Chapter 1152 I lost

"Daddy, one hundred thousand eagle guards are approaching Shanhaiguan!"

Liu Mingzhi's face was stunned, and he looked at Wanyan Chizha opposite him in surprise: "One hundred thousand troops go straight to Shanhaiguan!"

"Yes, one hundred thousand eagle guards are approaching Shanhaiguan!"

Xiao Kei thought that Daddy didn't hear clearly and said it again responsibly.

Liu Mingzhi bent over and gesticulated around Shanhaiguan with his fingers. After a while, Liu Mingzhi sighed helplessly. He lost the initiative and could only be passive and on the defensive.

The [-] troops left Shanhaiguan, and Yingzhou dispatched [-] troops to Fuzhou. Now the city of Yingzhou is empty of troops. If [-] black wolves got the news on the way to attack Fuzhou, they would directly join the [-] Yingyang Guards. Yingzhou is definitely in danger.

The two guards in Fuzhou, Jeju wanted to rescue, not to mention that it was too late. Wanyan Chizha still had 24 elite soldiers who had not yet dispatched. Once troops were sent to intercept, Yingzhou would be in danger.

"Daddy, it's half a stick of incense, we can't delay any longer, or the time will be over for the conversation!"

"Ganzhou, Yunzhou sent 20 iron cavalry out of the Hetao and into the Luna River!"

Cutie was stunned: "Daddy, that's the territory of Huyan Royal Court!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the cutie with a light smile: "Good girl, you are a real gentleman who doesn't talk while watching chess, and the same is true when watching battles!"

"All right!"

The cutie nodded helplessly, and ran towards Wanyan Chizha holding the flag: "Uncle, Ganzhou Yunzhou sent 20 iron cavalry out of Hetao and into the Luna River!"

"The Luna River? Isn't that the territory of the Turks?"

"That's right! Daddy said that watching chess without speaking is a real gentleman, and Yue'er didn't understand, but Daddy didn't let me ask!"

Wanyan Chizha nodded silently, lowered his head to observe on the sand table, and muttered silently in his heart.

He gestured with his fingers near the Luna River, Luna River, what on earth does this kid want to do?
The king's [-] cavalry are approaching Shanhaiguan, and Yingzhou is the most directly attacked city.

Whether it is turning to Fuzhou to join the detoured Black Wolf Riders to attack Fuzhou, or the Black Wolf Riders to rush to join the Eagle Guards to attack Yingzhou, it is enough to make him overwhelmed.

He didn't say to send Jeju soldiers and horses to help the two guards, but instead sent troops out of Yunzhou and Ganzhou to enter the Luna River. What kind of tactics is this?It's just weird.

"Luna River, Luna River!"

Wanyan Chizha slid his fingers along the Luna River, and after a while Wanyan Chizha's face froze and he stopped at one spot and nodded.

"Oh my god, just after I said that this kid likes to make dangerous moves, this kid just came here. This kid is planning to detour through Luoyue Valley and rush straight into my Golden King City!"

"It's a good move to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. This is to turn passive into active. If the 20 frontier cavalry are directly inserted under the royal city, the capital will be in danger."

"But doesn't this kid know that once he bypasses the Luna River and then crosses Luoyue Valley, it will take enough time for me to send additional troops to capture Yingzhou City?"

"As long as Yingzhou is captured, the 20 cavalry have not yet attacked Wangcheng, and the king can encircle Jeju or Fuzhou. What is he thinking?"

"Jeju Suzhou and Fuzhou's soldiers and horses have not moved. What is he planning?"

"Do you want to change one city for another? Knowing that it will take a long time to detour thousands of miles, is this going to abandon Yingzhou, Fuzhou, and Jeju?"

"Abandon? Could it be that they want Long Wuwei to abandon Yingzhou City and retreat to Fuzhou, Jezhou? At that time, instead of getting any benefits, the king's army will become a tiger in his pocket, unable to advance or retreat!"

"At that time, as long as we stick to it for a while, the cavalry from Ganzhou and Yunzhou will directly attack the king's city. At that time, the king's soldiers and horses will be restrained in the northern border of Dalong, and it will be too late to rescue them!"

