My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1172 The Emperor Cannot Be Trusted

Chapter 1172 The Emperor Cannot Be Trusted

The red sun is rising, and its path is bright.

Birds sing, animals roar, insects sing, the breeze blows, and the leaves rustle.

Shanhaiguan, a neutral place, is full of vibrant scenes inside and out.

The slightest disharmonious sound of sword chant broke this beautiful scenery, and looking intently, the Heavenly Sword trembled slightly as Young Master Liu held it in his hand.

Obviously, he was complaining about his master, who actually used himself as a crutch for the elderly.

I am a Heavenly Sword, and all the masters of the past have cherished me very much, and regard myself as a close partner and a second life.

How did the situation change in the hands of Liu Shenxu's generation of masters?

Not to mention fighting and killing with the master of kidney deficiency, now he has even been reduced to the point of being a crutch.

The sky has no eyes, if the sages who owned the Heavenly Sword in the past know that this sword has fallen into this field, what face will this sword have in the future to accompany its future masters!

Heavenly Sword, this sword is Heavenly Sword!
Isn't it those broken copper and iron, Liu Shenxu, if you treat me like this, aren't you afraid of thunder?

Don't you have the slightest bit of uneasiness in your conscience?won't it hurt?

Young Master Liu hunched over, threw the towel to wipe his face to the cutie, and kicked the Heavenly Sword that he was using as a crutch with a dissatisfied expression.

"What are you shaking for? You have to be hung on the wall as a display after my young master died. Do you think that's the reason?"

"Without this young master making the decision to pass you on, your world-renowned magical weapon will be covered in dust, and will eventually disappear from the sight of martial arts people!"

"Which corner will the hatred be left in the end and become worthless!"

"You taste it, you taste it carefully, isn't what my young master said very reasonable?"

After Tianjian was kicked twice by Young Master Liu, he completely lost his spirituality and stayed quietly on the ground as a crutch like an ordinary long sword.

The cutie squatted on the ground curiously holding the towel and looking at the Heavenly Sword in Young Master Liu's hand: "Daddy, is there a little Renren hidden in the scabbard?"

"How does Yue'er feel that it really understands what you are saying?"

Young Master Liu shrugged indifferently: "Father doesn't know, it's not yet the time for the founding of the country, it's not impossible for this broken sword to really become a spirit!"

"But a sword is a sword after all, and it's true that a sword has spirituality, but it's an exaggeration to really understand human nature!"

The little cutie nodded half-understanding: "So that's the case, but why are you different from yesterday, Daddy? Are you bending over like a grandpa?"

First Young Master Liu was taken aback, looked resentfully at the tent beside him, rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and squatted down laboriously at the cute little Young Young Master Liu who looked eager for knowledge!

"Yue'er doesn't understand now, people are getting old, daddy is going to be thirty this year, half of the people are buried in the loess!"

"Daddy is going to be old soon, and I plan to adapt to the life of the elderly with a cane in advance!"

"This is called planning for a rainy day, you understand!"

Cutie nodded blankly: "Daddy is amazing!"

"It's so-so, but your mother is even better!"

"It makes Dad's weak body even worse."

"Daddy stepped into the life of the elderly in advance, all thanks to your mother, that's all, the past is too hard to look back on, don't mention it, don't mention it!"

The little cutie blinked her big and exquisite eyes and looked at First Young Master Liu in puzzlement: "Why? Daddy, you are so powerful, why are you afraid of your mother?"

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and looked at the ignorant cutie, and heaved a long sigh: "Silly boy, it's all because of you!"

"Because of Yue'er?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for your sudden appearance that disrupted Daddy's peaceful life, how could Daddy give in to your mother, an old monster?"

"What did you father and daughter say?"

Young Master Liu's face froze and he hurriedly turned around and looked at the empress who walked out of the tent with a smile: "It's okay, Yue'er and I praised how outstanding and outstanding her mother is!"

The queen walked out of the tent, facing the morning glow, and looked softly at the father and daughter who got along very well!

Bright eyes and white teeth, bright and charming face, three thousand blue hairs after bathing casually scattered on the shoulders, slightly rippling and flying in the wind.

The years did not leave the slightest trace on the queen's prosperous appearance, but instead made the queen's temperament more noble.

There is a little more dusty atmosphere, and the mature charm on the body is many times stronger than a few years ago!
With a sound, the plain white plain clothes were casually worn on the body, covering the exquisite and soft body. When the hem of the clothes danced, the queen was set off like a fairy.

