Chapter 1179
"Third Brother!"

Li Yunlong's body stiffened suddenly with a face of anger, and he stared at the third princess Li Yan who was standing beside the door with Liu Chengqian in his eyes.

Li Yunlong looked at his third princess Li Yan with a faint smile, his face was extremely complicated, he looked down at Liu Chengqian who was curiously looking at him, and said silently: "Third sister, long time no see!"

The third princess led Liu Chengqian and walked slowly towards Li Yunlong: "Yes, it's been more than a year. How is the third brother doing well in Jingzhou these days?"

Li Yunlong nodded slightly, staring at the sky outside the hall with a look of nostalgia on his face: "It's pretty good, as I get older, I feel more and more homesick, but as I get older, I can't go home anymore."

The third princess understood the meaning of Li Yunlong's words without thinking about it, and she was homesick, but for the sake of her elder brother Li Baiyu's safe enthronement and succession to the throne, many princes have homes and cannot return.

You can only choose to become a vassal king in one place, for the sake of the so-called Jiangshan Sheji.

"Third brother, this is our fate."


There was a trace of unwillingness in Li Yunlong's eyes: "The fate is to grow up but not to be young. The fate is to be born early and have the third sister. We are the closest in age, and you are the one who knows the third brother very well."

The third princess put her eyes on Liu Chengqian with dodge eyes: "Chenggan, his name is uncle, do you remember the third uncle? When you were young, he still hugged you and played around our house, do you remember?"

Liu Chengqian looked at Li Yunlong timidly, looked up at his father who was smiling slightly, and saluted Li Yunlong.

"Cheng Gan pays respects to uncle."

"Hey, don't be too polite, don't be too polite, get up quickly."

Li Yunlong looked at Liu Chengqian who was saluting to him, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, with an undisguised softness on his expression.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Yunlong's behavior and expression in surprise. It turned out that Li Yunlong had a side he had never seen before.

The third princess looked at Li Yunlong with a gratified expression. The third brother at this moment is the good third brother who has always cared for her in my impression.

It's not the rude and rude man who was rumored by others, His Royal Highness the King of Shu.

"Thank you uncle."

"You're welcome, good boy. It's been a few years since I've seen you grow so tall. Uncle came here in a hurry and didn't bring any presents. Later, he will stay at Uncle's house for a few days. Uncle will compensate you for everything."

"it is good!"

The third princess lingered on her husband and the third brother with complicated eyes for a while, then saluted Liu Mingzhi: "My husband, the third brother came from a long way, and the concubine just asked the back kitchen to arrange a banquet for the third brother in the main hall." Wash the dust."

"Accompany third brother to have a few glasses of wine!"

Although Liu Mingzhi was extremely reluctant, he had no choice but to smile and nodded: "Yan'er has a heart, third brother, since Yan'er has prepared the banquet, please move to the main hall, I don't know what the third brother thinks?"

Li Yunlong put away the palms on Liu Chengqian's shoulders and straightened his body. He glanced at the expectant face of the third sister before resolutely leaving and nodded for a moment.

"My brother-in-law is here!"

The appearance of the three princesses made the somewhat tense Liu and Young Master temporarily peaceful.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Liu did not expect that Li Yunlong really agreed. He stared at Li Yunlong in a daze for a while, his heart fluttered, and he took the third princess by the wrist and pretended to glance at Li Yunlong inadvertently.

This guy doesn't have such a beastly twisted idea of ​​sister fetishism, does he?
However, holding the hand of the third princess, Li Yunlong's expression was normal enough that there was nothing unusual about it, which showed that he was thinking too much.

Young Master Liu, who was talking about it in his heart, looked at Liu Chengqian cheerfully: "Son, lead the way to the main hall for uncle, daddy and your mother will go change their clothes and go in a while."

"I know dad!"

"Uncle, come with Cheng Gan!"

Li Yunlong nodded gently: "Okay."

"Yan'er, let's change clothes!"

"it is good!"

"Yan'er, why does my husband think that the third brother is so obedient to you? It seems like a different person before you came."

The three princesses trembled and sighed silently: "Husband, many years ago"

"Even though the third brother is notorious in the court, but compared to the elder brother of the crown prince who is a compatriot of the same mother, although the third brother is not a compatriot of the same mother, he really loves Yan'er's elder brother the most."

"No matter how third brother treats others, his love for Yan'er has never changed."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the somewhat melancholy Third Princess and nodded clearly: "So there is still such a past, no wonder Third Brother treats you so differently."

"The imperial palace looks resplendent and resplendent. The third elder brother who has been so blinded suddenly finds out that there is a fairy-like little sister who trusts him. How warm his heart is!"

"Yan'er, let me ask you for my husband, you should treat the third brother as your own brother, right? There shouldn't be anything in it, right?"


The third princess seemed to understand something for a moment, she glared at her husband angrily, and was about to tear Young Master Liu's ears: "Bad husband, what nonsense are you talking about? Be careful that I will ignore you for three days a month!"

Young Master Liu put his ear up happily: "My husband is wrong, my husband is wrong, the main reason is that the third brother's attitude towards you makes my husband jealous, my husband also cares about Yan'er, and treats Yan'er as a A forbidden descendant of my husband, I can't get close to anyone except for my husband Yan'er, not even my elder brother."

The third princess was as sweet as honey in her heart, but she still pretended to be dissatisfied and glared at her husband angrily.

"It's just that you are thinking wildly, who do you think the concubine is."

"My husband was wrong, really wrong, Yan'er is not angry, good lady!"

"Virtue, hurry up and change clothes, don't let the third brother"

Qi Yun's maid, Yu'er, ran over in a hurry, panting, looking at Young Master Liu and pointing towards the inner courtyard.

"Elder-in-law, grandpa, Sister Ying'er is giving birth!"

First Young Master Liu was stunned, and suddenly clapped his hands: "How can I forget such an important thing when I'm busy, find the midwife quickly, and let the doctor wait by me!"

"Miss has already been found, and they are all here, but the midwife said that Sister Ying'er is...she."

Liu Mingzhi's expression darkened as he looked at Yu'er, who hesitated to speak, and ran towards the inner courtyard in a hurry: "Yan'er, go and accompany third brother first, and go to the backyard as soon as third brother leaves!"

The third princess looked at the back of her husband going away and responded: "I know it myself!"

After finishing speaking, he nodded to Yu'er, and walked quickly towards the main hall without thinking about changing clothes.

"Yun'er, sister Ya, how is Ying'er?"

When Liu Mingzhi rushed to the backyard, Qi Yun and the girls in front of Ying'er's room, except for the third princess Yun Qingshi, had already arrived, and they were looking anxiously at the room where the heart-piercing groans came from.

Listening to Yinger's heart-piercing moans in the room, Liu Mingzhi felt like a knife was twisting his heart. This was the first time he stayed outside the room waiting for the birth of the child, so it made people so expectant and anxious.

Qi Yun looked at Liu Mingzhi hesitantly: "The midwife, tell me."

"What are you talking about? Yun'er, are you dying for your husband? Tell me quickly."

"Ying'er had a difficult labor, and now she is bleeding a lot, maybe."

"Ma'am, ma'am, the midwife asked the servants to meet the father-in-law!"

"Excuse me, what happened to the midwife?"

"The midwife asks, protect the older ones and protect the younger ones!"

(End of this chapter)

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