My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1202 Broken promise

Chapter 1202 Broken promise

"Miss Yun Shu, my young master has changed his clothes, can we go back? If we don't hurry, we will only sleep in the wilderness today. If we encounter something by then, we will be in trouble!"

"Do you think this makes sense?"

Wenren Yunshu didn't speak, but just quietly looked at First Young Master Liu who was wearing a servant's robe. The robe was neither gorgeous nor rough, and there was nothing wrong with wearing it.

Those who have been in high positions for a long time are not angry and prestige.

Even though he was wearing ordinary clothes, it was still difficult to conceal the heroic spirit of Young Master Liu himself.

This is the temperament produced by being in a high position all the year round, which cannot be pretended by pretending.

Young Master Liu felt uncomfortable being stared at by Wenren Yunshu, and subconsciously looked at his clothes.

"Miss Yun Shu, don't stare at Master Ben like this. If you have anything to say, you can see that Master Ben's heart is fluttering!"

Wenren Yun Shu quietly raised the jade flute in his hand in front of First Young Master Liu, with resentful eyes, he sneered sadly.

"Does it look familiar?"

First Young Master Liu's eyes contracted unnaturally, so fast that Wenren Yunshu didn't notice it at all.

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows and looked at the jade flute in Wenren Yunshu's hand suspiciously: "Aren't all jade flutes the same? The quality of this jade flute seems to be much better than your previous one, your favorite? "

"Based on my young master's knowledge, I have to say that your vision is very good. This jade flute is not of ordinary quality in terms of color or jade quality. At least it is worth thousands of taels of silver!"

Wenren Yun Shu gritted his silver teeth lightly, staring at Liu Mingzhi with mist in his eyes: "Do you only have money in your eyes? Liu Mingzhi, you are a treacherous and treacherous villain!"

"I despise you!"

"Is it so easy for you to disappoint someone? Do you know how much courage it takes to wait for someone for a lifetime? How much does it cost?"

"Miss Yun Shu, Liu really doesn't know what you're talking about. Let's go on our way first. If we have something to say, we can talk about it on the way, or we can talk about it when we arrive in Yingzhou, okay?"

"I really have important things to deal with in Yingzhou!"

Wenren Yunshu looked at Liu Mingzhi's pleading eyes and nodded silently with a trembling heart: "Okay!"

Around the time of cupping tea, Wenren Yunshu arranged for his servants to send the cattle back to the old farmers waiting outside the city.

Wenren Yunshu carefully put the jade flute in his bag, and Liu and Young Master rode their horses north again and left without a trace.

After the two met Qi Yun and the girls, they rushed to the city of Yingzhou in less than five days.

"Master, young ladies, you are finally back!"

Liu Mingzhi threw the reins to Liu Song and Xiao Wu and the others: "Liu Song, is there a letter from the young master in the mansion recently?"

"There are three unsigned letters, and Xiao Song gave them to you, young master, and you put them in the study, and"

Before Liu Song finished his sentence, Liu Mingzhi ran anxiously towards the study in the inner courtyard, leaving behind only a few words.

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, you guys go to rest first, I'll go to the study to deal with some things."

Liu Song stared at the young master's disappearing back in astonishment, scratched his head and muttered in confusion.

"And the person who wrote the letter, your younger brother Hu Jun also rushed over in a hurry, and has been staying at the house for three days!"

Qi Yun heard that Yun Shu and the others were also surprised to hold the young master Liu who disappeared in a hurry.

Wenren Yunshu especially, thought that Young Master Liu was just making excuses when he said that he was in a hurry to return to Yingzhou, but it turned out that something really happened.

Silently handing over the reins to the servants, Wenren Yunshu walked towards his courtyard with a grim expression on his back.


Qi Ya grabbed Qi Yun who was about to speak, and shook her head slightly: "The cutting is constant, and the reasoning is still chaotic. Some things just let it go naturally!"

Qi Yun was startled, and nodded with a complex expression: "Okay, my sister knows, I'm sweating a lot along the way, let's go take a shower and change clothes too!"

Qi Ya Ling Wei'er nodded silently, and went back to the room with their bags on their backs.

In the study of the Governor's Mansion, First Young Master Liu looked at the three letters on the table with an embarrassed expression.

"It's over, it's over, junior brother hasn't received my reply from the young master, so he won't withdraw his troops!"

"If the troops were really withdrawn, wouldn't it mean that the old Duke and the army brothers of Beizheng were cheated? In that case, my young master's crime would be serious!"

"I don't know what's going on with the battle to regain the lost ground. It's going to snow in the Northland in a month. Once the war is not over, we really have to wait until next year!"

"But can the court afford to wait? Who can predict what will happen in the coming year?"

