Chapter 1128
"Chen Tulu Valley see Dong Khan."

In the Khan's big tent in the Eastern King's Court of the Turkic Grassland, Huyan Junyao sat on the first king's chair made of animal bones as the main material.

Huyan Junyao was wearing a Turkic royal robe that combined grassland costumes and Han costumes. She wore a weird headdress on top of the black and beautiful black silk, and a long feather was inlaid on the headdress.

Huyan Yunyao changed her previous image of being pretty, flexible and witty in Dalong, like a female mountain king exuding a ruffian all over her body.

Those who didn't know thought it was the female bandit who occupied the mountain as the king!
Such a ruffian image, people who don't know it will never think that this is the commander of hundreds of thousands of cavalry, who has defeated the attack of Shibis Royal Court and dominated the eastern part of the grassland. Huyan Yunyao .

Lying on the king chair, the round and slender legs swayed rhythmically on the armrest of the king chair, and the lotus feet wearing cowhide boots seemed to have no place to rest.

With the frequency of Huyan Junyao's shaking, the feathers on the headdress also swayed without rhythm, and in the palm of Bai Nen's hand was playing with a cane that looked very different from the Central Plains cane.

Huyan Yunyao turned her head slightly, glanced at Tulugu who was kneeling on one knee on the light blanket below, raised her crystal white lotus root arm and stretched.

"General Tulugu, excuse yourself!"

Tulugu breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly stood up: "Thank you, Great Khan, Tulugu."

"General Tulugu, you rushed into the king's tent in a hurry, but what happened to the battle ahead?"

"Great Khan's eyes are like torches, and the Great General Pulling Khana sent a letter from the eagle shooter. The [-] soldiers and horses of the Kruqin Department in the Western King's Court have been provoking repeatedly for several days. Charge and take it down in one fell swoop."

"General Bahana is afraid that the Kruqin tribe of the Western King's Court will think that our Eastern King's Court is timid and dare not send troops against it, and launch a general attack on our western expeditionary army, and will not continue to approach the west for a long time, which will be very harmful to the troops. their morale."

"For a long time, the morale of the men of the Western Expedition is very low. They think that you are the Great Khan. You are"

Huyan Yunyao looked at Tulu Valley's hesitant appearance and narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly: "I think I don't dare to attack the dragon tent of Xiwangting, do you think I'm afraid of Xiwangting?"

"Yes. This is not what the minister said, it was passed on by the subordinates. General Bahana begged the Great Khan to come up with an idea as soon as possible to stabilize the morale of the army."

Huyan Yunyao exhaled softly: "Chop off the heads of those guys who deceived the public with evil words and cholera army spirit, and hang them on the flagpole to sacrifice the flag."

"Huh? Cut off the head?"

Huyan Yunyao gently picked up the small dirt between her fingers, and gently turned her white neck to look at Tulu Valley below: "Huh? Could it be that Ben Khan didn't speak clearly enough?"

"Clearly, I would like to obey the Khan's order!"

"Great Khan, please listen to the minister. Since the general who pulled Khan sent a message, there must be a problem with the troops in front. If you kill your own people at this time, I am afraid that the morale of the army will be even more lax."

Hu Yanyu, who was in the first chair at the bottom, got up and stood up, looking at Huyan Yunyao quietly, speaking words of admonition.

Huyan Yunyao raised her hand slightly: "Needless to say, the soldiers are strong and wise, and they cannot be defeated. They must be in advance. The morale of the army collapses, like Mount Tai is about to fall. Therefore, the foundation is unstable. The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest."

"Those who confuse the army's morale are the ant's nest of the army's foundation. If it is not eliminated, it will eventually become a big problem, and the pain will become a big mess!"

"Second brother, remember, kindness does not command soldiers!"

Huyanyu was taken aback, sighed silently and sat down on her chair, with complicated eyes, she glanced at Huyan Yunyao from time to time, wondering what she was thinking?
Sitting beside Hu Yanyu, the more mature and charming Yan Yu looked at Hu Yanyu, who was a little lost, and slowly clasped her white fingers, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Do you think your sister has become a little scary?"

Huyanyu glanced at Yanyu in surprise, then secretly glanced at Huyan Yunyao, silently shaking her head and not talking.

"Turu Valley!"

"Chen is here!"

