Chapter 1139 Lockdown
Liu Mingzhi took out the fire folder and burned the letter in his hand into ashes!

"It seems that the father still doesn't know that Yue'er is my daughter's business, so Yue'er's safety will not be threatened!"

"It's just that the emperor asked me to investigate Yue'er's origin and life experience. Was it intentional or unintentional? Is it really curious about Yue'er, the princess of the Kingdom of Jin who suddenly appeared, or did he already know that Yue'er is my daughter, and he is deliberately trying to get along with me?" !"

"If you are really curious about Yue'er's sudden appearance, it is undoubtedly a good thing. You can cover it up with a little manipulation, and you will definitely not reveal Yue'er's identity easily!"

"If you are testing me, then where did the relationship between me and Yue'er father and daughter leak out? Besides the King of Shu and my confidants, who else knows that Yue'er is the daughter of this young master!"

"If it's the Red Dragon, it is said that he should be too busy to take care of himself in the matter of the dragon robe now, so how could he plot against this young master?"

Liu Mingzhi walked to the window lightly and made a few gestures, Qinglong Suzaku came hand in hand, and lightly landed in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"For Si Qinglong and Suzaku, see the young master!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you sir!"

"Qinglong, has anything unusual happened to the relevant department recently?"

"Returning to the young master, no, everything about the department is progressing in an orderly manner, especially the manpower is getting more and more sufficient, and the subordinates are planning to let the brothers of the Qinglong department go deep into the grassland and go to the Kingdom of Jin, otherwise it will only be limited to the large area. In the future, the development of related companies will be greatly constrained!"

"It's a good job, very far-sighted, give my brothers an order, without jeopardizing your own safety, try to pay attention to the situation of the Huyan Royal Court's troops stationed, Jin Guo should pay more attention to Yueer's affairs, and Jin Guo The situation of the King of Zhen Wanyan!"

"Yes! The subordinates have orders!"

"Suzaku, is there any progress on the situation with the King of Shu?"

"No, the news of the king of Shu wearing a dragon robe in the mansion has been spread around the Prince's mansion. The subordinates can be sure that the news has reached the prince's ears, but the news dissipated like a mud cow entering the sea without causing any waves. Disappeared without a trace as clouds and smoke!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned tightly: "No trace?"

"Yes, the subordinates can't guess what His Highness the Crown Prince is planning. It is said that the Crown Prince should pay special attention to the matter of the King of Shu stealing the dragon robe, but despite the information from spies these days, the Prince's side is not at all quiet. movement!"

"It's time to go up and down every day, and it's time to play and play, as if you don't pay attention to this matter!"

"Young Master, I know, closely monitor the Prince's Mansion and the movement of the Prince of Shu's mansion, and report any disturbances in time!"

"Suzaku obeyed the order, by the way, young master, the people sent by the Marquis of Guannei have already communicated with the King of Shu, but the King of Shu is very wary, and seems to be in a state of suspicion of the Marquis of Guannei, but now it is better than before. Much stronger!"

"This is in line with the character design of the king of Shu in my imagination. If it is really easy to penetrate into the heart of the king of Shu, I will become suspicious of him if I become his confidant!"


"Suzaku is here!"

Send a message to Zhutou: "There is a long way to go!"


"Suzaku, the capital has sent additional manpower. My young master will receive information about the capital every ten days! You all should step down first!"

"I have to order, this subordinate resigns!"

"Husband, are you there?"

Murong Shan's soft voice sounded outside the door, faintly carrying a hint of anxiety.

"Shan'er! It's my husband, come in!"

"Husband, Yixiong asked my concubine to send you a letter. See what he means. The matter is very urgent. Husband, please take a look at what happened!"

"Uncle's letter, are you still in a hurry?"

"Yes, Brother Yi told the concubine that she must personally hand over the letter to you."

