My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1129 The Female Bandit

Chapter 1129 The Female Bandit

Hu Yanyu stared blankly at Huyan Yunyao who was trotting towards the outside of the tent.

He is a martial artist with profound skills, naturally he has sharp eyes and ears, he can see all directions and hear all directions, Huyan Junyao's secretly delighted and excited voice naturally did not escape Hu Yanyu's hearing.

"Golden knife son-in-law? When did it happen? Yunyao didn't say that I really didn't remember it. It seems that I haven't seen the prairie golden knife that Yunyao carried with me in the past two years!"

Hu Yanyu's complexion was extremely complicated, and she looked at Yan Yu, who was also slightly startled, with an expression of disbelief.

"What did Yun Yao just say?"

"Yun Yao's golden sword son-in-law!"

Hu Yanyu's pupils shrank slightly after receiving confirmation from Yan Yu's mouth, and became a little darker.

"Brother Liu, you really surprised Hu Yanyu, I hope it's just a misunderstanding."

Hu Yanyu murmured a few times and rushed towards the outside of the king's tent with her hands tied. Yan Yu hesitated for a moment and followed. Unsurprisingly, there was a trace of curiosity in Yan Yu's phoenix eyes.

Gossip is a woman's nature no matter what time it is, regardless of status or age.

"Mihamu, look at the armor on this dragon man, and then look at the armor on ours. It's a world of difference! I'm envious, I heard from the people in front that the cavalry of the Western King's Court did not charge at all. I can't break through the armor on the dragon man, and I don't know when our tribe will be able to replace it with such perfect armor."

"That's it, Bo Mutie, don't be envious anymore. Dalong is already famous for his skillful craftsmen. They have long been able to forge weapons made of refined steel. We are not even proficient in the art of forging iron."

"It is simply impossible to expect to trade high-quality armor from the Yingzhou Exchange, just like it is impossible for us to transfer high-quality war horses to Dalong."

"Mihamu, I'm just saying that the Kingdom of Jin is on good terms with us, but the armor that the Kingdom of Jin gave us is just something that their own soldiers don't like, but at least it's better than those of the Western Turks. Leather armor is much better."

"Of course, otherwise, at the same time, how could we, the grassland warriors, gain the upper hand repeatedly and defeat the Western Turks steadily, isn't it just relying on the strength of the armor?"

"When the Great Khan dominates the grassland, we can march southward, and all the good things will belong to our grassland warriors."

"The city, the fine armor, the delicious tea and wine, and the women whose skin is as tender as water are all ours."

"Don't say it, don't say it, my heart is going to jump out with excitement! After all, I also live in the grassland. The skin of my mother-in-law is incomparable to that of the Great Khan and the Second Princess. I will only tell you one People, don't talk about it."


"I was fortunate to stand guard outside the Great Khan's king's tent for a day. When the Great Khan passed by, his skin was as soft as water, and I don't know how to take care of it."

"My mother-in-law can grow up like this, it's worth my death!"

"Then don't think about it, your family can't bear to bathe with milk every day."

"How did you know?"

"My mother-in-law is serving the people around the Great Khan, so don't tell me that, otherwise, neither of us will have good fruit to eat!"

"Don't worry, in Dalong's words, we are grasshoppers on the same rope, I won't talk nonsense!"

Du Yu leaned on the fence outside the Huyanwangting camp, biting a weed and listening to the chatter of the two Turkic guards in the camp, smiling lightly and shaking his head from time to time.

"Invade the big dragon? You can add one piece of the Eastern and Western King's Courts. Otherwise, you will be destroyed as many as you like. If you are nomads, you will flee thousands of miles if you can't beat them. Where can you be presumptuous?"

"Wait until the 30 Western Region horses brought back by the commander-in-chief have been trained and trained, you can just wait and cry."

"The tiger can't catch up with the wolf, but it doesn't mean the tiger can't kill the wolf!"

"My son-in-law, where is the noble envoy of Liu Mingzhi, governor of Yingzhou?"

Du Yu, who was muttering, suddenly stopped when he heard Huyan Yunyao's crisp and gentle voice, stood upright, and looked in the direction where Huyan Yunyao's voice came from.

"Du Yu, the general of the army under the command of the governor of Yingzhou, has a meeting with the Great Khan of Taichang."

Huyan Junyao looked at Du Yu curiously, rolled her nimble eyes thoughtfully, and then looked at Du Yu suddenly realized.

"Aren't you the so-and-so from the official secretary Du's family?"

Du Yu was taken aback, looking at Huyan Yunyao in surprise, always feeling a little familiar, quietly looking at Huyan Yunyao and thinking about it for a while, Du Yu also remembered Huyan Yunyao's identity.

"Xinke No. [-] Scholar Hu Jun Hu Zhuangyuan? Are you a woman? Why are you in Huyan? You are Taichang Khan? You are a Turkic!"

"Why can't this Khan be a Turkic? Who stipulated that Dalong's new champion must be a Dalong!"

Du Yu was silent for a moment, looking at Huyan Yunyao with a complex expression as he took out the letter prepared by Liu Mingzhi from his arms, and handed it to Huyan Yunyao with both hands.

"Great Khan, the envoy has brought the letter from the governor, please read it over, the envoy will leave!"

"and many more!"

After Huyan Yunyao took the letter, she raised her hand to stop Du Yu who wanted to leave.

Du Yu turned around and looked at Huyan Yunyao in confusion: "I don't know what orders the Great Khan has?"

Huyan Yunyao put the letter into her sleeve, walked towards Du Yu, and hugged Du Yu's shoulder carelessly.

Du Yu was startled, and looked at Huyan Yunyao, who was hugging his shoulders and smiling, at a loss.

Huyan Yunyao didn't care about Du Yu's reaction, and patted the breast shield on Du Yu's armor like a dude molesting a decent woman.

"Young man, you are very strong. You are a guest from afar. Don't rush away. Go to Ben Khan's king's tent to have a glass of wine and eat some roast lamb. You don't even go through the gate and go back to Yingzhou. Khan doesn't know how to treat guests!"

"This envoy is rude. Thank you Great Khan for his kindness. The envoy has to go to work in a hurry. If you drink alcohol, there will be a chance for the envoy to visit the Great Khan again in the future."

Huyan Yunyao's face turned pale, and she stared at Datong Da: "Come on, come on, if you don't come, you won't give Ben Khan face, and besides, Ben Khan hasn't read the content of the document, in case Ben Khan agrees on the spot, You directly bring the message to you, Governor Liu, and Ben Khan of the province will send someone to waste time."

"Well, well, the envoy is no longer humble!"

"Let's go, Ben Khan will show you the customs and customs that are completely different from your Dalong's people's livelihood. This Dalong has the beauty of Dalong, and the grassland has its own beauty. An exhilarating feeling."

"Khan, it's better to let go of the envoy. If the subordinates of the Khan saw it, wouldn't the envoy be torn to pieces!"

"Don't worry, if Ben Khan is here, who dares to touch the envoy of Governor-in-law Liu, Ben Khan will eunuch him himself, making him unable to be a man for the rest of his life."

Du Yu took a glance at Huyan Yunyao, who spoke fiercely and behaved wildly, and swallowed involuntarily.

If it hadn't been confirmed, I really thought I had just admitted my mistake.

Is this still the polite and elegant No. [-] man in my impression?

Isn't this a living and illiterate female bandit?
(End of this chapter)

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