My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1209 Repaying the National Grace

Chapter 1209 Repaying the National Grace
Dalong Rui'an's six-year frost.

In Dalongbei, all the state capitals of the Kingdom of Jin, and the eastern grasslands, snowflakes of moderate size have already begun to fall.

Wu Guogong Wan Buhai's Northern Expedition has also come to an end.

Hetao Heshuo Grassland took two years to recover at the cost of more than 4 dead, 9 seriously injured, and [-] slightly injured.

The Northern Expedition Day Camp Marshal tent.

"Report, the No. 130 scouts searched in batches, but they still haven't found any trace of General Wan Shoujiang."

"It is reported that the battlefield has been cleared, and the army can retreat and station at any time!"

Wan Buhai breathed out hot air to warm his palms, and waved to the first scout with a complex expression: "Continue to investigate, I want to see people in life, and corpses in death!"


"Order the three armies to retreat one after another until they are stationed in the camp and wait for food and grass."


Cai Jun, Marquis of Rongwei, looked worriedly at Wan Buhai, who was pretending to be calm, and sighed: "Old man, the auspicious people who guard Xinjiang have their own aura, and the Turkic people flee if they can't fight. The battle line is too wide. The standard bearer, charge at the forefront, guide the direction for the army, maybe they are still chasing a remnant enemy who escaped by chance!"

"Old man, don't worry, Shoujiang will come back."

"That's right, Commander, Brother Shoujiang is good at martial arts. He can also be called a seventh-rank master in the martial arts. It is enough to protect himself. Commander, don't worry!"

"That's right, in terms of boxing skills, we old guys may not be the opponents of Shoujiang's little brother. Don't worry, commander."

Zhonglang General Wu Maoyun and Zhongwu General Kong Desi also comforted Wan Buhai.

However, except for Marquis Cai Jun, no one knew that Wan Shoujiang was Wan Buhai's youngest son.

Everyone thought that the commander loved soldiers like sons, so they were worried about Wan Shoujiang, who was still unable to join forces for a long time.

On the other hand, Hu Yanyu, who was also dressed in military uniform, was sitting beside the big tent. The two of them seemed to understand something.

Wanbuhai, Wanshoujiang.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two of them is extraordinary.

Among the [-] Huyan Royal Court's reinforcements, [-] soldiers and horses belonged to Yan Yu's command, and Yan Yu naturally "followed her husband" to support Wan Buhai's conquest of Shibis Royal Court.

Looking at Wan Buhai's lonely and old face, Yan Yu gently pulled Hu Yanyu's one arm, and whispered to Hu Yanyu softly.

"Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers. Brother, do you now understand why the Han people can always stand tall?"

Hu Yanyu silently glanced at Wan Buhai: "Let my own son be the standard bearer to charge at the forefront of the rain of swords, guns and arrows, Wan Buhai can really bear it."

"It's not uncommon for a wife to send a husband, a mother to send a son, father and son go to the battlefield together in Dalong."

"Han people have a terrifying obsession with territory."

"Compared to the concept of the Turks, the Jin Kingdom can retreat if they can't fight, and the idea of ​​a comeback is a big deal. The Han people's thinking is completely different from ours."

"No matter how big a country is, it must fight for an inch of land; no matter how small the land is, it must not give up an inch of land."

"It would be better for every household to hang on the ground, and not give up the territory under one step."

"It is precisely because of this obsession with territorial terror that the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks have repeatedly violated borders, but they have never been able to cross the natural barrier."

"You once said that the Turks should learn from the Kingdom of Jin and rule the Han with the Han after conquering the territory, but my younger sister told you that if you can't understand the real thinking of the Han people, you will never be able to conquer the dragon."

"Even if they dominate the world with a strong force and break through Dalong's country, they can't break their hearts."

"If you want to govern the world of the Great Dragon Dynasty, you must find a way to integrate into the Han people, and even make yourself a Han Chinese. This is not a foundation that can be completed in one generation!"

"It must take the hard work of several generations, and the Han people will not be separated from each other, so that the blood in them will be worn away."

"People's hearts cannot be broken by swords, guns and arrows."

