Chapter 1171

"You have no conscience, have you ever been unwilling to call this lady?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head slightly: "Willingly!"

"I wanted to call it that way a long time ago, but I was afraid that you would always be concerned about your father's last wish, and disagree with me in your heart. Now that you have taken the initiative to speak up, Liu Mingzhi is completely relieved!"

"At least I understand, my efforts to endure all kinds of puzzles are not in vain!"

The empress laughed with a complicated expression: "I just asked you to call me a lady, but I didn't promise to marry you!"

"Father's words were firmly engraved in my heart the moment she closed her eyes!"

"I, Wanyan Wanyan, the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin, will never marry if I don't unify the world!"

"To put it bluntly, I didn't mean to force you, but it's the world"

"Whoa hiss"

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, the voice of the little cutie exclaimed came, and the two of them all changed expression, and hurriedly walked towards the little cutie.

I saw the little cutie sitting alone on a table, holding up the chopsticks, breathing non-stop, with the cold wind flashing from the little hand to the mouth!

Wanyan Chizha scratched his head anxiously and didn't know what to do!
Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that the little cutie must have not resisted the smell of the hot pot and ate the food in the pot and it was too spicy, but fortunately it was just too spicy, drinking some tea for a while will be fine, if it is too hot But it's troublesome!

The queen walked towards the little cutie with a worried expression: "Princess, what's wrong with your body?"

The little cutie exhaled and shook her head, pointed at the hot pot with red chili oil and swallowed subconsciously: "Is this really spicy? It's even hotter than dogwood!"

The queen looked at the chili soup in the hot pot, and frowned slightly at First Young Master Liu.

"Master Liu, is this the pepper?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded calmly: "That's right, this is chili pepper. It's hard to avoid being uncomfortable when you taste it for the first time. Once you get used to it, you won't be able to stop!"

Liu Mingzhi wiped the corners of his mouth hastily as he spoke, for fear that his saliva would flow out!
"Everyone, I have already explained clearly how to eat hot pot. Please don't make a fuss. The original taste of hot pot is just like this. It's not poison, just get used to it!"

"If you really feel hard to swallow, just dip it in the soup pot next to you!"

"My lords, the talks of the Three Kingdoms have come to a successful conclusion today. I would like to respect you all for a glass of wine. Please eat your meat and drink your lords!"

"Master Dingguo please! Thank you very much!"

Everyone drank the wine and sat down eagerly looking at the hot pot in front of them, not knowing how to use their chopsticks.

The good thing is that Cheng Le arranged a few soldiers from Yingzhou on each table, and after they moved their chopsticks, the people from the other two countries followed suit and began to eat.

All of a sudden, the sound of hissing and haha ​​in Shanhaiguan could be heard endlessly.

Liu Mingzhi, the empress, cutie, and Huyan Yunyao sat at a table. Except for Young Master Liu, the other three women fully demonstrated what it means to be afraid of spicy food and greedy.

Especially the queen seemed to be the most elegant, but actually ate more than the other three.

After the first attempt, it turns out that hot pot conquers everyone's stomach!

"Xiao Liuzi, this princess mainly eats this, that, and that!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the cutie cheerfully: "Okay, okay, I'll clip it for you, be careful not to burn it!"

Huyan Yunyao looked at the senior brother's pampering behavior to the cutie, and suddenly felt that the beef and mutton in the bowl were not fragrant.

Looking at the queen who seems to be a little stutterer but eats the most, Huyan Yunyao is full of doubts. Could it be that what this old woman said is true, that senior brothers and sisters actually like such a young girl?

Isn't this too beastly?
No, Huyan Yunyao angrily put down his dandy, he can't beat this old woman, if he can't even win against a bigger little woman, what's the face of Ben Khan?

Glancing secretly at the crowd, Huyan Yunyao put the bowl in front of First Young Master Liu: "Senior brother, Yunyao also wants to eat this and that!"

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he glanced at the empress with a meaningful look, putting down the chopsticks in her hand.

"Can't you pinch yourself? Your Royal Highness is still young!"

"You are very good, Liu Mingzhi, you heartless person who only sees the newcomers laughing but does not see the old ones cry. Benhan will look down on you for the rest of his life!"

The little cutie looked at Huyan Yunyao with her mouth: "Ma'am, if you look down on Xiao Liuzi, just look down on it, and this princess can just look down on it!"

When the queen heard the little cutie addressing Huyan Yunyao, she let out a muffled smile and gave the little cutie a look of praise.

Well, the result of Huyan Yunyao, who was not an opponent in the first place, facing the two wives can be imagined!

"Little fairy, your name is Ben Khan. What is it? Madam?"

The little cutie nodded seriously: "Yes, look at how old you are, and Yue'er is still so young, why don't you call your aunt?"

Huyan Junyao gritted her silver teeth, lowered her voice, pretended to stare fiercely at the little cutie, glanced at the queen, and was slightly taken aback!
Princess Jin, isn't that brother's...

Finally figured out the key point, Hu Yanyun looked at the cutie with a smile: "Little fairy, you are the princess of the Kingdom of Jin, and your mother is the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. In view of your father's relationship, you have to call me Auntie!"


"It's my aunt!"


"Called Auntie"

Liu Mingzhi looked helplessly at Huyan Yunyao who was angry with the cutie, and then smiled wryly twice, so what if he was born handsome.

Whoever stipulates that a person who is born handsome must treat others seriously and not get angry.

