Chapter 1190 to make
The Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th in the sixth year of Rui'an.

"Marshal Qi, Deputy Marshal Rongwei Hou, General Wan Shoujiang, and General Sun Qingfa have wiped out all the remnants of the two divisions of Jielisi! More than 7 prisoners have been taken to Ganzhou!"

Wan Buhai, who was scanning the sand table, slammed his palm hard, with a look of relief on his face: "Great, I finally got some exciting news after fighting for so long!"

"Kong Desi, Wei Mingxing and the others went to fly the kites for the reinforcements of King Shibisi's court. How is the situation now?"

The scout sighed helplessly, and shook his head regretfully: "No scout from any route has yet contacted the two generals' army! It's been almost a month and a half, and the two generals only brought 12 cavalry, but the Turkic reinforcements have [-]."

"I don't know if these thirty thousand brothers have already"

Wan Buhai's face darkened: "There's no need to say any more, I believe the two of them still have [-] brothers!"

"These [-] brothers are the elite of the elite selected from the six guards. They all returned from the Western Regions with Duke Dingguo, and have refined their riding and shooting skills with the Western Regions!"

"The war horses are also excellent war horses selected from the Western Regions. It is a matter of course that they cannot beat the Turks. If you want to fight and retreat the Turks may not be able to defeat them."

"All the fine armor, crossbows, and weapons in our Northern Expedition Army have been concentrated on them!"

"My ancestors bless you, your descendants must come back safe and sound."

"Report, dozens of small tribes under the jurisdiction of the Western Turks on the Hetao Grassland have united together, with more than [-] troops!"

Wan Buhai wandered in the big tent with a calm expression: "Sima, how much food and grass do we have seized along the way?"

"Reporting to the commander, it is enough to support the recovery of the Hetao grassland. We went deep alone along the way, and we have already completely severed contact with the brothers of the grain and grass army!"

Wan Buhai breathed a sigh of relief silently, and did not show a relaxed expression. A handsome man can never show his heart to his brothers.

Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are not acceptable.

"There is enough food and grass. The remaining tribes, big and small, are not to be feared. Although they join forces, they fight on their own. The order cannot be effectively implemented."

"As long as the remaining tribes are eaten, the Hetao Grassland will be recovered!"

"After two years, I finally saw results!"

"Report, Commander Qi, contacted the scouts of the two generals Kong Desi, and now they are repairing in the direction of more than 200 miles northwest of us."

"That's great, the old man knows that the ancestors will definitely not watch their younger generations repeat the same mistakes and bury their bones in a foreign land."

"Quickly send an order to the two generals, the brigade has wiped out the remnants of the enemy, come back and join forces immediately!"


Wan Buhai did not ask how many of the 12 brothers who had sent out to fly the kites were left after being chased and intercepted by [-] Turkic enemy troops.

He was afraid he would get an unacceptable number.

Thirty thousand against fifty thousand is still capable of fighting. Wan Buhai believes in the group of howling wolves who followed Young Master Liu to the west.

But with 12 against [-], Wan Buhai has no idea.

He is the generalissimo of the Northern Expedition, the backbone of the Northern Expedition Army, and he must comfort the morale of the soldiers.

But who will appease his heart?

One will be incompetent, exhausting the three armies.

Wan Buhai was afraid that he would become the general of the exhausted army.

"Jiang Lei, how many shells do we have?"

"There are only more than 150 shells left for the Feilei Cannon. There are not many cracked shells left for the previous shells, and there are more than 220 solid shells."

"Just like Brother Cai said, the lone army has gone too far, and the supplies are gone!"

Wan Buhai glanced over the sand table again, and waved to the few remaining generals: "I thought the battle would be over in half a month, but I fought for more than a month in a daze. Incompetence, now it has finally achieved results, and the commander-in-chief is finally relieved."

"Marshal, don't blame yourself. The Turkic people don't dare to fight us head-to-head. If we didn't risk our lives to chase and intercept, let alone end the battle, it would be a question of whether we could go back alive!"

"Yes, Commander, we are mostly infantry, unlike the Turkic people who are mostly cavalry, how can two legs run faster than four legs?"

"It's just that many cavalry brothers risked their lives to support their retreat speed before finally annihilating them!"

"The right time, the right place, and the right people, we only took advantage of the right time, and we have achieved fruitful results. Why should the commander blame himself?"

Hearing the comfort from the brothers under his command, Wan Buhai finally felt better.

"Brothers, let's not mention the past for now, let's talk about the upcoming battle first."

"You see, this is where we are now. There are more than a dozen Turkic tribes scattered here and there. Originally, the commander was still worried about which tribe to attack first!"

"It's good for them, I'll get together myself, that's fine, the commander-in-chief of the province will take you here and there to eat them one by one!"

"Despite the scouts' reports, the Baru tribe is the largest tribe among the dozen or so tribes, with the largest number of people and the most abundant pastures."

"This is the camp of the Balu tribe. Look at the terrain on the sand table. The Balu tribe has long rivers on the left and right and hills. It is an excellent terrain."

"According to the habit of the Turkic people who believe in respecting the strong, they will definitely join forces in the Balu tribe."

"If we want to eat the Balu tribe, we must take a detour to the hills northeast of the Balu tribe."

"There are two reasons. First, this hill can be used as a cover, allowing our army to get closer to the Balu tribe!"

"Secondly, most of us are infantry. Occupying high ground, infantry charges can reduce physical strength. On the other hand, the Turks will consume a lot of physical strength!"

"One goes up and down the other. Our Northern Expedition Army first occupies [-]% of the land, so there is a [-]% chance of winning!"

"Just listen to the commander-in-chief, attack in a roundabout way, and wipe out all the tribes on the Hetao grassland in one fell swoop!"

Wan Buhai shook his head silently: "I am not worried about the tribes on the Hetao Grassland. What I am worried about is whether the 12 Western Turkic courts who fly the kite with Kong Desi and the others will also take advantage of the situation to get involved. .”

"If it was mixed in, the Turks would have 22 troops. On the other hand, we have now lost more than 1 brothers and have [-] to [-] wounded soldiers!"

"All the brothers who can go to the battlefield are only about 15. Facing the 22 Turkic people, they will either be defeated or won miserably!"

"The number of brothers who will eventually be able to go home may not be as high as one hand."

"30 brothers followed the old man to fight, and there are not even 5 left. Does the so-called victory or non-victory matter?"

With Wan Buhai's words, everyone fell silent.

They all knew in their hearts that what Wan Buhai said was the truth, and there was only victory with less than 5 people left. Is it still called victory?
"Report, to report to the commander-in-chief, a one-armed Turkic man came from outside the camp, claiming to be Hu Yanyu, the envoy of the Eastern Turkic Huyan Royal Court, and said that he had something important to meet with the commander-in-chief!"

Wan Buhai and the others stared subconsciously at the soldier kneeling on one knee.

"An envoy from the Eastern Turks?"


Wan Buhai caressed the beard above his chin in confusion.

"The old man has never dealt with people from Huyan Royal Court. Why did they come suddenly during the war?"

(End of this chapter)

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