My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1143 Reselling the Country

Chapter 1143 Reselling the Country
Du Yu was stunned and immediately reacted and turned to Sun Mingfeng at the city gate to issue an order: "Mingfeng, let the brothers stop the caravan immediately, and they must not be allowed to leave the city!"

Although Sun Mingfeng didn't understand the reason, he still pulled out the horizontal knife from his waist: "Seal the city gate!"

In an instant, the guards guarding the city gate quickly took down their crossbows and pointed at the Meng Hecai caravan who had just entered the city gate, while the four guards struggled to close the heavy city gate!

"All of you put your heads together and squat down facing the city wall, otherwise, be careful that the crossbow arrows in the hands of the military master will not recognize you!"

"You! What do you want to do? You'd better squat down honestly, don't compare your speed with the crossbow arrows!"

Meng Hecai winked at the guards in a panic: "Quickly listen to what the military master said and do it honestly. We haven't broken any law. There is nothing to be afraid of. We all squat down!"

Dozens of guards in the caravan squatted obediently when they heard the boss's order. Only one of them, a middle-aged man in his 30s, glanced at the soldiers of the governor's mansion who appeared around him with a gloomy look. Squatting down with a little worry and unwillingness.

"My lord, did something happen, why did you stop others?"

As soon as Liu Mingzhi walked down the city wall, Sun Mingfeng came up, looking at Liu Mingzhi with a puzzled expression on his face.

The search was also searched, and it was searched twice. Why did everyone stop before they were about to leave.

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer Sun Mingfeng directly, but gave him a calm look and walked in towards the city gate, and then walked directly towards the caravan owner Meng Hecai.

"Boss Meng!"

Meng Hecai slowly got up and looked at First Young Master Liu tremblingly, beads of sweat dripping down unceasingly: "My lord, are the grass-roots traffickers something that shouldn't be trafficked?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Meng Hecai indifferently: "Boss Meng, is it very hot? The stone tools are heavy!"

"It's heavy, but it's a bit airtight and stuffy. How does your lord know that Cao Min is wearing stone tools?"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Meng Hecai who was looking at him calmly with uncertain eyes. He never thought that he would admit it so frankly, which had nothing to do with the result he thought.

Ordinarily speaking, at least to quibble, and then be exposed to the truth by the intelligent self, to set off the tall and glorious image of yourself, isn't this the halo treatment for yourself as a time traveler?
"Don't you quibble?"

"Why are the grass people sophistrying? The grass people are indeed wearing stone tools!"


Young Master Liu looked at Meng Hecai who didn't play cards according to common sense, so that his organized thoughts were disrupted.

"Take off your robe!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Meng Hecai untied his belt and took off his robe without hesitation, revealing two not-so-heavy deck molds, which were tied to Meng Hecai's body with ropes like armor.

Liu Mingzhi stared at Meng Hecai cautiously, the Heavenly Sword in his hand was ready to be unsheathed at any time: "Where did you come from this stone tool?"

"Boss Chang Yun Shuchang gave it to Cao Min. He wrapped up all the goods on Cao Min's car. He said that I would help him deliver the goods to the outside of Shanhaiguan. It is chaotic outside the pass. Wearing stone tools is better to be prepared."

"Cao Min is very uncomfortable to wear, but Boss Chang is a big customer of Cao Min, and it is also a good intention, so Cao Min put it on!"

"Where is Chang Yunshu from? Is he in the city now?"

"I don't know. He directly gave Caomin 3 taels of silver bills, saying that it was the goods plus shipping costs. Caomin thought about who to sell the goods to, let alone such a big customer who paid for the goods first, so he didn't ask him. Identity, this is also the first time I have dealt with him!"

"It's been so long since I haven't had a good business, and it's hard to come across such a smooth business. Once the money is in hand, the grass people don't think so much!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the ox cart loaded with goods: "Did you really lose your banner by yourself?"

"How dare the grassroots deceive the adults, the banner was really lost accidentally!"

"Can you still contact Chang Yunshu?"

"He said he would wait for the grassroots outside the pass, so he found one."


When the sound of sword chant came, Liu Mingzhi swung his sword and slashed away, and with a jingle, the heavenly sword stopped directly in Meng Hecai's face, less than five fingers wide.

A sleeve arrow radiating blue light was directly intercepted by Liu Mingzhi's sword, and it fell to the ground. Meng Hecai came back to his senses and collapsed on the ground, looking in horror at the poisoned sleeve arrow that fell at his feet.

"Don't move! Shoot the arrow!"

The sound of arrows piercing through the air resounded frequently in the city gate, and the arrows jingled and shot onto the wall bricks.

A silhouette rose and fell rapidly among the guards, causing many soldiers holding crossbows not to dare to shoot arrows easily, for fear of accidentally injuring their brothers.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Meng Hecai, who was not injured except for being frightened, raised his sword and chased after that figure.

"Mingfeng, watch Meng Hecai!"


