My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1173 How much is this broken silver 2

Chapter 1173

In July of the sixth year of Dalong Rui'an, a notice was issued to merchants all over the world.

Outside the border market of Yingzhou City, soldiers and horses from Dalong, Jin Kingdom and Turks are stationed along the way to protect the safety of trade. All merchants, big and small, can go to the Yingzhou Mutual Market for further trade.

Can be safe and sound.

The notice was expedited for [-] miles to be posted in various state capitals in Dalong, and the same was true for the Turks of the Kingdom of Jin.

For a while, merchants from all over the country were in a wait-and-see attitude, and even saw many bold colleagues making a lot of money from the border cross market outside Yingzhou City, and responded to the imperial court's notice one after another.

"My subordinate, Yu Chengle, has a meeting with the governor, my lord, as of noon today, the number of merchants out of the city has increased by more than [-], including caravans of all sizes!"

"Now the city is overcrowded, and many inns, restaurants and post stations are already full!"

"According to the scouts along the way, there are still many caravans rushing towards Yingzhou City from all directions!"

"The exchange market is even more crowded with people. It may be exaggerated to say that it is difficult to move an inch, but there have been several stampedes. Although the injuries are not serious, it is always a hidden danger!"

"Prosperity means prosperity has reached an unprecedented level, but there are too many people. Many small merchants no longer go to the Western Regions to do business, and they all come to Yingzhou."

"The servants of the governor's mansion and the officials of the counties around Yingzhou are simply overwhelmed. Your Excellency Governor, please think of a way!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the anxious Yu Chengle and shook his head slightly: "What are you panicking, drink a cup of tea and calm down!"

After Liu Mingzhi lifted the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Yu Chengle, he calmly picked up the tea on his face and began to taste it carefully.

Although Yu Chengle was extremely anxious, but seeing Liu Mingzhi's calm and composed mind, he had no choice but to sit down and drink tea full of melancholy.

I still became an official of the Governor-General's faction. This is something that everyone in Yingzhou and Fuzhou knows. The immediate superiors are not in a hurry.

"Master Yu!"

"The subordinate is here!"

"Yingzhou City has shown unprecedented prosperity. This is a good thing. It shows that Yingzhou, whose people's livelihood is withered, has once again restored its appearance as a border city!"

"The matter that the father entrusted to the governor, the governor can be regarded as a satisfactory solution!"

"The governor is very comforted by your previous appearance of the overall situation. Now that you are in such a panic, why does the governor feel that he has misjudged someone!"

Yu Chengle was taken aback and hurriedly shook his head: "My lord, it's not that the lower official is in a panic, but that the situation in Yingzhou City has already exceeded the lower official's expectation!"

"Your Excellency has been reclusive since signing the Three Kingdoms document. You may not understand the current situation of Yingzhou City, and I don't know what to say. Please dare to move over the city wall and wait and see!"

Liu Mingzhi thought for a moment and put down the teacup in his hand: "Forget it, Ben Du will go and have a look, I haven't gone out for a long time, it's a bit boring!"

"Thank you for your understanding, my lord, please move!"

"Wait, Sir Yu, you go outside the gate of the mansion and wait for the governor, the governor is going to change clothes!"

"Yes, I am waiting for you outside the mansion!"

After about half a stick of incense, Young Master Liu changed into a very ordinary green shirt and robe, and walked leisurely towards the gate of the mansion with a suspender on his shoulder, followed by Young Master Liu's sons and daughters. Holding the exquisite fish basket, talking and laughing, he followed behind First Young Master Liu.

The little cutie who still hadn't returned to the Kingdom of Jin was dressed in boy's attire, wearing a small bamboo hat, let go of her elder sister Liu Yiyi's hand, and ran towards First Young Master Liu with a fish basket in her hands.

Liu Yiyi hurriedly followed: "Little sister, slow down!"

"Sister, Yue'er is fine!"

"Daddy, shall we go fishing there today?"

Young Master Liu cheerfully glanced at the couples of children who were following him, especially the little cutie who was dressed as a fish boy in case Yu Chengle would recognize his identity.

"How about Lianhuan Bay? I heard that there are a lot of fish there, and Dad hasn't been there yet. Today, Dad will open your eyes and let you see Dad's skills!"

"Thank you Daddy, we want fish soup!"

"Okay, okay, everyone has a share!"

"Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chengqian, is the bait ready for you to live?"

The three brothers nodded heavily, and opened the ceramic jars in their hands one after another: "Look, Dad, everything is ready!"

"Father, Aunt Qinglian also added something to the bait, saying that the fish in the stream must love to eat it!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the youngest Liu Chengqian with a light smile: "That's no problem, your Aunt Qinglian still has the ability in this area, but do you really plan to plant the land for the rest of your life? You don't even forget to take your hoe when you go fishing. carry it!"

