Chapter 1198 Motivation
Liu Mingzhi paid homage to Ruyi as he wished, and then accompanied Ling Weier to worship his third uncle Ling Daoming.

This guy Ling Yang has become elusive recently, even if he hasn't seen him a few times, he doesn't know what he's busy with.

Even to visit the grave of the old man, he sneaked away alone and left in a hurry, leaving only a few sacrifices and paper money.

He and Liu Mingzhi didn't even meet his little sister Ling Wei'er for the last time.

After staying in Qi Mansion for a few days, Liu Mingzhi and his party bid farewell to Qi Run and his wife and headed north.

All the way through the starry night and without stopping, he rushed towards the capital. He had been away from Yingzhou for too long, so he had to hurry back.

"What on earth do you want to do, Wen? Along the way, you saw me again and again. Is there a flower on my young master's face? If you have anything to say, just tell me, what's wrong with my young master?"

"You always say that this young master makes you unable to climb up and down. Now this young master can tell you very clearly that this young master is now being pushed down by you. It's hard to hold back. If you have anything to say, let's tell you frankly. it is good?"

Less than three or four miles away, they were about to arrive at the gate of the capital. Young Master Liu and the others slowed down. They couldn't stand Wenren Yunshu's frequent visits, and Young Master Liu finally asked the questions he had been asking for many days.

Wenren Yunshu looked at First Young Master Liu with an extremely troubled expression, subconsciously took a peek at Qi Yun and the three sisters and shrugged slightly: "Auntie is fine!"

"Why are you staring at this young master all the way? It makes this young master look like a light on his back!"

Wenren Yunshu gently spread his hands holding the rein, pretending to look at First Young Master Liu casually: "How do you know I'm looking at you if you don't look at me?"

"I'm tm! My surname is Wen, you won, can't I be afraid of you?"

First Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, straightened his posture and concentrated on riding on his horse.

Now he wants to know what word Wenren Yunshu asked Li Buyi to test, and what answer Li Buyi told Wenren Yunshu.

When I was in Jiangnan, I asked curiously several times, but the topic was changed by Wenren Yunshu's left and right words.

If you don't want to say it, don't say it. This young master doesn't want to know too much. After all, everyone has secrets. This young master fully understands and respects other people's privacy.

But this young master respects you, why don't you fucking know how to respect this young master, since leaving Jinling City, what does it look like to stare at this young master like a prisoner all the way?
"Sister, what's the matter with Sister Yun Shu? She was fine when she went there, talking and laughing along the way, but she changed when she came back. She was tit-for-tat, as if she was deliberately targeting brother Zhi?"

Ling Wei'er slowly approached Qi Yun on the horse, and bluntly asked her doubts.

Qi Yun turned her head and glanced at Ling Weier, looking at Wenren Yunshu's back with a strange and complicated expression: "What else can happen? Carrots in the twelfth lunar month!"

"The radishes of the twelfth lunar month?"

Ling Wei'er was slightly startled, after a little thought, she realized what it meant: "How is it possible, as long as Sister Yun Shu and Brother Zhi meet, they will bicker most of the time, how could they be tempted?"

"Sister Yun Shu seems to have always disliked Brother Zhi for being a playboy!"

Qi Yun smiled lightly and shook her head: "When my sister was in Dangyang Academy, she fought with him because his mud couldn't support the wall? What's the matter now? I have two children, so what's the point of bickering? "

"Sister Wei'er, when one day, you suddenly find that your heart is full of the shadow of the person you hated at the beginning, that will be the most fatal."

"When you fall in love with the person you hate, you will find that you can't leave for the rest of your life!"

"But how could I fall in love with someone I hate? If I hate someone, I'm destined not to have too much dealings with him, and naturally there will be no next thing!"

"You're right, but God's will can't stop the person you hate from haunting you, and getting along day and night for various reasons!"

Ling Wei'er lowered her head and pondered for a moment, she seemed to have figured out something, she nodded clearly: "Wei'er understands."

Qi Ya shook her head with a faint smile on the side: "You two, don't make wild guesses. The reason for this situation is entirely because the two of them went to Dangyang Academy."

"Something must have happened on the way that we don't know about!"

"Otherwise, even though they bickered before, they definitely wouldn't have lasted for such a long time."

"Think carefully about sister Yun Shu's reaction to her husband along the way. She loves to ignore her, sneering and sarcastic, but still keeps staring at her husband. It's obviously like treating a man."

Qi Yun'e raised her eyebrows: "A heartless person?"

Qi Ya chuckled and nodded: "Women see the same thing!"

Ling Wei'er's pretty eyes widened, and she looked in astonishment at the young master Liu who heard Yun Shu and the two who were leading the charge: "Sister Ya means that Brother Zhi, a big pervert, gave Sister Yun Shu to Dangyang Academy."

Qi Ya let out a sigh of relief, and lightly tapped Ling Wei'er's pure white forehead: "Silly girl, don't talk nonsense!"

"Sister Yun Shu's eyebrows are still unfurled, and her vital yin is still undisturbed, she is a perfect body. How could it be what you think!"

"Sister Naya, what do you mean by that?"

Qi Ya pondered for a while and narrowly looked at the bewildered Ling Wei'er, with a weird smile on her pretty lips.

"Your good brother, there is no motive, but it doesn't mean that there is no action."


Qi Yun was slightly startled and couldn't help laughing, looking at Ling Wei'er who was a little puzzled, she poked Qi Ya's waist, which was not as slender as a willow, but just right.

Where did Qian Zhuang Xianshu's sister go before, and how did she become so natural to speak nasty words now?

"Sister, be careful not to lead Sister Wei'er into trouble."

Qi Ya gave Qi Yun a coquettish look: "What's wrong with you? Maybe the two of them play more tricks in private than you do!"

After Qi Ya finished speaking, she galloped towards Young Master Liu under Qi Yun's helpless eyes.

Ling Wei'er is not a little white rabbit who doesn't understand anything now. The reason why she didn't understand what it means for a while is because she never thought that Qi Ya, who has always been dignified and virtuous in front of herself and others, would speak so well. Wolves are like tigers.

When she understood, Ling Wei'er froze her head and lightly pulled the rein of the horse and followed.

After entering the city gate, Liu Mingzhi and others put on their bamboo hats and rushed towards Liu's mansion.

After half a day, Liu Mingzhi and Liu Zhi'an and his wife reminisced about the old days, and then picked up a pair of children and prepared to go on the road.

Mrs. Liu looked at her son and several daughters-in-law reluctantly.

"For better or worse, you can just stay at home for a few days. Seeing that the Spring Festival is coming, everyone else is rushing home, so let's go out!"

Liu Zhi'an patted his wife on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, don't embarrass the child, do you not know the rules of the court, it's really not good to leave for too long, those officials who are censors are straightforward The guy is not so easy to get along with."

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly: "Mother, what the old man said is right. If you are in his position, you must seek his own government. If you don't leave, you will not be able to go back if heavy snow blocks the road. The heavy snow in the north is much earlier than in the capital! "

Liu Mingzhi said so, but the reason he was in a hurry to return to Northern Xinjiang was because of the deal with Huyan Yunyao.

But this kind of thing can't be said directly to the old man.

"Children, take care all the way!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with sour eyes, lifted his clothes and knelt down in front of Liu Zhian and his wife.

"Old man, mother, the child is not filial, take care of your health."

Except for Wenren Yunshu, Qi Yun and the others knelt down one after another when they saw this.

"Elder-in-law, mother-in-law, take care of yourself."

"Grandpa and grandma take care of yourself!"

"Get up, get up, get up early, hurry up while it's still early!"

(End of this chapter)

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