Chapter 1127

"Husband, are you bullying Sister Yun Shu again? She went to my concubine to sue, saying that you had something wrong with her."

"What's the matter? Husband, don't you think that concubines and sisters are not enough to satisfy you, husband, and you still want to take another concubine? I haven't had porridge for so long, are you trying to spend your time again? They say rabbits don't eat nests Border grass, why do you only pick and eat grass beside the nest?"

After half a stick of incense, Young Master Liu was sitting on a chair, rubbing the blood-soaked wound with powdered matcha tea, and cursing a man to come quickly and put Wenren Yunshu away from this scourge.

Qi Yun walked into the study with a pretty face and resentful lotus steps, her tone full of coquettish dissatisfaction.

My heart is full of jealousy towards my flirtatious husband.

All the beautiful wives and concubines in the family can't get enough to feed!He even wanted to mess with flowers.

Don't you have any doubts about your own strength?
Young Master Liu looked at Qi Yun who was standing angrily in front of him in astonishment, subconsciously raised his hand and pointed at him, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"As a husband, do you have an affair with someone surnamed Wen?"


Qi Yun nodded slightly, and gently sat half of her tender body on the table in front of Young Master Liu that had not yet been placed on the Four Treasures of the Study, showing her charming and charming body in front of her husband.

"Sister Yun Shu has been cursing non-stop since she left you. She gritted her teeth and kept muttering about Deng Tuzi. She even bullied my aunt. Among all the men in this family, who would dare to bully her except you?"

"Tell me, did you mess with sister Yun Shu?"

"I, I, my mother, are you not wronged? Is this young master crazy? Will he touch her?"

Young Master Liu stood up from the chair with a jerk, waved his fists that had nowhere to rest, and wandered around the room with an extremely tangled expression.

"It's really a woman's innate skill to fight back."

"This young master is the victim, okay? Why did she say that it was this young master who harbored ill intentions against her?"

"Is there still the law of heaven? Is there still the law of the king?"

"Miss, look at it. Open your eyes and take a good look. The crazy woman surnamed Wen bit my husband's wrist and bleed. I haven't said revenge yet? She's fine, she's fine, first Go and discredit your husband."

"If it's really cheap for my husband, it's fine. The key is that my husband didn't even touch her hand!"


Qi Yun snorted, and looked at First Young Master Liu carefully. Obviously, she believed Wenren Yunshu's words more than her husband's.

There is no way, Young Master Liu's character is really questionable, there is no need to say it outside, just say that there are several younger sisters in his family now.

It is obvious that the character of the husband has nothing to do with a gentleman, a typical playboy.

"If you didn't touch Sister Yun Shu, how could she bite you? I believe that Sister Yun Shu is self-defense!"

"No! Yun'er, the conscience of heaven and earth, we can't talk nonsense. Your husband's character is obvious to all. You said that there are so many delicate and beautiful flowers of yours at home, so why don't you pick them? Why do you have to go? Provoke a wild rose with thorns!"

Qi Yun put her arms around her chest, squeezing the already full front of her clothes to make it even more turbulent.

Lianbu lightly moved towards her husband step by step, Qi Yun stretched out her slender fingers: "First, does your husband have any morals? Concubine, sister, sister Lian'er, sister Wei'er, sister Yan'er, Shan'er Sister, Yinger, and the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin, how many are you counting on your fingers?"

"Uncle said a few days ago that your junior sister Huyan Yunyao, you also have an unspeakable affair with your junior sister behind your back, right?"

"I really don't have this one, I can swear to God for my husband!"

"Hmph! Trust you for now!"

Qi Yun snorted and glanced around First Young Master Liu, then raised her hand to poke Young Master Liu on the forehead.

"Secondly, don't you men think that house flowers don't have the fragrance of wild flowers? I have no doubt that you, a wild bee and butterfly, have malicious intentions on this delicate little wild flower, sister Yun Shu."

"That's right, the ladies are all from other people's family. You will lead me astray as a husband!"

Young Master Liu took a deep breath and looked at Qi Yun affectionately.

