My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1140 Will not remove armor

Chapter 1140 Will not remove armor
"Yun'er, put armor on your husband right away."

Liu Mingzhi walked into Qi Yun's room excitedly, stared blankly at the empty armored wooden frame before finishing a sentence, his eyes became extremely lonely.

Wearing armor, wearing armor, but this armor!

Qi Yun, who was tidying up the closet, smiled and closed the door: "Husband, you haven't been on the battlefield for so many years, where is your armor ready? Do you think you are still going to conquer the Great Yuan. Husband, what's wrong with you? Don't be scared." Concubine!"

Qi Yun turned around only to find that her husband looked at the shelf with something wrong, her expression flickered and hurriedly walked towards Liu Mingzhi, looking worriedly at her husband who was in a daze.

"It's nothing, let's find out my husband's royal robe!"

"Okay, the concubine knows it, husband, wait a moment!"

Qi Yun naturally noticed that her husband's expression was not right, fearing that it might touch the past in her husband's heart, she silently opened the closet and found a beautiful dress for her husband to put on.

Liu Mingzhi let Qi Yun tidy up his clothes, turned around and took off the Heavenly Sword placed on the table, held it in his hand and pulled out the sword body.

The blade of the sword is shining brightly, exuding a cold air, as if telling its past, telling its glory,

Liu Mingzhi touched Sen Leng's sword with his right hand with lonely eyes, and the finger was directly cut by the sword, and the dark red blood flowed down the sword.

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at the wound on his finger and sighed silently.

"It's been a long time since I drank blood. The Heavenly Sword has been completely buried in my hands, Liu Mingzhi. Master, this disciple has a heavy trust!"


Qi Yun's distressed and puzzled voice woke up Liu Mingzhi!

"Yun'er, guard the door of the house, I have to investigate a very important matter for my husband!"

"Husband, be careful in everything!"


Qi Yun'e frowned and meditated silently for a moment, her cherry lips parted slightly: "Yu'er!"

"Miss, what are your orders?"

"Invite my sister Qi Ya here, and tell me that I have something important to discuss!"

"Yes, Yu'er resigns!"

After cupping tea, Qi Ya came in gracefully and dignifiedly: "Yun'er, what's the matter? The girl Yu'er was in a hurry and didn't say why!"

"Sister, you have the best lightness kung fu among our sisters. My sister wants you to work hard and go back to the capital to bring back the armor that your husband used when he went west."

"Get the armor? If you don't fight, and don't go to war, what are you doing with the armor?"

Qi Yun gently raised her hand and caressed the armor wooden frame next to the closet: "The general does not take off his armor!"

"If I had known that my husband would never forget my sister so much, I should have taken all his old things with me. The armor you put on him now is not as good as the old armor he wore when he marched thousands of miles west, swallowed like a tiger, and was full of energy." armor!"

Qi Ya was stunned for a moment and then she came to a realization: "If a scholar is from ten thousand households, who said that a weak scholar has no blood, my sister will pack up her luggage and head to the capital!"

"Sister, thank you for your hard work!"

"Silly sister, that's also my sister's husband!"

"Big guy!"

After Liu Mingzhi gave Du Yu instructions, Qingzhuangjian heard a familiar address just as he climbed up the city wall without any publicity. He turned around and looked around for a moment, and immediately laughed lightly: "Cheng Kai! You bastard, it's been a long time not see!"

Cheng Kai knelt on one knee and clasped his fists in both hands, looking at First Young Master Liu loudly: "The last general Cheng Kai, see the commander in chief!"

"Get up, get up, Liu Mingzhi is no longer the Marshal of the Western Expedition, let others see how you think, today you are on duty to guard the city?"

Cheng Kai, who was fully armored, got up and looked at Liu Mingzhi excitedly: "Yes, it's the turn of the last general today, Commander, I haven't seen you for many years, everything is fine? Brothers miss you very much!"

Liu Mingzhi grinned and patted Cheng Kai's shoulder cheerfully: "I miss you very much too, my brothers. I have been in Yingzhou for ten and a half months. I wanted to go to Longwuwei camp to see you guys." These old people, but you also know that I am now the governor of the two governments, and I am very sensitive to rushing in and out of the frontier army camp. I met you by chance today, and I have met you, wait for me to say hello to the brothers!"

