Chapter 1138
Liu Mingzhi poured out the tea in the teacup, squinted his eyes and looked at Yu Chengle's disappearing back: "There are not many people who can interest me, you are the only one!"

Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup, checked his clothes and walked towards the main courtyard. As soon as he entered the hall, Liu Mingzhi burst out laughing.

"What kind of wind brought the chief executive here. My humble house is really full of splendor. It will be an honor for the chief executive to come and spread the word in the future!"

The head manager helplessly looked at First Young Master Liu who was walking towards him: "My son-in-law, our family is being polite. If you are a humble house, where else in the world would you dare call yourself Guangsha?"

The chief executive is called son-in-law instead of father-in-law, which is obviously closer.

Although addressing the father-in-law is respectful, it is somewhat alienating, and addressing the son-in-law is to treat Young Master Liu as a royal.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and sat on the first seat, waving to the Chief Manager: "Sit down, what happened, it's worth your trouble to ask the Chief Internal Officer to come to Yingzhou in person!"

The chief manager was not polite, and sat straight down until Liu Mingzhi took out a letter from his sleeve and placed it on the table.

"Your Majesty asked us to send you a letter, saying that it will help you, my son-in-law, to deal with the transaction. As for the specific content, our family does not know. Our family is a servant and can only run errands!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the letter on the table in surprise: "The letter or the will?"

"We don't dare to talk nonsense about this. It's better for the son-in-law to check it out for himself. After the letter is delivered, we should go back and reply to the order!"

"In such a hurry? At least stay for two days, let me entertain you as a landlord!"

"I appreciate the kindness of the son-in-law, but you must be busy when you first arrive in Yingzhou, so our family will not delay you. Your majesty will scold us when the time comes, and there will be more opportunities in the future. Master son-in-law, let us bid farewell!"

"Since Lao Zhou insists on leaving, I won't force you to stay!"

"Liu Song!"


"Get 500 taels of silver ticket for the chief manager. The journey is tiring and let the chief manager use some wine and food!"


Liu Song fumbled a few times from his cuff, took out a bank note and handed it to the Chief Manager: "Sir, please accept it!"

The chief stewards naturally put away the bank notes: "Thank you for your kindness, my son-in-law. Take care of your health, my son-in-law. Although my son-in-law has just left Beijing, Your Majesty misses my son-in-law very much!"

"After His Majesty returned to Beijing to attend court, he subconsciously called out the name of the son-in-law several times, and only later did he realize that the son-in-law had gone to the north!"

"My son-in-law, the frontier is bitter and cold, but it is no more prosperous than the capital. Take care, let's say goodbye first!"

"and many more!"

"What else is there for the son-in-law?"

"Liu Song, the Four Treasures of the Study!"

"Yes, young master, wait a moment!"

While cupping tea, Liu Song held the tray and placed the Four Treasures of the Study on the table in front of Liu Mingzhi: "Master, the Four Treasures of the Study!"

Liu Mingzhi thought for a while, then picked up a brush and started to write on the rice paper. After a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi put away the rice paper and put it in the envelope with an unspeakable expression.

"I'm here to give the letter to the father!"

The chief steward put away the letter and nodded slightly: "My son-in-law, don't worry, we will definitely bring it to you!"

"Let the royal father take care of the dragon's body, and the sons and ministers are not filial and cannot serve the royal father!"

"Okay, let's make a note!"

"Master Chief!"

"My son-in-law?"

"If you have free time, go to my father's mansion, and send a letter to my father and mother saying that the baby is all right, so that the two elders don't worry about it, they can miss the baby, and don't delay life because of the baby!"

The chief executive sighed silently, stared at First Young Master Liu with complicated eyes, fisted his fist without saying a word, and walked towards the door without looking back.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the chief executive's back with melancholy eyes and sighed faintly.

"We will meet immediately without paper and pen, and report safety with your words!"

"I will meet you soon without a pen and paper, and I will tell you that you are safe! Now that I have all the four treasures in my study, I have thousands of words in my heart but I don't know what to say!"

With Liu Mingzhi's eyes closed, Liu Zhi'an's lonely back and the sage's words recited flashed in his mind.

"Parents are here, if you don't travel far, you must have a way to travel, and you must have a way to travel!"

"Old man, mother, parents in the previous life, you all have to take care of your health, children are not filial, children are not filial!"

"Master, are you okay? Do you miss the master and wife?"

"My young master is fine, you go down first, no one is allowed to disturb me without my order!"

Liu Song worriedly looked at the young master with a gloomy expression and nodded silently: "Yes, the young one is waiting outside the door, and the young master ordered to summon him again!"

After Liu Song left, First Young Master Liu took out the letter that the chief executive put down and looked through it carefully.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi put away the letter with a complicated and playful expression.

"It's such a bright plank road to hide in Chencang, Yue'er, Yue'er, you are worthy of being a good daughter of Daddy, if it wasn't for the letter from the capital, Daddy really didn't know that you had sent an envoy in your name to send the documents for the reconstruction of the mutual market to the capital of Dalong .”

"And bluntly saying that you have already started working hard on the treasury's affairs, yet you still support Yue'er Shizi open-mouthedly and want to blackmail the young master!"

"You two are really my young master's nemesis. It's a pity that my wish is not fulfilled!"

"Yu Chengle's view of the big picture is true. Nothing is set in stone just after I said it, and it will come out when it doesn't change!"

"Since this is the case, the bargaining chip I thought about last night may have to be re-customized!"

Liu Mingzhi lingered in the main hall for a while, put away the letter and walked straight to his study in the backyard.

"Husband, what's the matter with you? Why do you look in a hurry?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yun Qingshi who was looking at himself suspiciously with a light smile, and raised his hand to pinch Yun Qingshi's beautiful Qiong nose: "Little fairy, you only rest when you are a child, my husband thought you were going to take a day off Why did you get up so quickly, you are frustrating my husband, even if you pretend, you have to lie down for a whole day, isn't it, this looks like a brave and domineering husband!"

Yun Qingshi was stunned for a moment with a blush on her pretty face, she raised her hand and lightly slapped her husband's arm: "Husband, if you talk nonsense again, I will get angry!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it for your husband, don't talk about it for your husband, take a bath first, go to the study for your husband to deal with some things, and stay with you when you are done with your husband!"


"What's the matter? Is there something else? Just say what you want to say, don't be bored in your heart if you have something to say, there is a husband for everything, and a husband will take care of it when the sky falls!"

Yun Qingshi's phoenix head slightly shook and hugged her husband's waist, and put her pretty face on her husband's chest and began to rub it!
"I want to tell my husband that I am very happy, very happy, I never want to leave my husband, I don't want to leave, and I am reluctant to leave!"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned and smiled lightly, raising his hand to caress Yun Qingshi's smooth and tender back: "Silly girl, as long as you don't feel wronged by following your husband, you will stay by my husband's side for the rest of your life and never leave!"

"If you dare to leave secretly without your husband's permission, your husband will have to tie you back, and then you will be severely punished with family law, a disobedient little fairy!"


Yun Qingshi looked up and stared at her husband's cheeks with bright eyes: "I won't leave, even if I die, and I will haunt you for the rest of my life!"

"Don't talk nonsense, there is no death, you haven't given birth to a child for your husband, and you haven't enjoyed the fun of having a son and a daughter, so if you are so depressed, you will be unhappy for your husband!"

Yun Qingshi smiled sweetly, tiptoed and pecked lightly on Liu Mingzhi's lips.

"The concubine understands, thank you husband, I will not delay my husband, next time it is my turn to serve my husband, I will definitely satisfy my husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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