Chapter 1183 Be Dare to Die (Being a Pirate? Gagen)
Hetao Grassland, a place of talent.

The pasture is fertile, the territory is vast, and the natural horse farm is one of the battlegrounds for military strategists.

In the eastern part of the Hetao Grassland adjacent to the Heshuo Grassland, in the camp of the Northern Expedition Army.

The patrolling soldiers stepped on the stagnant water on the grass and patrolled vigorously holding torches, not caring about the pain that the stagnant water under their feet wet their boots and soaked the soles of their feet.


He galloped over, held up the command flag and stopped in front of the largest tent in the camp.


Duke Wu's old and heroic voice came out from the big tent, full of pride but mixed with a trace of tiredness.

Without hesitation, the scout got into the big tent and knelt down on one knee holding the order flag.

"Commander, the follow-up food and grass have only arrived in Chuzhou because of the continuous autumn rain, and it will take at least a month and a half to be transported to my camp!"

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, Ruermu, the royal court of the Western Turkic Empire, about 7 troops from the Jielisi tribe wandered around ten miles away from our camp, and seemed to intend to harass our tribe."

A group of generals in the big tent looked at Wanbuhai anxiously, the house was leaking due to the continuous rain, the follow-up food and grass could not keep up with the enemy, and the enemy was waiting for the opportunity.

Wan Buhai's face was extremely heavy, and there was a trace of imperceptible worry in his old eyes.

He was obviously very anxious, but he couldn't expose his state of mind to the generals.

You must know that you are the backbone of the Northern Expedition Army. Once you show worry, it will spread to the entire army in an instant.

Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of him, he still has to hold on.

Wan Buhai carefully observed the formation on the sand table, then turned to look at Cai Jun, the Honorable Marquis who sat beside him: "Cai Jun, how long can our food and grass last?"

Rongwei Hou Cai Jun pondered for a moment, and looked at Wan Buhai with complicated eyes: "Fifteen days of dry rice, 30 days of porridge."

"If the key is to eat porridge, if the soldiers are exhausted, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"In addition to the fact that now in Luermu, the two [-] cavalry of Jielisi are watching from the outside, and our troops are very passive."

"So far, the 30 army has set off, and only 22 of the brothers who can fight and attack are left. There are still 15 troops stationed in Heshuo. Now the [-] army is not pressured by the [-] cavalry, but if the soldiers know the food and grass Things, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable."

Wan Buhai slowly sat down on the chair and looked at Jiang Lei: "Jiang Lei, have you selected the damp shells? How many shells are there?"

Jiang Lei looked at Wan Buhai dejectedly: "Reporting to the commander, the 510 seven-shot ammunition and the 420 two-round solid ammunition will be exhausted in a short time."

Wan Buhai glared at Jiang Lei: "What does it look like with a mournful face? Without artillery, without shells, wouldn't Dalong Erlang know how to fight?"

"Decades ago there was no artillery, and I killed the Turkic people like a dragon and fled north."

"They all have eggs, and there are no sharp weapons. Are we afraid of Turkic dog thieves?"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

The generals in the big tent shouted fiercely into the sky.

Wan Buhai threw the bamboo pole on the sand table: "It's not the old man's style to stick to it and wait for help. Now that the Turks have arrived at the door, we can only take the initiative to take the two iron cavalry of the Western Turks in one fell swoop."

"It not only strengthens the prestige of our Northern Expedition Army, but also increases morale!"

"We don't have as much food and grass as the Turks. There are countless cattle and sheep that can feed us anytime, anywhere, and we can't afford it!"

"Since this is the case, it is better to attack and kill the cattle and sheep of these two Turks as food."

"The old man is still worried about what to do if the food and grass can't keep up. The Turkic people are here to deliver it to us!"

"Isn't it a detour from ten miles away to show off your might? This commander directly ate him with a thunderbolt!"

"Order the three armies!"

"The last general is waiting for orders!"

