next door?"

"Sister Shan'er took Yaoyao Yiyi and the other three sisters to the governor's mansion first. Everyone is waiting for you, the governor of the two mansions, to come!"

"Okay, go out!"

"Subordinate Du Yu sees the governor!"

"Excuse me, Du Yu, is the car ready?"

"Already waiting downstairs, please move!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile and walked straight downstairs.

"Madam please!"

Qi Ya responded to Du Yu with a chuckle, and followed First Young Master Liu towards the downstairs with light steps, always keeping her shoulders half body away from her husband's, never offside.

First Young Master Liu in official robes, then the elegant, bright and tender, charming Qi Ya who gave a gorgeous spruce, and then Du Yu in armor. The three of them walked upstairs and silenced the slightly bustling restaurant.

Many guests subconsciously got up and stood up, looking at Young Master Liu who was smiling with a cautious expression, not knowing who this figure in official robes was.

Liu Mingzhi hugged his fist and glanced at the guests in the restaurant.

"I surprised you all, my official Liu Mingzhi apologized to you, please sit down, everything is as usual, don't be disturbed!"

"Liu's Qiya, my wife, has apologized!"

"Dingyuan General Du Yu apologized!"

Everyone hastily clasped their fists in response, including traffickers and pawns as well as merchants and scholars: "It's okay, it's okay, my lord, please go ahead!"


Everyone poked their heads and looked at Liu Mingzhi and the other three who boarded the carriage and drove away. Only then did they relax completely.

"When did an adult come to the restaurant? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Who knows, maybe he was passing by. I've never heard of an official surnamed Liu in Yingzhou!"

On the contrary, some scholars looked surprised after sitting and thinking for a while, and suddenly stood up.

"Liu Mingzhi, it's Liu Mingzhi!"

"What are you yelling for? Of course we know the name of that lord, he just said it himself, and you need to remind him!"

"No, have you all forgotten Liu Mingzhi? Ding Guogong, white-clothed Confucian Marshal, Generalissimo of the Western Expedition, Liu Mingzhi, the upcoming governor of the two prefectures, the official notices have long been posted all over the prefectural capitals of Yingzhou and Fuzhou! "

"Dingguo Gong? Liu Mingzhi! It turned out to be him, why is he in the restaurant?"

"Who knows, this is our famous young hero in Dalong. I didn't expect to see him today, and he is so humble and polite. No wonder he can be ranked among the top nobles of the dynasty at such a young age."

Liu Mingzhi didn't know that there were endless discussions in the restaurant after he left.

Otherwise, I don't know how I would feel. It turns out that my name is so famous in northern Xinjiang. I think I should be a little proud.

Life is nothing more than fame and fortune.

"Come here, come, the Governor is here, stand up one by one!"

The carriage stopped slowly, and Du Yu got off his horse, took out the imperial decree, and scanned hundreds of officials in Yingzhou who were wearing Zhu Ziqing's official robes.

"Emperor Dalong issued an edict."

"The sage ruled the world by relying on his famous ministers. The mutual market in Yingzhou is related to the national system and people's livelihood. It should not be underestimated. Liu Mingzhi, the Duke of Ding, was dispatched to Yingzhou to the north, and Fuzhou served as the governor of the two prefectures. The state takes over all important military and political affairs."

"Chin this."

"Your Majesty, I will see you, long live, long live, long live!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"The long history of Yingzhou is Yu Chengle."

"Yingzhou Sima Huang Shuo."

"Yingzhou don't drive Du Changqing."

"Ruan Gang, governor of Huazhou under the jurisdiction of Yingzhou Prefecture."

"Bao Wenliang, governor of Qizhou under the jurisdiction of Yingzhou Prefecture."


"Congratulations, Lord Governor Liu!"

After a cup of tea, the carriage remained motionless. Hundreds of officials from the Yingzhou Mansion who bowed and bowed looked at each other and secretly glanced at the carriage in front of the Governor's Mansion.

Many older officials already had a thin trace of sweat on their foreheads, and they wanted to reach out to pat their old waists but dared not.

Many old foxes glanced at Du Yu who was standing still holding the imperial decree and sighed silently.

Many people still don't understand that this is the new governor's slap in the face for himself and others!
(End of this chapter)

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