Chapter 1142
Young Master Liu looked at Cheng Kai's suspicious expression and stood up righteously.

"Please don't sound suspicious. I have been thinking about how to restrain the cavalry these days, and now I finally have a clue!"

"Master! It's nothing. Nothing?"

"Heartless cannon!"

"Yes, can this heartless cannon really restrain the enemy's cavalry?"

"Of course it can. The barrel is easy to cast. If it is useless, replace it with a new one. Replace the shell with an explosive pack. Although the range is a little shorter, the power is doubled. The most important thing is to save money!"

"Such discarded swords and armor don't need to be piled up in the warehouse at all. Take them out of waste and use them to cast unscrupulous cannon barrels."

"I'll tell you that you don't understand, but you will understand when I figure it out!"

"Cheng Kai!"

"The end is here!"

"You go about your work first. Today you are on duty for a long time. You don't see what people look like. You know what I want to do. Tell the Longwu guards on the city wall, just do it as usual, don't Being noticed by some people is something troublesome."

"Okay, the general is going to supervise the army first, the commander must not be polite to the general if he needs anything!"

"Got it, don't worry!"

After Cheng Kai left, Liu Mingzhi stopped at the attic of the city tower and watched every move at the city gate quietly.

Many caravans didn't seem to notice anything unusual at the city gate, and left the city in an orderly manner under the inspection of the guards.

Liu Mingzhi was quite satisfied with this point, as long as there were no crowds at the city gate, once something major happened, the city gate could be closed immediately.

"The humble Du Yu sees the adults!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and turned his head to look at Du Yu who had climbed the tower at some point: "Excuse me!"

"My lord, you clearly ordered the closure of the city, why did you let the caravan leave the city again? What if those people are caught in it?"

"The gates of the city are all sealed. Don't you tell those people that it is inappropriate to go out of the city now, and they must hide in the city?"

"Since this is the case, why do you still want to lock down the city? What's the difference between closing the city once and unblocking it!"

"It's a big difference! Do you know what it means to startle the snake?"

Du Yu thought about it for a while, and immediately looked at First Young Master Liu with understanding: "I understand, you are deliberately letting those secretly traffic in prohibited weapons."


"If you don't see it through, let's watch it carefully with Ben Du. As long as these guys haven't left the city, they will definitely go with the flow! The more they stay in the city, the more hopeless they will be in their hearts!"

"Humble job understands!"

Liu Mingzhi stood with his hands behind his back and carefully observed every caravan that was about to leave the city: "Is there any behavior in Sima Huangshuo's disobedience? Has the governor's order been spread?"

"I don't know about the last general. Master Huang said he would make arrangements. The last general was in a hurry to seal the city and didn't interfere too much with Master Huang's affairs!"

"Then give it a try. If you can use it, you can use it. If you can't use it, you can retire and return to your hometown. The official who dares to obey the governor will never let him stay in Yingzhou to fight against me!"

"I understand, my lord, when are you going to visit Fuzhou?"

"After dealing with the affairs of Yingzhou, if I don't show up all the time, I will be too unreliable as the governor of the two prefectures. As an official, An Min should go down with this governor as soon as possible!"


Liu Mingzhi trotted all the way and ran under the city wall at high speed.

Sun Mingfeng was leading a group of personal soldiers to search the goods of a caravan, and Liu Mingzhi walked up slowly.

Although Du Yu didn't understand what was going on, he still subconsciously held his hand on the handle of the horizontal knife, carefully guarding Young Master Liu's side.

Sun Mingfeng handed the document of the Ministry of Households to a fat middle-aged man: "Go, if you dare to forget the banner of the caravan next time, this general must give you a long memory!"

"Yes yes yes, Caomin will definitely bring it next time, definitely bring it, thank you general for your generosity, little silver is not a respect, take it for tea!"

Sun Mingfeng entrusted the money in his hand and put it away: "Assuming you know how to handle affairs, run your business well, and don't traffic in businesses that are prohibited by the imperial court, otherwise it will be a serious crime of ransacking your family and exterminating your family!"

"Yes, yes, thank you general for your teaching, the grassroots will leave!"

"Well! Let's go!"

"and many more!"

Sun Mingfeng was taken aback and hurriedly saluted: "Sun Mingfeng sees your lord!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you sir!"

"Grassmen, see your lord!"

The middle-aged man looked at First Young Master Liu tremblingly, and hurriedly saluted!