The sound of footsteps disturbed Liu Mingzhi. Liu Mingzhi frowned and looked out the door in displeasure: "Who, didn't the governor say that I didn't have it when I was working. Bang Dang"

The chair under Young Master Liu's buttocks fell directly to the ground, and Young Master Liu staggered and took three steps back, looking in amazement at Huyan Yunyao, who was slowly walking into the study with his hands behind his back, dressed in Confucian white clothes.

"Junior brother, why are you at my house?"

Huyan Junyao walked to the chair in front of First Young Master Liu with a calm expression and sat down.

"Senior Brother, what about the things you promised to Junior Brother?"

Liu Mingzhi lifted up the chair that fell on the ground with a tangled expression: "Say the war is over, no, how did you get in the governor's mansion is heavily guarded?"

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but blame Liu Song in his heart, even though the Turkic Khan came in, he didn't tell himself how this housekeeper worked.

Huyan Yunyao smiled lightly, and glanced at the arrangement in the study: "Don't complain about your butler Liu Song, the younger brother told him that if he doesn't let the younger brother in, he will announce in the city that you are the younger brother, my son-in-law."

"It was also for your own good that he had no choice but to let the younger brother stay here temporarily."

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that he had wrongly blamed Liu Song.

Sitting on the chair again, Liu Mingzhi carried the pot and poured a cup of tea for Huyan Yunyao: "You Khan of the Huyan Royal Court, you entered the mansion of my Governor Dalong alone, you are not afraid of my senior brother, I will order someone to arrest you , to blackmail you from Huyan Royal Court's followers?"

Huyan Yunyao picked up the teacup and took a sip before playing with it: "The threat that King Huyan's court poses to you is not Huyan Yunyao alone, but the millions of members of my Huyan royal court."

"Otherwise, even if I, my junior brother, study heaven and man, know everything and know everything, what is it to you Dalong?"

"How much wind and waves can it turn over?"

"Since junior brother dares to come alone, he is not afraid of being captured by senior brother."

"It's senior brother!" Huyan Yunyao put down the teacup in her hand, and held her white and tender hands together in front of Young Master Liu: "Senior brother will be captured without a fight, senior brother dare to capture junior brother?"

Liu Mingzhi stared at Huyan Yunyao, and played with the teacup in his hand: "Brother, capture the younger brother here, and a new Khan will succeed in Huyan Royal Court soon, and the army will go south, and the border will be caught in the flames of war, and people will die!"

"Brother is right!"

Huyan Yunyao smiled lightly and applauded a few times: "Senior brother is still senior brother. Since senior brother knows that junior brother has the confidence to come alone, shouldn't it be time to talk about what you promised to junior brother?"

"One hundred thousand cavalry is not for nothing."

"Brother believes that brother should not be that villain who breaks his promise!"

"Our agreement at the beginning was the end of the war. It is still unknown how the war will be now. Brother Wei has just returned. How do you ask Brother Wei to talk about it?"

Huyan Yunyao nodded with a smile: "The war on the Hetao Grassland is coming to an end. My second brother and the old Guogong of your country are making the final encirclement of the soldiers and horses stationed in the Hetao Grassland of the Shibis Royal Court. The war will be over in one month!"

"Three days, the younger brother gave the younger brother three days to investigate the situation of the war, and we will talk about it in three days! How?"

"A word is settled!"

Huyan Yunyao stood up slowly and walked towards the door, stopped by the door and looked back with a smile: "Brother, I believe, brother will not let me down!"

After Huyan Yunyao left, Liu Mingzhi leaned on the chair with his arms folded and fell asleep.

Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes suddenly when the sound of the watch came.

"So it's so late!"

Liu Mingzhi stood up, looked at the starry night outside the window, closed the window and walked towards the front yard.

"I don't know if it's right or wrong to do this!"

Liu Mingzhi locked the study door and walked towards Qi Yun's room. After so much bumps along the way, he also wanted to take a good rest.

It was only after entering Qi Yun's courtyard that Liu Mingzhi heard the sad sound of the flute in the courtyard. Liu Mingzhi stopped and looked at the roof with a complex expression on the roof, where the moonlight reflected the Wenren Yunshu in white clothes like a fairy.

"Miss Yun Shu, rest early!"

The sound of the flute stopped suddenly, Wenren Yunshu looked at Young Master Liu in the corridor with lonely eyes.

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, and left slowly with his hands behind his back.

Liu Mingzhi, oh Liu Mingzhi, you really gave me a problem.

Wenren Yunshu looked at Young Master Liu's disappearing back, and looked at the green jade flute in his hand with a pale face.

"Good husband!"

"Since you are here in Shu'er's world, why do you pass by in such a hurry!"

"Yang Guo has been looking for Xiao Longnv for 16 years, and Xiao Longnv has been waiting for Yang Guo for 16 years!"

"Heaven pays off those who wait and see, and they will get married in the end."

"Shu'er has been waiting for 16 years, just wait for a rest!"

"You said that you would brag about Shu'er for the rest of your life, you have broken your promise!"

(End of this chapter)

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