Chapter 1201
Liu Mingzhi looked at Wenren Yunshu in astonishment, and looked at the fast-flowing Tonghe with a dazed expression on his face.

"Should I remember something? Since I entered the capital, I have come to Tonghe very few times. Do I still have to write a poem when I get to Tonghe?"

Wenren Yunshu looked at Liu Mingzhi's blank expression that didn't seem to be fake, feeling a little disappointed and unwilling.

"Don't you have any memory about Tonghe? Except for the time when your high school top student Jie Yuan came to the capital, don't you have any memory about the past?"

Young Master Liu shrugged helplessly: "This is not a tavern in Chengdu. Why do I have memories about Tonghe? Miss Yun Shu, if you have something to say, let's just say it straight. Know what you're talking about!"

"Do you remember what you did when you were twelve or thirteen years old?"

"Twelve or thirteen?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wenren Yunshu speechlessly, closed his eyes slightly and began to meditate, trying to recall the fragments in his mind about when he was twelve or thirteen years old.

However, apart from some sporadic and incomplete memories, I can't recall anything at all.

No, the torrential river, cries for help, scalpers, and a little wet girl, when did this happen?

So vague that I don't even know when it happened.

Can't connect at all intermittently.

Wenren Yunshu looked at First Young Master Liu, closing his eyes in thought, frowning and holding his breath, for fear of disturbing Liu Mingzhi's thinking.

At some point, Liu Mingzhi's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

"My head is about to explode, but I still haven't thought of anything."

Wenren Yun Shu nodded lonely and melancholy, took out her handkerchief and handed it to First Young Master Liu: "Wipe off your sweat, and follow me to another place!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded while wiping his sweat, not daring to look at Wenren Yunshu's eyes. He also wanted to find out some things.

The two turned their horses and headed towards the city gate.

"Wait a minute!"

Wenren Yun Shu, who was about to leave, suddenly reined in his horse and shouted.

"what happened again?"

Wenren Yunshu raised his lotus root arm and pointed gently at one place. Liu Mingzhi took advantage of the situation and looked at an old farmer who was driving a bullock cart slowly towards the city gate. Obviously, they want to go to the city to sell firewood to subsidize the family.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wenren Yunshu puzzledly: "Isn't it just an ox cart? Have you seen it too often? What's there to make a fuss about?"

It was rare for Wenren Yunshu not to respond to Liu Mingzhi, and lightly put his horse under his belly and galloped towards the old farmer driving the cart.

A moment later, the old farmer accepted a bank note with joy on his face, and thanked Wenren Yunshu non-stop.

Wenren Yunshu walked towards First Young Master Liu silently, holding a big yellow ox in his hand, and her mount followed behind him very well.

"Miss Yun Shu, what exactly do you want to do? Why buy a cow so well?"

"I didn't buy it, I borrowed it. I want to ride a bull, can you hold the rein for me?"

Liu Mingzhi intentionally wanted to refuse, but in the end he nodded in a strange way, got off his horse and walked towards Wenren Yunshu, and took the rein in his hand: "Go up!"

Wenren Yun Shu was startled, and stared at Liu Mingzhi in a daze, what three words were familiar yet unfamiliar.

Let yourself dream about it for more than ten years, but it seems that it has never appeared, so unreal.

"Surnamed Wen, why are you so stupefied? Go up!"


Wenren Yunshu let out an extremely well-behaved light and rolled over on the bull's back.

"Where is your hometown? Although my young master has been in the capital for a long time, I haven't been to the old man's previous emperor's mansion to take a look and show me the way!"

Wenren Yun Shu nodded silently, her mind had already flown away at some point.

What a familiar scene, tossing and turning and reappearing again.

After a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi and Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of Wen Renzheng's old mansion. Wenren Yunshu consciously turned over and got off the cow, looking at the dazed eyes of Liu Mingzhi, who was staring at the door, with anticipation again.

"Do you remember anything?"

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes slightly, and the incomplete images in his mind gradually became clear.

Hearing Wenren Yunshu's words, Liu Mingzhi struggled to look into the distance and shook his head silently: "After all, it is the Emperor's Mansion back then. Although it has not been renovated, it is still magnificent."

"Just this mansion is enough to see the old man's high-spirited appearance."

"Except for these?"

"There should be something else?"

Wenren Yunshu's already tender hands became even more pale: "It's nothing, Uncle Zong should still be guarding the yard, I'll knock on the door."

Wenren Yunshu climbed up the steps with messy steps and knocked on the gate lightly a few times.

An old and elderly voice sounded from behind the door: "Who is it?"

"Uncle Zong is me, Yun Shu!"

"Little Miss!"

The man Wenren Yunshu called Uncle Zong came from behind the door with a joyful voice, and the door opened in response. An old man in his 70s or [-]s came out of the mansion, looking at Wenren Yunshu in surprise.

"Miss, it's really you who are back, the old slave Zongfeng will see you!"