"I ordered the great general Bahana to behead those men who were beheading the men who deceived the crowd, and immediately recruited troops to swallow up the [-] elite soldiers of Kruqin's tribe. Put on the clothes of the Kruqin tribe, and immediately lead the men to advance thirty miles, trying to avoid the sight of the Xiwangting troops and make a detour towards Heshuo!"

"Just make a detour outside the Heshuo Grassland, and don't want to conflict with Dalong's Northern Expedition Army."

"Three days later, in front of the local Great Dragon's Beizheng army, we will withdraw our troops straight to the East King's Court until we return to the King's Tent!"

"Yes, does the big man have any other orders?"

"Let's send a message!"

"Yes, Chen Tulugu is resigning!"

After Tulugu walked out of the king's tent in fear, Huyan Yunyao casually glanced at the leaders of dozens of tribes below: "If you have nothing else to do, go and train the offensive formation of the troops first, the grassland will not be far away !"

"Honorable Khan orders, ministers and others leave."

After dozens of chiefs left one after another, only Hu Yanyu and Yan Yu remained in the king's tent and did not leave.

Huyan Yunyao casually threw the scepter in her hand aside, kicked off her small cowhide boots with a smile, and walked slowly towards the sand table below with her tender lotus feet like flawless white jade.

Standing in front of the sand table, Huyan Yunyao waved a soft branch in her hand, bent her slender waist to carefully examine the camp on the sand table.

Hu Yanyu slowly stood up and walked towards Huyan Yunyao.

"Khan, your strategy of suspicious soldiers may not be effective against Wanbuhai, he is a veteran warrior who has experienced many battles, and you can see through your tricks with a little thought."

Yan Yu also walked over slowly: "Brother, my younger sister has never given an order that I am not sure about. Her move should be to let Wan Buhai think that the East and West Royal Courts have quietly united without Dalong's knowledge." stand up."

"In order to avoid a sudden attack from our East King's Court behind us, Wan Buhai will definitely lead the army to step up the offensive against the West King's Court. Before our East King's Court has sent troops, we will launch a fierce attack on the West King's Court with a thunderous momentum regardless of the cost. Attack."

Huyan Yunyao stretched, looked narrowly at Huyan Yuyanyu's couple, and threw the branch in her hand on the sand table.

"Second brother, sister-in-law, both of you are right, but you are not entirely right."

"There is a saying in the art of war, the strong soldier will defeat his generals, and the strong will defeat his feelings."

"Wan Buhai won't be worried about my private alliance between the Eastern and Western courts. Don't forget Yunzhou, Ganzhou and Heshuo are only a day away from the two cities."

"He wished that our Eastern and Western Royal Courts would combine to launch an offensive against him. At that time, as long as he judged the situation and resolutely gave up the captured territory and retreated to Ganzhou, we would be helpless."

"It will take a lot of time for us to attack Ganzhou with its tall walls with all our strength."

"The six guards of Northern Xinjiang who are big enough to encircle us. If Jin Guo takes advantage of the situation and attacks us, we still have a chance, but who can guarantee that the Empress will not change, let us resist the big dragon alone, and we will benefit from it. fisherman!"

"Then what are you betting on?"

"Bet Wanbuhai's lifespan!"

"According to the report from the spies, Wan Buhai almost didn't survive the last winter. It is said that he is often physically exhausted now, so he can only sit in command of the Chinese army. Carrying the coffin to go out and recovering the rivers and mountains is magnificent. I admire Yan Yunyao."

Huyan Yunyao looked quietly at the sand table: "You will cut down the strong man's love, my lord, I wonder if you can withstand the excitement of rushing to attack your heart?"

Huyan Yu and Yanyu looked at each other in astonishment, and they were once again shocked by Huyan Yunyao's talent in marching formation without a teacher.

Just like what Wen Renzheng said to Young Master Liu about Huyan Yunyao.

Naturally handsome.

"Report, here is a report to the Great Khan, there is a great dragon soldier outside the tribe, who claims to be the messenger of Liu Mingzhi, the governor of Yingzhou and the two prefectures, and came to pay homage to the Great Khan with a book written by Liu Mingzhi himself."

Huyan Yunyao's eyes lit up: "Liu Mingzhi?"

"Reporting to Khan, it is Liu Mingzhi's messenger."

Huyan Junyao's pure white palms clapped together suddenly, and she trotted towards the outside of Wang's tent, holding her skirt and not even wearing cowhide boots.

"Jun Yao's son-in-law, do you miss me?"

(End of this chapter)

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