My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1185 Suicide Charge

Chapter 1185 Suicide Charge

"I would like to report to General Schar and General Tu Paris that there are more than 1000 southerners in the forward battalion, most of whom are wounded soldiers with severe injuries to their limbs."

When Shar heard the report from the messenger, he looked towards the forward battalion of the Northern Expedition Army in astonishment: "Is it really a wounded soldier?"

Tu Paris was equally astonished, and took two steps forward to observe more clearly: "Using wounded soldiers as forwards, what does this old man Wan Buhai want to do?"

"Isn't this sending someone to die? Doesn't he worry about the morale of his soldiers being shaken by a suicide attack?"

"Don't be sloppy, things happen for a reason, Wan Buhai is not a simple general, he has been famous for a long time, how could he commit a crime?"

"Come on!"

There was a tragic sound of charging and killing in the vanguard camp of the Northern Expedition Army. Although the two of Shar did not understand Chinese, they could still understand some simple words.

They knew the southerners were going to attack.

After a brief absence, the two came back to their senses: "Shar, since these southerners want to give us military exploits, let's not be polite, let's charge!"

"Okay, the soldiers are divided into two groups, I will be on the left and you will be on the right!"

The two staggered their bodies and rode their horses around their respective subordinates, waving machetes and galloping: "Brothers, the military exploits have come, keep a distance to guard against the artillery of the southerners, and attack with this general!"

In an instant, more than 7 Turkic people tightened their horsewhips, clamped their horses' bellies, and began to attack with scimitars, rushing towards the soldiers of the vanguard battalion of the Northern Expedition Army.

Xu Tao handed the flag to the soldier beside him with silk cloth wrapped around his chest: "The flag is there when people are there, and the flag is also there when people are dead. Wherever the flag and flag go, it is the direction of the brothers' attack!"

The soldiers took over the flagpole with red eyes and ran towards the front: "The human death flag is still there, the human death flag is still there, brothers, remember to take the flag!"

Xu Tao drew out the weapon at his waist and pointed at it: "Decree, killing one is enough money, killing two is profitable, and I would rather die than pull one back!"

"Desperately attack the horses first, chop off the horse's hooves, cut off the horse's belly, and break their advantage. If everyone is dead, they need to use their military exploits to have a bird, and give the brothers a way to reach the sky!"


Wan Buhai resisted the mist in his old eyes and pulled out his sword: "Kong Qingfa, lead your cavalry to support the forward battalion!"


"Eight ox crossbows change positions, shoot the enemy from the side!"

"The trebuchet! Fire the cannon."

The sound of the cannon was loud, and the shells flew towards the Turkic cavalry with a thunderous momentum, and stones from the trebuchet were also mixed with them.

Before the hand-to-hand combat, the Turkic people suffered heavy losses, and the flower bombs more or less always hit a lot of unlucky ghosts.

Then he was killed by the arrows of the eight-ox crossbow and the stones all over the sky.

The number of people lost in an instant is as high as thousands.

Although the Turkic cavalry is strong, they have to admit the advantages of the Han people's equipment, otherwise they would not be able to fight against the Turkic people for so long without falling behind.

The Turks immediately began to show their superb riding skills, hung on their horses, and started to fight back with bows and arrows. Many arrows from the vanguard battalion were directly shot in the throat by the arrows and fell to the ground.

"The archers fight back, suppressing the Turkic arrows!"

"The cavalry fought back with crossbows, buying time for the soldiers of the vanguard battalion!"

The distance of a mile and a half was only a moment in the hands of the cavalry, and the Turkic forwards met with the forwards under Xu Tao's command.

The two men in Shartu and Paris originally thought that the cavalry under their command would charge like no one among the infantry of the Northern Expedition Army as before.

However, they miscalculated, and the soldiers at the forefront of the vanguard battalion suddenly pulled away, and the bridle rope tied around their waists revealed Lushan's true eyesight.

Seeing this, the Turkic vanguard soldiers looked at the sudden appearance of the tripping rope with all kinds of flaws, and wanted to tighten the reins to stop, but how could the horse stop so easily after charging.

