My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1192 Friend Trading

Chapter 1192 Friend Trading
After all, Wan Buhai agreed to what Hu Yanyu requested.

On the one hand, Wan Buhai believed that Liu Mingzhi would definitely not cheat himself and the more than [-] brothers under his command. He was also a general who had gone to the west, and Wan Buhai knew that Liu Mingzhi could understand him.

On the other hand, Wan Buhai didn't dare to gamble. If the 30 soldiers from the Northern Expedition really had less than [-] left to 'return in triumph'.

Wan Buhai couldn't comfort himself, he didn't have the face to face Jiangdong's elders, and he didn't have the face to set foot in the capital.

Such a victory is invincible.

Three days later, Kong Desi and Wei Mingxing led their [-] cavalry to join forces with the main road of the Northern Expedition Army.

That's right, [-] cavalry.

3000 people went there, but only 7000 returned. 12 died in battle surrounded by [-] Turks, and even their bones could not be recovered.

If the bones are truly buried in a foreign land, why return the body shrouded in horse leather.

There is no need to bury the bones in the mulberry land, there are green mountains everywhere in life.

The Turks also paid a lot. Facing the [-] dragon cavalry whose cavalry and archery skills were on par with their own, and whose armor and crossbows were several times stronger than their own, they completely damaged the strength of tens of thousands of people. ministry public.

It seems unbelievable, but it is a matter of course.

Turkic people mostly rely on leather armor, and many people can't even wear leather armor.

It was too difficult to smelt iron on the grasslands. Facing the seemingly large number of well-equipped dragon cavalry, they had no advantage at all when they shot at each other with equally superb cavalry.

Other people's arrows can pierce you across the eye, but your arrows can't even pierce other people's armor. Only by shooting at the weak neck can you succeed in one blow.

However, when you are chasing me and galloping fast, the accuracy is not so easy to grasp.

If you can't shoot people, you can shoot horses. Falling under the horses can also kill the enemy, which makes the Turkic people even more enraged and headaches.

The main parts of the dragon man's horse are covered with a thin layer of armor, so thin that it doesn't affect the speed of the horse at all.

The Turkic people who don't know the watering technology can only sigh secretly for the superb skills of the Han people, who can make the iron armor so light and thin, and can also equip a lot of equipment.

At the end of the fight, you can only fight for the endurance of the horse.

The 12 cavalry rushed out from the siege of [-] enemies. It was not that their skills were much better than the Turks, but that the barbed caltrops in the harnesses on their horses restrained the Turks' charge speed.

The Turks gritted their teeth with hatred in the face of the barbed thorns that the Dalong enemy army threw down from time to time.

What is the situation of a person being stabbed in the foot, and the situation of a horse being stabbed in the foot is the same. Facing the enemy army of the dragon who sprinkled barbed caltrops from time to time, the Turkic people lost many people and had to choose to bypass the range of the barbed caltrops and pursue them in a roundabout way.

In this way, the distance that was so hard to get close was opened far away again.

The [-] cavalry used their own advantages to attack the enemy's weaknesses with their own strengths, and stunned to support more than [-] enemy troops without being wiped out for more than a month.

We admit that we can't beat you, but we will retreat strategically.

This is what our former commander-in-chief said, this is not called escape, it is called strategic retreat, no shame!

If we can't beat you, don't even try to catch up with us.

In the end, both sides lost their way in the vast grassland. The [-] dragon cavalry couldn't find the main force, and the Turkic reinforcements didn't know where the two Jelisi troops they assisted were located.

There is no way, the aggrieved Turkic reinforcements can only chase after [-] cavalry, trying to get back the military exploits from the enemy in front of them.

The advantages of armored soldiers are especially obvious on the battlefield.

It is precisely because of this that the Turkic people who are also excellent riders traded a large amount of armor from the Dalong Border Pass Exchange, and the Huyan Royal Court who exchanged a lot of armor from the Kingdom of Jin was able to defeat the Shibisi Royal Court.

With the same ability, the result of leather armor against iron armor can be imagined.

In future generations, ordinary people will fight against those who cheat, which fully embodies a sentence.

Going against the RMB players is not going to end well.

Even so, the loss of so many people is enough for Wan Buhai to feel distressed.

If Liu Mingzhi knew about this situation, he wondered if he would beat his hands and feet, gnashing his teeth and scolding his mother.

In just a few months, the 7000 brothers who followed him on the westward expedition disappeared like this, and the brothers who he worked hard to bring back did not know how many remained in a few years.

Just as Wan Buhai was worried, more than 24 reinforcements really joined forces with more than a dozen small tribes on the Hetao Grassland, with a total of about [-] soldiers and horses.

