Chapter 1180

Liu Mingzhi looked at the servant girl with his pupils shrunk suddenly, and he felt that the blood was rushing up and he almost couldn't get over it.



"Brother Zhi!"


Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath and calmed down his body: "Safety, be sure!"


The maid ran towards the room, and Liu Mingzhi broke free from the support of Qi Yun and the girls, walked towards the steps beside him with absent-minded eyes, and sat on the steps limply with his whole body out of his wits.

Qi Yun and the girls were very distressed, just about to speak to comfort, but Qi Ya's eyes comforted her back, signaling not to disturb her husband.

Liu Mingzhi felt extremely sad, the first time he greeted a child by his side, he was about to die before he saw the colorful world, the feeling in his heart can be imagined.

However, Liu Mingzhi could only keep Ying'er, the girl who had been with him longer than Qi Yun.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, let alone how uncomfortable it is to choose.

It hurts like cutting flesh.

My child, please forgive my father for not letting you live. Your mother gave birth in October, and my father hoped so much for the safety of both of you, mother and child, but at this point, my father could only choose cruelly.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, Sister Ying'er insists on protecting the child!"

Liu Mingzhi stood up abruptly: "No, you must keep Ying'er, and tell the midwife that if you can't keep your lord, I will let her pay for her life!"


"Young Master Bao. Child"

Ying'er's weak but firm voice came from the room, and Liu Mingzhi ran towards the door with a panicked expression.

"Grandpa, this is the delivery room, you can't go in, it's unlucky!"

"What is auspicious or unlucky, get out of the way!"

Liu Mingzhi directly pushed aside the two maids, pushed open the door and walked in, Qi Yun and the girls recovered from their shock and hurriedly followed.

Qi Yunqinglian hurriedly stopped Qi Ya and her daughters: "Sister, sisters, you don't want to go in if you haven't given birth to a child. I still have Lian Er to go in."

Qi Ya and the girls hesitated for a moment and nodded, thinking that Qi Yunqinglian was worried that they wouldn't be able to handle things and would cause chaos, but she didn't know that Qi Yunqinglian was afraid that they would leave a shadow.

Only through personal experience can you know that having a child is really not that simple.


"Everyone is free, busy with their own affairs!"


Liu Mingzhi looked at Ying'er, who was sweating profusely, with distress, and grabbed Ying'er's whitening hand that was holding the brocade quilt.

"Ying'er, the young master is by your side, don't be afraid, work hard, Ying'er is the most powerful girl."

Ying'er looked at First Young Master Liu with a whitish corner of her mouth, "Save the child!"

"Hot water!"


"Yinger, don't be afraid!"


Ying'er screamed again, her nails dug deep into Young Master Liu's palm, Young Master Liu snorted a few times, closed her eyes and clenched her teeth tightly, and remained silent.

I am in such pain, you can imagine Yinger's suffering, Liu Mingzhi doesn't want him to affect Yinger.

I don't know how long it took, but the midwife's surprised voice came out: "It's a young lady!"

Liu Mingzhi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ying'er, only to see Ying'er lying on the bed with pale face and closed eyes: "Ying'er!"

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly tested Ying'er's breath with his hands, and felt the weak breathing. Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief, and pulled a clean brocade quilt to cover Ying'er: "Yun'er, let the doctor come in and give Yinger a diagnosis and treatment!"

"Understood my husband!"

"Midwife, let me see the baby!"

After pinching the baby's arm a few times, the midwife tremblingly handed the swaddle to Young Master Liu: "Stillborn!"


Liu Mingzhi took the swaddling baby tremblingly, of course he understood what stillbirth meant, Liu Mingzhi looked at the baby in the swaddling baby tremblingly.

"God, what kind of outrageous thing did Liu Mingzhi do? You want to treat me like this, and let my child even die in this world!"

"Wow wow."

Liu Mingzhi couldn't believe it and looked at the infant baby in surprise: "Midwife, midwife, look quickly, my baby is crying!"

The midwife also looked at the crying baby in Young Master Liu's arms in astonishment: "It's a miracle, it's a miracle, it's alive. Could it be that it was blocked by filth just now!"

"Congratulations to the lord, congratulations to the lord, the lady will be a very rich and powerful person in the future, she will definitely be a very rich and powerful person."

"Lian'er, reward money, 500 taels!"

"Yes, my husband!"

The midwife looked at the 500 taels silver note in her hand in surprise: "Thank you, Grandpa, thank you, Grandpa!"