Huyan Yunyao isn't quite a little girl.

As for people, sometimes they are always bound by their names, and they can't help themselves!
Huyan Yunyao is still living a carefree life, doing whatever she wants, acting like a king of the mountain when she is rascal, like a little girl when she is soft and cute, and like a wily vixen when she is serious!

Life is alive, and there is nothing more than this when it comes to happiness.

How many people are there in the world who don't care about other people's opinions!
Liu Mingzhi looked at the empress who was buried in the meat, and lifted the flagon in front of him and walked towards Yingzui Rock not far away.

Sitting on the rock with one foot and drinking wine softly, Liu Mingzhi looked at the happy scene on the dinner table with calm and relieved eyes.

The Great Dragon, the Kingdom of Jin, the Turks, and the three countries that have always been incompatible with each other can sit together in such a peaceful way to drink, talk and laugh, call each other brothers and exchange cups, which should be the only thing except today.

When we first arrived today, the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms looked at each other with hatred in their eyes, but now they are drinking and having fun in harmony!

There may be days like this in the future, but I don't know when it will come true!
"Oh, the world is like this, how wonderful it would be!"

"All Men Are Brothers!"

"When we meet, we will smile and wipe away all grievances and enmities!"

While drinking, Liu Mingzhi looked lonely at the soldiers who started punching on the wine table!
This world, this young master has been here before!

Because of the cannon, many caring people were bored eating spicy and delicious hot pot. Looking at Liu Mingzhi, who was sitting alone drinking on Yingzuiyan, he wanted to go to make friends.

In the end, he stopped thinking for some reason, and held the food in the bowl sullenly.

The happy days are always short, and the sun is setting, except for the soldiers on guard, almost most of the people are a little bit drunk.

Liu Mingzhi also sat cross-legged on Yingzui Rock, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the customs, drinking wine and fascinated for a long time!
"My lord, it's getting late, we should go back to the city!"

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses in surprise, and glanced at the blood-red setting sun, his eyes became even more melancholy: "So soon?"

"My lord has been in a trance for a long time. If you don't go back, the sun will go down."

"Du Yu."

"Sir, please order."

"Bring the documents and go back to the city with Master Yu and Master Huang. The governor still has some things to do today, so I'll go back tomorrow."

"This humble job should not let Sir Yu and the others go back first. I will lead a team of brothers to protect your safety."

"No need! Bendu knows it well!"

"Okay, my lord, be more careful, and resign from the humble position!"

Under the leadership of Cheng Le, the people from Yingzhou waved goodbye to many Turkic people from Jin who were also drunk.

Facing the sunset, go back to the city!

The short-lived friendship is actually quite memorable!

Huyan Yunyao did not know when she came to Young Master Liu and squatted down, looking at the sunset in the sky reluctantly!
"My son-in-law, Yun Yao is going back too!"

Young Master Liu sighed helplessly: "Senior Brother, it's Senior Brother!"


"You are Yunyao's son-in-law. After receiving the golden knife, you are destined to be irreversible!"

"Oh, junior brother, the golden knife is nothing more than that."

Huyan Yunyao didn't wait for First Young Master Liu to finish speaking, and took advantage of the misplaced position to kiss Young Young Master Liu on the cheek, but in the eyes of others, it looked like Huyan Yunyao was talking in Liu Mingzhi's ear!

"My son-in-law, don't forget Yunyao, see you in the future, Yunyao has gone!"

Liu Mingzhi gently touched the warmth on his face, and shook his head with a complex expression.

What is this called? How did I become a sweet potato?

Although they had been together for a long time in Dangyang Academy, they treated each other as men, so why did they have such a long-term relationship?

Huyan Yunyao got on the horse with a loud voice, folded the documents and put them in the harness, waved the whip, and hundreds of riders rode away.

Wanyan Chizha looked at the queen hesitantly, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, leading the people towards Daizhou.

Hui'er wrapped her hands in silk cloth and walked up to the queen holding a beautiful jade bowl.

"Master, the porridge is ready!"

The queen took the porridge bowl in one hand and the brocade box in the other, and walked towards First Young Master Liu who was sitting cross-legged with a leisurely smile.

"Yue'er, go play with Aunt Hui'er!"

"Got it mother!"

The queen quietly sat next to First Young Master Liu: "You have no conscience, and you haven't eaten a few bites, let's have some porridge!"

Young Master Liu was surprised and relieved: "It's better to drink porridge, it's better than eating carrots!"

The queen opened the lid of the porridge bowl with deep eyes and brought it to Young Master Liu's mouth: "Would you like to politely feed you?"

Young Master Liu took a deep breath and sniffed the richly scented porridge bowl: "This treat is good, and the porridge is also delicious. What kind of porridge? Lotus seed porridge? Tremella porridge? Alfalfa porridge?"

The queen pinched the spoon with her jade fingers and smiled lightly!
"Tiger bone porridge!"

"By the way, I put some goji berries, angelica, snow lotus seeds, red dates and twelve herbs that nourish yin and tonify yang. Do you think it won't be fragrant?"

"One mouthful of porridge, one mouthful of radish, I guarantee that you will be strong and healthy, and free from all diseases! Does it mean that I love you very much!"

Young Master Liu looked at the smiling queen in horror, and shrank back subconsciously.

"You are crazy, what about murder? The donkeys in the production team will not be fed like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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