"Brothers, follow me. Out of the city gate, the arrows will rain down on you, blocking the way out for the thieves!"

However, the situation was different from Du Yu's expectation. After leaving the city gate, Du Yu saw Liu Mingzhi frowning and looking at the empty street. The figure had already disappeared without a trace.

"My lord, where are people?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly: "What a brilliant lightness kung fu, I don't know where the governor has gone just after he left the city gate. Did the brothers shoot him?"

"No, he used his body skills to shuttle freely between the brothers, and the brothers dared not shoot arrows at all!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed regretfully: "It would be great if Sister Ya was here, what a pity!"



"Take everyone and their goods to the backyard of the Governor's Mansion. Be sure to keep their lives safe. Send someone to notify Sima Huangshuo. Search the city for people without household registration, check everyone's credentials, and arrest them if something is wrong! "


"Du Yu, let's go back to the Governor's Mansion first!"



Just as Liu Mingzhi put his sword into its sheath and was about to leave, he looked at a caravan slowly approaching across the street with a strange look on his face.

"Li Shu!"

Liu Mingzhi murmured softly the banner of this caravan, and waved to Du Yu with a smile on his face: "Stop them!"


"Come with me, brothers, stop the caravan ahead!"

"Bold, what do you want to do? This is an official businessman of the imperial court, a caravan under the name of His Highness the King of Shu. Do you want to attack the imperial court?"

Du Yu was taken aback, looking in surprise at a white-faced middle-aged man with a sharp voice who got out of the carriage, glanced at the caravan's banner, and looked back at Liu Mingzhi with a hesitant expression.

This is a caravan under the name of the King of Shu. If it is forcibly inspected, I am afraid that it will turn against the King of Shu.

Liu Mingzhi gave Du Yu a look, Du Yu hesitated for a moment and strode towards the middle-aged man who had just got off the carriage, he raised his hand and slapped him twice.

"Tell me about your grandma! Brothers, check!"


The middle-aged man tremblingly covered his swollen cheeks: "You are so bold, you dare to disrespect us, we want the prince to cut you, a brave little general, into pieces!"

"Are you guys all just for nothing? Didn't you see that we were all beaten? Kill this traitor!"

Pop, pop!
"Fuck your old lady!"

Du Yu slapped the middle-aged man on the side again quickly, and aimed at the middle-aged man with a hand crossbow from behind, and coldly glanced at a group of caravan guards who drew their sabers and wanted to step forward.

"Whoever dares to move, this general will shoot that sissy right through the eye!"

"The imperial court has issued an order to the world that anyone who dares to attack the checkpoint will be killed. You can try whether this general dares to turn you all into corpses!"

As soon as Du Yu finished speaking, hundreds of guards raised their hand crossbows and pointed them directly at the caravan guards, waiting for an order.

"Don't, don't, you blind people, don't put down your weapons and let them search, let them search quickly!"

The middle-aged man finally panicked looking at the arrow that was so close in front of him, and gave orders tremblingly.

Du Yu chuckled and put away the hand crossbow: "Check, check to the end, see if there are any prohibited goods!"

Hundreds of guards rushed towards the ox cart loaded with goods like hungry wolves, not caring at all whether it would damage the goods on the cart.

The guards are not fools, they have already seen that the boss is deliberately targeting this caravan, so there is no reason to be polite.

Regardless of whether he is the king of Shu or not, the sky is falling and there is a tall man who can do whatever he wants to do!
Liu Mingzhi held Tianjian in his arms, looked at a group of guards like hungry wolves, Li Yunlong's caravan with a light smile, he would be sorry if he didn't make a fuss.

"My lord, no prohibited goods were found!"

"My lord, there are silk, tea, jewelry, food, nothing that is not allowed to be trafficked in the ban!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the messy goods with a light smile: "Since they don't have any, let's pack them!"

"Yes, brothers, put them back!"


"and many more!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Du Yu holding a horizontal knife in surprise to stop the guards who were going to load the goods, wondering what Du Yu wanted to do again!
The guards also looked at their boss in puzzlement, and stopped going to load the goods.

Du Yu walked straight towards the bullock cart, and lightly touched the wheel with his fingers.

"My lord, what do you think this is?"

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly walked towards Du Yu, stared at the dust on Du Yu's hands for a long time, but didn't see why.

"What's wrong? Isn't this just dust?"

Du Yu raised his finger and turned towards the middle-aged man in the caravan: "Where are you going to transport the goods?"

"Outside the gate!"

"My lord, they are going to transport the goods outside the customs!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Du Yu with question marks on his face: "Huh? So!"

"Look, my lord, this wheel is obviously the dust of our great dragon, and they actually want to take our dust outside the customs to sell it. This is simply a crime of beheading!"

"Kill the head?"

Young Master Liu looked at Du Yu with a confused face, apparently still not realizing what this guy meant.

"That's right, it's obvious that you're forgetting your ancestors and reselling the land!"

(End of this chapter)

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