My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1194 The Story of Six Years

Chapter 1194 The Story of Six Years
Wenren Yunshu came back to his senses when he heard Young Master Liu's words, and his cherry lips parted slightly, echoing: "The closer you are, the more timid you are!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly: "Miss Yun Shu, what should happen will always come, escape is not the way, no matter what the result is, you have to face it whether the old man is on the mountain or not, isn't it?"

"What is the result, you will only know when you see it!"

"Liu Mingzhi, do you know? Although this Dangyang Academy is not my hometown, it is better than my hometown. I have spent most of the first half of my life here. I am really afraid of seeing something that is not what I want. "

"I understand your feelings very well, but the escape is only temporary. If you don't go and see, how will you know? Go up the mountain. Maybe the old man is making tea in Wenrenshe right now!"

Wenren Yunshu raised his hand to look at Dangyang Academy on the top of the mountain, subconsciously raised his arms and stretched towards First Young Master Liu: "My legs are weak!"

"Take a rest if your legs are weak. It's still early and I can wait."

Wenren Yunshu licked his dry red lips: "Do you still remember how I went down the mountain when grandpa left?"

"Of course I remember, when you fainted back then, it was this young master who carried you back. It was as heavy as a pig and almost made this young master. No—what do you mean by your surname Wen?"

Wenren Yun Shu looked at First Young Master Liu brightly: "My legs are weak, you carry me up the mountain."

Young Master Liu took three steps back and glared at Wenren Yunshu with a ferocious face: "You suddenly went crazy or I misheard, carry you up, have you forgotten how high it is from the foot of the mountain to the mountain gate? Carry you up My young master's bones can fall apart."

Wenren Yunshu looked at First Young Master Liu angrily: "As the saying goes, it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down. If you can carry it on the back, why can't you carry it on the back?"

"This common saying is nonsense. Whoever said this is easy for you to let him try it himself. You don't have to try it. My young master told you that it is not easy to go up and down the mountain alone."

"Besides, this young master is a married man, a man of good family, you, a lady, don't understand the truth about whether a man and a woman can accept each other or not! Don't memorize it!"

Wenren Yunshu pinched the willow's waist with both hands: "No back, I'll tell Grandpa that you molested me and peeked at me taking a bath!"


"The most poisonous woman's heart is you, my young master provided you with delicious food and drink, and in the end you got the name of a prostitute, right? Are you unreasonable with the surname Wen?"

Wenren Yunshu pinched Liu's waist and slowly approached Young Master Liu: "Didn't you already understand that women are unreasonable? Do you recite it? If you don't recite it, you still sneaked through my window in the middle of the night to watch my aunt changing clothes. "

"Let's see if grandpa believes in auntie or you. When grandpa gets angry and cuts off the root of your troubles, what's the point of living without a man or a woman for the rest of your life?"

"As for escaping, you can think about it. A person who has just touched the bottleneck of the Ninth Stage is somewhat sure in the hands of a land god like a congenital master."

Young Master Liu looked at Wenren Yun Shu, who was pinching his waist and leaning over, looking at him provocatively, and gasped.

Sure enough, only women and villains are difficult to raise, and the ancients can't afford me.

"I lost it, is there still the law of the king? Is there still the law of heaven xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

"What are you mumbling about?"

"Recite! My greatest hobby is to be helpful to others. Let alone carrying you up the mountain, Master Yamamoto has no objections to carrying you up the knife."

"Who made this young master to be willing to help others, to be happy to help others, to love selflessly, to love without boundaries, and to destroy righteousness. Hmm, come on up."

Wenren Yunshu looked at First Young Master Liu unwillingly bending his back to his voice, smiled triumphantly and walked towards First Young Master Liu, and lay down on Young Young Master Liu's back.

Young Master Liu dragged habitually, and grabbed Wenren Yunshu's leg.


First Young Master Liu frowned, and glanced slightly back at Wenren Yunshu on his back.

The plump touch on the back, the silky feeling in the palm of your hand, is more Dove than Dove.

If you think about it carefully, it's not really a bad thing.

But Wenren Yunshu will always marry in the future, how is he so different from Cao thief!
"What are you doing, let's go!"

"Alright, let's go."

"Drive! Ride a big horse!"

Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, never expecting Wenren Yunshu to have such a childlike side.

Young Master Liu took a deep breath, poured his internal energy into his legs, and walked steadily and powerfully towards the mountain. The stairs that Liu Mingzhi regarded as magic in the past seemed to be walking on flat ground.

After about a stick of incense, Young Master Liu carried Wenren Yunshu to the mountain gate of Dangyang Academy in the torment of happiness and pain.

When I came back this time, Dangyang Academy was still deserted, not because there were no students, but because the students had half a month to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival, and now they have gone home to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with their families.

Looking at such a deserted academy, Liu Mingzhi had a bad premonition in his heart. The Wenren Yun Shu who got off Liu Mingzhi's body also frowned slightly, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

What Liu Mingzhi thought was also what Wenren Yunshu thought.

"Go and have a look, the old man might be in Wenrenshe!"

Wenren Yun Shu nodded slightly, and walked slowly towards the former residence, Liu Mingzhi silently followed beside him without saying a word, and he also didn't hold much hope in his heart.

If the old man is really in Dangyang Academy, why has there been no news since he wrote the letter declaring his safety.

Ordinarily, he should have brought his granddaughter back long ago.

The two walked gradually to the front of the room. A figure was silently sweeping the room with a broom. The two hurriedly looked at each other because they saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Wen Ren Yunshu couldn't wait to run towards the door: "Grandpa, you're back!"

"Old man, you're still alive, I thought you'd already gone west!"

