Chapter 1197

In the cloudless, sunny sky, suddenly there was a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

All the tourists on the Qinhuai River looked at the sky in horror, not knowing how the thunder would strike.

It is not unheard of the dry sky thunder, but it is rare to see it. Many people see the scene of a thunderbolt from the blue for the first time.

Li Buyi shivered, and hurriedly huddled next to First Young Master Liu and looked at the sky in horror, the old man didn't reveal the secret, so he couldn't even talk about it?

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the old man knows his mistake, the old man knows his mistake!"

Young Master Liu looked at Li Buyi who was shivering tremblingly behind him in astonishment: "Old Immortal, it's just thunder in the sky, why are you so scared? This is in the atmosphere. Forget it, you don't understand if I tell you this !"

"Although you are a Taoist priest, you are too awed. God is just an illusory legend."

Li Buyi looked at the cloudless sky for a long time before he straightened up: "Young Master Liu doesn't know something. There are some things that you believe in, but you don't believe in them. An old Taoist is a Taoist priest, and it's a matter of course to fear God."

"Although the word cause and effect is said by the Buddhist school, it is also inextricably related to Taoism. Buddha is the Tao, one way is universal, and all laws are universal."

"Everything in the world has its own cause and effect, and its own destiny. It is difficult to violate the destiny, and the destiny cannot be violated."

"Fate is said to be a mysterious and mysterious thing, you must believe it, and you must not believe it completely."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Buyi blankly with a complex expression: "What exactly is destiny?"

"Don't say it, don't say it."

"There are gods who stand three feet above their heads. There are some things that old Taoists need to keep silent. If you reveal the secrets, you will be punished by God. Don't be disrespectful, don't be disrespectful!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the nagging Li Buyi and nodded helplessly: "Well, if the old god doesn't want to say anything, this junior won't force me to ask. It just so happens that the old god is proficient in fortune-telling, and this junior had a strange dream a few days ago. I don't know if the old god can interpret the dreams of the younger generation and clear the fog in the younger generation's mind."

"Open my mouth."

Li Buyi flicked his whisk lightly: "Dreams are born from the heart, Mr. Liu wrote down a word of old way to calculate for you."

"Then I would like to thank the old god, but now there are no four treasures of the study, how about the old god follow the junior along the river, and the junior writes to the old god on the sand with branches."

Li Buyi nodded slightly: "Alright, Mr. Liu please!"

"Old fairy, please!"

"Mr. Liu is here, the old man dare not trust him, so Mr. Liu invites you first."

"Well, it's not an option to continue being polite. The younger generation will take it easy and take the lead."

"Don't dare!"

"Miss Yun Shu, this is senior Li Buyi, the number one divine figure in the world. Today, I have nothing to do. I plan to let the old god make up for me. Miss Yun Shu, don't stay on the horse all the time, come down to do some activities. Bar."

Wenren Yun Shu was curious about why Young Master Liu had been chatting with a Taoist, not a Taoist priest, a monk who was not a monk for so long, but now that he heard Young Master Liu's introduction, his pretty eyes lit up and he hurriedly got off his horse and walked towards Li Buyi .

"The little girl has heard that Yun Shu is polite. See the old god. The little girl was blind before. She didn't know her seniors and she was a little rude here. I hope seniors don't mind!"

Li Buyi looked at Wenren Yunshu standing in front of him in surprise, and gently stroked his messy beard to examine Wenren Yunshu: "Wenren Yunshu? There are only a few families, and they are all clan relations.”

"What's your relationship with that young man Wen Renzheng?"


Young Master Liu snorted, tried not to laugh, and looked at Li Buyi with a very tangled expression. He was the only one in the world to call Li Buyi, an old man in his eighties.

But there is nothing wrong with what people call it.

Yao remembered the respectful attitude of Wen Renzheng when he met Li Buyi in the brothel when he suppressed the bandits in the south of the Yangtze River.

Li Buyi directly called Wen Renzheng by your kid, and Wen Renzheng also had to nod and smile cheerfully.

