My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1196 The Land of Longxing

Chapter 1196 The Land of Longxing
"Perhaps, Liu Mingzhi has changed, Liu Mingzhi doesn't know if Liu Mingzhi has changed, or Liu Mingzhi has changed, and Liu Mingzhi has also changed."

Wenren Yunshu looked at First Young Master Liu blankly, wondering what the hell he was talking about.

"If you don't know what's going on in the cloud, you can't speak well. You have to make it like a monk or a Taoist and say some proverbs that ordinary people can't understand."

"It's not that the young master pretends to be profound, but that the young master said that I'm afraid you won't believe it. Sometimes the truth will be treated as a joke instead."

"A sane person is also considered crazy"

"You stinky monk, stop for my old lady, you dare to peek at her taking a bath, no wonder you haven't shaved your head of troubles, it turns out that your six sense organs are not clean, stop for my old lady, my old lady will drag you to see the official, which temple are you from The stinky donkey!"

"Wuliang. Amitabha, female benefactor, don't chase after me. The poor monk really didn't mean to peek at you taking a bath. I was traveling around the world and accidentally passed by the female benefactor's house. I never thought that the female benefactor didn't close the window. The poor monk was careless." Take a look!"

"But the poor monk is an outsider. In the eyes of the poor monk, all the beauty is nothing more than a pink skull. If she is a pink skull female benefactor, why should she pursue her so hard?"

"Bah, you smelly monk, you are quite good at quibbling, stop with my old lady and go to see the official."

Young Master Liu heard a familiar voice, and then a familiar figure stepped into his eyes.

The tattered Taoist robe was covered with a windy cassock, and he was holding a messy whisk in his hand. His hair was as scrawled as a chicken coop, but he had white hair and a childlike face.

With such a cool image, even under the bright sun, it can't hide its radiance. There is no one else except Li Buyi, the number one god in the world.

At this moment, the old god stick is running recklessly along the Qinhuai River in a panic, and the beard blown by the breeze is his proud indulgence and unruly youth.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu recalled the dream that day, and hurriedly got off his horse and greeted Li Buyi: "Old god stick, fairy, long time no see, how is everything?"

Li Buyi was looking back frequently at the woman who was chasing him, the runner who was running with mysterious and unruly footsteps, when he heard a familiar voice asking from him, he subconsciously replied.
"Wuliang. You are good. Are you blind? Does the poor monk look good? How can you have no eyesight? Is it you?"

Li Buyi slammed to the brakes and stopped in front of Young Master Liu, looking at Young Master Liu who was smiling at him in surprise: "Why are you also in Jiangnan?"

"The juniors have some chores"

"Run, you smelly monk, run again?"

"Hey, hey, female benefactor, quickly let go of the poor monk's hair, otherwise the poor monk will be impolite."

A beautiful woman about 30 years old pinched her waist with one hand and pulled Li Buyi's snow-white hair with the other, panting softly and staring at Li Buyi with deep eyebrows, "Let go, you want to be beautiful, take a peek at my old lady." If you dare to run away while taking a bath, I will drag you to see an official."

"You are still rude to my old lady, you are welcome to give it a try!"

"Female benefactor, the poor monk really didn't mean it. What's the big deal? Wouldn't it be better if the poor monk took off his clothes and let you see it? What do you think?"

"Bah, you are shameless. Not only do you have no repentance, but you dare to molest my old lady. Although my old lady is a widow without a man to back her, she is not easy to bully."

Young Master Liu looked at the chattering Li Buyi with a strange expression, they walked forward and looked at the woman with a light smile: "Sister-in-law, how about taking a step?"

The woman cautiously looked at First Young Master Liu who appeared suddenly: "Who are you, why should I borrow a word from you."

First Young Master Liu chuckled and looked at Li Buyi whose hair was being pulled and looked helpless: "This Master Dao is a friend of mine. I just saw this friend and I seem to have some misunderstanding with my sister-in-law. Please excuse me for a moment. , I must give my sister-in-law a satisfactory explanation."


"Are you really this smelly monk's friend?"

"Like a fake replacement!"

The woman looked at First Young Master Liu suspiciously, thought for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, seeing that you are dressed as a scholar, I will give you face, where can I tell you?"

"Sister-in-law, please."

The woman hesitantly let go of Li Buyi's chicken coop hair, and followed Young Master Liu to walk not far away.

Zhan Chagong and his wife secretly stuffed a bank note, and gave Li Buyi a hard look: "Young Master, when you make friends in the future, you must be careful about who you are, and don't misidentify them. Be careful not to cause trouble for you." !"

"Yes, yes, what sister-in-law said is true, I must keep it in mind."

"Since the son understands in his heart, sister-in-law won't say any more, and we will meet again if we are destined."

Young Master Liu looked at the woman's back as she walked away silently and shook his head helplessly: "It's really rare to see such a tough woman in Jiangnan."

"It's not tough but self-protection. There are many gossips in front of the widow's door. If she looks weak and weak, she will inevitably be bullied by some local hooligans."

"She accepted your bank note and settled down. It's not that she doesn't want to drag the poor to the government. It's because you are gorgeously dressed and have a good temperament. You look very human at first glance. You know that if you continue to entangle, it will be detrimental to you as a woman. Judge the situation. Thoughtful, even a strange woman."

Li Buyi didn't know when he stood next to First Young Master Liu, looking at the woman's back with a solemn expression and said softly.

Young Master Liu was taken aback, looked at the woman's back thoughtfully, and nodded lightly to Li Buyi: "Listening to what you say is better than reading for ten years, senior is really a hermit, you have learned a lesson! "

"Hey, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning, it's just a few years of experience, it's nothing?"

"Senior really peeked at sister-in-law taking a bath?"

"How is it possible? It's really just a misunderstanding. Apart from peeking at the nun's white-haired and childlike face and fluttering clothes, how could Li Buyi, the most dignified god in the world, have such a self-defeating identity?" things."

"whispering sound"

Young Master Liu spat secretly, although Li Buyi's cheekiness was not ten percent as good as his own, it was at least eighty to ninety percent.

If you are shameless, you are really shameless, or you don't know what shame is at all.

"What the old god said is that the old god is a hermit, how can a master do something like peeking at a woman's bath? The people who can do this kind of thing can only do it except those kind of crazy animals. This kind of person should be beaten by God. The five thunders will strike, and the soul will never be reborn forever."

Young Master Liu looked narrowly at Li Buyi, cursing extremely viciously. As for the fact that he peeked at Qi Ya's bath back then, Young Master Liu chose to ignore it.

How can it be called peeping between husband and wife?That's fun.

The corners of Li Buyi's mouth and eyes twitched as he looked at Young Master Liu, but in the end he didn't say anything. He silently stroked Fuchen in his hand and greeted Young Master Liu's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

The old Taoist has been in the world for more than a hundred years. He has never seen such a thing as playing, playing and singing. This is the first time he has encountered such a sinister thing.

Whether you see through or not, you can still be friends when you meet.

"Isn't Mr. Liu guarding the frontier? Why did you come back to the south of the Yangtze River?"

"Didn't the old fairy travel around the world? Last time he was in Jiangnan, why is he still in Jiangnan now?"

Li Buyi looked at First Young Master Liu with a complex expression, and narrowed his eyes as he glanced at the beautiful scenery of the Qinhuai River, exuding a fierce and frightening look.

Li Buyi waved his whisk lightly and began to discuss.

In the future, the land of Longxing will naturally have a good survey, to see if my Taoist school can get a bit of luck in the world.

"There are so many beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, the old Taoist lingers and forgets to return!"

(End of this chapter)

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