Chapter 1181
When Murong Shan, Ling Wei'er and the others heard the baby name her husband gave the child, they immediately understood what was going on.

They all leaned forward and looked at Liu Yunxin, who was in her swaddling baby and her eyes were wide open, she was not crying or fussing at her father, and prayed silently, hoping that the child would be safe from disasters in the future.

The first birth was dystocia, and it was stillborn. Compared with Liu Yaoyao and other children, it was simply a disaster.

"Midwife, take the child to the disaster first. If you need anything, just ask the servants!"

"Yes, the old woman is leaving!"

The midwife took the infant Liu Yunxin and followed the maid to the house that had already been prepared.

I don't know how long it took, the door creaked open, Qi Yun came out first, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly turned around and looked: "Yun'er, how are you?"

The expression on his face was extremely complicated, eager to get the result, but afraid of getting the result.

Qi Yun wiped the fine sweat from her forehead: "The danger has been saved. Sister Qingshi said that Ying'er's life is hanging, but because of the dystocia and blood loss, coupled with exhaustion, she won't be able to wake up for a while. "

"That's fine, that's fine!"

Liu Mingzhi walked down the steps with an extremely relaxed expression on his face, and knelt down on the ground with a plop amidst the stunned expressions of the women.

"I, Liu Mingzhi, seldom thank God sincerely in my life."

"Today Liu Mingzhi pays homage to the sky three times, thanking the sky for having eyes, the sky has eyes!"

Murong Shan walked to the side of her husband who kowtowed three times, and gently supported First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, it's cold on the ground, get up quickly!"

Liu Mingzhi stood up slowly, and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes like a seasoned old man: "Mother and daughter are safe and sound! The ups and downs are really uncomfortable!"

"Liu Song!"


Liu Mingzhi let out a long sigh: "Tell Du Yu that the caravan under the King of Shu's name will not be embarrassing in the future. My young master will be a good person from now on, accumulating good deeds and accumulating good fortune!"

"Yes, little one, let's go."

"Yun'er, how is Qing Shi?"

"Husband, Sister Qingshi is in a coma, her energy is exhausted, and her body is malnourished and she is so tired that she faints."

Before Qi Yun could speak, Qi Ya's body was affected by it, Liu Mingzhi followed the trend and saw Yun Qingshi walking out with a haggard and unconscious Yun Qingshi in Qi Ya's arms.

Liu Mingzhi hurried up and took Yun Qingshi into his arms, and looked at Qi Yun and the girls with complicated expressions: "Do you all know about Qingshi?"

Qi Yun and the girls looked at each other, and nodded slightly: "Husband, sister Qingshi, she is... oh."

"Husband, maybe little sister Qingshi has done something wrong, but she treats you little sister Qingshi sincerely and wholeheartedly. It's just that sometimes fate can't be controlled by others or yourself."

"Husband, forgive sister Qingshi!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yun Qingshi in his arms with melancholy eyes, and then glanced at Qi Ya and the others: "My husband has never complained about Qingshi, and it has always been because she couldn't get out of her heart."

"My husband is not a cold-hearted person. How can he show no pity for a woman who has been with him for several years? It's just that there are many things that my husband can't say."

"Qingshi insists on imprisoning herself in a cage, her husband sees it in her eyes and hurts in her heart, but there is nothing she can do about it!"

"Stop talking about these things, take care of Ying'er, I'll send Qing Shi to the room and come back!"

"Okay, my husband, go slowly!"

While cupping tea, Liu Mingzhi put Yun Qingshi on the bed, covered her with a brocade quilt, and looked at the unconscious Yun Qingshi with a melancholy expression.

"Master, Suzaku didn't let Mrs. Qing Shi go out on purpose, miss Ying'er."

"Suzaku, you did a good job in this matter, step back first!"

"Yes, Suzaku resigns!"

Liu Mingzhi grabbed Yun Qingshi's wrist and put it on his lap: "Qingshi, my husband wanted to talk to you about himself, whether you could hear it or not, my husband wanted to tell you Say!"

"But after thinking about it, I don't know what to say!"

"I have said what should be said for my husband, and I have said what should not be said for my husband."

"Life is unsatisfactory nine out of ten times. Isn't it good to let the past go? People can't always live in the past. When the time is right, don't we have to look forward?"

"My husband gives you hints and opportunities again and again, why don't you know how to grasp it? Compared with the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the days of killing people and drinking blood, my husband wants to give you a stable home, a stable home. Life, are you so repulsive?"