Wanyan Chizha took a breath of cold air: "Bi Qi mother, what a vicious move, it seems to be to surround Wei and save Zhao, but it is actually a trick of the heart!"

"The original purpose of this kid is to go to the royal city!"

"It's a good trick to capture the thief first and capture the king first, it's vicious enough!"

"Uncle, the half stick of incense has arrived!"

Wanyan Chizha took a deep breath: "Muzhou's [-] armored cavalry rode into Jinzhou and exited through the white pine forest. Jinzhou's [-] killed and broken wolves went straight to Shanhaiguan again. The [-] black wolf cavalry went west to Suzhou and south to Jingzhou in two routes. !"


Wanyan Chizha silently looked at First Young Master Liu opposite and smiled coldly: "You want to seize the initiative of this king's pre-emptive attack, you are too far-fetched!"

"The six guards of Northern Xinjiang left 20, and now there are 20 left. The whole army of 20 armored cavalry will be annihilated. This king will not hesitate. I think it is your 30 people who conquered the royal city first, or my [-] army. Take down the six main cities where your troops are empty!"

"After leaving the six main cities, traveling thousands of miles south is like entering a land without people!"

"As long as the big dragon is taken down, so what if a mere royal city is destroyed? At worst, the king will change the dynasty and support Yue'er as the emperor. Not only will the niece not blame the king, but she will strongly support the king's decision."

"Daddy, uncle, one hundred thousand armored riders."

Holding the command flag in his hand, Liu Mingzhi remained silent for a long time, his eyes glanced back and forth on the sand table, and he closed his eyes and meditated.

"My young master's heart-throwing method was clearly understood by the old man. He would rather cut off his own arm to attack my six cities in northern Xinjiang. Can 20 stop 30?"

"At this time, it is too late to send the army from Yunzhou and Ganzhou to come to support, so the old man's army can break through and enter just around the corner."

Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes and silently observed the map on the sand table. He knew very well that the purpose of the 20 armored cavalry was to stop his [-] armored cavalry from bypassing the Luna River.

Although he has the advantage over the number of people, the one hundred thousand armored cavalry has the advantage of being familiar with the terrain.

The time and place are favorable for the people, and if the lone army goes deep into the food and grass to support it, the time will also be biased towards the Jin country, and I can only take the people and the harmony, and I have already lost [-]%.

And once the 20 iron cavalry are restrained, only 20 troops are left on their side, but they have to face the 30 tiger and wolf divisions of the Kingdom of Jin.

burn one's boats?Will the underdogs win?Not impossible, but very unlikely.

"Daddy, Banzhuxiang is almost here!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned and stared at the sand table. After thinking for a moment, he finally lowered his wrist feebly, and the command flag in his hand fell on the sand table.

"I'm defeated!"

"Daddy, you can think about it for a while, Yue'er won't tell uncle!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a gloomy expression: "No need, if you lose, you lose. Even if you beat daddy with little tricks, it's still useless!"

"Your dad's heart tells dad not to allow this!"

"Daddy has his own pride! Winning or losing is a common matter for military strategists, it's no big deal."

The little cutie nodded softly: "Okay, Yue'er has gone to talk to uncle!"

Wanyan Chizha came over with a calm face and said, "You still have a chance to continue the fight, why did you choose to admit defeat!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wanyan Chizha quietly: "How long have you studied my military skills?"

Wanyan Chizha was silent for a moment: "This king has already read every battle of yours by heart, and this king is also somewhat invincible!"

"If you are not familiar with your tactics, this king may not be able to guess your intention of sending 20 cavalry to detour."

"Are you so sure that Wanyan will support your decision? You'd rather abandon the royal city and invade the hinterland of my dragon!"

Wanyan Chizha sighed silently, staring at Yingzhou City south of Shanhaiguan with a complex expression.

"Many years ago, it was here at Yingzuiyan that she had made a grand wish here. She would understand me and even support me!"

(End of this chapter)

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