My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1207 I Will Be Proud

Chapter 1207 I Will Be Proud (Monthly Pass Plus Changes)
Huyan Yunyao held her chin and fell silent for a moment: "Yes, let's make a plan!"

Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup in his hand, stood up and walked towards the door: "Master, I'm going to get the seal, you two don't want to fight, or I will turn my face against you and drive you both out of the house!"

The two women sat facing each other, and neither of them said anything. Seeing this, Young Master Liu quickly ran out to get the seal. He was afraid that the two women would wrestle in his study.

At that time, it is not appropriate to help there!
It's even more inappropriate for the two not to help each other, so they can only threaten the two women!

But it's hard to say how credible the threat is!

Young Master Liu didn't care at all whether the two girls would unite and search for something in his study.

With no confidence at all, he wouldn't bring the two of them to the study.

The queen took a sip of Young Master Liu's teacup, and looked at Huyan Yunyao quietly.

"Obviously in about a year, you can forcefully unify the grasslands. You can really bear it in order to consume the strength of the dragon!"

"It seems that your ambition is not small, and your plans are very big!"

Huyan Yunyao crossed her arms and leaned on the chair like a female bandit.

"This girl relies on strategies to act, there is nothing shameful, she is always better than someone, and she relies on men everywhere!"

The queen smiled evilly, and looked at her slender, white and tender fingers: "A man who relies on a woman to make a soft meal will be cast aside by others, and a woman who relies on a man to make her husband a wife is a matter of course."

"Relying on a man is also a skill. Some people want to rely on it, but others may not be willing."

Huyan Yunyao's chest rose and fell, obviously stimulated by the queen.

"Don't be ashamed, but proud, ashamed to be with you!"

The queen slowly put down the teacup in her hand, stood up and stretched her waist: "I only want the result, and never pay attention to the process. After being a Khan for so long, you are still the same as before, so naive!"

"The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. The truth of the matter will always be in the hands of the victor."

"When you win, no one will refute you when you say that the sun in the sky is black."

"As long as the power is in hand, what is black is also white, and what is white can also be black. It is only a matter of one thought."

"Decades later, others will only remember your achievements, who will care about your past, and who will investigate whether your methods are upright or not."

"Looking at the history books, whoever achieved hegemony started with clean hands and feet."

"It's not all for the sake of profit and purpose and unscrupulous means!"

"Little girl, you are still too young. In this world, the truth will always be in the hands of those with power!"

"As long as your power is strong enough, the truth must also surrender."

"Truth is but an accessory!"

"It's because of the friendship between you and me that my sister told you this, and we didn't even discuss it with your senior brother."

Huyan Yunyao's eyes struggled a little, obviously the queen's words overturned Huyan Yunyao's previous cognition.

After a long time, Huyan Yunyao took a deep breath: "You have worked so hard, but what have you got in the end? Brother is still loyal to Dalong, and has not knelt under your pomegranate skirt."

In front of the Queen's eyes, a cute little cute figure carved from pink jade appeared, and she smiled meaningfully at Huyan Yunyao.

"That's not necessarily the case. Sometimes what you see with your own eyes may not be the truth of the matter. Eyes can be deceiving!"

"What are you talking about?"

The queen smiled slightly: "It's nothing, let's talk about women's topics!"

Young Master Liu trotted in with the seal in his hands, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the two girls 'talking happily', and put a few pieces of rice paper in front of Huyan Yunyao: "Junior brother, please have a look!"

Huyan Yunyao looked carefully at the rice paper in his hand. Brother, this guy is really unreal. Huyan Yunyao, who has already been fooled in the Shanhaiguan meeting, will never take it lightly again.

After cupping tea, Huyan Yunyao put down the rice paper in her hand, took out her own seal and stamped it on. Young Master Liu did not hesitate to stamp it with her seal.

Huyan Yunyao took the duplicate agreement in her hand and raised her white palm to Young Master Liu.

"You and my senior brothers make a high-five oath, if you violate this oath, you will be hit with five thunderbolts! Otherwise, you can't trust your senior brother with just a paper agreement. After all, your senior brother has done all kinds of shameless behaviors in the past, which can be said to be shocking! "

Young Master Liu looked at Huyan Yunyao resentfully, has my young master's character failed to such an extent?

Which one of my subordinates has no doubts about this young master's character, without the slightest doubt, how come Huyan Yunyao has no prestige here?
Young Master Liu never thought that there was anything wrong with the words in his mind.

Then he is a subordinate, dare to compete with the boss?
Knowing that the boss is shameless, so what?Dare to mention it?What if I mention it?Will it change?
First Young Master Liu will definitely not change, continue to be shameless, if this is the case, why bother to mention it, it's not fun to go to the boss.

Wouldn't it be nice to be a loyal and well-behaved little brother?

Wouldn't it be nice to live comfortably and live a down-to-earth life?
In desperation, Liu Mingzhi could only stretch out his palm, and patted Huyan Junyao's pure white palm three times in succession.

"It's all right now!"

Huyan Yunyao shook her head slightly: "Swear!"

Well, Huyan Yunyao is so cautious, which shows how much he doesn't believe in Young Master Liu's good character.

"I swear, is it okay for me to swear? Junior brother, junior brother, you really beat my character to pieces. Senior brother, what should I say about you!"

Young Master Liu sighed, and stretched out his palm with a sad face.

"Liu Mingzhi swears here, if he violates this, he will be struck with a thunderbolt!"

Huyan Yunyao patted Young Master Liu's palm three more times before she was satisfied with putting away the contract.

You must be 1 careful with your senior brother, otherwise you may fall into his trap that day.

Huyan Yunyao put away the contract and gave First Young Master Liu a hard look, then looked jealously at the queen who was looking at her quietly with Erlang's legs up.

"Brother, take care, be careful that Huafa is born early and dies young!"

"What a beautiful vixen, but they are all yang-absorbing."

"Life is a long road, and we must cherish it."

"Never regret for a lifetime because of a single mistake!"

"Brother, you must keep it in mind!"

"Farewell, junior brother will come to visit the son-in-law again after dealing with the internal affairs of the royal court. Let's talk about it when the time comes!"

Huyan Yunyao snorted arrogantly at the queen, turned around and walked carelessly outside the study.

The queen got up and walked slowly to Young Master Liu, looking at Huyan Yunyao's back with deep eyes.

"Your deal will only help Huyan Royal Court to unify the grassland to recuperate as soon as possible. This does not seem to be a good thing for you dragon!"

"Liu Mingzhi, can you tell Wanyan, what are you thinking?"

Young Master Liu squinted his eyes and glanced at the Queen: "What am I thinking?"

"Yes, Wanyan really wants to know!"

Young Master Liu clenched his chin and smacked his lips, putting his arm on the empress's shoulders.

"In the end!"

"I guess I should be proud!"

The empress was taken aback, thought for a moment, gave First Young Master Liu a coquettish look, and walked towards the door.

"Thousands of miles of scenery restaurant, two and a half, I'm waiting for you!"

"Why do you add so much more, you are making things difficult for others!"

(End of this chapter)

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