Chapter 1156 Whispering
Du Yu's arrival gave Liu Mingzhi a chance to avoid talking about little goblins and old women!

He knew in his heart that since the two girls went to the meeting in person, they must be prepared to open their mouths like a lion, and it is impossible for them to keep fighting and jealous.

From my own understanding, the two women are not the kind of people who can't tell the difference.

On the side of the empress, Liu Mingzhi can be said to be very understanding. Excluding the little cutie caught in the middle, the empress is the woman who has dealt with Liu Mingzhi the most in the confrontation between countries.

As for the younger brother Hu Jun, Liu Mingzhi said that he didn't know too well. After all, compared to the empress who knew each other well, Huyan Yunyao had always been separated by a layer of fog in Liu Mingzhi's view.

One doesn't know its depth, and the other doesn't know its length.

Since they met, they have been in the range of mutual testing.

Liu Mingzhi is extremely uncomfortable with the title of Huyan Junyao's son-in-law. It can be said that so far, except for Liu Mingzhi seeing Huyan Yunyao in women's clothing at the moment of parting in the capital, Liu Mingzhi is completely referring to Huyan Yunyao. Yao is just a handsome young man.

Junior brother, it should be like this!
"You two noble envoys, since you and I are all three parties, I think it's better to stop gossip now, after all, the business is the most important thing!"

"You must know that the last tripartite meeting was in Xuande for 27 years, and seven years have passed in the blink of an eye. Although the last meeting was not presided over by the three of us, the friendship between our three countries is still the same! "

"Since the two noble envoys have arrived at Shanhaiguan, it means that they still agree with the diplomatic relations and alliances between you and my three countries!"

"In that case, let's put the things to be discussed on the table and have a good discussion. I wonder what the two agree?"

Empress Huyan Yunyao and the two listened to Young Master Liu's words, and looked at each other silently, sparks filled their bright pretty eyes.

There is no one that can be torn up on the spot without outsiders present.

In the duel between the king and the king, no one will bow his head first, this is the dignity of the king.

Although the two women still wanted to clarify the matter of the golden knife son-in-law, but because Du Yu was standing behind First Young Master Liu, the two women had no choice but to agree to Liu Mingzhi's request in order to avoid some things from being leaked out.

After all, apart from the private relationship between children, state affairs are more important.

The empress was silent for a moment, waving a folding fan in her hand, and looked at Liu Mingzhi indifferently: "Master Liu has stated the reason for this alliance very clearly in the letter, and this commander came here for the talks by order. Among you and my three kingdoms, The border market is especially important to Dalong, but it is somewhat dispensable compared to Jin Guo and Turkic!"

"My Majesty didn't intend to send this commander here at first, but you and I are among the countries that have signed a covenant. In the past, Master Liu even helped His Majesty to put down the rebellion when he was on an envoy to the Kingdom of Jin. Da Jin is grateful for Master Liu's help, and has always intended to repay it, now that the opportunity has come, Master Liu has asked me Da Jin, does he mean to refuse?"

"Furthermore, His Majesty the Emperor made a special statement when the Commander went to the appointment. Although Jin Guo and Dalong are from different countries, my Emperor has always admired Master Liu. We talked very happily, we have been friends for a long time, even though Master Liu has returned to the country for more than seven years, my emperor is still fascinated by Master Liu!"

"However, my emperor has always adhered to the principle of distinguishing between public and private. No matter how good the relationship between Mr. Liu and my emperor is, it will eventually be a personal relationship and has nothing to do with state affairs!"

"Master Liu thinks so too!"

"Master Liu invited my Dajin to send troops to station along the way to protect the safety of the merchants. My emperor fully agreed, but the dispatch of soldiers is no small matter. Although my Dajin is big, it is far less prosperous than Dalong, and the people's livelihood is not as prosperous as Dalong!"

"That's why I, Da Jin, agreed to Mr. Liu's request, all because of the intention of repaying your kindness!"