It seems to be otherworldly!

Even though they shared the same bed last night and lingered for a long time, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but feel a little lost when he looked at the empress in front of him. This ordinary woman who descended from heaven unexpectedly fell asleep with him last night!

She also gave birth to a lively and lovely daughter for herself!

Sometimes when Liu Mingzhi faced the empress, he always felt like he was dreaming, everything was so unreal!
"Have no conscience, haven't you seen enough?"

"I can't get enough of it, I can never get enough of it!"

"Then follow me back to Kingdom of Jin, and politely let you watch it every day."

"Don't go!"

Although the queen knew that this would be the result, she still couldn't help feeling a little disappointed in her heart.

"Getting together and parting in a hurry, it's time to part again, friend, take care!"

Liu Mingzhi tightly held the hilt of the Heavenly Sword, and nodded heavily at the Queen: "Take care!"

The queen looked at Hui'er and the others who had been waiting for a long time not far away, and took a deep breath to grab the little cutie's wrist: "Yue'er, we should go back!"

Never thought that the little cutie backed away to avoid the Queen's movements, hugged Young Master Liu's thigh, and looked at the Queen pitifully with big eyes!

"Mother, Yue'er wants to live with Daddy for a few days, just a few days, Yue'er misses Daddy so much!"

The queen looked at the look of hope in the little cute eyes, hesitated for a long time and raised her eyes to look at Young Master Liu: "In Yingzhou, is it?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at his daughter who was hugging his thigh, with an unconcealable licking feeling in his eyes, his stooped body stood up quietly, and the Heavenly Sword in his hand was also lifted in his hand.

"In Yingzhou, this young master has the final say!"

"Otherwise, I promise, and the sword doesn't agree either!"

As soon as the words fell, the heavenly sword in Young Master Liu's hand gave out a cheerful sword chant, full of spirituality.

The queen nodded silently, glanced at the cutie reluctantly, waved her sleeves and walked towards the carriage, within a moment.

Dozens of riders escorted the carriage to the north, and there were only two fathers and daughters left in Shanhaiguan!


Young Master Liu's upright tiger body suddenly softened, and the Heavenly Sword in his hand became a crutch again: "My dear daughter, help Daddy, let's go back to Yingzhou, your sister and brother miss you very much!"

The little cutie smiled sweetly and tugged at First Young Master Liu's wrist: "Okay, daddy will help you slowly!"

Facing the morning glow, the father and daughter walked slowly towards Yingzhou City!


"Huh? What's the matter, my dear girl?"

"Since Yue'er took care of the government affairs, Mother has spent more and more time staring at your portrait on the wall in a daze!"

"Even my mother used to go to Wangjungui for the last time at intervals, and now from time to time, she will ride a horse alone for half a day."

"When I came back, I talked to the acacia tree outside the Shang's study, sometimes laughing, sometimes sad."

"Yue'er can tell that Mother really wanted to cry, but she tried her best not to cry once."

"Uncle said that Daddy is the most hypocritical person in the world, even if Mother treats each other wholeheartedly with the promise of the throne, it can't get Daddy your sincerity!"

"Daddy, mother is so tired, why can't you go back and help mother?"

"Yue'er, please, please go back to Jin Kingdom with Yue'er, Yue'er doesn't want to see mother like this!"

Liu Mingzhi's body froze, looking at the cute and sullen pretty face, he felt extremely sad.

Clutching the cute little hand tightly, Liu Mingzhi looked back to the north.

"Yue'er, you are still young, there are some things you won't understand!"

"Your mother is certainly your mother, but she is still the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin!"

"Daddy has no doubts about your mother's affection for Daddy!"

"But child, no matter how much your mother misses Daddy, her status as the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin is an indisputable fact and cannot be changed!"

"A companion is like a tiger. In the face of the emperor who is in charge of the country and the country, and who has the power of life and death, never trust it with just one word!"

"Daddy's being in Yingzhou is the best proof, the emperor's words cannot be trusted!"

"Never easily believe what an emperor says!"

"Especially your mother, you really don't understand your mother's means. It's not because of her words and deeds that a woman can rule the country for thousands of miles!"

"It's her method, otherwise, why do you think she can sit in that chair firmly!"

"No matter how nice your mother said to daddy, she only said it to daddy in a polite way. After returning to the kingdom of Jin, she will be the emperor of the kingdom of Jin."

"Sometimes it's not that Dad doesn't want to go to the Kingdom of Jin to accompany your mother, but because he can't and dare not!"

