Chapter 1182 Seeking Thieves and Restoring the Land (I only want to add more for your persistence)

Dalong Jingshi.

The violent storm was coming fiercely, and its power was no less than that of Yingzhou. In just half a day, the city had already accumulated water, enough to submerge the feet.

The autumn floods have arrived.

The continuous autumn rain in March is not just talk.



Yiqi didn't even have an umbrella and galloped towards the palace against the violent wind and rain. The clothes on his body were already wet by the rain and stuck tightly to his body. The bamboo tube in his arms did not dare to let go.

The imperial guards guarding the gate of the palace stood outside the gate in coir raincoats to protect the safety of the palace.

Hearing the sound of galloping horseshoes, their expressions changed one after another, and they drew out their weapons to prepare for battle.

"Stop coming, report your name! The imperial city has been sealed, dismount immediately!"

"Shangshu Song Yu of the Ministry of War, expedited documents for eight hundred miles in northern Xinjiang, let them go quickly!"

"Song Shangshu?"

"Eight hundred li expedited documents, let them go quickly!"

"Song Shangshu, the imperial city has been sealed, without His Majesty's word of mouth, I dare not open the gates of the city, please forgive me, Lord Song."


Song Yu directly tightened the rein of the horse, and the horse's hooves were raised high and neighing rhythmically. Song Yu pulled the rein on the horse to stabilize his figure, showing his superb horse skills.

As I said at the beginning, Dalong has never been an absolute civil servant or general.

They are all existences that can establish a state by riding a horse, and rule a country by dismounting.

It's just that civil servants are slightly inferior to military commanders.

Song Yu immediately got off his horse and looked anxiously at the general guarding the city gate with the bamboo tube in his arms: "General Ping, the northern border is in a hurry. It is related to the urgent documents of Wu Guogong Wan Buhai and the 30 northern expedition army. There is no delay, and the city will be opened immediately." Let me enter the palace to face the saint!"

General Ping's face became astonished: "What, the documents of the Northern Expedition Army?"

"That's right, quickly open the city gate!"

"Yes, brothers, quickly open the city gate and let Master Song enter the palace."

"General Ping, thank you very much. If His Majesty blamed all the crimes on a minister and delayed the military affairs, even if I have 1 heads, I won't be able to cut them off."

"Master Song, military affairs should not be underestimated, go in quickly!"

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense about this Shangshu. I will go to the palace to face the saint. You send your brothers to disperse and go to the other five Shangshu, left and right Zaifu. On the [-]th, make an announcement at the General's Mansion in Beijing to let them come to the city gate Wait, once you receive His Majesty's order, you will immediately enter the palace to have an audience."

"The humble job knows!"

Song Yu didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately got on his horse and galloped towards the palace.

After half a cup of tea, the chief steward galloped towards the bedroom of Li Zheng and the empress, ignoring the night watch maids who stopped in front of the screen outside the bed: "Your Majesty, hurry up for eight hundred miles in northern Xinjiang!"

Li Zheng, who was sleeping soundly, sat up suddenly, his deep eyes revealed a frightening light.

Empress Nangong Meng was also awakened by Li Zheng's actions, and looked at Li Zheng with her delicate body covered by a brocade quilt in bewilderment: "Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Li Zheng raised his hand to signal the Queen to silence, and turned to look at the screen: "Old Zhou, what's the matter again?"

"Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Mr. Song, rode into the palace on horseback, and the eight hundred miles in the northern border are urgent!"

"Eight hundred miles?"


Li Zheng hurriedly walked towards the bed, put on his shoes, grabbed the dragon robe on the hanger, and put it on his body: "Decree, the remaining five ministers, the left and right ministers, and the twelve generals will enter the palace to have an audience immediately. I am in the imperial study." Wait for them!"

"According to the order!"

"Your Majesty, my concubine will help you change your clothes!"

The queen tightened her underwear and asked her concubine to serve Li Zheng to wear the dragon robe. Li Zheng shook his head directly: "No need, it is an urgent matter to rush for eight hundred miles. We can't delay for a moment. I wear it as I go. You Rest first!"

"The concubine knows!"

Li Zheng took the clothes and walked towards the door: "Fuhai, let Song Aiqing go to the imperial study to wait right away. I will be there soon, and then I will inform the prince to enter the palace for an audience!"

"According to the order!"

After half a stick of incense, Li Zheng stepped into the brightly lit imperial study.

"Veteran Song Yu sees you"

"Free gift!"

Li Zheng looked at Song Yu, who was drenched all over, with a sloppy face, trembling from the cold but still holding the bamboo tube tightly, and waved to the eunuch beside him, "You, find a clean plain clothes for Song Aiqing to change into, and make charcoal Basin for Song Aiqing to keep warm!"


"No, Your Majesty, how dare an old minister wear His Majesty's clothes, if Xia Yushi finds out about it"

"Oh, Song Aiqing, big things should not be trivial at the moment. You are shivering all over in wet clothes, and your slurred speech is a major matter that delays the military plane. Don't say more, my clothes are just a piece of clothing, and it doesn't mean anything."