Wenren Yunshu looked at Li Buyi with a complicated expression. It seemed a bit awkward for a man who looked younger than his grandfather to call him his grandfather.

But Wenren Yunshu had heard of Li Buyi's name from his grandfather, and knew that his grandfather should also call him senior.

There is nothing wrong with people saying that.

"Returning to the words of the old god, the old god said that the person who is on the top and the person on the bottom is the little girl's grandfather."

Li Buyi nodded knowingly: "As expected, where is your grandfather? Is he still in Dangyang Academy?"

Wenren Yun Shu shook his head in disappointment: "Grandpa has not been in the academy for nearly two years, and the little girl doesn't know where he has gone. After waiting for him for a long time, there is still no news."

Li Buyi quietly stared at Wenren Yunshu's face for a while: "You are full of heaven and luck, and you are a very wealthy person. There will be no funerals at home in the near future. You don't have to worry about your life, you can rest assured."

Wenren Yun Shu was taken aback, and immediately looked at Li Buyi in surprise: "Grandpa is really alright?"

Li Buyi frowned: "If you believe it, believe it, if you don't believe it, forget it."

Wenren Yun Shu nodded hurriedly: "Trust me, the little girl certainly believes in the old god. It's just that the little girl was a little excited and lost her composure. I hope the old god doesn't mind."

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly stood aside and said, "Old Immortal, let's go and interpret the junior's dreams first."

"Alright, Mr. Liu, please."

Liu Mingzhi didn't repeat the politeness one after another, and waved to Yun Shu who heard about it: "Miss Yun Shu, come with me too."

Wenren Yunshu nodded slightly, and watched with curiosity in his eyes as Liu Dashao and Li Buyi followed.

The three of them stopped on the wet riverside, and Li Buyi looked at First Young Master Liu with a light smile.

"Mr. Liu, please write the characters. I will do some calculations for you."

Liu Mingzhi held a dead branch in his hand and supported his chin for a while, thinking for a while: "Just now the old god said that dreams come from the heart, and the juniors follow the folk sayings, thinking day by day and dreaming at night."

"Dreams are born from the heart, or thinking day by day and dreaming at night are dreams. Both sayings come from the word "entry."

"In that case, let's test the words!"

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he ate a dead branch and wrote a word on the soft sand, then smiled lightly and looked at Li Buyi: "Please ask the old god to test the characters."

Li Buyi quietly looked at the writing on the ground and thought for a moment, pinching his fingers and muttering.

Mu Ran and Li Buyi stared wide-eyed, looking at the writing on the ground with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Entering characters is the opposite of people.

It can also be said to be against people.

Rebels, rebels!
Young Master Liu looked suspiciously at Li Buyi who had been silent for a long time: "Old Immortal, will there be any results?"

Li Buyi came back to his senses, smiled lightly and shook his head: "Mr. Liu, the old Taoist's ability is meager and cannot be tested. Please forgive me, Mr. Liu, but the old Taoist has something to say!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded disappointedly: "This junior is all ears!"

"It's an old saying again, the destiny is hard to break, the destiny cannot be broken, everything has its own destiny, let nature take its course!"

Liu Mingzhi could only nod helplessly when he heard that Li Buyi was perfunctory with the mysterious words of destiny and destiny.

"Well, this junior must keep it in mind."

"Since that's the case, the old man will leave, Mr. Liu, let's meet again by fate!"

"Okay, slow old fairy"

"Old Immortal, please wait!"

Before Liu Mingzhi said his farewell words, Wenren Yun Shu shouted to Li Buyi with a pretty face.

Li Buyi looked at Wenren Yun Shu in confusion: "Little girl, what else do you want?"

Liu Mingzhi looked thoughtfully at Wenren Yunshu, who seemed to understand something, and stood aside silently and stopped talking.

Wenren Yun Shu bit her thin lips and hesitated for a long time, finally made up her mind and looked at Li Buyi, "Old Immortal, can you make a divination for the little girl? The little girl has a problem that has not been solved for a long time, I hope the old God can help the little girl." The woman solves one or two puzzles."