Hu Yanyu silently looked at Yan Yu with a calm face, and nodded thoughtfully.

Fortunately, Yan Yu was whispering to Hu Yanyu, if Young Master Liu heard Yan Yu's remarks, he would rather turn against Hu Yanyu, an old friend from the past, and kill Yan Yu on the spot.

The woman is scary, it is too scary.

No wonder the former empress told First Young Master Liu that her younger sister Yan Yu's talent for seeking the country is no less than her own.

This statement is not false.

Wan Buhai sat on the chair with blank eyes, staring blankly at the military flag in front of him.

The army on the battlefield is extremely crowded. Once the battle starts, the command of the marshal cannot be fully and effectively implemented just by a few words from the orderly.

The army's attack depends entirely on the military flag. Once the military flag falls, the army's morale will naturally be unstable, and it will be in a hurry. If more than [-] troops are in chaos, the consequences can be imagined.

People can trample to death a lot of people.

That's why the movement of the army depends on the fingerprints of the army flag. Wherever the army flag goes, it will be the direction of the army's attack.

"Shoujiang, the importance of the military flag is clear in your heart, so I won't say much about it, even if there are mountains of swords and fire ahead, and arrows raining like rain, you have to go forward without hesitation."

"Today there is only the general. If you don't want to be the flag bearer, I won't blame you. You should think about it. After holding the flagpole, there is no turning back."

"The last general, Wan Shoujiang, swears to the death to recover the lost land!"

"Okay, take the flag!"

"Order the three armies, wherever the banner goes, the three armies will go forward and charge."

"God bless my son's safe return! God bless my son's safe return!"

"Old man, it's snowing. Your body is important. Go and rest for a while. Don't let your old illness relapse. You are the backbone of the armed forces!"

"Okay, there is news from Shoujiang, we must wake up the commander in time!"

"Last to have"

"Report, report to Commander-in-Chief, General Wan Shoujiang's..of..remains have been found!"

Wan Buhai, who had just stood up, stared blankly at the scout kneeling on one knee with a sad expression.


"Old man!"

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"


Wan Buhai spat out a mouthful of blood, and sat down on the chair. A group of generals turned pale and surrounded him, looking at Wan Buhai, whose face was withered and pale in panic.

Hu Yanyu and the two who were chatting hurriedly walked up.

There was blood on Wan Buhai's mouth and beard, and his old eyes looked at the ceiling of the big tent sadly: "Shoujiang my son!"

Except for Cai Jun, everyone looked at Wan Buhai blankly. Wan Shoujiang turned out to be the son of the Marshal.

At this moment, everyone realized that it was not a coincidence that Wan Buhai and Wan Shoujiang had the same surname, they were father and son.

It takes a lot of determination to let your own son serve as the standard bearer.

"Kong Desi, you guys, go and pass on the military doctor, go!"

Cai Jun supported Wan Buhai and roared at the generals.


None of them cared about Cai Jun's tone, and hurriedly ran outside the big tent to summon the military doctor.

Wan Buhai looked at Cai Jun tremblingly: "Help the old man up and go to see Shoujiang's body."

"Master, you need a good rest now."

Wan Buhai shook his head with difficulty: "This is a commander-in-chief, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist for long!"

"Old man!"

"Wait. Listen. Hear the order and help the old man get up!"

Cai Jun nodded fiercely and waved to Jiang Lei and the others: "Help up the handsome!"

The few people had no choice but to support Wan Buhai and walk towards the outside of the big tent.

Cai Jun looked at the scout sadly: "Where is the body of General Wan Shoujiang?"

"Outside the tent!"

A moment later, Wan Buhai looked at his son's body lying on the snow with tears in his eyes.

There were thirteen arrows inserted into his body, all of which shot straight through his chest. Even so, Wan Shoujiang's ten knuckles were still tightly bent.

This is the result of still holding the flagpole tightly after death.

"Son! Father, I'm sorry!"

Wan Buhai fell to his knees with a plop, his hands tightly clutching the snow on the withered grass, and his forehead tightly touching the snow.