"Okay, old minister, thank you Your Majesty!"

After a cup of tea, Song Yu wore Li Zheng's clothes and sat on a chair beside him. Li Zheng had already been sitting on the dragon chair, holding a paper document in his hand and carefully watching the lights.

After a while, Li Zheng slapped the rice paper on the table with a dark face: "The Northern Expedition is about to come to an end, but the grain and grass have problems because of the autumn rain. The heavens really have no eyes."

"Your Majesty, hundreds of thousands of stones of grain and grass have been delayed for a long time because of the continuous autumn rain, and the grain and grass on the side of Duke Wu will soon be exhausted. If the replenishment is not timely, the 30 northern expedition army will die."

"Is it too late to mobilize food and grass from other places?"

"More than 120 large and small prefectures north of the capital have all entered the flood season, and the autumn rains are continuous. The official road leading directly to northern Xinjiang is muddy and difficult to travel by car, let alone other roads!"

"Especially, there is no way to know whether there are food and grass ministers in the rest of the state capitals. This depends on the intention of Chang Shou Zhangchang, the interim secretary of the Ministry of household affairs."

Li Zheng's face was uncertain: "A few days or even ten days at night is not a problem. The old man must have a way to deal with it, but if the grain and grass sprout on the road because of the autumn rain, it is really hopeless!"

"Veteran Wei Yong, Tong Sansi, Du Chenghao."

"Your dear ones, you are welcome to sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Dear dears, it is urgent to receive eight hundred miles from northern Xinjiang. What can you do, dear dears?"

Li Zheng explained the matter concisely and clearly in a few words, and everyone present except Song Yu became worried.

Li Zheng looked directly at Chang Shouzhang at the side: "Chang Aiqing, you are temporarily acting as the secretary of the household department and in charge of the treasury affairs of the world. Tell me about the state capital closest to the old man, where can you get closer?" Gather food and grass?"

"Your Majesty, the autumn tax has been collected, and they are all on the way. The rest of the treasury has only surplus food, and there is no food to adjust. Moreover, the tax revenue shipped to the treasury has been delayed by the autumn rain, and it is everywhere in the state capitals. Where is it now? They don’t know where they are, and it takes two months to notify them if they want to mobilize on the spot.”

"For two months, the day lily is cold."

Everyone's expressions became even more embarrassing, big and small things were crowded together, the sky is not beautiful.

Li Zheng wandered around the imperial study with his hands behind his back, and a moment later Li Zheng sat down on the dragon chair with a helpless expression.

"Funded by the national treasury, the grain and grass are purchased from the treasuries of the rich and powerful gentry in various states in northern Xinjiang and shipped to the old man. They will be bought no matter how expensive they are. It is necessary to ensure that the army of the Northern Expedition has sufficient grain and grass."

"Your Majesty, the treasury doesn't have any extra money. If you don't pay the autumn tax, where can you ask your ministers to get money to buy food?"

Li Zhengyi glared at Chang Shouzhang angrily when he shot the dragon case: "This is the matter of your household secretary. You take charge of the world's wealth and food, but you ask me what to do. What is the use of your household secretary? Jiang Aiqing is here He wouldn't say that, I don't have any money to build a palace and kill him, but when it comes to the Northern Expedition, he can grind his teeth and dig out food for me."

"He is the Minister of the Household Department, and you are also the Minister of the Household Department. If he can, you must be able to!"

"Your Majesty, during Mr. Jiang's tenure, the national treasury was full. Now that the treasury is in a state, even if you behead the old officials, you won't be able to get any money!"

"There is silver! There are three million taels of silver!"

Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, suddenly said a word.

Li Zheng's eyes lit up and he turned his head to look: "Du Aiqing, where are the three million taels of silver?"

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Ministry of Industry still have 300 million taels in total!"

Chang Shouzhang was stunned and hurriedly stood up and looked at Du Chenghao: "Master Du, that is the money for the construction of His Majesty's mausoleum, how can it be moved?"

"The imperial mausoleum is related to the state system. Once it is used, it will be a violation of the ancestors. Oh."

Li Zheng looked angrily at Chang Shouzhang, who was thrown on the ground by his own foot: "You don't even have one-tenth of Jiang Aiqing's ability against your mother."

"Hundreds of thousands of soldiers are starving and waiting for food and grass in the frontier. Do you still care about the rules?"

"No repairs, the imperial mausoleum will stop working immediately, and all the money will be purchased for grain and grass to be transported to northern Xinjiang."


"The old minister is here!"

"Dismiss Chang Shouzhang and transfer Jiang Aiqing back from the two prefectures of Youzhou and Tongzhou. The household department cannot do without him. I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Old minister obeys!"

"Military Department!"

"The old minister is here!"

"During Jiang Aiqing's return to the court, you and Miao Ji and Miao Aiqing will be in charge of the household department."

"After a hundred years, I will expose my corpse to the wilderness. I can't let hundreds of thousands of soldiers regain their lost land on an empty stomach, and I can't let the subjects of the world point at me and scold me for being a senseless and stupid king."

"Do your best to bring back the thieves!"

(End of this chapter)

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