My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1208 Splashing Your Blood

Chapter 1208 Splashing Your Blood
Liu Mingzhi, bluntly, I really don't want to meet you on the battlefield one day.

Fate is really a very strange thing, before Wan Yan did not believe in the so-called destiny, but since I met you Wan Yan gradually believed in it.

It turns out that fate really exists.

You and I clearly love each other, but in the end we will end up as enemies.

Does this count as a trick of fate?
Don't talk, politely know what you want to say!
Involuntarily, loyalty to the emperor and patriotism have already made cocoons in Wanyan's ears. Wanyan has told you more than once that we have always been the same people, why don't you believe it?
In your eyes, you have always been obsessed with the so-called justice, but what exactly is justice, have you figured it out yourself?
Persevering people appreciate and like Wanyan very much, maybe this is the reason why Wanyan treats you with both love and hatred.

But the person who is so persistent that he is a bit paranoid bluntly said that he really didn't know what to say.

In the end, how to put it bluntly can speak to the bottom of your heart.

He bluntly said that he was devoted to the country and had never acted selfishly.

It is a benevolent government to be polite to the common people, to take advice from all officials, to love Yue'er, and to love you as before.

Everything Wanyan does is for the rise of the Kingdom of Jin. You have to be responsible for the people of your Dalong, and Wanyan is also responsible for the people of the Kingdom of Jin.

As a minister, what you are responsible for is to shepherd the people well and be loyal to the monarch and the country.

I am the king, and what I shoulder is the country, the country, and the people of the world.

Maybe it's really different ways.

Giving up on serving the country and the people and planning the world is not self-promotion.

Wanyan has been kind all his life, and has never done anything bad for his own selfishness, but this world is miserable and unfair, can anyone let Wanyan go?

The world is a good place, full of flowers, brilliant and dazzling, if there is a next life, I politely say that I don't want to come again.

A year and a half of peace seemed to be only one year left in the blink of an eye.

I hope we can still cherish each other's time of peaceful coexistence at the end of this year.

Yue'er bluntly took it back.

By your side, Yue'er will sink sooner or later.

Let me tell you bluntly that Yue'er is the future hope of the Kingdom of Jin, and you can't watch her go on like this by your side no matter what.

From the moment she was born, she was doomed to bear the country and society of the Kingdom of Jin.

To put it bluntly, it is destiny to meet and get to know you, and the birth of Yue'er is also her destiny.

We are no longer the ignorant and ignorant teenagers at the beginning, we should be more mature.

"Farewell, hope to meet again as before!"

"Daddy, Yue'er went back with mother, if you think about Yue'er, Yue'er will miss her father, her aunt, and her brothers and sisters every day."

With a cool breeze blowing, Liu Mingzhi of Yingzuiyan in Shanhaiguan took the reins and silently watched the carriage heading north.

"To put it bluntly, my obsession with justice is not because of Liu Mingzhi's paranoia."

"It's because Liu Mingzhi is not strong enough."

"One wrong step will lead to an abyss, I must ensure that nothing will go wrong!"

It was not until the carriage disappeared for a long time that Liu Mingzhi gently stroked Fengxing's mane.

"Old man, it has been seven or eight years since my aunt gave you to me as a congratulatory gift on the day I got married."

"Let's walk together through wind and rain, maybe the only one in this world who can understand me is you."

"A person lives for only [-] days!"

"What kind of encounter is it, who can say clearly!"

"This world has never been fair, and it is too tiring to live."

"If there is an afterlife, Liu Mingzhi is unwilling to come again."

Feng Xing gently rubbed the horse's head against Young Master Liu's shoulder, although he couldn't understand what the master was talking to himself, he still repeated the previous intimate behavior.

Liu Mingzhi smiled helplessly, grabbed the Tianjian on the horse's back, slowly pulled out the scabbard, and carefully looked at the Senleng blade of Tianjian.

"It's true to put it bluntly. With a sharp weapon in my body, I started to kill myself. When did I change from a young man with no strength to restrain a chicken to this?"

"Don't repeat the past, old man, let's go back to the city."

The sound of happy horses bleating came, and one man, one horse, and one riding Juechen rushed towards Yingzhou.