"Grandpa, Yun Shu misses Uncle Liu so much, why are you?"

"Master Liu?"

Sorrow and joy are only for a moment, this sentence is not fabricated out of thin air, but the thoughts of Liu and Young Master.

From great joy to great sorrow, the moment the person in the room turned around, it was not Wenren Yunshu's longing grandfather, but Master Liu from the academy.

When Young Master Liu first entered Dangyang Academy, Mr. Liu was the teacher of class C.

Master Liu also looked at the two people who suddenly appeared in surprise: "Miss Yun Shu, you are back!"

Wenren Yunshu nodded disappointedly: "I'm back!"

"I see Duke Ding!"

Master Liu was surprised and regretful when he found Young Master Liu behind him, so he hurriedly saluted.

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly stopped him: "Master, how dare the younger generation be a gift to the master. I haven't seen you for many years, and the master has aged a lot!"

Master Liu looked at Young Master Liu cautiously and sighed: "Oh, the old man was blind back then, and he didn't know that the high-quality rough jade was at the door, and pushed you to the door of the mountain chief. It's too late to regret, it's too late to regret."

"Master, Liu Mingzhi will always be a student of Dangyang Academy, a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life. Liu Mingzhi's frivolous and unruly behavior when he was young, made Master worry!"

"Master will always be Liu Mingzhi's master, and I will always be your student."

"The old man is dim-sighted and ashamed. Look at this old man's brain. You have just gone up the mountain. You must be thirsty. This old man will bring you a pot of tea!"

"The old man here at the head of the mountain just comes here to clean up on weekdays. There is nothing left. Wait a moment, the old man will come when he goes."

Mr. Liu's words completely shattered the thoughts of Liu and Young Master, and Wen Renzheng did not come back.

The two really couldn't figure out why Wen Renzheng had not returned since he had reported his safety.

Nodding silently to Mrs. Liu, the two of them didn't know what to say.

Master Liu obviously noticed that the two of them were in a bad mood, and glanced at Wen Renshe as if he understood something.

Home is here, but where is family?
Mrs. Liu let out a melancholy sigh, said "wait a moment", and walked towards his house hobbled.

Ten years, and one old, how many ten years are there in life.

After Mrs. Liu left, the Wenren Yun Shu stepped gently into the threshold with lotus feet as heavy as a thousand weights, scanning all the furnishings in the room with eyes full of memories.

At some point, Wenren Yun Shu broke down in tears, and two lines of tears ran down his cheeks.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wenren Yunshu with sore eyes, and he could also understand Wenren Yunshu's mood at the moment. When he was just reborn, he looked at the unaccompanied Dalong, so why not.

"Miss Yun Shu, my condolences bah. Don't worry, the old man is safe and sound. He's just out on a business trip. He'll come back to pick you up sooner or later."

Wenren Yun Shu nodded silently and wiped away her tears, took out the jade flute pinned to her waist, knelt down gently on the floor, put the jade flute under her cherry lips, and began to play softly.

A melodious, melodious and sad piece of music drifted away in the wind, floating under the blue sky of thousands of miles of clouds and dragons.

After a long time, at the end of the song, Wenren Yun Shu silently looked at the scenery outside the door.

"I have to wait for another person. I don't know how long I will wait."

Liu Mingzhi squatted gently beside Wenren Yunshu, looked at Wenren Yunshu who was in a bad mood, thought for a moment and wanted to change the subject, let Wenren Yunshu get out of the old man's affairs.

"Miss Yun Shu, Liu has a sentence that I don't know whether to ask or not?"


"When I went up the mountain last time, Miss Yunshu, you were playing music at the mountain gate. You said you had been waiting for someone for 15 years. Who is that person?"

"I asked you if you were my sweetheart, and you said yes or no, so Liu was a little curious."

"16 years!"

"Okay, 16 years, so who is this guy?"

Wenren Yunshu turned his head slightly to look at Young Master Liu silently for a while, then looked into the distance again, lost in thought, Liu Mingzhi could see that Wenren Yunshu seemed to be lost in memories.

Seeing the smile on the corner of his mouth should be a very good memory.

Young Master Liu couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart, and suddenly Young Master Liu came back to his senses and pinched his thigh, what kind of jealousy is this Young Master sour.

After a long time, Wenren Yun Shu came back to his senses.

"do not know!"


Young Master Liu's face froze. What kind of stupid answer is this? I don't know who you are waiting for. Your expression is as if you have eaten honey, you must be crazy!

"I don't really know who he is, or I don't know his name."

"The only thing I know is that he speaks with a Jiangnan accent and is from Jiangnan. When he was ten years old, he left me a jade flute in the capital and told me that he would come to the capital to find me again."

"One year has passed, five years have passed, and he still hasn't come."

Young Master Liu looked at Wenren Yunshu curiously: "And then? Has he never looked for you?"

"No, it happened that Grandpa was in Jinling Dangyang Academy, so I came to Jinling later to see if I could meet him one day."

"I want to tell him that I've been waiting for him for a long time, but everything is just a mirror image."

"I've been waiting for him for 16 years, but he hasn't come yet. My parents and I have had a hard time waiting for him. Now"

Wenren Yunshu suddenly turned to look at First Young Master Liu: "I don't want to wait any longer, do you understand what I mean?"

Young Master Liu smiled resentfully, and rubbed his nose with evasive eyes.

"Why are you waiting for him? There must be a reason!"

"Forget it, it's been 16 years, so there's no need to mention it again."

"Okay, for the sake of your bad mood, I will show you the same story about 16 years out of mercy!"

Wenren Yunshu looked at First Young Master Liu curiously: "What story?"

"The story of a loving dog who abuses a single vulture!"

(End of this chapter)

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