Wan Buhai looked at the [-] well-armored Huyan Royal Court tribe not far away, and the endless iron cavalry was really majestic.

Wan Buhai kept his face calm, but he was extremely worried in his heart.

The Western Turks with primitive and poor equipment are already so difficult to deal with, so what about the well-equipped Eastern Turks.

In the future, what kind of price will Dalong have to pay to rule the world when he leaves the border in the north, not to mention that there is an increasingly full-fledged Jin Kingdom coveting in the north.

"Lord Huyan, the 12 reinforcements from Shibis Royal Court will be handed over to you and you will deal with them. I wonder if there is any problem? If you think that this commander is deliberately letting you choose a strong enemy to consume your strength, we can change it." In the last change, you dealt with the soldiers and horses of the Hetao Grassland."

Hu Yanyu shook her head silently: "The younger generation is no different, and they all obey the orders of the seniors!"

Wan Buhai nodded slightly: "If that's the case, let's go to war. I hope the war can be over before winter comes. Winter in the grassland comes too early. Once the road is blocked by heavy snow, we will have to wait another year!"

"The war is changing rapidly, who can say what will happen in the coming year!"

"The younger generation also thinks so!"

"Everyone will obey!"

"I will obey orders!"

"Follow the rules and go north to discuss."

Wan Buhai glanced at Huyanyu and sighed: "Go north to kill the enemy!"


Hu Yanyu's face was indifferent, and he drew out his horse Pu Dao lightly and shouted in Turkic dialect: "Puhanna, Peru obeys the order!"

"The last will obey!"

"Go north to kill the enemy."


Golden Kingdom Palace!

The empress looked at the letter in Huier's hand with astonishment, and after a few breaths, the empress came back to her senses and put down the ink brush in her hand.

With bare white and flawless lotus feet, she trotted and took the letter in Huier's hand: "The little goblin sent [-] troops to help the big dragon conquer the Shibis royal court? Are you sure the information is correct?"

Hui'er nodded heavily: "Your Majesty, you should read it yourself, the content of the information is clear on the letter."

The empress checked the contents of the letter with suspicion, and after a while, the empress put away the letter with a slight frown.

The pretty face was full of puzzlement: "It doesn't make sense, the little goblin has been dealing with Dalong's Northern Expedition Army and the battle of the Shibis royal court on the basis of the principle of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, why did they suddenly send troops to help? ? I don’t know why there is something in it!”

"Could it be that Huyan Junyao knew that she still couldn't fight against the King Shibis's court who was already in the Pangran grassland, so she had no choice but to join forces with Dalong to fight against the enemy!"

The queen shook her head slightly: "It can't be the reason. All the previous results have shown that Huyan Royal Court can beat Shibis Royal Court to the ground. After all, Huyan Royal Court, which has obtained so many armors, is not a history of wearing leather armor. Bisi Royal Court can be compared!"

"There's no need for the little goblin to join forces with the big dragon to fight against the enemy."

"Then Hui'er can't figure it out, why did Huyan Yunyao suddenly change her mind, what does it do to her?"

The falcon blew, and Hui'er hurriedly leaped out of the hall, and after a while, Hui'er ran in holding a bamboo tube.

"Your Majesty, new information."

The queen took the bamboo tube without hesitation and looked it over.

In an instant, the letter in the Queen's hand was crumpled into a ball, her silver teeth bit her pretty face, and her pretty face was full of jealousy.

"Py transactions must be py transactions."

Hui Er stared blankly at the gnashing queen.


"Ah what, quick check what kind of invisible secrets the heartless and little goblins have."

"A pair of dogs and men actually hooked up behind my mother's back and committed adultery. My mother hates it, hates it!"

The queen walked towards the full-length mirror indignantly, looking in the mirror, she looked beautiful and beautiful, and she, who was tall and curvy, clutched the letter in her hand resentfully.

"Three inches above the navel are peaks, and the seven inches below the navel are open to the secluded. How can my old lady compare to that ordinary little fairy who wants nothing! Isn't she just a few years younger? Is there any old lady who can play?"

"Quick investigation, find out all the causes and consequences of the ins and outs."

Huier looked at the empress who was complaining in the mirror with a strange expression, and suppressed a smile and slowly retreated.

Involuntarily, four words came to Huier's mind.

Deep boudoir!

"Yes, Huier will leave."

"and many more!"

"His Majesty?"

"Let the Ministry of Internal Affairs do its best to collect the scattered kings of the people, buy as many as you can, and send them all to the palace for my mother!"


PS: Uh huh, grandly explain that py is the abbreviation of friend!

(End of this chapter)

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