"Uncle Zong, don't be too polite, don't be too polite!"

Zong Feng was supported by Wenren Yunshu and looked at Wenren Yunshu tremblingly: "Ten years, this useless old slave, this old slave, finally sees Miss Miss again."

"Uncle Zong, what are you talking about, you are not old at all!"

Zong Feng looked expectantly behind Wenren Yun Shu, and there was no other figure except First Young Master Liu standing by the door.

The majestic master in his heart still did not appear, Zong Feng sighed silently: "Is the master still unwilling to come back? This is his home!"

Wenren Yun Shu originally wanted to ask Zong Feng if grandpa was back, but Zong Feng's words completely dispelled her thoughts.

Wenren Yun Shu looked at Zong Feng with a forced smile: "Uncle Zong, grandpa said that he has gotten used to the life in the south of the Yangtze River and doesn't want to come back for a while. Don't worry, grandpa is in good health."

"The master's body is still strong, so don't worry, the old slave, please come in quickly, young lady, is this uncle?"

Wenren Yun Shu had a pretty face together, and glanced at First Young Master Liu who was equally embarrassed, and shook his head silently: "He is Liu Mingzhi, one of Grandpa's closed disciples, not my uncle!"

"Liu Mingzhi?"

Zong Feng immediately reacted and bowed to First Young Master Liu: "This old man has poor eyesight. He hasn't been out of the gate all year round. He didn't know that Duke Dingguo was coming. It's too far to welcome you. You're rude!"

"Old man, you don't have to be polite, it is impolite for the younger generation to come rashly."

"Miss, please come in, Mr. Ding, this old slave will ask the servants to prepare wine and food for you."

"Uncle Zong, don't bother. Yun Shu will leave after returning to pick up something. There are still some urgent matters to deal with."

The corner of Zong Feng's mouth trembled a few times, and he nodded in disappointment: "Since the young lady has something to do, the old servant will not worry about it!"

"Uncle Zong, go and rest first, Yunshu is familiar with the house, so we can go by ourselves."

Zong Feng glanced at Eldest and Young Master Liu meaningfully: "That's fine, I'm getting old, so I won't hang out with Missy anymore, so as not to disturb you and Duke Ding."

Wenren Yun Shufang's heart trembled, she pretended not to hear Zong Feng's words and walked towards the inner courtyard silently.

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his nose and followed up with a resentful expression, feeling a little regretful for taking such a "muddy water" with Wenren Yunshu.


Wenren Yunshu let out an exclamation and shot backwards, followed by the confused Young Master Liu, who didn't react for a while, was knocked down by Wenren Yunshu, and fell straight to the artificial lake beside him.


As soon as Young Master Liu cursed out a word, he fell straight into the lake.

The cunning in Wenren Yunshu's pretty eyes flashed past, and she looked worriedly at Young Master Liu who was standing in the artificial lake wiping the water on his face.

"Surnamed Liu, are you alright? The small bridge has been in disrepair for a long time. I stepped on a raised plank and accidentally fell down. I didn't expect to bump into it!"

Young Master Liu looked at the drenched clothes and glared at Wenren Yunshu with a ferocious face: "My surname is Wen, you are sincerely making trouble with this young master, right?"

"I'm sorry, I'll ask someone to take you to change clothes immediately. I really didn't mean it."

Young Master Liu waded towards the shore with a dark complexion: "Fortunately, I don't have a bank note with me, otherwise, I will strangle you to death!"

"I'm sorry, the small bridge has been in disrepair for a long time, and he didn't mean it, so why don't you forgive him? Can't I apologize to you?"

"Miss, what's the matter?"

The servants who had already learned from Zong Feng that Wenren Yunshu had returned to the mansion hurried over when they heard the sound of falling into the water.

"It's okay, it's okay, I accidentally fell into the water, you take Mr. Liu to find a set of your clothes and change first!"


"Go and prepare some clean water to bathe Young Master Liu!"


"Young Master Liu, please, I will take you to change clothes first!"

Young Master Liu sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to follow the servants to change clothes, not realizing at all how a ninth-rank master would stumble and fall, and just happened to bump himself into the lake.

"Come here, Miss Ben has something to tell you!"

"Miss, please speak!"

Wenren Yun Shu whispered to the servant for a while, then winked at the servant: "Miss Ben is waiting for you in the gazebo!"


Half a day later, the servant hurried into the gazebo, Wenren Yunshu suddenly stood up from the stone bench and looked at the servant.

"Do you have?"

"Go back to Miss, there is indeed a scar on Mr. Liu's back."

Wenren Yun Shu narrowed her pretty eyes and waved her hand to the servant: "Miss Ben understands, you go down first!"

"Yes, I will take my leave, little one!"

After the servants left, Wenren Yunshu gritted his teeth and looked towards a courtyard with gratified eyes. The knuckles of a green jade flute in his hand turned white.

"So it's you? It's you! Heartbreaker, you've been looking for me for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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