Chapter 1184
Wan Buhai silently looked at the more than 1 soldiers who spontaneously lined up and supported each other and walked towards the outside of the camp.

Those with injured legs and feet and those with injured arms formed a formation spontaneously. Some of them came from Longwuwei, some from Xiaoguowei, some from Huben Army, and some were Fubing serving as auxiliary troops.

At this moment, they have no distinction between each other's teams, and they all gather together as a forward army, and die generously.

Wan Buhai looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, holding his weapon high in his hand to face the handsome flag fluttering in the wind.

"Those who mourn must cherish each other, and do not seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so they will surely win!"

"Food and grass are difficult to support. Since my family is behind me, there is no way to retreat. The only way to go north is to regain the lost ground."

"I am Beizheng Erlang, everyone dares to die, everyone is a mourner."

"That's why, mourning soldiers will win."



"Rush to Heshuo at full speed, and order Wan Shoujiang to quickly lead the [-] troops stationed in Heshuo to join the commander!"

"The remaining [-] soldiers and horses are suspicious, and we must not lose the hinterland of Heshuo."

"This commander will use the remaining fifteen days of food and grass to take down the Hetao Grassland in one fell swoop, regain the century-old land lost by our Han family, and wash away the century-old humiliation of our Dalong!"


"Rongwei Hou Cai Jun!"

"Loyal General Kong Desi!"

"Zhonglang general Wu Maoyun!"

"The last will obey!"

"You each lead [-] cavalry soldiers into three groups, outflank and cut off the rear of the two enemy troops. You only bring weapons and dry food, and discard everything else."


"Huaihua General Sun Qingfa!"

"Champion General Wei Mingxing!"

"Artillery General Jiang Lei!"

"The last will obey!"

"You follow the old man to meet the enemy head-on with Ruermu and Jielisi's two [-] cavalry. If you take these two enemy troops, the entire eastern part of the Hetao Grassland has been taken back from me!"


"The [-] iron cavalry are all cavalry. They should not be underestimated. Their advantages on the grassland are far stronger than ours. They must not be underestimated."

"Remember Ben Shuai's words!"

"A sad soldier will win, a proud soldier will lose!"

"This battle is only used for the battle. The heavy tent stays where it is. When the food and grass on the body are exhausted, I will drink rainwater when I am thirsty and eat green grass when I am hungry."

"Fight against the wall and regain the Hetao Grassland."


"Beat the drums, send troops!"

"All the guards obey the order."


"Like the spear as a frame, raise Chen Beiling and go out together, the handsome flag hangs white silk, and the flag hangs white silk."


"Master, please get in the car!"

Wan Buhai shook his head resolutely: "Having been in the carriage for half a year, I'm tired. The old man took the coffin to go to war and died on the horse. He deserved his death!"

"Otherwise, this coffin will be a white belt!"

"Go out, hunt down thieves, and restore land."

The sound of the drums shook the sky, the howling continued, and the flags covered the sun and went out to march north.

In just two sticks of incense time, a Beizheng camp with 15 troops stationed there, stretching for several miles without seeing the edge, has no living creatures, all of them are Beizheng.

Wan Buhai endured the pain in his waist and spine and waved his horsewhip.

"Wear iron armor and carry a long knife."

In a few breaths, one message is transmitted to ten, ten to one hundred, one hundred to one thousand, one thousand to ten thousand, and all respond to one call.

Wan Buhai's [-] troops shouted in unison.

"Wear iron armor and carry a long knife. Fight with your son, the road is long."

"Together with hatred, to live and die together. To fight with your son, never let your heart down."

"Tread on the swallows, chase the beard. Fight with the son, sing fearlessly."

The heroic and leisurely ancient battle songs resounded throughout the world, not like going to war but like going on an outing.

The more than 1 vanguard soldiers with limited mobility listened to the singing of the brothers behind them, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, holding hands, and speeding up their pace shoulder to shoulder.

"The brave are invincible, the country is peaceful and the people are safe."

"Report, the scouts of the Western Turkic [-] cavalry have inquired about our army's movements, and have already begun to move their troops to attack our army!"

"Report, the enemy army is less than five miles away from our army!"