Yun Qingshi didn't know if she was talking in her sleep or if she heard Young Master Liu's words, she murmured "husband", two lines of tears ran down her haggard cheeks, but she didn't seem to wake up in the slightest.

Liu Mingzhi was startled, looked at Yun Qingshi who was still asleep, tapped his forehead lightly, covered him with a brocade quilt, and slowly exited the room.

"Husband, Ying'er also needs to rest now, it's better not to go in, there will be maids who will take care of Ying'er non-stop for twelve hours."

"Okay, let Ying'er take a good rest, is Yan'er here?"

"No, presumably the King of Shu hasn't left yet, otherwise Sister Yan'er won't be here any longer."

Liu Mingzhi thought for a moment: "I'll go to the main hall to have a look, you go and tell Lian Er to let her stay in the inner courtyard obediently and not go to the main hall, otherwise my husband is afraid that she will meet with the enemy of the King of Shu, and she will be extremely jealous and cause some dissatisfaction." Come up with what is necessary."

"The king of Shu is not a good person, and I don't want him to be caught as a husband."

"The concubine knows, do you want to go to the ceremony in person? As the wife of the Liu family, it is not appropriate to not show up all the time."

"Alright, you can go there after you arrange Lian'er, my husband will go first."

"My concubine knows."

A while later Liu Mingzhi arrived at the main hall, Li Yunlong drank the wine without saying a word, and the third princess poured the wine for his third brother silently with a sullen face.

Although Liu Mingzhi didn't understand what happened, but depending on the situation, he had some unpleasant words.

"Third brother, I'm sorry, my concubine gave birth suddenly, and my younger brother was delayed for some time, please don't mind third brother."

Li Yunlong turned his head to look at First Young Master Liu, with a forced smile on his face: "Congratulations!"

"Thank you third brother!"

Li Yunlong drank the wine in the glass, and put down the glass gently: "Brother-in-law, third sister, it's getting late, I'll come to visit you sometime later."

"A farewell word, I hope my brother-in-law will remember it in my heart."

"Please enlighten me, third brother."

"Don't be too pushy in being a human being, let me say goodbye!"

"Third Brother!"

The third princess hurriedly got up and looked at Li Yunlong's back earnestly. Li Yunlong paused, then waved his sleeves and walked towards the gate of the mansion without hesitation.

Liu Mingzhi silently took the third princess into his arms, Liu Chengqian obediently ran out of the hall with his head down, leaving enough space for his parents.


The third princess turned around and hugged Liu Mingzhi and began to cry.

"Don't cry, don't cry, did the third brother say something ugly, go find him for my husband!"

"No no!"

"Husband, you said that you were born in the royal family, so you really don't want to live an ordinary and happy life like a concubine? Is that the charm of that chair?"

"Everyone flocks to them."

The third princess described it as rushing, obviously full of dissatisfaction with that chair.

"Yan'er, don't cry, sometimes we can't decide anything, my husband will take you back to rest for a while, and forget all the troubles!"

That night.

Lightning, thunder, and storm beat the doors and windows of every household in Yingzhou City.

"Ami. Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable."

"The throne of the Son of Heaven is for the virtuous to live in, and the sky will change!"

"Daddy, are you bringing thousands of troops here to kill Yue'er?"

"Husband, tell Yan'er, why, why did you do this?"

"No conscience, you said you wouldn't hurt me, you lied to me, you lied to me!"


"Whirring whirring."

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"Husband, are you having a nightmare?"

"Sister, light up the candles!"

A while later, Qi Ya was wearing undergarments as thin as cicada's wings, and walked towards the bed with a lantern in her hand, looking worriedly at First Young Master Liu who was sitting on the bedside and panting heavily.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"Husband, talk, don't scare Yun'er, okay?"

Liu Mingzhi slowly raised his head and glanced at the Qi Yun sisters with suspicion in his eyes: "My husband is fine, but I had a nightmare."

"Crack. Rumble..."

Thunder burst, and lightning illuminated the dimly lit room.

Liu Mingzhi put on his clothes and walked towards the window, raised his hand and pushed gently, a gust of cold wind blew into the window, which refreshed the drowsy Liu Mingzhi.

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly looking at the swaying lanterns under the corridor and the pouring rain in the courtyard.

"It's going to change?"

(End of this chapter)

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