"Yun'er, you have to believe in your husband. If your husband moves a finger surnamed Wen, let me not drink porridge for a month. Is that okay?"

Qi Yun's eyes revealed a charming meaning, and she approached herself with her knuckles hooking Young Master Liu's skirt.

"Don't drink porridge for a month? If I used to think it was the biggest punishment for you when I was young and inactive, and made you look like you couldn't eat, you are heartless, but now the concubine gradually understands, you Are you wishing you could not drink porridge for a month? Ah!"

Young Master Liu's face froze, and his heart was beating non-stop. The lady is getting older, and she is not as easy to fool as before, and she can see through her heart all of a sudden.

Young Master Liu panicked a lot in his heart, but he still forced himself to be calm and shook his head hurriedly: "How could it be? What are you talking about, Yun'er? My husband can't wait to be tired of being with you guys every day, if it's not for my husband's business Busy, let alone three bowls of porridge a day, isn't this the emperor's life, can't help it?"

"It's the most cruel and inhumane punishment in this world for my husband not to touch you charming beauties for a month."

"If it wasn't for the first time in Yingzhou, you must be familiar with government affairs. My husband must take you and Sister Ya to have a few bowls of porridge, discuss feelings, and talk about life."

Qi Yun nodded the phoenix head with a half-smile: "Oh! It turns out that the husband cares so much about the concubines and sisters?"

"Of course, of course!"

"If it's not involuntary, my husband will definitely let you know what it means to be a loving couple. Isn't this the sin of eating the king's salary and sharing your worries?"

Qi Yun gave her husband a flirtatious look: "Okay, husband, I have wronged you, let me see your wrist, sister Yun Shu is really too, how can you speak so hard? It's bleeding, It really doesn't matter at all!"

"Yes, yes, look, the skin is bleeding from the bite, tell me that the husband didn't provoke her, and he didn't provoke her, and he bit him like a dog when he came up!"

"I thought about it for my husband. My husband is a man. If you don't know as much as a little girl like her, you will be bitten by a dog."

"I never thought that she would not only be ungrateful, but also beat Yun'er and sue you. This crazy woman really needs to be dealt with!"

Qi Yun gently stroked Young Master Liu's wound, and raised her eyes full of deep meaning to glance at her husband.

"My concubine never thought that sister Yun Shu would be so unruly and self-willed, but there must be a reason for what happened. Could it be that the former husband made sister Yun Shu unhappy?"

"How is it possible? The surname Wen lives in our house. We meet every day and we are together. Don't you know that I messed with her? This crazy woman is just looking for trouble."

"I don't see it in person! I don't know if my husband has heard of a folk proverb."

"There are too many folk proverbs, what did you say, Yun'er?"

Qi Yun took out a handkerchief and bandaged her husband's wrist, and looked at her husband with a long smile.

"The radish of the twelfth lunar month!"

"I know this sentence. My heart is frozen. Radishes with a frozen heart are not good to eat. Why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

Qi Yun exhaled lightly at her husband.

"From my own perspective, I'm afraid sister Yun Shu is the radish of this cold winter months!"

"Ah? How do you say it?"

"My heart is moved!"

"Ah? Yun'er, you have something to say!"


"what happened?"

"Didn't my husband just say that? To you, not drinking porridge for a month is the most inhumane expression in this world. I have been married to my husband for more than eight years, how can I be willing to see my husband suffer such torture."

"So, my concubine plans."

A bad premonition came to mind, Young Master Liu kept swallowing his saliva, his pupils clenched and his teeth were trembling as he looked at Qi Yun who was smiling enchantingly.

"What is it?"

"In order to compensate my husband, the concubine plans to let the sisters drink porridge with him for a month."

Qi Yun gracefully turned around and walked towards the door, looking back slightly at her husband with a "affectionate" smile.

"Let's start from today. The concubine is going to prepare first, and the husband must concentrate on handling political affairs."

With a bang, Young Master Liu slumped on the chair powerlessly, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the door with no love in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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