Du Yu touched the old man Sun Mingfeng with his arm: "I've been with you for so long, don't you know that caravans that don't join the household department to issue a company name and banner will be strictly investigated? We will see how the adults deal with you later!"

Sun Mingfeng looked at Du Yu in embarrassment: "Boss, I checked strictly, and all the goods were unloaded. There is no prohibited thing at all!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and looked at the chubby middleman: "You don't need to be polite, why don't you put in the banner of the caravan?"

"Reporting to my lord, the Caomin originally brought the banner, but it was lost on the way, and I haven't had time to report to the yamen affiliated to the household department. After the goods are sold this time, the Caomin will go to apply for the banner immediately!"

"It turns out that's the case. Be careful in the future. Firms that don't reveal their identities are easy to be interrogated!"

"The grass people will do it when they go back, and they will do it when they go back!"

"Have you brought the customs clearance document issued by the Ministry of Households?"

"I brought it, I brought the document!"

The fat middle-aged man hurriedly took out a document from his sleeve and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the goods of the ten ox carts, opened the documents and examined them carefully, Liu Mingzhi carefully checked the documents and there was nothing abnormal, then raised his eyes and glanced at the fat middle-aged man.

"Meng Hecai, the Meng family business in Yizhou!"

"Exactly, Caomin is Meng Hecai!"

"What goods are sold?"

"Silk, tea, utensils!"

Liu Mingzhi returned the document to Meng Hecai, and turned to look at Sun Mingfeng: "Mingfeng, have you checked everything carefully?"

"Reporting to my lord, I have checked, and the utensils and tea have been carefully inspected one by one. There is no prohibited item!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and returned the document to Meng Hecai: "Can I inspect your goods again?"

"Yes, yes, you can check as many times as you want!"

"Thank you, Boss Meng, for your understanding. This officer is also responsible. Du Yu, Ming Feng, let the brothers unload the car!"


"Brothers, unload all the cargo!"


More than 20 personal guards guarding the city gate moved all ten carts of goods down, and all the guards of the caravan surrounded the shopkeeper Meng Hecai tremblingly.

Although he was scared, he didn't lose face too much, and he knew to protect his boss!

"My lord, all the goods have been unloaded!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, walked towards the goods, picked up a piece of high-quality silk and looked through it.

Half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi checked the batches of silk thoroughly one by one, and there was indeed nothing mixed in.

The tea leaves and utensils were also opened in piles by the soldiers, and they were neatly placed on the ground. Liu Mingzhi touched and knocked and found nothing wrong. They were indeed very common goods.

Liu Mingzhi put a piece of tea in his mouth and chewed it. It was an ordinary Longjing tea!
Liu Mingzhi straightened up and glanced at all the goods again. He didn't find anything wrong at all, so he let go of his guard.

Maybe I really think too much.

"Du Yu, let the brothers restore Boss Meng to the original state and load the car out of the city!"


It took half a stick of incense again, and the bundled silk tea utensils were loaded into the carriage by the soldiers.

Liu Mingzhi leaned against the city wall, looked at the caravan behind again, and frowned slightly. Could it be that the eight-ox crossbow and the mold had already been transported out?
"My lord, can the grass people leave the city?"

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, looked at Meng Hecai who was sweating on his forehead with a light smile, obviously he was quite frightened.

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted Meng Hecai's shoulder: "You can go out of the city now. It's your duty. You must be strictly investigated. You are shocked. Wipe off your sweat!"

Meng Hecai wiped the fine sweat off his forehead with his sleeve: "It's all right, Caomin has never experienced this kind of battle, I'm afraid that if something should be found in the goods, Caomin is completely relieved now, Caomin has resigned !"

"Good, business is booming!"

"Thank you, my lord, farewell to the grassroots!"

"Brothers, get out of town!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed regretfully, walked in front of Sun Mingfeng and patted him on the shoulder: "Work hard, I will go to the tower first!"

"Yes, the humble position is ordered!"

Du Yu looked at Sun Mingfeng happily: "It seems that you really did a good job of investigating, boy! I'm going to accompany you to the city wall!"

Liu Mingzhi slowly climbed towards the tower, Mu Ran Liu Mingzhi stopped, and raised his right hand to look.

"What's wrong, sir?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned and raised his right hand to pat himself on the shoulder, with some doubts in his eyes, he patted Du Yu's shoulder again and pondered for a moment, his face suddenly changed.

"Quick, stop that caravan!"

(End of this chapter)

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