"It's just that my Dajin Guozuo is still small, and my emperor can't go against the wishes of civil and military officials. Although they can send troops to help, Master Liu and Dalong also need to pay some remuneration, so as to prevent my Dajin from being full of civil and military affairs. The people of the world are full of praise!"

"Thinking about the prestige of the great dragon and the dominance of the Three Kingdoms, my emperor's small request is nothing but a drop in the bucket for Mr. Liu!"

After the empress finished speaking, she leaned on the chair comfortably, held the teacup and lightly tasted it, her bright eyes with a hidden smile wandered back and forth on the frowning Young Master Liu and the complex-eyed Huyan Yunyao.

Although the queen didn't talk about the Golden Sword Son-in-law because of Du Yu's presence, she silently warned Huyan Yunyao every word!

The relationship between your son-in-law and my wife is by no means a casual acquaintance, nor is it as simple as it appears on the surface.

As early as in previous years, my old lady had a very happy conversation with your golden knife son-in-law, and they have been friends for a long time. Even after your golden knife son-in-law returned to the country, my old lady still longed for him.

The reason why my old lady went to the appointment was because of Liu Mingzhi. Do you think our relationship is so visible on the surface?

It can be said that every word and every word the queen is silently declaring her sovereignty to Huyan Yunyao.

The man in front of me belongs to my wife!
Young Master Liu naturally understood the hidden meaning in the Queen's words, and that's why he frowned, because he knew quite well in his heart that if the two women continued to chat like this, the alliance would probably collapse.

Even parted ways!

Young Master Liu can understand Huyan Yunyao, so naturally he can understand it, and Huyan Yunyao can't do without the support of his second brother and second sister-in-law Huyanyu to be able to be called Khan Lie Zun in Turkic where the ethics and legal system is still shallow.

However, the Huyan King's Court was managed in an orderly manner, and the attacking Shibisi King's Court retreated steadily, making the king's tent trembling and fearful. You can see Huyan Yunyao's tricks!
If Huyan Yunyao only sat on the throne of Khan relying on the support of her elder brother Huyanyu and sister-in-law Yanyu, she would naturally not be eligible to come outside Shanhaiguan to have a talk with Queen Wanyan, who is known as the Lord of ZTE in the Kingdom of Jin, Dalong's Duke Dingguo and handsome Confucianist Liu Mingzhi in white are sitting at the same table!

Huyan Yunyao glanced at Huyanyu and Yanyu who were drinking tea behind her with a flat expression, and a group of people under her command, smiled lightly and shook her head.

Huyan Yunyao stretched her waist and cocked her legs carelessly, fingering the crevices between her nails that didn't contain a trace of mud.From time to time, he glanced at First Young Master Liu who was diagonally opposite.

"Lord Liu, Commander Wan's words are very inappropriate in my opinion!"

"In my opinion, the Shanhaiguan talks are talks between countries, and the matters involved cannot be summed up in a few words!"

"Just now what Commander Wan said, the Golden Emperor agreed to let Commander Wan go to Shanhaiguan this time because of Lord Liu's face. Could it be that in the eyes of the emperor of your country and even Commander Wan, Governor Dalong is worse than Emperor Dalong? Want to be honorable?"

"If that's the case, I think it's better to change the talks of the Three Kingdoms in Shanhaiguan to reunite with old friends!"

"After all, when the Khan sent his official here, he didn't always mention the relationship between the Khan and Mr. Liu."

"Taichang Khan Huyan Yunyao and Dalong's Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi both came under the sect of Dalong's former emperor, Mr. Wen Renzheng. It's no secret at all!"

"Brother, brother, this is the same spirit!"

"Khan returned from Dalong, and the handsome and handsome boy changed into a beautiful woman in the blink of an eye!"

"The friendship of the same class, the love of the same family, the reason of the brothers!"

"According to what Khan said, Mr. Master Wenren seems to have already seen his daughter, and intends to match her with his brother."

"This relationship... tsk tsk..."

(End of this chapter)

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