"Marshal, you will always be the brother of the brothers."

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

"Really handsome!"

"Brothers, look quickly, the commander-in-chief is here, it is really the commander-in-chief!"

"Longwuwei Vanguard Battalion of the Western Expedition Army, see the Commander!"

"See the commander-in-chief at the barracks in the hands of the sword and shield!"

"The right-wing guard of the Bow and Arrow Battalion sees the commander-in-chief!"

"See the commander-in-chief for the cavalry camp!"

Several groups of ten soldiers patrolling the city wall suddenly stopped one after another, watching Young Master Liu all knelt on one knee and saluted excitedly.

"Brothers, get up, get up, don't look like this!"

"You are my father, remember, Gengniu, Chen Huzi... listen to the order!"

"I am humble!"

"Lead all the brothers up!"


"The commander-in-chief has orders, brothers, get up!"

Thousands of soldiers guarding the city on the northern city wall all looked at Liu Mingzhi curiously. Apart from the Longwuwei who marched west with Liu Mingzhi, there were naturally many Longwuwei soldiers who did not know the identity of First Young Master Liu.

It was natural to be curious that the brethren were so respectful to this young figure.

Cheng Kai noticed Liu Mingzhi's frown slightly, and immediately understood that the commotion caused by the movement made the commander-in-chief unhappy.

Cheng Kai took a deep breath and waved the black command flag in his hand frequently.

"Concentrate on defending the city, and those who dare to dereliction of duty will serve with military sticks!"

"General Cheng has an order, and those who dereliction of duty will serve with sticks!"

The messenger ran around waving the command flag, and the calm on the north wall was restored. No one looked at the tower, and all focused on the Shanhaiguan outside the city.

"Gengniu, you bastards, look at the movement you sons of bitches are making, next time you dare to be so careless and careless, I will run to kill you, you bastard, don't think that I am not your big brother now If you are handsome, I dare not punish you!"


Geng Niu looked at First Young Master Liu in embarrassment: "Marshal, we know we are wrong, isn't it because we haven't seen Marshal for such a long time, and I'm a little excited to see him suddenly! Marshal, don't be as knowledgeable as us!"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head sideways and looked at the people behind Geng Niu, his expression became more complicated.

Although I haven't seen each person's face for two years, they are still very familiar.

Like many soldiers buried in the Western Regions, I couldn't even remember their names, but they followed me without complaint to thousands of miles of yellow sand to conquer the 38 countries in the Western Regions.

Liu Mingzhi clasped his fists in both hands, and saluted everyone respectfully: "Brothers, Liu Mingzhi is being polite, you have worked hard on the frontier!"

"Master, don't do this!"

"Big guy!"

"Master, we can't afford it!"

"Brothers, Liu Mingzhi is guilty!"

"Marshal, be a soldier! Isn't that what he looks like?"

"Yes, Commander, my brothers have no complaints at all. If we can fight with the Commander, even if we see our ancestors, the brothers can pat their chests and proudly say that we are the soldiers of the Longwuwei Western Expedition under the command of Generalissimo Liu Mingzhi of the Western Expedition. !"

"What's more, we are not afraid of our ancestors seeing Lord Yan!"

"The older generation has said that when we serve as soldiers, our heads are pinned to our trouser belts, and our bodies are stained with blood! Even ghosts and gods are afraid of us!"

"Marshal, brothers are going to patrol the city first, don't forget what you promised brothers!"

Geng Niu and others walked past Young Master Liu with their heads held high, and smiled cheerfully at Young Master Liu with solemn expressions.

"Marshal, after 18 years, take the brothers who died in the past to go to war!"

"We'll wait for the commander to summon us at any time, and then we'll kill him ten to nine times and never return him. He won't retreat in a deadly battle. That's great!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the backs of Gengniu and the others as they went away, tightly clutching the Heavenly Sword in his hand.

"Let's go again, great!"

(End of this chapter)

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