"Daddy is in Dalong, and he won the respect of your father. Your grandpa thinks highly of him, even though he is very uncomfortable with the methods he used against daddy!"

"But Dad can understand him, just like understanding your mother."

"As the king of a country, he is a lonely family. For the sake of the country, doing these things is just a matter of human will."

"In that position, everyone will be like him. Why isn't your mother guarding against your uncle Wanyan Chizha? Otherwise, the soldiers and horses in the Twelve Cities at the border will not be divided into three forces!"

"My uncle is so on guard, but dad is just a foreign minister, isn't it natural to be on guard?"

"As long as Daddy stays in Dalong, he can have both ways, and secretly protect your safety. No trouble can be separated from Daddy's eyeliner."

"But once Daddy goes to your Kingdom of Jin, do you know what will happen?"

Cutie shook her head blankly: "Yue'er doesn't know."

"Daddy went to your Kingdom of Jin, and the Liu family will be accused of treason and surrender to the enemy for life. Daddy and your brothers and sisters will be nailed to the pillars of historical shame for the rest of their lives! This is one of them."

"Father has too many things that father and emperor are afraid of. Once Daddy has two hearts, your grandparents, uncles, aunts, aunts, brothers and sisters may become the souls of the sword!"

"Daddy is not a god, but a human being. There are always things that are not thoughtful. That's why Daddy dare not gamble with the lives of hundreds of members of our Liu family! This is the second."

"Even if Daddy is lucky enough to bring the whole family to the Kingdom of Jin, Daddy, a handsome man in white, will immediately become your mother's prisoner."

"Man is a knife, I am fish, and I will be slaughtered by your mother."

"At that time, she will treat Daddy as Wanyan or as Emperor Dajin. Who can guarantee that?"

"She won't hurt daddy, but if she uses daddy's family to force daddy to do something he doesn't want, what should daddy do? This is the third."

"Perhaps you think that daddy thinks this way to measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

"Your mother may not be like this, but you Jin Kingdom still has a Minister of Civil and Military Affairs."

"At that time, Daddy will have nowhere to go. If he betrays Dalong and wants to go back, he will definitely die. If he doesn't go back, he will be dead."

"It's different for Daddy in Dalong. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat."

"It seems to hurt your mother's heart, but in fact this is the perfect strategy to protect everyone!"

"With the emperor, never talk to each other."

"If your mother is not the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, it doesn't matter if your father goes there thousands of times, but your mother is the emperor of the Jin Kingdom."

"Daddy believes in euphemistic words, and in euphemistic affection."

"But he won't believe the words of the emperor of Jin, just like father won't believe the words of the father."

Little cutie's big eyes are full of worry: "Isn't daddy very dangerous?"

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes at Yingzhou City and smiled lightly: "Dangerous? Yue'er, you are wrong. Only when Daddy arrives in Yingzhou can he truly accumulate the strength to protect himself."

"The capital city and the foot of the imperial city are under control everywhere. Although this Yingzhou city is a border city with frequent wars, it may not be the place where Dad rose up!"

"Do you know why daddy cries about being poor every day?"

"I don't know, Yue'er is still young!"

"Flintlock guns that are more powerful than the firecrackers you carry on your body. Daddy asked your uncle surnamed Han to build [-] of them on a deserted island in the East China Sea."

"The cannons you saw just now were recast from the cannons that Dad secretly hid before. There are not many of them now, only 170."

"All of Daddy's property has been filled in this bottomless pit!"

"Daddy has never betrayed his heart, and he is loyal enough to the emperor, but Daddy doesn't want to be a fish on a sticky board. Daddy just wants to protect himself, and let us live a happy little life as a family!"

"Even if the world is unified, and your Jin Kingdom and Turks are unfortunately destroyed, your mother and daughter live by your father's side, and your father can support you!"

"With guns, there are cannons."

"Daddy is the only one who lacks people. He needs his own people. As long as Daddy has enough people."

"You, Liu Luoyue, can show the world openly and aboveboard. You, Liu Luoyue, will not change your name or surname when you go. You are also the daughter of Duke Liu Mingzhi, Duke of the Great Dragon Ding."

The little cutie raised her head and stared blankly at Young Master Liu's high-spirited appearance, then let go of her hand and waved her little hand to Young Master Liu's eyes.

"Daddy, you have light in your eyes!"

"Oh, my young master's old waist. Just a hammer, it's done!"

(End of this chapter)

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