My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1154 What to call him

Chapter 1154 What to call him

In Young Master Liu's study room, Young Master Liu was holding a few pages of rice paper in his hand and observing carefully.

From the movement of this guy grinding his teeth and frowning from time to time, it can be seen that the content on the rice paper made Young Master Liu dissatisfied, otherwise he would definitely not have such an expression.

From time to time, Young Master Liu raised his hand to rub his hair, which was already messed up like a chicken coop, and suddenly slapped the rice paper in his hand on the table, with a very tangled expression on his face: "What is this fucking meow? It's obviously my young master. I taught it to Fei Xiong, logically speaking, this young master should be able to understand it!"

The pattern on the rice paper is exactly the simple pattern of the train. Young Master Liu can see the structure of the train by looking left and right, but how to brake and how to make the train run is completely confused.

It can be said that Liu Mingzhi can only understand the blueprint of the train, but he is at a loss as to how to make the train move.

"Sin, what is Feixiong's head made of? I really want to dig it out and study it."

After being severely squeezed by the Queen from Shanhaiguan, Young Master Liu became unable to think about food and tea when he returned home.

The unintentionally revealed words about the little cutie seemed to take root in Liu Mingzhi's heart, and became a lingering haze.

It doesn't make sense for Jin Guo to come up with the simplest steam train first, it doesn't make sense at all.

Obviously, I am the initiator of this world train, okay?

Liu Mingzhi really wanted to go to the Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Jin to find out, to see if the dragon car mentioned by the cutie was the train he knew.

However, Liu Mingzhi understood the empress's personality better, it was easy to go to the Kingdom of Jin, but it was difficult to come back.

The queen will definitely detain herself silently under an unwarranted name, but she can find someone to take the place of the dead ghost and find a few death row prisoners to cover up the fact that she was trapped flawlessly.

It's fine if it's just detainment, if you feed yourself with big radishes every day, even if you are a Vajra gourd baby, you will be useless, okay?

Since the beginning of Pangu, Young Master Liu has never heard of or even seen any piece of land that has been plowed badly, and there have always been only exhausted cows.

Thinking about it, Young Master Liu trembled with the shock of the tiger's body, and hurriedly shook his head, nipping the unimaginable consequences in the bud.

"My lord, it's time to go, today is the day of the Shanhaiguan League, it's getting late, it's time to go!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Du Yu, who was fully armored and boldly walked in, in surprise: "Why did you arrive at the Shanhaiguan Huimeng so soon? Isn't there still a few days left?"

"My lord, you have been stuck in the mansion for seven or eight days without going out. The humble officials thought you were thinking about something important and didn't dare to disturb you. Today is the day of the Shanhaiguan League. Yu Changshi, Huang Sima and A group of Yingzhou officials are waiting outside the gate of the mansion!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded blankly: "As the saying goes, there is no time in the mountains. Ben Du has been thinking about this for so long. I always thought it was too early. I never thought that the day of the alliance will come in a blink of an eye!"

"My lord, pack up quickly. The carriage is already waiting outside the gate of the house. If we don't start again, it will be easy for the Turks of the Jin Kingdom to think that we are deliberately bullying others!"

"Does anyone know who is currently negotiating between the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks?"

Du Yu shook his head in disappointment: "It's still unknown, the Turks of the Jin Kingdom have not sent anyone to come here except for the date of the Shanhaiguan talks. This has never happened before!"

"According to common sense, at the very least, you should inform your own envoy status, so that each other can find out and think about how to deal with it!"

"This is the first time I have encountered such an unreasonable Huimeng. I'm afraid this will be a very difficult negotiation!"

Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of regret: "Oh! We have to talk about whether it's difficult or not. If there are conditions, we need to talk, and if there are no conditions, we need to talk. This is the last chance to restore the people's livelihood in Yingzhou!"

"The small border crossing market is the safety of the people of the world, so you can't be careless! How about this, you wait outside the gate of the house first, and the governor is going to change clothes now!"

"Yes, retire from my position!"

Liu Mingzhi put away the rice paper on the table and case, closed the door and walked towards the room.

When passing by Yun Qingshi's room, Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment but stopped. After holding his breath, Liu Mingzhi walked lightly towards the window of Yun Qingshi's room.

Walking to the window, Liu Mingzhi frowned tightly when he entered the window.

What a haggard face this is, the figure has long since lost its previous sloppy bumps, it is so haggard that a gust of wind can easily destroy it.

Sitting on the chair in a daze, staring blankly at one place, like a corpse that has lost its soul.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the untouched food on the table next to Yun Qingshi, sighed silently and walked towards Qi Yun's room with a complicated expression.

"Qing Shi, why torture yourself!"

"Does that road really make you so reluctant?"

"For my husband, I see it in my eyes and feel pain in my heart, but I can't do anything about it!"

Liu Mingzhi walked to the corner of the courtyard and made a few gestures, Suzaku flew down lightly: "Suzaku sees the young master!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Master!"

"Suzaku, Qing Shi hasn't eaten for a few days?"