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and his pupils were deeply condensed. It must be no small matter that would make Zhang Kuang, the Marquis of the Huguo, who has been through many battles, anxious. Liu Mingzhi did not dare to take the letter from Murong Shan without the slightest hesitation, nor Avoiding Murong Shan's presence, she directly took out the envelope and checked it.

A moment later, Liu Mingzhi's face changed with shock, and he suddenly clenched the letter and his fists crackled.

"A son of a bitch, isn't he afraid of being poked in the back?"

"Husband, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

"There are caravans secretly going to the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks to sell weapons and armor that are banned by the imperial court, especially there are eight ox crossbows and plate armor molds in them, which are extremely easy to imitate siege weapons and can be watered easily. Crafted armor!"

"What? Isn't this treason and collaborating with the enemy?"

"It's not about treason and collaborating with the enemy. The Ba Niu Jin Kingdom dreamed of it. Plate armor can be cast with only molds, which is simply the dream of Turkic people who are not good at smelting technology!"

"If these two things get out of the door, how many big dragon men will die tragically on the battlefield!"

"How did Brother Yi know about this? Even the six guards of Northern Xinjiang would maintain it and store it in the treasury when there is no war. Is it the exclusive weapon of Longwuwei? Ku lost the eight-ox crossbow?"

"See for yourself!"

Murong Shan hesitated for a moment, but in the end she turned to the letter in her husband's hand, and after a while, Murong Shan's crescent eyebrows frowned.

"The source of the letter and weapon was found on the body of the spy, and it is not clear whether it has flowed out of the city. What should I do? If it has been secretly transported out of the city by a caravan, husband, you have to bear the brunt of the unshirkable responsibility!"

"Is someone deliberately planning to frame you? Want to get rid of you when you first arrived in Yingzhou and your foundation is unstable?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the pavilions outside the door with an extremely gloomy expression: "It's possible, but it can't be ruled out that Jin Guo and Turkic paid a lot of money to lure them into taking the risk!"

"Plate armor molds and eight-ox crossbows can be obtained. The energy of the people behind the scenes is extraordinary. It should not be underestimated. Who on earth can do such a thing that shames our ancestors!"

"My daughter, who is my husband's own daughter, can't let go even if she wants to be a husband, but there are people who will collude with the enemy and treason for some interest. It is unbearable. Once I find out, my husband will be punished even if it is a leapfrogging. capital punishment!"

Murong Shan stomped her lotus feet separately: "What do these soldiers guarding the city gate do? You can't even check things like the Ba Niu crossbow. Are they all for nothing?"

"Shan'er, don't talk about it, it's not the fault of the soldiers guarding the city gate. The eight-ox crossbow is easy to disassemble, and it's no different from plopping wood. In addition, there are very few merchants now, so it's okay for the soldiers not to search carefully. Original!"

"What I am most afraid of is that there are internal agents in Yingzhou City!"

"Husband, what should we do now? If it's not possible, just pretend it didn't happen. As long as you don't tell Yixiong, no one will know that Ba Niu crossed from you!"

"No, it's not as simple as you think. As you said just now, what if someone deliberately framed me?"

"Even if it's not, if the molds of the eight-ox crossbow plate armor spread out, then make plans. If you don't go out to be your husband, you must not watch them spread outside the city!"

"Come on!"


"It is said that Du Yu will come to see me immediately!"


"Shan'er, go to your uncle first and tell him that this matter must be suppressed and not spread. Otherwise, if the caravan does not leave the city and things get serious, you must remind them!"

"And let Long Wuwei on the city wall assist me if necessary!"

"The concubine understands, the concubine will go right away, husband, you must be careful!"

"The last general Du Yu joined the adults. I have seen my wife!"

"Excuse me, Du Yu, immediately mobilize [-] soldiers belonging to the governor's mansion to secretly blockade the whole city. No one is allowed to enter and not to leave before the governor arrives!"

"Command Sima Huang Shuo to the Sima of the other state capitals to mobilize the government soldiers to seal off the city immediately."

"Those who forcibly leave the city will be detained on the spot, and those who use weapons will be killed!"


(End of this chapter)

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