My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1153 5 next time

Chapter 1153
In Liu Mingzhi's mind, he couldn't help thinking of all the words the empress had said to him before.

Glancing at Wanyan Chizha with the same complex expression, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently: "What a persistent and stubborn woman!"

Wanyan Chizha glanced at Liu Mingzhi lightly and laughed disdainfully: "Perseverant and stubborn? If you hadn't appeared, Wan Yan's niece wouldn't be what she is now!"

"Your sudden appearance broke all her life trajectory, but you are still here to say these arrogant words in a dignified way!"

"Liu Mingzhi, this king has always had a little respect for you, but after getting in touch with you for a long time, I realized that you are nothing more than that."

"Uncle, Uncle, if Daddy doesn't meet Mother, there won't be Yue'er, don't you like Yue'er!"

Wan Yan, who had a serious face just now, suddenly smiled like a chrysanthemum, and hurriedly squatted down in front of the little cutie, gently holding the little cutie's tender arms with his big hands.

"How could uncle not like Yue'er? Uncle likes Yue'er the most. It was all uncle talking nonsense just now. You must not take it to heart, Yue'er!"


"Really, of course it is!"

"Okay, Yue'er forgives you!"

Wanyan Chizha heaved a sigh of relief, straightened up and looked at First Young Master Liu indifferently: "I don't want to talk about the matter between you and Wanyan's niece in front of Yue'er, so please do it yourself!"

"You don't have to worry about the competition!"

"The sand table deduction is just a simple formation. The real marching formation changes rapidly, and no one will give you time to think about it!"

"This lord also won't win by force. I think you will definitely change your way of using troops after this incident. Sooner or later there will be a battle between Dalong and the Kingdom of Jin. I hope that one day I can really compete with you? "

"It's not that you were defeated by the tactics of using troops, but that you were too eager for quick success!"

"I shouldn't have said these things to you both publicly and privately, but you Dalong have a saying that you know heroes and value heroes. This king admires your art of war very much!"

"Perhaps there has been no battle in the past two years, and the days of rich clothes and fine food have almost worn away your vigilance. If we had just returned from the Western Expedition and we played against each other, this king may not be your opponent, or it may be evenly matched. !"

"Of course, this is not the most critical reason!"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Wanyan Chizha: "What's the most important reason?"

"This king is loyal to the court, and you Liu Mingzhi is loyal to the emperor. This is the root cause of your failure!"

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head thoughtfully, his eyes immersed in memories.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly: "You have been taught! But maybe you are wrong, because Liu Mingzhi himself doesn't know what he is loyal to!"

"Either be loyal to the father, or be loyal to the court, or be loyal to the people of the world!"

"Everything will change in this world, and the same is true for people! I don't even know what I am for!"

"Or I don't know what the meaning of my life is until now?"

"Then you should go to the temple and find those monks to discuss it. This king can't solve this simple question. I only know that my mission is to take the belief of my Wanyan family ancestors for generations, to rule the Central Plains and unify the world!"

"Wanyan family's ancestors have worked hard for such a belief. Some have given their lives, and some have dedicated their lives. Everyone has the right to live! Isn't it?"

"My ancestors fought with wild wolves, fought with wild bears, and finally became strong in a difficult life, but they became barbarians in your mouth!"

"We are passionate about your culture, we are learning all the time, and we want to go forward with you, but in the end, we just end up with the name of a race that is not our own!"

"Liu Mingzhi, aside from your status as Duke Ding, is it fair for us to talk about it yourself?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced lightly at Wanyan Chizha: "Learn by committing crimes? Learn by slaughtering my people?"

"What you said is just an excuse for you. After all, you have always obeyed the law of the jungle, and the weak prey on the strong!"

"Or in other words, natural selection, survival of the fittest!"

"Everything you said can't hide the disaster you brought to my border people. At least until now, your determination to rule the Central Plains has not been eliminated!"

"Songzhou, how can you cover up the past of Daizhou's [-] states in a few words?"

"Euphemisms are euphemisms, Yue'er is Yue'er, and the Kingdom of Jin is the Kingdom of Jin. They can never be confused!"

"Could it be that if you want to take my home and plunder my land, we have to raise our hands to welcome you in?"

"Occupy the Central Plains and unify the world?"

"Wanyan Chizha, it's time to wake up from the unrealistic dream, although Liu Mingzhi missed you by one move today, but you may not be able to tell me these great principles here on the battlefield in the future. "

"Because everything on the future battlefield is full of changes and unknowns!"

"You want to have a real contest with me, so why not Liu Mingzhi!"

Wanyan Chizha shook his head regretfully: "It's a pity, different ways do not conspire with each other!"

"There will be a period later!"


"Daddy, are you leaving again? Yue'er misses you so much!"

"Yue'er, Daddy will meet you again in Shanhaiguan soon. After you go back, you must stop competing with your mother. You must be obedient and be a well-behaved and honest child, you know?"

"Daddy, Yue'er doesn't have a very powerful car, you and Yue'er go back and take the fire dragon."

Before the little cutie could finish her sentence, Wanyan Chizha grabbed her into her arms and covered her little mouth. Wanyan Chizha covered the cutie's mouth and looked at First Young Master Liu with a sneer!
"Hehe. A child who has never seen the world, makes a fuss about everything he sees. Dalong is the richest man in the world and doesn't have anything in the world. How can Mr. Liu care about the playthings in those remote places in our Kingdom of Jin!"


"Yue'er, don't talk nonsense, have you forgotten what your mother taught you? Children can't talk nonsense! You can blink your eyes when you hear uncle's words, okay?"


The little cutie's big and exquisite eyes flashed sharply, and Wanyan Chizha put the little cutie down.

"Daddy, Yue'er is going back first, think about Yue'er!"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Okay, you have to listen to your mother, you know?"


In an instant, the cutie climbed onto the snow leopard and followed Wanyan Chizha towards the north, gradually losing track.

Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the cutie: "Car? Fire dragon? Dragon car? Yue'er's toy? If it's just a toy, why is this old man so nervous?"

"Could it be?"

Liu Mingzhi muran thought that Qi Ya had told him about her experience in the Kingdom of Jin in the early years, and besides the train, Liu Mingzhi couldn't think of anything else that could be related to the font in the cute words.

"Did Fei Xiong really get this thing out? Is it possible under Jin Guo's conditions?"

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, then walked towards Feng with a surprised expression on his face.

"Liu Mingzhi!"

A gentle and crisp voice sounded, and First Young Master Liu subconsciously turned around to look: "Why did you ask me to politely tell you why you are here?"

The empress with bright eyebrows smiled lightly, revealing some white teeth, raised her creamy jade arms and waved a box.

"I came to look for Yue'er and watched you compete with the emperor's uncle for a long time. Since Yue'er has gone back with the emperor's uncle, I politely look for you now and bring you some gifts by the way!"

Young Master Liu looked at the brocade box in the Queen's hand with horror on his face: "Don't tell me. Is there a big radish inside?"

The queen smiled gracefully with narrowed eyes, raised her hand and patted the brocade box in her hand: "Smart!"


"By the way, it's been a long time and I miss you so much. My mother told me to go home and put away the quilt. Farewell!"

Young Master Liu finished his sentence fluently and ran towards the mount at high speed!
"Stop for my old lady, if you dare to run, next time you will be five!"

"Five...five roots? To put it bluntly, you have to forgive others and forgive others!"

"I just won't let you go!"

"Come here for my wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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