"Report, the enemy's army is less than four miles away from our army!"

Wan Buhai took off the binoculars on his horse and looked at a black line like a dark cloud gradually appearing in the distant sky. He knew that this was the [-] troops from Luermu Two Steps.

The 1 Turkic cavalry with superb riding skills and proficient horsemen came in a mighty force. Even if Wanbuhai had an army of [-] and more than [-] dead and wounded soldiers, they would not dare to be sloppy.

The Turks galloped across the grasslands and left a great reputation at the border. It was not so easy to deal with.

"The whole army stopped moving forward."

Dozens of messengers rode their horses and detoured away, and the [-] troops stood still in place between cups of tea.

"Sword and shield soldier, Mo Dao stepped forward to cover!"

"The archers are behind, and the eight-ox crossbow will be wound up immediately!"

"The cavalry roundabout on both sides!"

"The artillerymen began to deploy artillery, and the trebuchets were on the side to assist!"

"The auxiliary soldiers immediately dig the horse pit, and the enemy attacks, and the whole army retreats in an orderly manner one hundred steps after the horse pit!"

In no time, Wanbuhai, who was familiar with the road, began to deploy his troops. Dalong's army was no more cavalry than the Turks, and the various arms complemented each other and covered each other.

The messengers conveyed Wan Buhai's commander-in-chief, and the [-] soldiers began to arrange their troops in an orderly manner, defending under the command of their respective phalanx commanders.

"Report, the enemy stopped a mile and a half away."

Wan Buhai immediately raised his binoculars to watch. He could only see what the two generals with feathers in their caps were talking about, but he couldn't hear what they were talking about.

"General Shar, did this general misunderstand? It seems that the southerners' vanguard soldiers have some mobility problems!"

"Tu Paris, you have also seen it. The general thought he was dazzled. What the hell are these southerners doing? These forward troops are not wounded soldiers, are they? Sending wounded soldiers as the forward army, is there no one from the south?"

"Shar, don't be careless. According to the report of the eagle shooter, there are still about 15 troops left in the Southerners. If you look at the full force, it is less than [-]. There must be [-] to [-] people in ambush. Be careful of their trap! "

"These southerners are full of tricks in the war. If we are not careful, our entire army may be wiped out!"

"That's right, but don't worry too much. Their horses can't catch up with us. Even if there is an ambush and they can't beat us, we can retreat. We are the people of the wolf god!"

"They're cunning and we're smarter."

"Mulite, send [-] eagle archers to find out if there is an ambush from the southerners within a five-mile radius, and send two more archers to find out what is going on with the Southerners' vanguard battalion!"


Wan Buhai was able to see clearly the puzzled expressions on the faces of Shar and Tu Paris through the lens tube, Wan Buhai put down the binoculars in his hand and smiled coldly: "Since you don't attack, the old man will not be polite!"

"Beat the drum, order Xu Tao to feint!"

"Order Jiang Lei, during Xu Tao's feint attack, once the enemy charges."

"Fifty cannons, 150 rounds of explosive ammunition, three bursts!"


"The commander-in-chief has ordered that the forward camp feint!"

"The commander-in-chief has ordered that once the enemy troops attack, fifty artillery pieces will fire three times!"

Xu Tao heard the rumbling drums behind him, and gently raised the flag in his hand: "Get on the rope!"

The sound of clattering can be heard endlessly, and the destination of more than 3000 wounded soldiers with thousands of tripping ropes turned out to be their waists, and these 3000 wounded soldiers actually wanted to use their waists as stakes.

You must know that with the charging strength of the horses, the waists of the more than 3000 wounded soldiers will be broken in two in an instant.

"Brother, do you think it will hurt if you break your waist?"


The wounded soldier patted the empty sleeve on the other side with one hand: "Hehe. Compared to a broken arm, it's just like that, mainly because I haven't tried it!"

"Thumping a horse and killing an enemy is a profit. The Hulu deceived us with the benefits of war horses. When the two places of Heshuo are recovered, our war horses will be just as powerful. For future generations to be able to ride excellent horses." War horses are fighting in all directions, what do you say we should do!"

"We can only fight with our lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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