"Cai Jun, you lead a team from south to north"

Wan Buhai was delivering an order, when suddenly there was a loud noise from the camp, Wan Buhai looked around in surprise and uncertainty.

"Soldier, quickly find out where the noise is coming from."


"You go out with me to see what's going on, why is there such a noise for no reason, it can't be a camp bombing."


"Report, report to the commander-in-chief that the battalion of wounded soldiers was blown up, and more than 1 brothers refused to listen to the dissuasion of the army doctors and insisted on going out of the camp to meet the commander-in-chief."

As soon as Wan Buhai and his party got out of the big tent, the guards ran over anxiously and reported something that Wan Buhai and others were most worried about.

"Follow me to see what's going on."

The generals ran towards the wounded barracks behind Wan Buhai without hesitation.

"We want to see the handsome man!"

"See you handsome!"

"See you handsome!"

"The handsome man is here!"

"The handsome man is here!"

More than a dozen personal soldiers shouted loudly to pass on the news of Wan Buhai's arrival, and the noise stopped abruptly.

At a glance, more than 1 wounded soldiers gathered together in the spacious open space with endless stretches of tents.

There are many people with empty sleeves, many people with crutches, and even more people with bandaged wounds, and all of them are seriously injured.

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

"See the commander."

Wan Buhai stopped, and more than 1 wounded soldiers supported each other and knelt in front of Wan Buhai.

Wan Buhai stared at the more than 1 soldiers kneeling on the ground in a daze: "Brothers, the commander-in-chief is here. Let's talk when you have something to do."

"Chen Beiling, you are the oldest and highest-ranking soldier among the wounded soldiers. What's the matter with you?"

In the front row of the wounded soldiers, a middle-aged man in his 40s wearing a general's armor stood up, his empty sleeves fluttering in the wind.

"Marshal, the last general dares to ask, is the food and grass not keeping up?"

Wan Buhai's pupils tightened: "Who did you listen to, Chen Beiling, if you dare to talk nonsense, this commander will kill you!"

Chen Beiling shook his head silently: "Commander, don't hide it. You can't hide it. There is a scout brother among the wounded soldiers. He has excellent hearing. He accidentally heard it when he passed by the big tent. Now all the wounded soldiers We all know that food and grass can’t keep up.”

Wan Buhai stared blankly at Chen Beiling: "You all know?"

"I know it all!"

"Chen Beiling, brothers, if you trust Wan Buhai's words, go back and recuperate. Even if Wan Buhai cuts meat for you to eat, he will not let you go hungry."

"The thieves are watching and waiting for an opportunity ten miles away. Brothers, return to the camp obediently, so that the rest of the brethren can feel at ease to hunt for the thieves, okay?"

"I salute you with this old bone, Wan Buhai begs you."

Just as Wan Buhai bent down, the shocking shout resounded through the sky and went straight to the sky.

"Please give it to me, Commander!"

"Please give it to me, Commander!"

A group of soldiers looked at the more than 1 wounded soldiers who shouted loudly, and Wan Buhai looked up in astonishment, not knowing what was going on.

Chen Beiling grinned and looked at Wan Buhai cheerfully: "Commander, we follow him to go south and north, how dare we bomb the camp and keep giving orders."

"Now that our army is struggling to sustain food and grass, we have already agreed with the [-] wounded brothers."

"I would like to be the commander-in-chief of the vanguard army, hunt down the thieves and restore the land, save food and grass, and serve the country!"

Wan Buhai tremblingly looked at Chen Beiling and the more than 1 wounded soldiers, but still didn't understand what was going on.

"Nonsense, it's all nonsense, healthy brothers are still there, so it's your turn to fight the enemy."

"Marshal, our wounded soldiers consume more food and grass than healthy brothers, and we have to waste a lot of troops to take care of us. It is unknown whether the follow-up food will arrive on time."

"Our life is not more of a burden than a burden, why not let the brothers do their best to fight for the mountains and rivers once!"

"Save the food and grass for the rest of the brothers, please give it to the commander!"

