My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1195 Everything is as usual

Chapter 1195 Everything remains the same

"Mr. Liu, Miss Yun Shu, although it's still early in the morning, it's very easy for you to go up and down the mountain to consume your energy. The old man has already sent my little grandson down the mountain to buy wine and vegetables. The two of you finally came back. You have to eat some drinks anyway." Let's go down the mountain again!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently: "Master, thank you for your kindness, a cup of clear tea is enough, and the junior still has some vulgar things, so I won't bother you here, see you next time!"

The Wenren Yun Shu also gave a slight blessing to the side: "Uncle Liu, it's not convenient for Yun Shu to go down the mountain alone, so I can only disappoint Uncle Liu's kindness. I will definitely disturb Yun Shu when I meet next time, and I hope my uncle will not be disgusted by that time. "

Seeing that the two of them had decided to go, Mrs. Liu nodded regretfully, bowed his hands and bowed: "Since this is the case, I don't force the two of you to stay. I'm old and the mountain road is long, so I won't see you off!"

The two hurriedly returned a salute: "Farewell, Master, please come back."

Liu Mingzhi is no longer the Liu Mingzhi he was in the past, how could he be trusted by others to treat him with courtesy.

In Master Liu's melancholy eyes, the two got up and went down the mountain hand in hand.

After half a stick of incense, the two untied the horses from the horse stakes, turned on the horses and walked away.

"Uncle Liu is a very good person. You knew the reason why you didn't like you in the early years. I hope you don't hold a grudge against Uncle Liu."

"Miss Yun Shu was joking. Liu Mingzhi is the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong. In the early years, Liu was indeed a bit of a dandy, which made Mr. Liu and his teacher bother."

"What's the matter, I've seen it, I've gone there, my heart has been opened, shouldn't it be time to go back?"

Wenren Yun Shu shook his head silently: "I don't want to go back!"

"No, what's the matter? This is, why don't you want to go back after being so good, and my father-in-law didn't dislike your stay!"

"It's not because of uncle, it's just that seeing sister Yun and your family having fun makes me feel uncomfortable. Whether it's envy or jealousy, I feel uncomfortable anyway."

"Sometimes I envy Sister Yun from the bottom of my heart, to be accompanied by such a loving and caring husband like you, and to be accompanied by my parents when I get home!"

"But as for me, I was driven out of the house by my parents, and my grandfather didn't know where to go."

"Although I can't say I was born alone, I am just like that rootless duckweed, wandering around and making my home all over the world."

"When will the days of living under the fence end?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wenren Yunshu silently, he could understand Wenren Yunshu's mood.

Living under the hedge of others is really not a taste.

"That's all, let's pretend that this young master owed both of you, grandpa and grandson, in the previous life. Tell me, where do you want to go? This young master will give up his life to accompany the gentleman today."

"But having said that, my young master, who was born and raised in Jinling, didn't know where to go for a while. He wanted to visit every place, but he didn't dare to go to every place."

Wenren Yun Shu restrained his mind, pretending to be relaxed and free-spirited to look at First Young Master Liu: "What? I'm afraid that you will see those girls who made you spend money like water in the past, and you don't know how to face their affection?"

"That's right, who would have thought that the playboy who used to be famous in the south of the Yangtze River would one day grow up to this extent."

"When the court is Ding Guogong, the governor of the two governments, you have achieved a goal that others have failed to achieve in a few lifetimes before you reach your thirties."

"Not to mention that no one would have imagined that the colorless and displeased young master Liu would turn into a good man who is passionate but dedicated."

"It's really a three-day treat with admiration!"

Young Master Liu frowned frivolously and laughed, waving his horsewhip and nodded in satisfaction to Wenren Yunshu: "Young master likes to hear these words, and young master has three major hobbies in his life."

"The first is beauty, the second is money and the third"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes suddenly became complicated, and after a long time, he still didn't say what San was.

No matter who hates this kind of punctuation dog, so does Wenren Yunshu.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi who was silent for a long time, Wenren Yunshu was full of curiosity: "What are you talking about three, don't mention how uncomfortable it makes my aunt who can't get up and down."

"Can't you let your aunt have a good time?"

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his mind and pointed at the sky with his whip: "Only God knows what three is!"

Wenren Yun Shu rolled his eyes helplessly: "Hesitating to make a fuss, it's boring, not a man."

"Whether this young master is a man or not, don't worry about it, Miss Yun Shu. It's enough for my young master's wives to know."

"My surname is Liu, let's go to the Qinhuai River. The Qinhuai River that joins the river in autumn and winter has a special scenery. I haven't seen the Qinhuai River for a long time. I don't know if it's still the same."

Young Master Liu waved his horsewhip to indicate that he couldn't do it: "What's so good about the Qinhuai River, aren't you afraid that things will change? My young master suggested that we go to the Qinhuai River to have a look. A new generation replaces an old one. It must be that the flowers are becoming more and more charming. It's dizzying."

"By the Qinhuai River? A new generation to replace the old?"

Wenren Yun Shu was stunned for a moment and muttered for a while, and immediately understood what Young Master Liu was talking about, and gave Young Master Liu a hard look.

"I just praised you a few words, and then you committed an old problem again. You go to the brothel by yourself, and your aunt goes to the Qinhuai River by yourself. Let me go."


"Hey, hey, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously, come on!"

Young Master Liu was afraid that something might happen to Wenren Yunshu who was in a bad mood, so he could only gallop after him.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

The two stopped their horses and stopped by the Qinhuai River where the grass was slightly withered. At this moment, there were still many tourists walking in groups by the Qinhuai River.

Wenren Yunshu looked at the gurgling water of the Qinhuai River for a long time, and finally showed a sincere smile: "That's great, everything is the same!"

"That's right! Everything is the same as before. The south of the Yangtze River is covered in misty rain for three thousand miles, and the sensuality is good. The wolf smoke rises thousands of miles in the northern border, and the loyal bones and horses are shrouded in leather."

Wen Yun Shu looked at Liu Mingzhi silently in a daze: "You are also a student of Jiangnan, so it is inappropriate to recite such poems, aren't you afraid that it will be spread that Jiangnan scholars will criticize you?"

"Besides, weren't you a sensual dog and horse with a good time before?"

"Revisiting the old place, the old people are still not the same, the heart is still the same, the Confucianism has changed to the tiger!"

"Miss Yun Shu, don't fight for flowing water, what you fight for is talking non-stop, what you fight for is going forward and succeeding."

"People always grow up."

Wenren Yunshu looked at the melancholy Liu Mingzhi and pondered for a long time.

"The little girl doesn't have the air of a heroine, so it's hard to understand what's in your heart!"

"What's wrong with understanding, what's wrong with not understanding."

"As Miss Yun Shu said, it's great, everything is the same!"

"Liu Mingzhi is also full of emotions in his heart, it's great that everything is the same!"

"Everything is as good as before, which shows that my son of the Han family has gone on and on in northern Xinjiang, and his generosity to justice is worth it."

"They are facing the rain of swords, guns and arrows on the battlefield ahead. Isn't their original intention to see everything in their hometown behind them as before?"

"Now they are gratified that everything is as they wished, and this beautiful Jiangnan is as they wished."

"After you returned from the Western Expedition, it is really different from before, it has changed!"

"There is a little more stability and less frivolity!"

(End of this chapter)

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