My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1130 2 Tigers Fight

Chapter 1130 Two Tigers Fight
"Young man, look, that's the territory where the Lu Department is stationed!"

"That is the territory where the Ilham Department is stationed."


Huyan Junyao let go of Du Yu, and stretched out her hand to introduce to Du Yu the rolling tents around the king's tent that could not be seen at a glance.

Huyan Yunyao called Du Yu's young man. If you really want to talk about age, Huyan Yunyao really doesn't see him. Du Yu's age is older. Every time Huyan Yunyao mentions the last place, Du Yu will watch carefully and take every Keep everything firmly in mind.

A smile rose from the corner of Huyan Yunyao's mouth: "Young man, it's useless. It's useless even if you write down everything. Our ranch will be relocated soon."

"Of course the king's account will also be relocated. It's just a waste of time for you to write it down."

Du Yu was taken aback for a moment, and glanced at Huyan Yunyao who was smiling evilly, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

No wonder he explained the layout of the royal court to himself without hesitation. It turned out that he didn't care whether he knew it or not.

Du Yu silently distanced himself from Huyan Yunyao, and he felt the same oppressive feeling from Huyan Yunyao as the general.

They are all existences with a dirty heart.

In order to avoid too much talk, Du Yu chose to answer Huyan Yunyao's question in a coping manner.

"Young man, how is your governor Liu doing? Isn't he doing well in the capital as the left servant of the household department? Why did he suddenly come to Yingzhou to serve as the governor?"

"As a subordinate, the envoy does not dare to speak out about your lord's affairs. The Great Khan forgives me!"

"Okay, Ben Khan understands your difficulties, so I won't ask any more questions. How is Governor Liu doing now? How many concubines have you found?"


Huyan Yunyao laughed softly: "Ben Khan is just asking casually. After all, from a close point of view, your Governor Liu is still Ben Khan's fellow apprentice. It is only a matter of course for the younger brother to know about the situation of the older brother."

"What the Khan said is that this is human nature."

Huyan Yunyao looked up at the blue sky and sighed melancholy: "Oh, it's been two years since we left the capital. If it wasn't for a chance meeting, Ben Khan should still be living a carefree life in Dalong. Life."

"It's a pity that the way of heaven is impermanent. After all, the heavens will let Ben Khan return to his hometown and come to the grassland again to prove to the people on the grassland that Ben Khan has been here before in this world."

"Life is alive, and from the moment of birth, it has its own mission, and Ben Khan's mission is to unify the grassland, and even unify."

"Hu Yanyu sees the Great Khan!"

"Yan Yu sees Da Khan."

Huyanyu, Yanyu and his wife happened to meet Huyan Yunyao who had already returned. In order to protect the honor of the younger sister, Huyanyu saluted naturally.

Although Yan Yu and Hu Yanyu have long been sworn brothers and sisters, they are still referred to as husband and wife in the Huyan royal court.

Hu Yanyu saluted, Yan Yu would naturally not lag behind.

"Free gift!"

After Huyanyu and his wife got up, they looked at Du Yu beside Huyan Yunyao with scrutiny.

Ok?There is no golden knife, it seems that this is not the golden knife son-in-law that the little sister said.

"Great Khan, Hu Yan dared to ask, where is the golden knife of the Khan, Hu Yanyu intends to be a craftsman to retouch the golden knife for the Khan!"

"The golden knife is given to the son-in-law chosen by Ben Khan himself!"

"Consort! Who is it?"

"Ben Khan has his own ideas about Ben Khan, you don't have to ask."

Huyan Yunyao glanced at Du Yu, taking advantage of the opportunity to cover up the matter of the identity of the golden knife son-in-law.

"Young man, let's sit in the king's tent with Ben Khan for a while!"

"The envoy listens to the order!"

What Hu Yanyu wanted to say was stopped by Yan Yu, Yan Yu slightly shook her head at Hu Yanyu: "Brother, don't ask any more, little sister obviously doesn't want to put that person's identity on the bright side."

"In order to avoid causing her displeasure, my younger sister suggests finding a suitable time to mention it cryptically!"

"Little sister is not just our little sister now, she is also the leader of Huyan Royal Court, Taichang Dong Khan."

Hu Yanyu silently looked at the backs of Huyan Yunyao and Du Yu: "Do you know, because of my mother, my elder brother naively thought that the grassland and the Central Plains could live in peace."

"But then the reality gave big brother a loud ear. Peace, like feelings, is never wishful thinking!"

"Isn't the slogan of the Wanbuhai North Expedition Army to expel the Hulu and recover the land? Hulu! We will always be Hulu in the eyes of the Han people!"

"Yunyao went to Dalong with the belief of peace, but in the end it still didn't stop the continuation of the war."

"Dalong can live in peace with the Miao people and these dozen or so ethnic minorities, why can't he tolerate us Turkic people?"

"Didn't the Han people pay attention to inclusiveness and tolerance? Didn't the five tyrants of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Seven Heroes of the Warring States period become Qin people?"

"Didn't the Chu people who fought between Chu and Han become Han people in the end?"

Hu Yanyu stared at the endless green grassland in the distance with mist in her eyes.

"Hey, the tragedy in my mother's life was caused by the flames of war!"

"Mother said when my eldest brother was young, it is enough for a person to distinguish the good from the bad. Are the others really that important?"

"Since we can't coexist peacefully, we must become stronger. Only with enough strength can we keep the Huyan Royal Court from being destroyed by the dragon and your golden cavalry."

"Even to unify the world, we will build a peaceful and unified country by ourselves."

"But now Yunyao has fallen in love. I'm not afraid that Yunyao will find a husband-in-law. It's time for her to get married at her age. But I'm afraid that if Yunyao is trapped by love, it will delay the great cause of the world."

"The most important thing I worry about is my old friend Liu Mingzhi."

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. When two tigers fight, there must be an injury. If the person Yunyao likes is really him, if he hurts Liu Mingzhi, Yunyao will regret it for the rest of his life. If Liu Mingzhi is not hurt, then she will be hurt. This is a dead end! "

"Because I was soft-hearted at the beginning, my decision to let Yun Yao go to Dalong to study without authorization may be really wrong!"

Yan Yu sighed silently: "Brother, I understand your worries, but emotional matters are the most unreasonable."

"It's like you, haven't you forgotten her after so many years? Just like my little sister, you haven't forgotten Fan after so many years."

"This is something that is unknown. If we can fly together, who is willing to be alone, waiting and suffering without knowing whether there will be any results."

"You must not block Yunyao's affairs, what should you think about it?"

"Otherwise, the relationship between you brothers and sisters may be broken. Only you can do this. She has always had a big prejudice against me."

Hu Yanyu silently turned her head to look at Yan Yu, with a complex expression on her face and an inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

"Since you have come to this point, I would like to take this opportunity to ask you, are you really unwilling to hand over the 25 cavalry from the twelve tribes under your command to Yunyao?"

"Hey, big brother, when will the soldiers and horses under your command be handed over to Yunyao?"

(End of this chapter)

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