Liu Chengqian scratched his head with embarrassing face: "Dad, you said you wanted to dig earthworms, so Cheng Qian brought it!"

"Okay, Dad wrongly blamed you!"

Young Master Liu walked out of the mansion with his children talking and laughing, Yu Chengle stared at Young Master Liu who was dressed as a fisherman in astonishment and did not recover for a while.

"Master Yu, what's the matter, did Ben Du's attire surprise you so much?"

Yu Chengle came back to his senses and looked at Liu Mingzhi tangledly: "My lord, you're really confused when you're dressed like an official."

"What's confusing, go fishing, how obvious!"

"Wearing the green clothes in front of my eyes, the bamboo hat covering the sun looks like a fairy!"

"Green mountains, green waters and fish as companions, fishing in the world with a bamboo pole in hand."

"Quick, quick, the life of a fairy is nothing more than this, let's go, Mr. Yu, let's talk as we walk."

"The carriage is ready, please, my lord and all the young masters and ladies, ride together."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand: "No need, didn't you say that the city is already overcrowded? Carriage is not necessarily faster than walking, let's go, and let the governor see the prosperous Yingzhou City!"

"Okay, my lord please!"

"Young masters, miss please."

It was only after leaving the street outside the Governor's Mansion, where there were no personal guards, that Liu Mingzhi really saw why Yu Chengle was anxious.

Today's Yingzhou City is not only overcrowded, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is crowded with people.

Although it is not that there is no place to stay, it is still quite serious.

Just pedestrians, horse-drawn carts, ox carts, and donkey carts are also sandwiched on the main road of Yingzhou City. Carriages stacked with various goods move slowly on the street, and everyone has a smile on their faces.

When Liu Mingzhi went to the north, there were very few Turkic Jin people in the city, but now they are everywhere.

Liu Mingzhi was very pleased with the smiles on the faces of these businessmen, but as Yu Chengle said, when there are too many people, troubles will come.

Yu Chengle also noticed the astonishment on Liu Mingzhi's face, and sighed silently: "My lord, you know the difficulty of being an official, now all the yamen servants and government soldiers have been mobilized, but the stability of the city is still difficult to maintain. "

"I'm afraid that [-]% of the businessmen in the world are here. No matter how big the border city is, Yingzhou City can't stop them coming like this!"

"Go to the city wall and have a look!"

"Sir, please!"

Liu Mingzhi gave instructions to his children behind him with his fishing rod upright.

"Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chenggan, you three must protect your sisters and sisters, and follow behind your father, and we will slowly drive towards the north city wall by the private houses on the side of the road."

"Understood, Daddy, don't worry!"

Liu Mingzhi made a few gestures cryptically, and rushed towards the city wall under the leadership of Yu Chengle.

Young Master Liu seemed to have underestimated the power of Yu Chengle's crimson official robe, but wherever Yu Chengle went, many people greeted him with smiles, and provided Yu Chengle with a convenient space to walk.

Even so, from the governor's mansion to the gate of the city, it took less than half an hour to get under the gate.

"My lord, why are you here?"

Du Yu, who was checking the household registration of the past merchants, saw Young Master Liu in the crowd at a glance, and hurried to greet him.

"Let's take a look at the situation, how is it, is there a lot of pressure?"

Du Yu nodded solemnly, and pointed at the convoy in the city that could not be seen at a glance: "Brothers are tired enough to take turns to fight."

"It feels like there are more people than the 40 army during our Western Expedition. We have to find a way to control it. Otherwise, the brothers will not be able to manage it even if they are exhausted."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment: "Tell the brothers that the salary will be tripled these days, and the governor will try his best to find a solution."

"Yes, I will go to work first."

"Master Yu, let's go to the city wall first."

"Sir, please."

"Yiyi, Yaoyao, you all follow."

"Understood, Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi and the others went straight to the city wall. After a while, Liu Mingzhi and Yu Chengle stood on the city wall with flying flags and looked at the exchange market not far away.

There were so many people, and there were so many carriages that there were probably tens of thousands of people gathered outside the city of Yingzhou for trade.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Liu Mingzhi seemed to feel that he could hear voices discussing prices.

"My lord, you have seen that the city is full of people, and the outside of the city is not too much."

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently.

"People in the world are in a panic, only thinking of a few taels of silver; but this few taels of silver can relieve the melancholy of the world."

"A few taels of silver can keep Gaotang healthy and healthy in his later years, so that young children can enter the school and have daily necessities, rice, oil, salt and grains."

"But a few taels of silver, not only breaks childhood thoughts, but also makes ordinary people suffer from vicissitudes of life and bend their backs."

"There is a big dream in the world, and life is sad several times."

Yu Chengle was startled, and also sighed softly.

"My lord only speaks a few words, and he narrates all kinds of things in the world to the fullest."

(End of this chapter)

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