Chapter 1203
Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

A letter from the Golden Eagle flew to Young Master Liu's study like snowflakes. During the past three days, Young Master Liu spent almost all of his food and lodging in the study.

Except for the little cute Liu Luoyue who walked into the study very boldly and said a few words to her father, then walked out with a puffy face, no one except Liu Song who delivered the meal knew what Young Master Liu was busy with. .

"Master, the food is here."

Liu Mingzhi sat cross-legged on the carpet in the study, and in front of him was an extremely detailed map. On the map were scattered large and small pieces of paper recording various contents, all of which were records of the battle between Hetao and Hetao.

Young Master Liu raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Song: "Close the door!"


Liu Song closed the door and put a bowl of rice, three dishes and one soup on the tray beside Young Master Liu: "Master, let's watch after eating, don't be in a hurry."

Liu Mingzhi picked up his rice bowl and stuffed it into his mouth while looking at the map: "My junior brother didn't do anything out of the ordinary in the past three days, right?"

"No, chatting with the Young Madam and the others in the gazebo every day, playing chess and chess, living a happy life, almost treating the Governor's Mansion as her own home."

"It's fine if there is no change, the rest is up to her."

"Xiaosong understands in his heart that the young master has stayed behind closed doors for the past three days, has he cleared his mind?"

"Probably there is no problem. The war between Hetao and Hetao is about to end. Before the heavy snow comes, there is basically no problem. After regaining Heshuo and Hetao, the army can't go back to the court immediately. It has to be stationed in Heshuo and Hetao for a period of time. A fortress will be used for the subsequent garrison of soldiers and horses."

"Otherwise, what's the difference between hitting and not hitting?"

"If you don't say anything, you won't be able to hand over to others until next year!"

"But it's not a big problem, it's just a matter of time."

"Avoid my young master's prediction, when the two fortresses are completed, the peace treaty between Dalong, the Kingdom of Jin, and the King of Huyan will come to an end."

"The world will be unified!"

"Master, Xiaosong has something to say and doesn't know whether to ask it or not?"

"What can we both do, you should ask!"

"The world is united, the Kingdom of Jin is destroyed, what should the Empress Jin and Miss Yue'er do?"

Young Master Liu, who was pulling the rice, froze: "Of course I want to reunite with the young master and the whole family. I can't kill my wife to my daughter, can I?"

"What if the imperial court insists on killing the Golden Empress and Miss Yue'er to avoid future troubles?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned: "This is the young master's business, so don't worry about it!"

Liu Song sighed silently, and started to grope in his arms. After a while, Liu Song held up a large stack of bank notes and placed them in front of First Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Song in astonishment: "Damn it, where did you get so much money?"

"Master, here are 300 million taels of silver notes!"

"300 million? Where did you get it? What the hell did you do illegally behind my back?"

"Master asked Fourth Uncle Liu to deliver it!"

"The old man sent it? Why did you send so many banknotes in such a good way? Besides, I just came back from the capital. Why didn't he give it to me when I was in the capital?"

"It's been a month since the master delivered it. The master wants Xiaosong to find a suitable opportunity to deliver it to you, he said."

"What did the old man say?"

"The master said that the young master's hole cards are not enough. If you want to keep your family, you must be foolproof. The old man's money is saved for the three brothers, and they can't take it away when they are old. Why don't they let their brothers do something practical! "

"Master asked Xiaosong to tell you, don't have any psychological pressure. Although 300 million taels is a lot of money, it's just a mere 300 million taels to him, that's all!"

"What's wrong with the self-supporting family, the self-supporting father is still his father, and it's only natural to ask me for help when something happens."

"Let's not say you're a duke, you're still my son even if you're a king, you have to kowtow and call me daddy when you see me!"

"It's useless to talk about face with Lao Tzu, and I don't have the qualifications."

"Your father will always be your father!"

"That's all the master said, so you can accept it, Master Banknote!"

With some red eyes, Liu Mingzhi put down the rice bowl in his hand and silently took the bank note from Liu Song.

Counting silently, exactly 300 million taels is not much.

Liu Mingzhi, who had always loved money, held the 300 million taels of banknotes in his hand and felt extremely uncomfortable. He had never felt that the original thin paper was so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

"Young master, this man... well, forget it, the young master knows what Xiaosong wants to say, so Xiaosong will stop rambling!"

"If there is nothing else, Xiao Song will leave first!"

Seeing the young master staring at the bank note in a daze, Liu Song got up and exited the study.

Liu Mingzhi slowly put away the banknotes, and Liu Zhian's laughing and cursing image lingered in front of his eyes: "Old man, thank you!"

After putting away the banknotes, Liu Mingzhi felt the food was boring no matter what, and he couldn't take the map in front of him into his heart.

Sighing, Liu Mingzhi cleaned up the things on the floor and walked out of the study, it's time to have a good chat with his junior.

One hundred thousand cavalry is really not that easy to sell.

He checked his forehead and clothes, and there was nothing unusual. Liu Mingzhi walked towards the gazebo in the inner courtyard silently with a smile on his face.

As soon as I walked not far from the gazebo, I heard the singing and laughing of Qi Yun and his daughters. In addition to Ying'er, who was in confinement, and Yun Qingshi, who stayed behind closed doors, were all here.

Even Wenren Yun Shujie was caught in it.

Liu Mingzhi looked away subconsciously when he saw the figure of Yun Shu, who was holding an embroidery, talking and laughing with the third princess and Qinglian.

Wen Renzheng's gloomy appearance appeared in front of his eyes.

Excessive sexuality causes disaster, cut it off to rule forever!
Young Master Liu shuddered, how could he give up the whole forest because of one tree.

Besides, I'm just a scapegoat, and what happened in the past has nothing to do with me.

Subjectively, I still hope to stay away from Wenren Yunshu.

After all, the old man was flying in the air, and he was deeply impressed by the terrifying strength of the heavenly sword from a hundred meters away.

It's better not to gamble on some things, you can't afford to gamble.

Liu Mingzhi tidied up his mind and walked towards the gazebo deliberately avoiding Wenren Yunshu's gaze.

"Master, wait a minute!"

Before Young Master Liu entered the gazebo, Liu Song hurried in.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

Liu Song glanced at the direction of the gazebo and whispered in Young Master Liu's ear. After a while, Young Master Liu patted his forehead and looked at Huyan Yunyao who was playing chess with Qi Ya in the gazebo with embarrassment.

"Is this to play with Master Ben to death?"

"Master, what should I do?"

Liu Mingzhi let out a long breath and said to Huyan Yunyao, "Hold her, the young master will go and make arrangements here first!"

"Little one understands!"

Liu Mingzhi tidied up his robes and strode towards the gate of the mansion. The queen came to the door suddenly. If she saw that Huyan Yunyao was also at his home, it would be a comet hitting the earth.

Liu Mingzhi hurried out of the room, the empress and Hui'er were standing beside the stone lion at the gate of the mansion, each wearing Confucian robes, waiting.

"Wanyan, why are you here suddenly?"

The queen smiled and looked at Young Master Liu who came out from Xiao ran: "Oh? Are you not welcome?"

"Of course not, it's just a little too sudden. I think about you every day. Why don't you welcome me when you come!"

The empress stared at First Young Master Liu with a light smile: "Wanyan also misses you every day!"

"It can be said that seeing each other is like three autumns!"

"It's really a tacit understanding. I haven't seen Wanyan for a day, so it's been a while?"

(End of this chapter)

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