Chapter 1141

"Marshal, please tell me above the tower, I haven't seen you for more than two years, I will miss you so much!"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment: "Can you see the city gate from the tower?"

"It's clear, Commander, please!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at the city. Du Yu is leading the Governor's Mansion's personal soldiers to start deploying tight inside and outside loosely at the city gate. It seems to be no different from the previous defense changes, but with Liu Mingzhi's experience, he can see the surroundings at a glance. There are at least five hundred soldiers and horses hidden in the houses.

Long Wuwei received the craziness' signal, and turned a blind eye to what happened under the city tower, completely as if it hadn't happened.

The pockets are ready, just waiting for the group of caravans hiding eight-ox crossbows and plate armor molds to go out of the city by themselves, but has this caravan already left the city, is it still in the city? Mingzhi didn't even have a clue in his heart.

"Go up and talk about the past, let's talk about the past!"

Under the leadership of Cheng Kai, Liu Mingzhi went up to the city tower, found a fence with a clear view and sat down, so that he could observe the situation of the city gate by turning his head!

"Commander, you can't drink alcohol even if you are on official business, please prepare a cup of thin tea, please don't mind, Commander!"

"Drinking tea is good. Drinking tea improves eyesight and refreshes the mind. I cultivate my body and mind. The older I am, the more I like drinking tea. You can sit down too. Don't be cautious. You can call me whatever you want in the future. Don't call me Dashuai again!"

"Master Liu, the general is still used to calling you Marshal. Don't worry, Marshal, I will call you Master Liu outside. Don't be so alien to us brothers!"

"Compared to Zhou Baoyu, Duan Buren, Ning Chao, Ye Baotong, and Feng Buer, they will be the ones who have been with you the longest. Bandits, followed by the conquest of the Western Regions, the last general has always served under the command of the general, so I am not used to suddenly changing the name of the last general!"

"Okay, don't call me Marshal in front of outsiders, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble!"

"How are Zhou Baoyu and the others? Do you have many correspondences with each other?"

"We will contact each other by letter every once in a while, and we also want to write letters to the commander-in-chief, but as the commander-in-chief said, the generals of the frontier army have close correspondence with the important ministers of the DPRK and China. The intimacy of the relationship is not to you, the commander-in-chief. What a good thing, in the end we can only suppress the thoughts in our hearts, and hope that the commander-in-chief can understand the difficulties of the brothers!"

Liu Mingzhi drank the water in the teacup in one gulp, stared at Cheng Kai with wide eyes pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Who do you think I am so stupid? I have trained you to death on the way back from the Western Expedition at such a young age!"

Cheng Kai was not angry when he was scolded, but scratched his head with a smile.

"Marshal, listening to you swearing is very comfortable and kind!"

Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly: "Bitch, you are the first one to scold me! How is Feng Buer doing in Feiyingwei now?"

"Life is very comfortable, just like the last general, all of them are getting rusty, it's not like Zhou Baoyu Duan can't bear them in Ganzhou and Yunzhou, and occasionally they can fight teeth with people from Western Turks!"

"Don't be dissatisfied, you bastard, isn't it good to have a life like this? You have to go to the battlefield to see blood to be happy, right? Be careful that one day you bastard will be pierced to death by thousands of arrows, and you will be shot into a hornet's nest. I think I won’t even recognize the corpse if I collect it for you!”

Cheng Kai's smiling face suddenly darkened, and he sat cross-legged in front of Liu Mingzhi, slowly stroking the horizontal knife in his arms with both hands, and looked at Shanhaiguan outside the city with faint eyes.

"The last general has fought back and forth for half his life. He used to fight against the Dulu tribe and the Kingdom of Jin. Later, he returned to Beijing to lead and train recruits!"

"Then Qingzhou, Jiangnan, the countries of the Western Regions, and Yingzhou have already passed the days of fighting and killing!"

"Returning to the general's command, life is stable, but the last general has not had a good night's sleep in the past two years!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Cheng Kai in surprise, "Are you sick?"

"I'm not sick, but I can't sleep well if I can't hear the sound of gold and iron horses every day. The last general wipes the knife. This knife is wiped over and over again, and it is always useless!"

"How can the last general not know that fighting means death, and it means that the brother who was talking and laughing with you in the morning may become a corpse in the blink of an eye."

"But the final general can't do anything except know how to fight!"

"When there is a war, people are afraid of death, but when there is no war, those who are idle are bored!"

"The last general is also an old man of Longwuwei. He has half his life as a soldier. I really don't know what he can do after his half life is disarmed and returned to the fields!"

"My wife Gao Tang also came to Yingzhou from her hometown, but the general still feels that life is muddled. I'm afraid that the weapon in his hand will rust, and I don't know if I will go to the battlefield again before I am disarmed!"

"If you think about it, even if you die in battle, seeking a title for your descendants is better than living in a daze after being disarmed!"

"Don't you believe it if you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll slap you with a big mouth?"

"The last general believes, the commander-in-chief will believe everything the general says!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Cheng Kai helplessly: "You are a thing that cannot be supported by mud! How is Jiang Lei now?"

"He was transferred to the northern Xinjiang army to serve as the general of the artillery. After all, Jiang Lei is a veteran who came out with the commander. Some time ago, he asked the scouts to bring a letter to the general!"

"Bring the letter! That's good, that's good. Bringing the letter means that you are still alive and well. How much have you been transferred from my brother Long Wuwei who is going west?"

"[-] cavalry, I heard from Jiang Lei that there are still more than [-] cavalry left, which is more serious than those lost in the Western Regions!"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes darkened, his lips twitched and he didn't know what to say.

"Commander, watch out! The Western Expedition, we captured the next country and blocked the news, so it went so smoothly, and the Western Turkic Army is the two armies, you attack me!"

"In the Western Regions, we are attacking the city. Half of the city wall will collapse if a round of artillery goes down. It is a field battle with the Turkic people on the grassland. The advantage of the artillery can't be used at all!"

"I heard from Jiang Lei that some Turkic people can already judge the direction of the shells based on the sound of the cannons, and the lethality of the explosive shells is also decreasing day by day!"

"It seems that Lord Wu has already planned to cancel the artillery camp, replace all the light cavalry, and shift the starting point of casting shells to making arrows!"

Liu Mingzhi was startled and hurriedly stood up: "No, the artillery can't be canceled no matter what, you have to go through actual combat to make up for the lack of artillery step by step, and find the shortcomings in actual combat."

"Commander, there is no way, unless the artillery is more powerful and lethal, so that the Turkic people can't find the law of the artillery landing, otherwise the artillery will not be of much use in field battles except for siege. , and waste men and horses to protect their positions."

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi frowned tightly and fell silent, rubbing his forehead tightly with both hands and meditating.

Cheng Kai didn't bother him when he saw this, he glanced at the calm city gate and turned his attention to Shanhaiguan in the distance.

For a general who has been a soldier for half his life, maybe he can feel more at ease if he doesn't go to battle to kill the enemy!

"Have it!"

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Mingzhi suddenly slapped the tea cups on the low table, and the tea cups were blown away.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

"I thought about it, the cannon without conscience is powerful enough, it is definitely a nightmare for cavalry!"

"What's more important is that the enemy doesn't know where to hide once the gun is fired!"

Cheng Kai's eyes brightened: "Could it be that the shells cover the entire range?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head resentfully, his eyes a little embarrassed.

"Because we may not be able to guess where the shells are flying, but the power is definitely strong enough, one shot is a big piece!"

"I don't know where to fly? Is it reliable?"

(End of this chapter)

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