"Grandpa, Mrs. Ying'er has lost a lot of blood, and I'm afraid she will die soon!"

The doctor who took the pulse hesitated for a moment and still told the truth about Yinger.

Who am I, Young Master Liu looked at the wailing child in his arms who had just shown joy, and became gloomy again.

Qi Yun walked up to First Young Master Liu worriedly: "Husband, I'm holding the child, please look at Ying'er first!"

Liu Mingzhi handed the baby to Qi Yun and looked at the hesitant doctor gloomyly: "I tried everything to save you, aren't you the most famous doctor in Yingzhou? You can't even solve such a problem, what are you talking about the most famous doctor?" !"

"Grandpa's anger is not because the grass people are unwilling to save people, but because the grass people are unable to return to heaven. Madam, she is hanging on her breath and unwilling to die. In such a situation, the grass people's medical skills are limited. Please calm down!"

Liu Mingzhi was furious, his face crimson, and he grabbed the doctor's collar: "I don't care about this young master, if you can't save Yinger, I will let you pay for it!"

The doctor shook his head helplessly: "Even if the lord kills the grassroots, the lord will be powerless to return to heaven, so my lord's condolences!"

Liu Mingzhi loosened the doctor's collar weakly, and he knew in his heart that it was mediocre behavior to anger the doctor: "Get out!"

"My lord, farewell to the grassroots, my condolences!"

"Lian'er, pass on my order to summon all the doctors in the city to come to the mansion. All the doctors who cure Ying'er will be rewarded with 1 taels of silver and a favor from my lord. Whatever they ask, they will all be granted!"

"Immediately let the Liusong Golden Eagle pass on the letter to the old man, and let Sai Huatuo rush to Yingzhou!"


Liu Mingzhi staggered to Ying'er's bed and slowly grabbed Ying'er's palm: "Ying'er, the young master's order must be given to the young master to hold on, the doctor will be here soon, right away!"


Liu Mingzhi turned back with difficulty and looked at Yun Qingshi who was standing by the screen, a little stunned, Yun Qingshi's precarious appearance as if it could be blown down by a gust of wind made him feel distressed and helpless: "Why are you here, who told you to come out? "

Yun Qingshi lowered her head dejectedly, and finally set her eyes on Yinger: "Let me take a look at Sister Yinger, I know a little bit about Qihuang."

Liu Mingzhi was overjoyed: "You know how to heal?"

"The concubine knows a little bit, and there is no good way right now. It's better to let the concubine try than to wait!"

"Qingshi, hurry up, hurry up, we must save Ying'er!"

Without hesitation, Yun Qingshi went to Yinger's bedside to feel her pulse, and after a while, Yun Qingshi pondered for a while.

"Three roots of millennium ginseng, one or two of snow lotus seeds, half of golden clematis, and half of musk are put into the belly of black-bone chicken, steamed on high heat, and a bowl of soup comes out."

"Isn't musk harmful to eat?"

"Husband, there is no medicine that is absolutely beneficial. If you believe me, let someone prepare the medicine immediately!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yun Qingshi's clear eyes and waved to the servant girl: "Go and prepare the medicine immediately."

"Yes! Grandpa!"

"Qing Shi, is there anything else I need to prepare?"

"Sister Yun, Sister Qinglian stay here, and three more servant girls, and the rest go out!"

"I want to go out too?"

"go out!"

"Okay, Qingshi, I'll leave Ying'er to you."

"Midwife, take the child to wash it right away, I'm waiting for you outside the door!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Liu Mingzhi closed the door, and wandered outside the door with a melancholy expression, surrounded by Qi Ya and his daughters.

"Husband, Sister Ying'er is auspicious, she has her own destiny, you can wait at ease, don't rush to get angry!"

"Let my husband be quiet!"

Qi Ya and the girls nodded silently, and stood aside to wait.

Liu Mingzhi lingered outside the door for an indeterminate amount of time, when the door opened, a servant girl's voice came out: "Mrs. Qingshi, let me ask which lady has deep inner strength, come in and help!"

"I come!"

Qi Ya walked in without hesitation.Liu Mingzhi looked at the door with both worry and expectation, looking forward to Yun Qingshi's rejuvenation.

"Grandpa, the child has been cleaned, and now he is not crying or fussing. Look at how well-behaved he is, and give the child a name!"

Liu Mingzhi took the swaddling baby and pondered for a moment looking at the child who had not opened yet but had bright eyes.

"All living beings are full of fragrance."

"Yunxin, Liu Yunxin."

"Baby name, Liu Quji."

(End of this chapter)

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