My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1157 United Front

Chapter 1157 United Front
First Young Master Liu fell silent, silently looked at the two opposite people for a long time and shook his head helplessly.

Can this bastard still talk about it?You are here to discuss state affairs, not for you to fight for men, and what is the fight for?What is there to argue about?

It's not that this young master has three legs, how rare do you guys think of me?
If you continue to talk like a knife, and every sentence is murderous, how can you continue talking?Can we still play happily together, can we still have a good chat?

Except for young master Liu and a very small number of people present, they couldn't hear what was wrong with the words between the two women.

Allies?It is perfectly normal to climb up a relationship, after all, whoever has a closer relationship may get more benefits!
However, many officials of the old fox in the Three Kingdoms still looked at the three people sitting in the center in amazement, and sighed inwardly with such fierce words.

They have already noticed the strong smell of gunpowder, but they don't know where this smell of gunpowder comes from.

After all, most Turkic people didn't know that Wan Yang, the leader of the Kingdom of Jin sitting in the center, was the queen of the Kingdom of Jin, and most of the people of the Kingdom of Jin also didn't know the identity of Huyan Yunyao.

On the Dalong side, except for Du Yu who recognized Huyan Yunyao, the rest of the people were blind.

Perfectly explained a sentence, the two rabbits walked side by side, and An Neng could tell whether I was male or female.

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath and slapped his hands on the table vigorously, squinting his eyes and coldly glanced at the empress and the two daughters: "That's enough, if I don't get angry, you will treat me as a sick cat!"

"The governor sincerely invites the two noble envoys to come to the meeting, not to see that you are here to be eccentric, but to discuss the restoration of the border mutual market signed by the three countries seven years ago!"

"If you want to talk, talk about it, if you don't want to talk, go back to each house and break up!"

"You are all envoys of the lords of the two countries, how decent it is to come here and mock each other like shrews!"

"Here is a sentence. Can we have a good talk today? If we can, let's drink a cup of tea to settle our suspicions. We will have a detailed discussion on the issue of border crossings. If we can't continue the discussion, the governor will immediately take the troops back to Yingzhou!"

The queen's eyebrows were slightly frowned, she never thought that Young Master Liu would dare to scold herself in full view, just as she was about to refute Young Master Liu stared coldly at the Queen!

The empress stunned, her snow-white neck subconsciously swallowed, and she actually felt a kind of pressure from Liu Mingzhi that made her feel overwhelmed.

It seems that as long as he dares to talk back, this heartless person really dares to turn his face on him.

The empress thought of Liu Mingzhi in the past, except for the first time he went to the court to confront each other, and every time he laughed and laughed in front of her and never put himself in a straight line, she became worried.

How long has it been since I saw such a serious and serious gesture without a conscience, and the queen couldn't help but wonder if she really went too far and touched the bottom of her heart without a conscience.

The queen subconsciously licked her dry lips: "Talk!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and turned to look at Huyan Yunyao: "What do you think, Brother Hu? To talk or not to talk?"

Huyan Yunyao looked at the quiet queen in surprise, not knowing why this old woman with sharp words changed her posture in the blink of an eye.

Feeling the calm eyes of her senior brother, Huyan Yunyao couldn't help but put away her idle posture, sat upright on the chair and nodded gently: "Talk!"

Officials from the Kingdom of Jin and Turkic officials looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know what was going on. They had clearly gained the upper hand just now, but why did they seem to be losing in the blink of an eye?
The eyes of Dalong officials were bright, looking at Young Master Liu's back with admiration, and secretly said that Governor Liu is so majestic, he deserves to be the Duke of the dynasty.

It fully shows the demeanor of a great country in our heavenly state.

Huyan Yuyan Yu's couple looked at each other, secretly said that something was wrong, the situation seemed to be a bit unexpected.

Hu Yanyu quietly looked at Young Master Liu's back, with an elusive look in her eyes.

Yan Yu seemed to have sensed it, and inadvertently patted Hu Yanyu's arm lightly, and gave him a calm look.

Dozens of steps away, on a hill that is not too high and not too low, the cutie smiled and put down the binoculars in her hand, and touched Wanyan Chizha at the side: "Uncle, Daddy actually managed to calm down the old witch, Mother!" , Daddy is too powerful!"

Wanyan Chizha looked at the negotiating table in the distance with a serious expression and murmured: "Niece Wanyan, niece Wanyan, don't be careless and lose the momentum!"

"You are the Lord of Jin Kingdom's Zhongxing, you must stick to your heart so that Yue'er can sit firmly in the great treasure in the future!"

Liu Mingzhi tapped lightly on the table: "You have already mentioned the main purpose of this meeting, and the governor will not describe it one by one!"

"The governor can, within the scope of his rights, allow the two countries to pay corresponding troops to ensure the safety of the merchants from the time when the mutual market flourishes again to June of the next year! The number of soldiers has been detailed in the letter by the governor. It is stated that each sent [-] troops to appease the hearts of merchants!"

"The two noble envoys can talk about your request!"

After hearing the words, the two women fell silent and began to think secretly, trying to figure out Liu Mingzhi's bottom line in their minds.

After half a stick of incense, the empress looked at Liu Mingzhi quietly: "This commander wants to change the first article. The time for maintaining the peace covenant between the three countries must be changed to three years, not June of the next year!"

Huyan Yunyao's eyes brightened: "I second the proposal of Commander Wan. The time limit for the three countries to send troops to maintain peace must be changed to three years!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and glanced lightly at the two empresses. Unexpectedly, the two women who were secretly facing each other in the blink of an eye would unite in the blink of an eye.

This is an unexpected result, and it is absolutely unexpected.

Originally, I thought that the two were jealous just now, and the private discussions between the two countries had long been forgotten.

Now it seems that this is just my own whimsy, and the overall situation of the two is definitely not as simple as I saw.

Hearing the words of the two empresses, both the officials behind the Jin Kingdom and the Turks breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that their own responsibility has not forgotten the original intention of the meeting.

On the other hand, everyone on Dalong's side, including Liu Mingzhi, hesitated.

Everyone understood that the so-called sending troops to protect the safety of the merchants was just an excuse, and the ultimate goal was to keep the Kingdom of Jin from getting involved in the affairs of Heshuo and to give the 30 cavalry who were training time to go to Xinjiang.

The 30 iron cavalry can all go to northern Xinjiang one after another when the ice and snow melt in March next year at the latest, and join forces with Conglong Liuwei. Liu Mingzhi said that it will take a few more months just in case something happens in the middle.

But the two women suddenly changed the time to three years, which is tantamount to seeing through the plan of the Great Dragon Dynasty!

If Dalong Shanfangming tore up the contract and went north to the frontier in less than three years, he would become unknown!

Accidents are nothing more than an invisible shackle to Dalong, who is extremely concerned about his face.

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at the two people with firm eyes on the opposite side, and hesitated.

Unexpectedly, the biggest twists and turns were encountered before the official conditions were exported!

(End of this chapter)

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