My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1131 Senior Brother Has Changed

Chapter 1131 Senior Brother Has Changed
"Young man, eat, are you not giving Ben Khan face?"

Holding the wine glass, Huyan Yunyao pretended to be dissatisfied and looked at Du Yu who was staring at the roasted whole lamb in front of her in a daze.

Du Yu swallowed, feeling a strong longing coming from his stomach.

"Khan, does Bangshi roast a whole sheep by himself?"

Huyan Yunyao waved her hand nonchalantly: "Of course, if you say that food such as fine grains and fine grains can't satisfy you, but beef, mutton, and horse meat are enough, if it's not for the roasted whole cow, which is not cooked well, I'm sure you can't do it well." I have to give you a whole roasted cow to taste, eat as much as you want, and if you can't eat, take a few to eat on the road!"

"Isn't this just walking around because you can't eat?"

Huyan Yunyao was slightly stunned, and rolled her eyes a few times: "Whether you eat or not, you will be carried down if you don't. Let's focus on talking about your Master Liu!"

"Eat, the envoy is welcome!"

Du Yu has been eating dry food for the past few days in order to rush on the road. Du Yu has long been greedy, and he no longer pretends to be polite when he gets Huyan Yunyao's consent.

Raising the prepared scimitar, while sprinkling spices, slices of roasted golden brown, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

As for whether the Turkic people would poison him or not, Du Yu didn't care for a long time. The two countries were at war, and they didn't kill their envoys. Besides, Dalong and Huyan Royal Court were allies in name, so there was no need for them to poison themselves.

Furthermore, if Du Yu was afraid of death, he would not go deep into the hinterland of the grassland alone to deliver the letter.

Huyan Junyao looked at Du Yu who was devouring it, it should be said that he put it on the armor he was wearing, with a faint smile in his eyes, put down the wine glass in his hand, took out the letter from Young Master Liu from his arms, and slowly flipped through it. look.

Looking at the contents of the letter, Huyanyun Yao'e frowned slightly from time to time, with a hint of doubt, and finally showed a look of sudden realization.

It took half a stick of incense before Huyan Yunyao read all the letters in his hand.

Huyan Yunyao put away the letter, glanced at Du Yu's position, squinted her eyes with her hands behind her back, and started to pace slowly with her lotus feet on the precious carpet.

After an unknown amount of time, Huyan Yunyao's slightly squinted eyes suddenly returned to normal.

"My son-in-law, if you want Yunyao to help you restore Yingzhou's prosperous scene, it will be the same as before, what kind of price will you pay?"

"Will the restoration of the Yingzhou mutual market do more harm than good to Ben Khan, or does the benefit outweigh the harm?"

Huyan Yunyao pondered for a moment, then turned and walked down: "Young man, Governor Liu's documents are very important. Ben Khan is going to discuss with the troops. Wait for a while, Ben Khan will come as soon as he goes."

"Okay, sweaty, go slowly!"

After Huyan Junyao left, Du Yu slowly slowed down his eating speed, held up his wine glass and glanced at the surrounding guards standing in the king's tent.

"How do you feel that this woman wants to use this general to do something wrong with the commander? No, you must leave as soon as possible after getting the reply. I always feel that this woman is like the commander. host."

"That's right, brothers from the same sect have exactly the same personality, strategy, and disposition. It doesn't seem to be an accident."

Du Yu muttered for a moment, put down the wine glass in his hand, and started to gobble it up again.

The Turkic people don't eat for nothing. If the general eats more, the Turkic people will eat less.

With this in mind, Du Yu didn't care about the astonished eyes of the guards around him. Like a starving ghost who had never eaten in eighteen lifetimes, he pulled a piece of mutton into his mouth.

After Huyan Yunyao got out of the Wang Tent, she looked around and walked towards a tent that was next to the size of the Wang Tent.

"Brother, are you there? Can I come in?"

Hu Yanyu's voice came from the big tent: "Khan, please come in!"

Huyan Yunyao directly opened the curtain and entered the tent. Hu Yanyu was kneeling and sitting in front of a low table, with tea being boiled beside her. The whole tent was filled with a strong tea fragrance.

When Huyan Junyao came in, Hu Yanyu was holding a cup of tea, silently looking at the books on the low table.

Hu Yanyu looked up at the little girl who walked in with complicated eyes and nodded slightly: "Khan, please sit down!"

Huyan Yunyao sat cross-legged nonchalantly, one foot trembled restlessly again, she was even more of a ruffian than a ruffian.

"Brother, there are no outsiders who don't need to call my younger sister Da Khan. You can just call me younger sister or Yunyao directly. It sounds awkward for Da Khan to say it from your mouth."

It seemed that she was used to Huyan Yunyao's behavior, and Hu Yanyu didn't show any dissatisfaction.

Huyan Yunyao put down the teacup and lifted the pot and poured a cup of tea for Huyan Yunyao: "What's the matter? What problem did your good brother give you again? You need to come to me in person to discuss with me."

Huyan Yunyao took out the letter and put it in front of Hu Yanyu: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from my elder brother's eyes. My elder brother should read the letter from my younger sister and senior brother myself!"

"Little sister is a little bit hard to choose the pros and cons of it!"

Hu Yanyu raised her eyes in surprise and glanced at the little girl opposite, then picked up the letter with one arm and slowly flipped through it.

After Huyan Junyao drank a cup of tea, Hu Yanyu put down the letter in his hand: "Brother Liu is a good planner!"

"It is false to send troops, but it is true to appease the merchants."

"He just wanted a gimmick to let the merchants understand that the flames of war will not reach Yingzhou, and the three parties sent troops to protect the safety of the merchants along the way, but in reality it was just a show."

"It's just that the conditions given in this letter are too petty. Twenty thousand phoenix feather arrows and wooden feather arrows each are just a drop in the bucket for our Huyan Royal Court."

"Not only arrows, but also food."

Hu Yanyu smiled slightly, shook his head and looked at Huyan Yunyao: "Dalong lacks cattle and sheep, do we lack food? This food is just a dispensable thing."

"Besides, you senior brother, my brother Liu is obviously going to put us together."

Huyan Yunyao was slightly startled, and hurriedly grabbed the letter and read it carefully. Huyan Yunyao gently held the letter into a ball while cupping tea, and looked at Huyan Yunyao subconsciously.

"People suffer from few but not from equal?"

"Obviously, such a small amount of food is obviously going to cause chaos among the tribes in our royal court. On the day you proclaim sweat, you personally promised that all the leaders will enjoy the same blessings regardless of each other. There are many tribes in the royal court, big and small. One!"

Huyan Yunyao nodded knowingly: "Understood, if the food is the same regardless of size, the small tribes are satisfied, but the big tribes must be dissatisfied."

"Interesting, extremely interesting, my little sister's brother is really good now."

Hu Yanyu looked at Huyan Yunyao tentatively: "The intentions are sinister?"

Huyan Yunyao shook her head slightly: "No, it's cruel!"

"He was not like this before. He was very afraid of seeing bloodshed. Now he wants to wipe out hundreds of small tribes of my Huyan Royal Court with a single gesture. Isn't that cruel enough?"

"We are always enemies. One is strong and the other is weak. Only when one grows and the other grows can the big dragon rule the world more smoothly."

"It's just that Brother Liu's plan is not very clever. It should be said that he didn't even try to hide it from us!"

"Oh? Why? He doesn't worry about my little sister seeing it and rejecting the content above?"

"You will not!"

(End of this chapter)

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