"The food I ate since the day of the accident was less than one hand, and I can only maintain my normal physical strength. Suzaku has no other way, so I can't force it!"

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment and nodded silently: "As you said, if you find a few female spies related to the department, you will have to force her to eat. Feed her some warm porridge to moisten her body before talking about it!"

"Yes, Suzaku knows!"

"Be careful, Qing Shi's kung fu is not low, don't let her attack someone who hurts you when she resists, if necessary, you can tap some acupuncture points!"

"Suzaku understands, Suzaku resigns!"


"Husband, you are back, are you done with the study?"

Liu Mingzhi looked cheerfully at Qi Yun who was cleaning the dust in the room with a feather duster: "It's still far away, I don't have any ideas at all, this is not to discuss the mutual market with Jin Guo and Turkic, so that I can change into formal clothes."

Qi Yun put down the feather duster and walked towards the closet: "It turns out that this is the case. I will pick up your clothes for you. By the way, my husband, why hasn't Sister Qingshi left the yard during this time? I want to see Liu Song, but I can't stop her." Rang, said that something happened to Qing Shi's younger sister and she didn't want to see anyone, what's going on?"

"Did something happen to Sister Qingshi?"

Liu Mingzhi tried his best not to show any strangeness on his face, and looked at Qi Yun's puzzled expression cheerfully: "What are you thinking about? This is the heavily guarded Governor's Mansion, what can happen to Qingshi!"

"It's not Qing poetry. I don't know why I became obsessed with reciting poems and lyrics recently. I'm thinking about the rhyme of a poem. I haven't got a clue after thinking about it for so long!"

"That's why she lived in Jane and came out. She also specifically confessed to her husband that he can't even bother her with unnecessary things. Otherwise, he won't be allowed to enter the room for a month!"

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect that sister Qing Shi would become so eager to learn after arriving in the Northland!"

Qi Yun never thought that her husband would hide things from her, so she didn't suspect anything. She took out her official robe and put it on Young Master Liu carefully.

"Husband, you can't be sloppy about the alliance. It looks like a joke, but it's actually a mystery every step of the way. If you are not careful, you will fall into someone else's carefully crafted pocket. You must think twice!"

"Understood, you can continue cleaning the room, my husband wants to go out!"

"Understood, slow down on the road!"

After a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi greeted a group of officials for a while, then got into the carriage and nodded slightly to Du Yu who was riding on the horse: "Hurry up!"

"The governor has orders, let's go!"

A team of a hundred people beat the gong to clear the way and rushed directly to Shanhaiguan outside the city of Yingzhou.

"Shut up!"

"My lord, we are here. Look at the other side. The troops from the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks are also here. Why don't you go and find out the identity of the envoy on the other side!"

"No need, no matter who it is, there is no reason to admit cowardice, all the staff dismounted and walked over!"


A moment later, the Dalong party headed by Liu Mingzhi divided into two rows and walked towards the opposite side!

"Governor of the Ding Dynasty of the Dragon Dynasty, Liu Mingzhi, governor of the two prefectures of Yingzhou and Fuzhou, has arrived!"

"Huyan King's Court, Huyanyu, welcome to Duke Ding of the Great Dragon!"

"General Zuodu of Huyan Wangting and the officers and men under Lu Mo's command will meet Duke Ding of the Great Dragon!"

"Song Bailu, a member of the Jin Kingdom's welcoming department, has met the Duke of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"We will see Duke Ding of the Great Dragon!"

"Everyone, no courtesy!"

"Xie Dinggong!"

"Dalong Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi and his officials Yingzhou Changshi Yu Chengle, Yingzhou Sima Huang Shuo, Yingzhou Duwei General. You are polite!"

"Invite the Great Dragon Mission to take their seats!"

"Thank you, please!"

A group of officials behind Liu Mingzhi consciously walked towards the tables and chairs that had been prepared according to their identities.

Liu Mingzhi looked towards the upright seat where the flag was flying, his pupils shrank and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The empress, who was difficult to disguise as a woman, and Huyan Yunyao, who was also dressed as a man, were sitting upright on the first seats. They seemed to have noticed Young Master Liu's gaze, and they both looked at him.

There was an inscrutable smile on the corner of his mouth, and Young Master Liu looked terrified.

First Young Master Liu hesitated for a while and walked towards the seat in the center, sighing silently in his heart, don't these two masters govern the government?

Is it necessary to come here in person for a mere border cross-market negotiation?
Liu Mingzhi straightened his expression, sat on his own seat and bowed as if he didn't know the second daughter.

"You two noble envoys, Liu Mingzhi is being polite!"

"The Kingdom of Jin rules Wanyang!"

"Hu Yan Royal Court Horse Officer Hu Jun!"

Huyan Yunyao took a peek at the officials from the Three Kingdoms who hadn't sat down yet, leaned over to look towards Young Master Liu, and blinked at Young Master Liu with a smile: "Junyao's son-in-law, you come here Already!"

The queen was about to lift the pot to pour water, and suddenly stopped, and looked at Huyan Junyao with wide-open eyes.

"What did you call him just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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