Wan Buhai jumped into a rage and pointed at Chen Beiling tremblingly, "Fart, Chen Beiling, this commander ordered you to lead the brothers back to me, immediately!"




The sound of weapons being unsheathed was endless, and more than 1 wounded soldiers pulled out the weapons they had just forcibly brought out, put them on their necks and shouted in unison.

"My big dragon man dares to die, and he is not afraid of death!"

"Please give it to me, Commander!"

"Dare to die!"

Wan Buhai was shocked, and looked at the more than 1 wounded soldiers tremblingly: "Brothers, are you trying to force me to death? You fought for the country and killed the enemy, and you were already seriously injured. How can I let the old man die again?" You go to die!"

"You are wounded soldiers!"

"Chen Beiling, this commander will say it one last time, and take the brothers back to the camp to recuperate!"

Chen Beiling placed the horizontal knife on his neck and slowly knelt on the ground.

"Marshal, the purpose of serving as a soldier at the beginning is to be rich and glorious, to honor our ancestors, but now the purpose of serving as a soldier is to protect our family and our country."

"My family is in Ganzhou. If the late general retreats, the Turkic cavalry will go south. If the family is gone, the late general will be a man in vain."

"Soldiers should die in the wilderness, why need a corpse shrouded in horse leather!"

"Chen Beiling, what do you want to do!"

Chen Beiling stood up slowly, turned around and looked at the ten thousand wounded soldiers behind him.

"Xu Tao!"

"The end is here!"

Chen Beiling looked at the middle-aged future who came out with a limp on his legs: "If you want to give me your serial number, I will ask you to ask for it. This general is waiting for you on Huangquan Road. Let's go on the road together!"

"The last general, Xu Tao, has orders!"

"Old lady, the child promised the country with his body, and he will repay the favor of birth and support in the next life!"

"Chen Beiling, put the knife on me."

Cold light flickered, and blood spilled into the sky.

Chen Beiling looked at the astonished Wan Buhai with blood on the corner of his mouth.

"Dare to die!"


"Dare to die!"


"Dare to die!"

The sky-shaking and thorough shout came again.

Without hesitation, Xu Tao stepped over Chen Beiling's corpse, resisting the inconvenience and knelt down in front of Wan Buhai, with the long knife in his hand resting on his neck.

"Please give it to me, Commander!"

"The commander-in-chief won't allow it for a moment, the last general will wait for others to go forward and ask for the number!"

The more than 1 wounded soldiers behind them raised their weapons and howled.




Wan Buhai staggered back two steps, scanning all the more than 1 wounded soldiers who were looking at him resolutely.

"Give it to me, my commander!"

"Cai Jun, bring Bai Fan!"

"Big guy!"



A moment later, Cai Jun held up a white sword and brought it to Wan Buhai. Wan Buhai suddenly drew out the sword from his waist and swiped it in the palm of his hand.

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

"Back off, I want to sacrifice my blood with blood!"

The generals had no choice but to step aside, looking at Wan Buhai worriedly.

Wan Buhai spread the white pan on the ground, raised his bloody left hand and sprinkled it on the white pan. In a moment, Wan Buhai held up the scribbled and tragic number in his hand.

"Xu Tao listens!"

"The last general, Xu Tao, obeys orders!"

"The serial number is not dare to die!"

"For the brave to be invincible, the country is peaceful and the people are safe!"

"Xu Tao got the order, number, the brave are invincible, the country is peaceful and the people are safe!"

Wan Buhai took a deep breath: "Continue!"

Xu Tao staggered and took the banner, grinning and turned around to look at more than 1 wounded soldiers with fanatical eyes.

"Brothers, I got the serial number. General Chen Beiling is waiting for us on Huangquan Road!"

"We promised to go and return together, how can we keep him waiting for a long time!"

"Besides, Chen Beiling didn't have two more eggs, how could he drink all the tea from Lord Yan!"

"The time has come to serve the country, kill the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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