Li Buyi lightly flicked the whisk in his hand: "Little girl, the old Taoist has already divination for you once, it would be too demanding for you to do another divination."

"Old Immortal, forgive the little girl for overstepping, but the little girl really wants to know the result, please have mercy on the old Immortal!"

"Next time, let's talk about it next time we meet each other by fate. The old man told you. Hey, Mr. Liu, what do you want to do?"

"Old Immortal, come here, my young master has something to tell you."

Under Li Buyi's puzzled gaze, Young Master Liu took Li Buyi's shoulders and walked towards the distance.

Wenren Yunshu looked at Young Master Liu who was dancing and dancing and Li Buyi who was nodding in the distance in bewilderment, wondering what the two were doing.

With her strength as a ninth-rank master, she could barely hear such words as old man, old tree, and hanging upside down.

As for the connection between these words, Wenren Yunshu was completely at a loss. He didn't know the relationship between the words that didn't match the words.

About the time of a stick of incense, Young Master Liu cheerfully walked over to Wenren Yunshu, holding the ruddy and shiny Li Buyi in his arms.

"Miss Yun Shu, the old god has agreed to do another divination for you."

"Really? Little girl, thank you old fairy."

"thank you too!"

Wenren Yunshu looked deeply at First Young Master Liu and thanked him. She knew in her heart that Li Buyi agreed to do the math for her again because of Liu Mingzhi's relationship.

"Mr. Liu, you can publish a book. The old man has to buy a book to support your excellent work even if he is begging for food."

"The old way can guarantee that as long as you publish a book, every man in the world, from ten to eighty years old, will have a copy of your masterpiece!"

First Young Master Liu rubbed his nose resentfully: "Forget it, let's talk about it, and let's talk about publishing the book later!"

"All right!"

Li Buyi sighed regretfully: "Little girl, the old man will give Mr. Liu a thin noodle, and make an exception to divination for you again, let's write!"

Wenren Yunshu subconsciously looked towards First Young Master Liu. Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly when he met Wenren Yunshu's gaze, and walked towards his mount.

It's better not to listen to women's secrets.

"Little girl, what word do you want to test?"

Wenren Yunshu bit her cherry lips and pondered for a while, her eyes lit up when she saw the white goose swimming freely in the Qinhuai River.

Hold your eyes and write a word "goose" on the sand.

Li Buyi looked at the goose characters on the ground indifferently: "What do you want to measure? Fortune? Marriage? Wealth? Family safety?"

Wenren Yunshu hesitated for a moment, he already knew about his grandfather's safety, and now what he wanted to know most was his own knots.

"Little girl test marriage!"

"Marriage! Well, the old man will do the math for you."

Li Buyi waved his whisk and counted silently.

After a while, Li Buyi looked at Yun Shu in surprise, "Goose is also a bird and a beast."

"The so-called birds and beasts are also birds and beasts, and there are many kinds of beasts."

"Based on what is said in the book "Huainanzi", a calf gives birth to a dragon, a dragon gives birth to a horse, a horse gives birth to a unicorn, a unicorn gives birth to common beasts, and the hairy ones give birth to second-generation animals."

"Mao Zhe regards humans as the primates of all things, and humans are also beasts."

"Girls use goose to test their marriage, and the word goose left me and right bird."

"Birds are birds, but what should a bird be, a girl?"

Wenren Yun Shu was taken aback, then looked up subconsciously, and saw many birds flying freely in the sky.

"It's far away."

Li Buyi nodded in satisfaction: "Great kindness!"

"The geese are also beasts, and the people are also beasts. My words are on the sidelines. What do you think the old lady should understand?"

Wenren Yunshu looked at Li Buyi and pondered for a moment: "It's so close."

Li Buyi waved his whisk and left with a long smile.

"The girl has waited for sixteen years, and the girl's marriage is all in this word."

"The destiny is hard to violate, the destiny cannot be violated!"

Wenren Yun Shu stared blankly at Li Buyi's gradually disappearing figure, and murmured with a complicated face.

"Far in the sky, right in front of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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