Chapter 1191 Benefits
Wan Buhai couldn't figure it out, so the rest of the people were also at a loss.

Wan Buhai waved to the soldiers: "He is a guest from afar, no matter what his purpose is, since he has the name of an envoy, he can't turn people away, please invite them in. "


After the soldiers left, Wan Buhai pondered for a while and glanced at the crowd: "Brothers, when people come later, don't gossip, don't talk about what should be said, don't mention half a word that shouldn't be said, just look at the old man's eyes." act!"

"Don't worry, Marshal, we know what to expect."

"Eastern Turkic Taichang Khan Huyan Yunyao ruled Hu Yanyu to see Duke Wu of the Great Dragon and all the generals."

Wan Buhai looked at Huyan Yusha quietly and waved his hand with a chuckle: "Your envoy is not polite, I don't know why your envoy has come so far away?"

Hu Yanyu straightened up and looked at Wan Buhai neither humble nor overbearing. In terms of status, Hu Yanyu may not be much worse than Wan Buhai. As a duke and a prince, it is said that Hu Yanyu's status is much more noble than Wan Buhai.

The reason for showing respect to Wan Buhai is entirely due to respect for the younger generation.

"Wu Guogong, the envoys came to support the army of the predecessors in the Northern Expedition. I Huyan Wangting's [-] cavalry are waiting fifty miles away from the senior camp. As long as the seniors agree, the juniors can immediately lead troops to fight side by side with the seniors and jointly resist Shibis. The enemy army of the royal court!"

Wan Buhai was stunned for a moment full of doubts, his eyes narrowed and he looked at Hu Yanyu.

In Wan Buhai's heart, both East Turkic and Western Turkic are a group of wolfish and ambitious guys, always thinking of going south to invade the frontier and harass Dalong's territory.

When he was attacking the Western Turks, the people of the Eastern Turks suddenly said that they would lead [-] troops to help them. How could Wan Buhai not be suspicious, how could he believe it.

When two tigers meet, it is destined to be an evenly matched battle. How can it be possible to help each other?
Wan Buhai came back to his senses and looked at Hu Yanyu in amazement: "I didn't hear wrong, did I? What did your envoy just say? Huyan royal court led [-] troops willing to help me resist the enemy from the Western Turks together? Your envoy Could it be that I feel that my life is boring after years of fighting, so I came here to tell jokes to me?"

Hu Yanyu shook his head slightly: "Senior heard it right, and it wasn't a joke of the envoy. The envoy did indeed bring a hundred thousand cavalry and Chen Bing to wait fifty miles away. As long as the senior nodded, the envoy immediately brought people to help, and jointly resisted Shi Bisi. The enemy army of the royal court!"

Wan Buhai looked at Huyanyu in puzzlement: "Although you Huyan Royal Court and Shibis Royal Court stand east to west and are hostile to each other, you are both Turks and have the same blood in your body. Help me come to deal with my own people."

Hu Yanyu shook his head cheerfully, and put one hand behind his back: "Senior, I, the Turks, have different habits, cultures, beliefs, and concepts from your Han people!"

"You Han people pay attention to brothers fighting against the wall to resist foreign humiliation together."

"Once the great hatred comes from other places, they will temporarily put down the hatred and resist foreign enemies together."

"This may be the root cause of your Han people's ability to stand tall. You fight privately, but you are loyal to your blood and family."

"But we Turks believe in the strong, just like the wolf god we believe in!"

"Senior should know that there is only one wolf king in the wolf pack. When the new wolf king dominates the wolf pack, the old wolf king will either become a lone wolf or die!"

"We Turks have exactly the same concept as wolves."

"It is precisely because of this that the envoy is here."

"Senior, there is no need to doubt the sincerity of the envoy. If the envoy really harbored evil intentions, he would not have come to visit alone. Instead, he would join forces with the members of the Shibisi royal court to resist the senior, or he would just tacitly follow him. The tribes ruled by Xiwangting on the Hetao Grassland are attacking the army of the seniors back and forth!"

"I, the Khan Huyan Yunyao of the Huyan Royal Court, and even the envoys have a blood feud with the Khan of the Spies Royal Court, Spies Muerte, and I will definitely not work with him."

"As for why the envoys lead troops to help the seniors, to use the words of your Han court officials, there are only eternal interests and no eternal enemies."

"An enemy's enemy is a friend. Helping the seniors is not helping the state envoy himself."

Wan Buhai's thoughts turned sharply: "Benefits? I really can't think of any benefits I can give you. Previously, you Huyan Royal Court had been sitting on the hills and watching the tigers fight. When I was fighting with the Western Turks, I watched from the sidelines!"

"I think that when two tigers fight, there will be one injury, which will consume our strength, and I also want to reap the benefits of being a fisherman."

"Your emissary suddenly came to say the word "friend" and the word "interest". How can you make me believe in you and Huyan Wangting?"

"How can I be sure that your Huyan royal court will not defect on the battlefield, and how can you assure me of your sincerity?"

Hu Yanyu took out a letter from his bosom and put it in front of Wan Buhai: "As for where the benefits come from, it is inconvenient for the envoy to say more, and the envoy does not need to pay any price, because this is Liu Mingzhi, the king of your country. Discuss with the state envoy Khan Huyan Yunyao."

"The envoys only need to follow orders and lead troops to help, that's all!"

Wan Buhai frowned and stared at Hu Yanyu: "Boy Liu?"

"Of course, if the senior doesn't believe it, the senior will know the letter at a glance!"

Wan Buhai looked through Hu Yanyu's letter after being dubious.

"Old Duke, once the army of Huyan King's Court arrives, the old Duke can use it as much as possible, don't worry, everything depends on the younger generation!"

"Liu Mingzhi nodded!"

On the signature are the official seals of Ding Guogong, the official seals of the governors of the two governments, the official seals of the Minister of the Ministry of War, and Liu Mingzhi's personal seal. It is self-evident to have so many seals belonging to Liu Mingzhi.

Tell Wan Buhai that this is a letter written by Liu Mingzhi himself, not a letter forged by a skilled craftsman from Huyan Wangting.

Wan Buhai inspected the official seal carefully, and after a while Wan Buhai believed in his heart that it was written by Liu Mingzhi himself.

However, there are special marks on the seals of the dukes of the state, and no one except the duke of the state knows this mark.

However, Wan Buhai still held a trace of suspicion in his heart. After all, Liu Mingzhi had just signed the peace covenant some time ago, and he used the official seal of the state.

There are countless skilled craftsmen in the world, and the masters are among the people, so it may not be imitated.

Leaving aside, the boy from Du Chenghao's family, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, has a unique talent at a young age and is a master in this field.

Live examples are here, and it is always good to be careful.

Wan Buhai handed the letter to Jiang Lei: "Look, is this written by Boy Liu?"


Jiang Leizai carefully checked the contents of the letter, and then whispered to Wan Buhai's ear.

"That's right, it's Ding Guogong's handwriting. Commander, look at the upper left corner and the lower right corner of this letter. There is a small gap two inches away. This is a mark that only the commander himself can make!"

"Only a very few people will know that during the Western Expedition, in order to avoid the leakage of secrets, the commander-in-chief told us this secret himself!"

Wan Buhai nodded slightly, took the letter and put it away.

"Can I take the liberty to ask you a question? What kind of benefits did Liu Xiaozi promise to you Khan, so that you are so tempted that you don't hesitate to ask you to send a hundred thousand troops to help?"

"Sorry to tell you!"

(End of this chapter)

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