Cai Jun stared at Wan Shoujiang's corpse squatting next to Wan Buhai with wet eyes: "Old man, Shoujiang never forgot his duty to guide the army until he died."

"The military doctor is here, help the general into the big tent."

Wan Buhai was helped into the big tent by everyone like a walking dead.

The military doctor grabbed Wan Buhai's wrist and began to feel his pulse. After a while, the military doctor looked tremblingly at Cai Jun and other generals.

"The commander-in-chief has long since relapsed from his old illness, and he is dying. He has been able to hold on until now, but now that he has lost his breath, I'm afraid time is running out!"

Loyal General Kong Desi drew his sword and pointed at the military doctor: "You fart, quack doctor, this general will kill you!"

Cai Jun stared at Kong Desi fiercely: "Kong Desi, what do you want to do? Put down the sword for Lao Tzu, the sword in your hand is for killing the enemy, not for your own brother!"

"Do you still think the handsome man is not sick enough?"

Kong Desi looked at Wan Buhai with a withered complexion, and put down the saber in his hand with red eyes.

"I will be convicted at the end!"

"You all go out, Cai Jun stay!"

"Big guy!"

"This is an order!"

"I have to wait!"

A group of generals withdrew from the tent one after another, and Hu Yanyu and his wife also retreated wisely.

"Cai Jun!"

"Old man!"

Trembling, Wan Buhai took out a booklet from his arms and handed it to Cai Jun: "The military doctor said it. Yes, the old man has already relapsed. I have been holding back and not telling you. I just want to wait for my son to return safely."

"It's a pity... God bless..."

"This strategy. There is an old man. Three strategies for governing the army. The next one. The brothers of the Northern Expedition Army before the arrival of the commander. I will leave it to you. Don't let the old man down."

"Old man!"

"Cai Jun, please don't let it go. Let Futu lose again"

"The end will be ordered!"

"Tell. Tell. My son Wan Mingliang. On the day Wang Shibei left the border, there will be no family sacrifices. Forget to tell Nai Weng."

"The final general will definitely bring the words!"

"The old man was so bored in the big tent that he helped me out for a walk."

"Conquest. It's been two years since the conquest. I haven't had a good taste of the grassland. The scenery of the grassland!"

"Decree! Old man, I will help you out at the end!"

Cai Jun is also an old man, knowing that Wan Buhai is coming back, and he doesn't want Wan Buhai to have the last regret, so he can only hold back his grief and help Wan Buhai to walk out of the big tent.

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

Cai Jun glanced at the generals with tears in his eyes: "Accompany the old man to inspect the three armies!"


Cai Jun and his group surrounded Wan Buhai and walked slowly in the camp.

Wan Buhai raised his eyes and looked at the slowly falling snowflakes from the sky: "It's really beautiful. The blood-stained demeanor. Those who died in battle. Brothers. You can also see it."

"This is... blood-stained demeanor."

Everyone silently accompanied Wan Buhai and looked at the snow drifting overhead.


The blood of tens of thousands of dragons spilled into the sky, that is the demeanor of blood.

Wan Buhai tremblingly caressed a big tree without any leaves in the big camp and let out a silent breath.

"I really envy the leaves that can fall and return to their roots...unlike me..."

"Go to the general platform, beat the drums and gather the generals"

"I have to wait!"

The drums of war are rumbling and the horns are sounding.

Wan Buhai sat on a chair and looked at the 10,000+ Beizheng army, grinning.

"An old man has an ambition for a thousand miles; a martyr is full of ambition in his old age."

"Go to the Northern Expedition!"

The 10,000+ army knelt down on one knee.

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

Wan Buhai stood up with all his strength, staring at the handsome flag still fluttering in the wind and snow.

"Your Majesty, the lost land has been recovered, and the old minister has repaid the country's favor!"

As soon as he said that, Wan Buhai sat down on the chair suddenly, staring at the 10,000+ Beizheng soldiers.

But his eyes had already lost their expression.

Cai Jun silently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and exclaimed loudly.

"The whole army is pure, and I wish the commander-in-chief a consummation of merit!"

(End of this chapter)

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