Before they could react, more than 3000 soldiers suddenly knelt down on the ground, and the tripping rope was stretched tight at the knees of the horses.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of war horses of Jielisi's department suddenly turned on their backs, the horses fell, and the cavalry on horseback were thrown out.

Mixed with the endless sound of bone cracking and mournful and heroic screams, it echoed between the heaven and the earth.

More than 3000 soldiers of the Northern Expedition Vanguard Battalion directly wiped out thousands of cavalry enemy troops of the Jielisi Department at the cost of their own waists as stumbling posts.

More than 3000 soldiers with twisted limbs groaned in pain and looked at the blue sky on the grassland with nostalgic eyes.

What kind of reluctance is that.

This will be the place where I will bury my bones in a foreign land.

Dare to die!


Many soldiers with tenacious vitality, enduring the heart-piercing pain, gathered together in twos and threes, holding a weapon and raising it towards the sky.

They knew that in this way they could cut through the belly of the enemy's horse with a weapon at the last moment of their death.

As expected, the Turkic follow-up cavalry rushed past, and the horses in twos and threes neighed over the raised blades and fell to the ground.

And the fate of those soldiers is to turn into incomplete blood mud.

In just a short moment of hand-to-hand combat, the loss of one's own side made Charles and Tu Paris heartbroken.

"Crazy, these southerners are crazy, spread out and charge, spread out and charge!"

It's a pity that the voices of both of them are hoarse, and they can't work on the chaotic battlefield.

Once the scuffle starts, it will be difficult to end it!
However, something that made the Turks panic even more. Compared with the previous offensive methods of the Northern Expeditionary Army, the offensive methods of these forward battalion soldiers are simply scalp-numbing and frightening.

None of the remaining 6000 generals and swordsmen were referring to the cavalry on the horses, but all the horses under their crotches.

The soldiers lay directly on the ground, or held their weapons obliquely to aim at the horse's belly, or held the weapons in their hands horizontally to aim at the horse's hooves.

He turned a blind eye to the oncoming horseshoes as if there was nothing there.

In the blink of an eye, the horse neighed, and the sound of howling loudly spread across the battlefield.

Xu Tao ordered the soldiers of the Qianfeng Battalion to do it, and 1 people exchanged their lives for the lives of their horses.

Where the iron cavalry stepped, there were unrecognizable corpses of dragon soldiers all over the grass, as well as countless turkic horses who fell to the ground and neighing, and turkic cavalry who were thrown out and howling.

After a short and tragic confrontation, the Turks galloped to both sides in the rain of arrows from the dragon archers, and returned to their original positions.

Shar and Tu Paris joined forces together, staring dumbfounded at the battlefield full of wolves.

Shar tremblingly looked at the center of the battlefield where the dead bodies were lying on the ground: "Are the southerners crazy!"

"What do they want to do? They would rather die than bring down a Turkic warrior. What do they want to do?"

Tu Paris stared blankly at a mountain of corpses piled up with the corpses of soldiers from the Vanguard Battalion. In the middle of the mountain of corpses, a stick of white rice fluttered slightly in the wind. The word "dare to die" was shocking.

"Shar, these southerners came here with the determination to die, and have no intention of going back alive at all!"

"Report, General Shar and General Paris, our army has lost a total of more than [-] troops, and a tripping rope will at least pull three warriors off their horses!"

"What, more than 1000 dragon wounded soldiers and infantry actually lost more than [-] Turkic warrior cavalry!"

"Even with the support of the dragon cavalry, the support of artillery and bed crossbow catapults shouldn't have damaged so many horses. Did you make a mistake?"

"The last general did not make a mistake, but at least in the middle of the battlefield, there must be six or seven thousand warriors who can be rescued. They all fell off their horses but did not die in battle, they were just injured!"

"The general guesses that their main purpose is to damage our war horses, so we must find a way to rescue them!"

Shar looked at the squirming troops on the ground with regret: "How to save, the southerners will not give us a chance!"

Tu Paris sighed and said, "The most shameful battle between a cavalry and an infantry happened to you and me, God bless you!"

"Report, the southerners are beating the drums, and they are about to attack again!"

(End of this chapter)

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