"Master, you are back, the master has sent a letter."

"What about the letter?"

"Master, here you are!"

After reading the letter, Liu Mingzhi curled the letter into a ball silently: "Come with me to the study."


After half a day, put the letter into the envelope.

"Liu Song!"

"Xiao Song is here!"

"You find a reliable subordinate to send the 100 million taels of silver and the letter to Donghai quickly, and hand them over to Han Zhong."


After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi went to the window and made a few gestures, Suzaku flew down and jumped into the study.

"Suzaku sees the young master."

"Free gift!"

"Thank you sir!"

"Suzaku, bring me all the information about Han Zhong in the East China Sea!"

"Yes, wait a moment, master."

While cupping tea, Suzaku held a stack of letters and put them in front of First Young Master Liu: "Master, all the information is here."

After reading through all the letters, Liu Mingzhi felt relaxed: "It's fair to say that the young master has not misjudged the person. Usually, an ambitious person possesses so many magical weapons, I am afraid that he would have established himself as a king long ago."

"Master, according to the reports from the brothers hiding beside Han Zhong, Han Zhong is still very honest and reliable!"

"Understood, the 200 million taels of silver notes for each of your four masters is 50 taels, vigorously develop intelligence and slayers!"

"Yes, Suzaku is leaving!" After Suzaku left, Liu Mingzhi frowned and leaned on the chair to doze off.

"Han Zhong, oh Han Zhong, forgive the young master for monitoring you."

"Do you know why my young master understands my father so well? It turns out that after a person reaches a certain position, it is really difficult to be completely at ease with his subordinates."

"You are in charge of so many flintlock guns and cannons. To my young master, it's like the emperor treats a general with self-respect."

"You have to guard against it!"

"Master, look at the army that is rushing towards us!"

"I'm sorry for you, Sha Heshang, you stay away, as the teacher may want to kill again, don't splash your blood later!"

"Yes, Master, be careful!"

On the yellow sand road outside Xiuxun State City in the Western Regions, the two of them waited in full force, looking at the oncoming cavalry.

The two are Liao Fan and his three apprentices who came back from taking the Western Classic.

Sha Heshang hastily put the burden in his hands on the back of the second senior brother.

The little wild boar that was held in his arms in the past has now grown into a big and sturdy wild boar.

The golden monkey on top of the pig's head was shaking uncomfortably, obviously the oncoming cavalry made the monkey feel uneasy.

Liao Fan opened his posture to meet the enemy, his shiny head reflected the light against the sun, and the fine steel Zen staff in his hand was ready to strike.

"Hey, why is it the dragon flag of my Great Dragon Dynasty? This is obviously the countries of the Western Regions!"

The army of more than 3000 people has far-sightedness, and the banners fluttering in the wind have also stepped into Fan's eyes. Fan was shocked and puzzled why Dalong's army appeared in the Western Regions.

Sha Heshang, who was crouching behind the wild boar, heard Fan talking to himself and leaned out.

"Master, the army of the Dragon Dynasty is our own, so there is no need to fight!"

Liao Fan thought about it, and put away his posture and stopped to watch the more than 3000 cavalry quietly.

More than 3000 cavalry seemed to have not seen two people and three beasts, they galloped past and galloped in the direction of Xiu Xun country.

Liao Fan polluted and looked at the banner of the leader of the army: "Anxi Protectorate? What do you mean, Amitabha, I'm sorry for you, seven years, what happened to Dalong?"

"It was Xuande's 28th year in the past, and now it should be Xuande's 34th year."

"It's been seven years, but the benefactor Yan Yu is still fine!"

"Shaheshang, continue on your way."

"Yes, Master."

"Master, you can finally see your Zen."

Liao Fan who was riding on the horse was startled, closed his eyes silently, and slowly pulled the rosary in his hand.

"Buddha said, there is no image of self, no image of sentient beings."

"All living beings are Buddhas, and I am also a Buddha. Why do I need to become a Buddha?"

"Great love is a Buddha, and he walks all over the world with kindness in his heart. Why do you need cassocks to save people?"

"Don't let the Tathagata live up to you."

"Female benefactor, the little monk has realized it!"

(End of this chapter)

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